We are not only citizens of our country or nation but of heaven itself, which should be even more real to us as we live day to day in the light of eternity. We have responsibilities to both but heaven takes priority. Paul said he was the citizen of no obscure city in Acts 21:39 and claimed to have been born a citizen of Rome. He also says we are all "fellow citizens with the saints" and that "our citizenship is in heaven. " (cf. Phil. 3:20).
It was said of a great missionary that when he arrived home at the same time as Pres. Teddy Roosevelt returning from Africa, who got a ticker-tape parade down Broadway in New York City, he was depressed that no one welcomed him home. God told him, "You aren't home yet!" Don't get so comfortable in this world that you aren't ready to meet the Lord in the air at the rapture--Matthew Henry said we ought to live each day as if it's our last, but we really ought to always "love His appearing," and look for His coming per Heb. 9:28 instead.
Why are we dual citizens? So that we can represent Christ on earth and do His bidding and divine will according to Plan A of the Father (God has no Plan B!). God does not need any other plan. Paul called us ambassadors in 2 Cor. 5:20 and ambassadors are the spokesmen for a state and have the legal authority to speak on its behalf. We speak for Christ and are commissioned to bring the gospel to the whole world and be His representatives in this evil age. God has interests that we are to look out for. We are responsible according to our time, talent, money, relationships, blessings, resources, and opportunities to serve Him the best we can.
It was said of a great missionary that when he arrived home at the same time as Pres. Teddy Roosevelt returning from Africa, who got a ticker-tape parade down Broadway in New York City, he was depressed that no one welcomed him home. God told him, "You aren't home yet!" Don't get so comfortable in this world that you aren't ready to meet the Lord in the air at the rapture--Matthew Henry said we ought to live each day as if it's our last, but we really ought to always "love His appearing," and look for His coming per Heb. 9:28 instead.
Why are we dual citizens? So that we can represent Christ on earth and do His bidding and divine will according to Plan A of the Father (God has no Plan B!). God does not need any other plan. Paul called us ambassadors in 2 Cor. 5:20 and ambassadors are the spokesmen for a state and have the legal authority to speak on its behalf. We speak for Christ and are commissioned to bring the gospel to the whole world and be His representatives in this evil age. God has interests that we are to look out for. We are responsible according to our time, talent, money, relationships, blessings, resources, and opportunities to serve Him the best we can.
But it is Christ who lives and works through us, it is not of our own power ("'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD," --Zech. 4:6), for we can do nothing apart from Christ (cf. John 15:5). Paul said in Romans 15:18, ESV, "I venture not to speak of anything, but of what Christ has accomplished through Me." Isa. 26:12 (ESV) says, "[You] have done for us all our works." This means all we have accomplished God has done through us and used us as vessels of honor to achieve His will.
The territory that ambassadors reside in is considered sovereign to the nation they represent, and in analogy, our property belongs to God and He considers any infringement on it as an attack on Him from Satan. Churches are like oases where Satan has no authority! Like Christ said, "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am" (cf. Matt. 18:20). In sum, don't get too comfortable--we're not home yet! Soli Deo Gloria!
The territory that ambassadors reside in is considered sovereign to the nation they represent, and in analogy, our property belongs to God and He considers any infringement on it as an attack on Him from Satan. Churches are like oases where Satan has no authority! Like Christ said, "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am" (cf. Matt. 18:20). In sum, don't get too comfortable--we're not home yet! Soli Deo Gloria!