About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.
Showing posts with label human nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human nature. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Removing God From Your Metric...

 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, "Man has forgotten God." What is meant is that the biggest issue today is whether man can live without God because He doesn't think He is necessary to answer the ultimate and big questions of life any longer, as Nietzsche said, "God is dead," or irrelevant and no longer needed!  Evolution seems to make atheists feel intellectually fulfilled and to be able to challenge the religious establishment and elites.  That's quite a commentary even on today's society and that was many years ago.  

Our technical expertise has surpassed our wisdom on how to best use it. We discover that inventions can be used for evil as well as good; the same thing Alfred Nobel wondered about dynamite. He felt so guilty that he founded the Nobel Peace Prize to compensate all the evil that could be done in his name.   We are rapidly seeing and overseeing our own destruction without any outside help and we can blame no one but ourselves. Will Durant said that "no society has been able to maintain morality without the aid of its religion!"  and George Bernard Shaw is said to have quipped, "No nation has survived the loss of its gods."  You must realize that it was the church that kept the Roman Empire becoming utter chaos and lawlessness. 

What can be done? Man needs to realize his identity in God which he has forgotten: he is in the image of God and hot-wired for dignity, purpose, meaning, fulfillment, self-worth, and self-esteem.  Without God, life makes no sense and if you do not reckon God in the dynamic, man becomes a useless enigma and purposeless lifeform, no better than the beast.  Have you ever observed an ape building a chapel? Of course not! They are oblivious to God because they are not in His image and not meant to worship Him. We have a heart to love God, a mind to know Him, and the will to obey Him; animals do not. 

How can we find our purpose or calling? William James said "the best use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.". We must live for something bigger than ourselves!"  We must not then just live for the here and now and eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die!  We are meant to live in light of eternity!  We have our identity in God! 

This image we have enables us to have the madness of laughter, the tears of joy and sorrow, the communicative ability to talk to God, the rational mind to reason, the morals to be responsible for our actions, the emotions and love to have a relationship with God on a personal level and find joy in God, the free will to decide if we want to serve God, and the intellect to know God. We have many things in common with God too besides that: we have a sense of humor, we are artistic and have an aesthetic sense, and we are musical and especially that we ae imaginative and creative and can think on an abstract level! This is why we are not stupid like the animals who cannot know God.

Bertrand Russell, atheist philosopher, said that "unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless."  We simply come from nothing but blue-green algae scum, we have no divine or ultimate purpose in living, we are headed nowhere after death and this means there is no justice because it is necessary according to philosopher Immanuel Kant that God be the Judge that He can make all things right that were wronged in this life.  Too many people get away with crime and evil and never see justice or their comeuppance and God is necessary to even the score and settle matters on Judgment Day.   In sum, consider the wise  words of Dostoevsky: "If there is no God, all things are permissible."   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

What Makes Us Human?

"Where is God my Maker? ... Who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth?  (cf. Job 35:10-11). 

"Do you think we are mere animals? Do you think we are stupid?" (Job 18:3, NLT).

If you were the ultimate biologist, you could figure out how to make a robot come to life and find the secret to life itself that is common to all lifeforms.  But one trait of life is information storage in DNA and that is quite astounding with 23,000 genes and 3.1 billion rings in a helix ladder.  Every cell in your body has more information stored in it than all 30 volumes of an encyclopedia.  The possibility of making a human being a la Frankenstein is purely prima facie implausible.   What more, mankind has not even been able to define life or duplicate it and all such attempts have failed to come off even if rigged in favor of it, in any life creation experiment; they have tried in vain even cheating by interfering or changing the so-called primordial soup.   

Note that if we did manipulate a primordial soup to form basic life forms, it would only prove that it takes the magic ingredient of intelligence. This begs the question, where did this soup come from?   We need an Ultimate Mind for that and to create the manifold lifeforms.  The divine order is Thinker, thought, thing.  Intelligence comes from a mind, not random, pure energy.  Signs of intelligence are signs of intellects. 

It is said that there is something about the way God is that we are!  We are in the image of God or imago Dei for a reason.  Yes, what is human nature and some worldviews deny there is one!  But why is that we seem to act like there is one and isn't that proof enough?  We are not robots, automatons, puppets, or playthings of God but are free agents with a will of our own.  We are not animals who act by instinct, instead we are rational, intuitive, artistic, poetic, musical, humorous, creative, moral, spiritual, and communicative. God gave only us the gift of language to facilitate a relationship with Him. Yes, all of the above traits show we are in the image of God and not apes.  Would you trust the convictions of a monkey?  We are capable of a complete worldview: convictions, beliefs, ideas all about reality.  These things answer the deep and big questions of life that we uniquely wonder about: where did we come from, why are we here, where are we headed, is there a God? 

Plato said that if he wanted to live in reality, he would need to know what God is like.  We can know God and have a relationship with Him because He also is a person and wants to get personal with us.  A force or principle cannot love you.  You use things but relate to persons!   God wants to relate to us personally and let us get to know Him because He loves us.  Note that Obi-Wan Kenobi didn't tell Luke Skywalker that the force loved him!  We all as humans need companionship, fulfillment, dignity, purpose, meaning, and respect and this we get in knowing God and we deserve it just because we are human.  It is because we are in the image of God that we have human rights; they are conferred by God but secured by the state.  

Christians are more human than infidels because they know God and are doing His will and finding purpose and meaning in serving Him.  Infidels generally live for themselves and not for some higher cause or power.  Religion is just trying to please God or earn salvation by good deeds, hoping they will outweigh the bad ones.  Christians are able to worship God because they are alive spiritually and the infidel is dead spiritually.  This is a whole new perspective and outlook on life from God's view.  We are made to worship and if we don't worship God, we will worship someone or something else.  It is not human as meant to be to worship power, fame, success, money, education, achievement, or celebrities.  These all are idol worship and are sinful and contrary to what we are designed for. Other things we are designed for are work and fellowship or friendship.  We are made for each other. It is said that those who have learned to serve others are the happiest people.  

Jesus was human as well as God and is the perfect Exemplar of what we ought to be and He led the sinless life that we all fall short of achieving.  To be human also means to sin because we are born in Adam but we have the chance to be redeemed from this state and be transformed into new creatures who have the capability to overcome sin and not be controlled by it. We can become dead to sin!  But this redemption and renewal is predicated on committing one's life to Christ as Lord and Savior.  We must first repent as the prerequisite and believe that Jesus is the living God who died for our sins and rose again to prove His deity.  We must then give Him the ownership of our lives and helm of our soul to obey and follow Him wherever He leads us.  We must do all this by translating our creeds into deeds and proving, authenticating, and validating our faith and repentance by fruit or good deeds that we will be known and judged by. 

Now, what does this image mean to us? Man is like God and God formed us in His image, we didn't form God in ours! There is a bona fide similarity because God is a person, we are too, and able to communicate with each other; we have a mind to know God, a heart to love Him, and a will to obey Him--animals don't but are driven by instinct. Man is capable of rebelling against God and going his own way, and he does! The obvious truth is that if we are persons, God has to be greater than a person or a person Himself to a greater degree in order to create us! Except for our sin and limited nature, whatever we are as persons, you can say about God.

How are we like God then? We are rational, emotional, communicative, moral beings, that have dignity, purpose, and meaning in life. We can relate to God as a person because of this--God is just perfect, infinite, immutable, almighty, invisible, omniscient, holy, etc., and God is Spirit, while we have bodies! Originally Adam and Eve had no sin, and were innocent, not knowing good and evil, nor what that means, but now they are guilty before God as sinners in need of redemption, and this image is marred and will be restored someday in glory. Being like God, we are creative and have the imagination that can be communicated and enjoyed.

How do we know we are not animals, that we're unique? Have you ever observed an animal of any species building a chapel, or communicating with God in prayer? Do animals have a conscience, and feel guilty when they've disobeyed or sinned? Animals have a will of their own, for sure, but not to disobey or obey God--animals are oblivious to God's presence and dimension. Only man has the ability to reflect on the past, present, and future, making plans, etc., and to criticize himself or see himself through other people's eyes objectively. Man alone is rational (you can reason with him, and he can reason and learn from it), and is able to communicate all thoughts and feelings, in written, verbal, and body language.

Man alone judges and criticizes and this is because he has a conscience that knows right and wrong by nature; you don't call something crooked if you don't have some idea of what straight is. Man has discernment, ability to distinguish spirits, and insight; however, animals have instinct--they're basically creatures in heat, seeking food and shelter, only to perpetuate their kind. Do animals appreciate art and design, though they may be beautiful, none appreciate it, except in the opposite sex for the mating ritual?

Furthermore, do you realize that man alone can enjoy something vicariously? Man can accumulate and increase a body of knowledge and pass it on to succeeding generations and builds civilizations and cultures. Animals stay at the same level of learning (by instinct) their full lives and never increase in knowledge generation after generation. Animals can mate for life, but they do not fall in and out of love, it's a basic instinct, hormones, and testosterone in action, not the soul or spirit. Animals, such as dogs and cats can show similar qualities of love and affection but have no desire on the abstract level with God (or ideas, learning, wisdom, causes, etc.), and that dimension of relationship.

Now, God says in Genesis 1 that He breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living being! This is the distinction: God has only given man the concept of eternity and the hope of eternal life in his heart, he alone ponders the afterlife and looks for answers to life's spiritual dilemmas. Aren't you glad that you aren't some grand fluke of nature, or cosmic accident, but have a reason for being and purpose in life? And so it's not as simple as the proverb: To err is human, to forgive divine! In sum, some people have a psychological need to conceive of themselves as animals--they desire to act like them! Soli Deo Gloria!

 Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Are You God's Blank Slate?

"So he will do to me whatever he has planned. He controls my destiny" (Job 23:14, NLT).
"My times [future] are in your hands..." (Psalm 31:15, NIV).
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you" (Psalm 32:8, NIV)

"So he will do to me whatever he has planned. He controls my destiny" (Job 23:14, NLT).
"My times [future] are in your hands..." (Psalm 31:15, NIV).
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you" (Psalm 32:8, NIV).
"Verily, I say unto you, whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein," (cf. Mark 10:1),.

John Locke said that all children are born with a blank slate, a tabula rasa, that is amenable or conformable to become virtually anything the child desires or is taught to be.  That is to say with virtually unlimited potential!  CAVEAT:  We are all potential depraved criminals too! It's not by accident that we aren't for Paul said, "I am what I am by the grace of God," (cf. 1 Cor. 15:10) and George Whitefield said, "There but for the grace of God go I."  (He said this upon seeing a condemned man go to the gallows!)   It's merely a matter of grace that we are who we are.  

God enables us to be good and all our good works are a matter of God using us.  All our own righteousness is as filthy rags. In fact, our righteousness is God's gift to us, not our gift to Him (cf. Isaiah 45:24; Hosea 14:8; Romans 15:18).  Have you discovered your spiritual potential in Christ?  You must realize your gifting first but you start that by serving God wherever He calls you and willingness to do His will as a servant. If we have faith, God will fulfill His purpose for us; be sure to complete the calling or ministry you have received from the Lord (cf. 2 Tim. 4:5).  "But I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God's grace," (cf. Acts 20:24). 

Salvation is a matter of realizing we can do nothing of ourselves; it's all a matter of grace from beginning to end.  We can do no pre-salvation work to prepare ourselves but are at the mercy of God: He controls our destiny.  Jesus made it clear we can do nothing in our own right:  "Apart from Me you can do nothing..." (cf. John 15:5).  That means we cannot believe nor repent of our sins on our own merit but depend upon the grace of God to do a work of grace in our hearts. That is, we sue God for spiritual bankruptcy in a sense, realizing our utter helplessness!  

We must cease trying to save ourselves.  This is akin to discovering our own inner chile whereby we realize that we are dependent and need God; salvation is of the LORD (cf Jonah 2:9).  That means it is not of us alone as if we can work our way to please God, nor it is a joint venture or cooperative effort between us and God, but only by virtue of grace alone.  Both faith and repentance are gifts.  We do not conjure them up nor catch them by osmosis around other believers.  

Salvation is not about doing God a favor or deserving it, if so, then salvation would be a matter of justice, not grace. God is under no obligation to save anyone and would still be holy if all were condemned.  Grace is undeserved, unearned, and unrepayable.  We must realize that we are at God's mercy: "God be merciful to me a sinner,' (cf. Luke 18:13). The closer we get to God and salvation, the more we realize our sinfulness as Paul called himself the "chief of sinners," and Peter said, 'Depart from me O Lord, for I am a sinful man" 

The whole point of salvation is to realize we aren't qualified or good enough to be saved, but bad enough to need it.  But the good news is that no one is too bad to be saved!  That is why we must become as a child to enter the kingdom of God; displaying the positive elements of a child-like dependence, faith, humility, and wonder or awe. Just like children are in a state of dependency and need, we must realize this as our spiritual condition.  

As long as we hold a high estimation of ourselves we cannot be saved; we must humble ourselves and come clean from all our sins.  Children are willing to do what they're told as following orders and we are to be willing to do all of God's will for our lives, not leaning on our own understanding (cf Prov 3:5-6).  

Remember how children have dreams of success and becoming someone great like an astronaut or a doctor or even president!  We must expect great things from God and attempt great things for God in the words of William Carey, father of modern missions. But notice that one day children grow up!  We are to put away that which is childish when we become mature in the faith: When I became a man, I put away childish things, as Paul says in his love chapter (1 Cor. 13). Remember that it is to children that the kingdom of God belongs and that we can become child-like ourselves as believers embracing all the good things of their personalities. 

In sum, the genuine believer seeks and desires God's will and yoke (submission to whatever His plan for our lives is); we don't have to go by rules or regulations but everything in compliance with the rule and law of love:  "All that counts is faith expressing itself through love, (cf Gal. 5:6).   We may not be called to do something but God expects us to be willing, even to the laying down of our lives. The example of becoming a man after God's own heart is King David who did "all God's will," (cf. Acts 13:36).   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

What Makes Us Different From Animals

 “There’s something about the way God is that man is.” Though we are in God’s image, we are limited and God is infinite and cannot be limited or described adequately. But man is a creature, God the Creator. Deity in the Bible refers to having divine nature and of being holy, which man isn’t. Man is not divine but can become godly. Man will be glorified in heaven, if save, but not deified. The Deity refers to the person of God in His attributes or essence: God is infinite and man is finite and cannot grasp Him.

Man has always sought to make a name for himself and to dethrone God and deify himself, but this is in vain. Humanists since Protagoras have said that man is the measure of all things (Homo mensura). Man has rights only because they are conferred by God. If one posits man as a mere animal, then when did hominids acquire rights?

There is but one God according to the Bible and one Mediator between God and man, the God-man Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God and equal to Him. Sometimes we refer to the Being of God as the Deity, meaning the whole Godhead or three in one—the Trinity. All the fullness of the Deity dwells in Christ, who is God with skin on.

Man is unique in being created in the image of God and able to fellowship and communicate with Him or to relate and connect with Him. remember, it is because of our image in God that we have human rights, meaning, purpose, and dignity. We are moral, conscientious, rational, intuitive, passionate, self-conscious or sentient beings, but not gods or Gods. We are mortal and God is immortal and eternal. There is much to contrast: We had a beginning at birth, God had no beginning, being eternal and uncaused, for He’s not the effect of anything or anyone. Being without beginning necessitates being without cause and not being the effect of something or someone.

We cannot or could not know God except by revelation; God chose to reveal Himself to us in the person of Christ, the Son of God, co-equal, co-eternal, and co-divine with the Father. The finite cannot contain the infinite, the adage says. We cannot know God exhaustively, but only truly. We cannot fully describe God to fit in our boxes, but we can know Him and have a relationship with Him

Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Man: One Of A Kind!

"Where is the one who makes us smarter than the animals..?" (Job 35:11, NLT).
"Do you think we are mere animals?  Do you think we are stupid?"  (Job 18:3, NLT).
"There is something about the way God is that is like the way we are."--J. P. Moreland, Scott Rae

It is vital to know that mankind is not some grown-up ape or descended from any species of the animal kingdom; he's the climax of creation and the special creation of God, in His image or imago Dei, i.e., he has a spirit, soul, mind, heart, and will to know God.   Mankind is the magnum opus of God's creation--His ultimate expression and woman is the finishing touch!  What makes us so unique though? Our DNA is actually closer to pigs though!   There are similarities with the apes on a superficial level, but most evolutionists are inclined to believe we're apes or animals because they don't want to be responsible and want to act like animals with no accountability (cf. Psalm 10:4).

Animals communicate on a limited level, but mankind knows that he communicates; e.g., dogs bark, but don't bark about barking; i.e., they don't argue, have conversations, or communicate with their barking!  We learn through dialogue.  Animals may be conscious, but we're self-conscious!  We alone have a developed language and are intelligent beings with the ability to reason.   We increase our knowledge and pass it on to the next generation; we don't start from scratch with each generation but have a legacy.  Mankind alone is conscious of God and has the volition to obey God, the heart to love God, and the intellect to know God--to communicate with God.  Animals are oblivious to God's presence and have no appreciation nor awareness of Him, while mankind has eternity in his heart and feels the tug towards God, and a yearning to know Him and have a relationship.

Mankind alone has meaning, purpose, dignity, and fulfillment in life beyond himself or his kin.  He lives for something bigger than himself, and something that will outlast him. Most live in light of eternity not for the here and now.   All the senses of mankind, hearing, taste, tactile, vision, olfactory, and even balance are at a much higher level of awareness than that of the animals.  We know that we taste, smell, see, hear, etc. We alone see all the colors and appreciate art that uses them.  We appreciate good tasting food with discrimination and are creative in our cooking beyond what is instinct, we appreciate with our vision fine art and beauty, we fall in and out of love, we have a love for music, we have a sense of humor, and the ability to laugh, we love to have conversations and dialogue, and we love to smell fine aromas and scents.

We know that we have these senses and can communicate about them and appreciate them with pleasure animals don't know.  For instance, we see all the colors and animals don't!  God made us so that we would see beauty and things from His perspective, appreciating the beauty!  We are highly discriminating in our tastes and know it.  Mankind also has the unique ability to fall in love and to stay in love, and even to fall out of love, romantic love is unique, even though some animals have a courtship, they aren't creative, but go by instinct.  It is said that elephants mourn their dead and eagles mate for life as similarities, but we know we do and get closure, resolution, meaning, or satisfaction!

Mankind is no animal!  God placed us as stewards of the earth and to rule over it and subdue it with responsibility  We are at the top of the food chain!  Mankind alone has a sense of time and a consciousness of past and present, but this is to his detriment when misused:  he tends to worry about the future and regret the past and anticipate the future while living in the past!  Animals clearly live for the here and now!  Mankind alone plans for the future, and not just storing nuts for the winter!  Indeed, man is so creative that God said that if He let us be, we could do anything (referring to the tower of Babel). Have you ever observed an animal building a chapel?

The reason we are in the image of God is so that we can communicate with God and relate to Him; there's something about us that God is like--everything a person is, except sin and evil, God is! God is more and not less than we are and our Creator, so he knows our needs and desires.  In fact, God is able to satisfy the desires of all creatures, and as creatures, and we have the inherent duty to obey God, whether rewarded or not.  Animals have no choice to obey God as creatures, but God gave us the choice to choose Him and to obey Him willingly, not of coercion from some outside force.

In the image of God, we are spiritual, rational, emotional, humorous, musical, communicative, and moral beings (according to scholar Mark Fackler). Mankind senses the moral code or compass of God, and has a conscience to guide behavior, knowing fair play, decency, good faith, unselfishness, justice, good works in progress, whereby we become conformed to His image from glory to glory.   Being in the image of God, we were made to know God (cf. John 17:3) and there is no greater thrill than sportsmanship, altruism, courage, bravery, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, fair play, straightforwardness, and all known fifty-two known virtues, (all biblical) that are from our image of God.  We have this image so we can bring praise to God in a meaningful relationship and enjoy Him to the max forever.   We alone are created for God's glory (cf. Isa. 43:7).  We wonder at the image of Christ becoming manifest in our lives as God finding us.  Per contra, animals don't build cathedrals!

God has searched us and knows us (cf. Psalm 139:1).  "He made [our] hearts, so he understands everything [we] do"  (Psalm 33:15, NLT).  We not only know God, but He knows us (cf. Gal. 4:9).  Not only do we relate to God, but He also relates to us and since Jesus became a man in the incarnation, God feels our pain and is in a position to understand us and what we go through (would you worship a God who knew nothing of pain and suffering?).  We are to find out about the Lord's goodness on our own ("Taste and see that the LORD is good..." cf. Psalm 34:8).  We wouldn't know what crooked was, unless we had an understanding of what straight is!   Soli Deo Gloria!