- Mine is based in history (my God orchestrates it) and objective fact; ‘it’s historical, from the God of history, or it’s nothing, pointing especially to the objective, historical fact of the resurrection as the climax.
- Mine has no scientific anomalies but has scientific facts ahead of its time.
- Mine has subjective evidence of experiencing God personally (“Taste and see that the LORD is good”).
- Mine is based on the miracle of the resurrection, arguably the most attested fact of antiquity.
- Mine claims to be the only way to know God (truth is exclusive by nature).
- Mine has no inherent contradictions, which have not been reconciled by scholars.
- Mine claims to be knowable, absolute truth from the God of truth that gives the answer from the Answerer.
- Mine is based on a holy book (the Bible) that is infallible and inerrant, and the only so-called scripture that contains predictive prophecy, even fulfilled ones.
- Mine is based on a Savior who was without sin but understands us as a human, though still God.—the God-man; Jesus claimed to be God Himself in the flesh—no other religious founder made such claims.
- Mine is based on inspiration and revelation, not speculation or conjecture.
- Mine is the only one that solves man’s problem of sin, not ignorance, yet He respects our minds.
- Mine gives purpose, dignity, and meaning in life, including suffering, and gives us hope for the future.
- Mine has witnesses and martyrs who have died for its truths rather than deny them.
- Mine has changed the course of history, even turning Rome topsy-turvy.
- Mine has had a profound effect on Western Civilization, especially in absolute morals.
- Mine is the only one that offers salvation by grace as a gift through faith, not of works.
- Mine is the only one that says we can know God, not just believe He exists.
- Mine is the only one that says God loves me individually.
- Mine is the only one that gives me a claim to having human rights as in the image of God.
- Mine is the only one that has a personal God that knows me and I can know in return.