About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Do We Need The Law?

"So the Law itself is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous, and good"  (Rom. 7:12, CEV).
"All those who rely on the works of the Law are under a curse, because it is written, Everyone is cursed who does not keep on doing all the things that have been written in the scroll of the Law"  (Gal. 3:10, CEV).
"Blessed condition, freed from the Law, now I can sin all I want and still have remission!"  (Old antinomian ditty.)  [We are free to obey the Spirit of the Law, not to disobey.]
"We know that the law is good when used correctly" (1 Tim. 1:8, NLT).  

Does the Law serve a purpose?  Yes, if one uses it lawfully!  Don't desire to be a teacher of the Law or to lord it over others by putting them under the Law (cf. 1 Tim. 1:6-8).  The main usage of the Law is to make us realize we don't keep it, and to convict us of sin, for "by the Law is the knowledge of sin"  (cf. Rom. 3:20).  The Phillips renders it:  "...indeed it is the straightedge of the Law that shows us how crooked we are."  It was "for freedom that Christ set us free," and we are not to be entangled in a yoke of bondage again (cf. Gal. 5:12).   Israel had promised to keep the Law (cf. Ex. 24:3), when God expected them to beg for mercy and realize they could never keep it.

Scholars, including Martin Luther, have mentioned that the Law is a whip to drive us to Christ, a mirror to show us our real self, and a hammer to smash our self-righteousness.  The Law's Ten Commandments, known as the Decalogue, as the guide of moral principle has not been rescinded; because morality is not relative, but absolute, and doesn't change with respect to time or dispensation;  murder is always wrong with all its implications--character assassination, anger, bullying, pushing your weight around, et cetera.

There are many misuses of the Law:  Judaizers added law to grace and works to faith (Romanists follow suit today).  We are not saved by the works of the Law (cf. Rom. 3:28), but saved so that we can keep the Spirit of it; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (cf. 2 Cor. 3:16);  we are not under any obligation to keep the Sabbath day holy as Christians, though the principle of periodic rest from our labors still stands and for regular spiritual renewal.  The Sabbath was merely a sign for Israel (cf. Ezek. 20:9-12, 20; 31:13-17; Neh. 9:12-15).

We don't judge by this precept: see Col. 2:16; Romans 14:5!  Where in the NT is the believer told to keep the Law?  For the New Covenant means that the Law is written in our hearts and we know right from wrong (cf. Heb. 10:16).  Even the pagan has the Law in his heart as a conscience (cf. Rom. 2:15).  One could argue for the keeping of the Decalogue but note that the only precept not repeated in the NT is the Fourth or the Sabbath.

The Law is merely a shadow of things to come (cf. Col. 2:17) and looks forward to being guided by the Spirit in our hearts because Christianity is not performance-based, but relationship-based.  Paul said repeatedly (cf. Rom. 13:8, 10; Gal. 5:14) that love is the fulfillment of the Law or that the Law can be summed up in love. The Law was merely our schoolmaster/tutor to show us the way and to lead us to Christ (cf. Gal. 3:23-24)--but as adults, we no longer need one and are emancipated, as it were.

We weren't given the Law to keep, but to break (cf. Rom. 5:20), for it made sin worse and aroused sin in us; people always have a tendency to violate prohibitions and to give in to temptation, not to keep regulations and rules.  As believers, we are dead to the Law and it has no power over us (cf. Rom. 6:14).  "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law" (cf. Gal. 5:18)--in fact, there's nothing more musical in God's ears than to hear a sinner realize he cannot keep God's law and to beg for mercy, because he realizes the futility of saving himself and needs God's grace.   The Law wasn't given to show us how to get saved or that we were good enough to be saved, but that we needed to be saved and couldn't save ourselves.

And so you are slaves to the one you choose to obey (cf. Rom. 6:16); the Law has no power over you (cf. Rom. 6:14) as believers set free in the Spirit of the Law.  But we still thank God for the Law, since it gave us the knowledge of sin and made us realize we are sinners.  Its purpose is not to give us the impression we're good enough to be saved, but bad enough to need salvation!  The Law was never intended to be a guide or way of salvation, but only to show us the need for salvation.  "Now we know that the Law is good if used appropriately.  We understand this:  the Law isn't established for a righteous person but for people who live without laws and without obeying any authority.  They are the ungodly and the sinners.  They are people who are not spiritual and nothing is sacred to them..."  (1 Tim. 1:8-9, CEV).

As believers, we are no longer under the yoke of the Law, but under the yoke of God's will; Jesus said that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light (cf. Matt. 11:30).  "For Christ is the goal of the Law, which leads to righteousness for all who have faith in God"  (Romans 10:4, CEV).   In other words, Christ is the end of the Law for believers.

We are not under the Law, are we lawless?  "Sin is lawlessness."  No, we keep the Law in the Spirit.  Jesus bemoaned the fact of the Pharisees being entangled in the Law legalistically, and were neglecting the "heavier matters of the Law," which were "justice, mercy, and faith" (cf. Matt. 23:23, NLT).  The immediate purpose of the Law was to put a restraint on sin, and to convict of sin--a diagnosis of sin, not its antiseptic or panacea! The Law was never meant to be the way of salvation, but to show us our need for it!

In contrast:  the Law lays down what we must do; the gospel what God has done!  We show that we know Him by obeying His commandment; "This is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love each other as he commanded us"  (1 John 3:23, CEV.  We are bad, indeed.  But not too bad to be saved!  Rejoice that Christ kept the Law on our behalf, living for us! 

In summation, Christians live by a higher law, the law of love and this law's requirements can never be fulfilled; one can meet the demands of a law, but never pay back, earn, nor deserve the demands of love (we hold a debt of gratitude forever!)--Christ raised the bar!  "You say, 'I am allowed to do anything'--but not everything is good for you.  You say, 'I am allowed to do anything'--but not everything is beneficial'" (1 Cor. 10:23, NLT).  "You say, 'I am allowed to do anything'--but not everything is good for you.  And even though 'I am allowed to do anything,' I must not become a slave to anything" (1 Cor. 6:12, NLT).   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Friday, June 23, 2017

When God Is Silent

"He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.  He whispers in their ears and terrifies them with warnings"  (Job 33:14-15, NLT). "He is there and He is not silent."  (Francis Schaeffer)
"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pain."  (C. S. Lewis)

God is not obliged to answer all prayers the way we want.  He reserves the right to do His will, regardless of our desires or plans.  Prayer is only for the believer, it's not a way to win over the lost by granting their desires as you pray for them--the only prayer valid for the unbeliever is his salvation, God only promises to meet the needs of His children, but not necessarily their felt-needs or wants.  Playing God or Santa Clause to the infidel or even to the carnal Christian who needs repentance doesn't fly with God.

Our prayers must be explicit and specific to leave God the opportunity to answer them; this means not being general or making requests that one cannot know whether they can or will be answered (like God bless the people in Africa!).  How are you going to find out if God ever answers such a prayer?  "God is good" to all in some ways, and to some in all ways, known as general grace, but He's not obliged to show special grace to any (or it would be justice, not grace), which results in salvation (cf. Psalm 145:9).  My rule of thumb is never to utter a prayer that its answer cannot be validated or verified.

Before one engages in big prayers, one should be proficient at the small ones--this is common sense.  For an example of my point, George Mueller recorded over 50,000 answers to prayers he had made during his life devoted to prayer.  I'm not saying you cannot pray for the impossible (Cotton Mather prayed hours a day for 20 years for revival and the Great Awakening didn't happen till the year he died!), but know that no request is too small for God and no need too great, for His love reaches out to all our needs and His omnipotence or plenipotence is never challenged by them.

When it's hardest to pray, we should pray the hardest!  We ought always to pray like it all depends on God, but do as if it all depends on us.  We are exhorted by Jesus in Luke 18:1 always to pray and never to give up or faint--to persevere!   We are never out of our league in prayer, because we have an Advocate in the Holy Spirit putting our requests into perfect, heavenly diction.  God's power is best demonstrated through weak vessels who will give Him the glory!  Never think that a prayer ministry is a small one, for there are few so inclined that it's vital to the body to have prayer warriors.  Also, remember that practicing the presence of God entails constant prayer and communion or fellowship with God.

Ending a prayer "in Jesus' name" is not a magic formula, but to remind us that we are praying God's will, not our own, and relying on Christ's merits, not ours to enter the throne of grace.  God does promise to answer a prayer agreed upon by the body of Christ (two or three gathered in His name), but the assumption is that it's in Jesus' name, to bring Him glory!  The more adept we become at prayer, the more we sense God's will and pray accordingly.

You can judge someone's prayer life (have a litmus test for it), by how in sync they are with God's will and how much they depend upon the Spirit to guide it, being sensitive to His promptings and on the same page as God.  Prayer is not a wish-list to present, but dialogue with God--the purpose of prayer is prayer, not to get our will done in heaven, but God's will done on earth.  Christ's motto was "Thy will be done," and this is the key to pleasing God and seeking His presence in prayer, not a cop-out or excuse if the prayer's not answered, and certainly doesn't indicate lack of faith.  The key to understanding prayer is to know that God has ordained prayer as the vehicle for doing His will; both the efficacy of prayer and the sovereignty of God are at work and both taught in Scripture.

By and large, God is always at work speaking through His Word and Providence, and even circumstances.  In passing let me mention an oft-quoted word to the wise:  "Satan laughs at our toiling, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when he sees, the weakest saint upon his knees!"  To sum up, God is never silent--we need to listen up--sometimes He chooses to say "No" and teach us a lesson on His will.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Strange Teachings

"So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas..." (Heb. 13:9, NLT).
"[But] test everything that is said.  Hold on to what is good"  (1 Thess. 5:21, NLT).
"Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many"  (Matt. 24:11, NKJV).

It is often tempting to let curiosity get the best of us and to read for the sake of satisfying our quest for the unknown--to go where no man has gone before, as it were--and not with a purpose of edification and to discover the truth.  We will not find truth on the lips of deceivers, "wolves in sheep's clothing," or any who know not Lord.   Quoting Scripture doesn't prove they know the Lord, and we are to be skeptical as to the trustworthiness of any source except the Bible--which alone is inerrant and infallible.  An example in point:  Do not read some book about the Bible that cannot be recommended by someone you know or has internal evidence you are willing to accept.

Do not take their word for it that they know the Lord if there is no evidence and you will know them by their fruits.  One can never be too precautious or safe in filtering his reading and must not read just for the sake of curiosity, for curiosity killed the cat! "The fool feeds on trash; the wise are hungry for the truth" (cf. Prov. 15:14).  "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching.  They will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear"  (2 Tim. 4:3, NLT).

We read for a purpose (entertainment, passing the time, etc.), but curiosity is dubious.  It is better to read to be informed, gaining information and learning something new.  By all means, listen to your conscience and heed its warnings--dubious sources, mysticism, gnostic sources.  These three make up red flags that should stop you from going into uncharted territory.  Martin Luther said that to go against conscience is neither right nor safe and that is valid especially if it's enlightened by Scripture.  For example, if no one recommends it and you can't find any endorsement from known men of God, you are taking a leap of faith in reading it, because more damage may be done than good and you may be fooled by the so-called element of truth that is disguised with the abundance of deception--there is some truth in every faith, and you can be inoculated against the real thing by being immunized by error mixed with truth.

Don't be fooled because of the following:  strange teachings that you've never heard or had no one's endorsement that you trust; don't be led astray by mysticism or trusting in spiritual experiences for revelation instead of Scripture; and don't be led astray by Gnosticism or those who think they are "in the know." "For no prophecy is of any private interpretation" (cf. 2 Pet. 1:20). No one's cornered the market on truth!  Above all, obey your conscience and if you have doubts, err on the side of safety--don't try out something to see if it works, for we don't try Jesus and see if He works for us, we make a commitment to Him and there's no turning back or experimentation!

No one enters the realm of error without giving the devil an opportunity to spread his lies and we must not become partners in crime, as it were--the naive believe anything (cf. Prov. 14:15). We are guilty of opening the door that gives the devil the chance or opportunity (cf. Eph. 4:27) to poison our minds with lies--look at Eve falling for Satan's lies, that God was holding out!  There are no secrets to discover:  Freemasonry is bogus and full of lies! The "secrets things" don't belong to us, but to God (cf. Deut. 29:29).

Remember, that flirting with Satan is dangerous and once the door is opened it is hard to close because the lure of Satan's lies become all the more to beware of.   How do cults get started?  People believe the teacher who has charisma, and loses faith in Scripture as the final arbiter of truth--look at "The People's Temple" or the "cult of death" in Jonestown, Guyana, where they didn't find one Bible, because they trusted the Rev. Jim Jones as the voice of God! Jehovah's Witnesses trust in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society organization to interpret the Bible for them and rely on its private translation and interpretation!

"Beware of empty philosophies and high-sounding ideas" (cf. Col. 2:8), but how can this be if we are not aware of the truth and what good philosophy is?  The only way to combat a secular worldview is to have a biblical worldview!  The only way to interpret the Bible correctly is to hold to principles of biblical hermeneutics.  The only way to become immune to heresy and error is to know the truth which sets us free from it and sensitizes our antennae. "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (cf. John 8:32).

Don't flirt with danger into uncharted waters where your conscience gives red flags.  Everything we read doesn't have to be recommended, referenced, or footnoted (it should be sound sources), but we must use sound principles in deciding what to give credence to and what to take with a grain of salt and be careful of, and not necessarily at face value.  We don't have to become scholars either to be believable, but we are still to write with credible principles based on the Word and not resort to dubious methods, e.g., mysticism, Gnosticism, misquoting Scripture, private or strange teachings.  "So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world's brilliant debaters?  God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish..." (1 Cor. 1:20, NLT).  But "I know whom I have believed..."  (cf. 2 Tim. 1:12).  Therefore, interpret experience by the Word of God, not vice versa!   Soli Deo Gloria!  

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Works Religion

"They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works..."  (Titus 1:16, HCSB).
"Now someone may argue, 'Some people have faith; others have good deeds.'  But I say, 'How can you show me your faith if you don't have good deeds?  I will show you my faith by my good deeds' ... You see, his faith and his actions worked together.  His actions made his faith complete"  (James 2: 18, 22, NLT).  

There are four contradistinctions:  Works equal salvation (religion); works plus faith equals salvation (legalism); faith equals salvation minus works (antinomianism), and faith equals salvation plus works (Reformed and evangelical theology).  

It is our natural inclination to believe that our works must count for something to gain the approbation of God; however, you never know in a works religion--God doesn't grade on a curve and the only way to be saved is by grace, not merit, which works imply.   The Bible is not against works, just those done in the flesh, for man cannot please God in the flesh (cf. Rom. 8:8).  All our righteous deeds are as filthy rags or useful for nothing (cf. Isa. 64:6).

All of the works of a believer are done by letting Christ live through him and He gets the credit, as we are just vessels of honor (Isa. 26:12).  Paul, himself, would venture to boast of nothing, except what Christ had accomplished through him (cf. Rom. 15:18).  We are not saved by works, but unto works, as Eph. 2:10 says "unto good works."  We are not saved by works, but we are also not saved without them:  Paul would say that he'll show you his works by his faith; while James would tell you that he'll show you his faith by his works.  The two, are distinguished and inseparable, and they cannot be divorced.

All coins have a flip side and can be seen in a twofold manner.  Antinomians believe we are saved by faith, but that works do not necessarily follow, so they say that faith equals salvation minus works.  On the other hand, the Reformers taught that we are indeed saved by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone--true faith always generates good works as validation.  Having no works is equal to no faith, just like a branch without fruit--YOU SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS (cf. Matt. 7:16).  Faith must have fruit, for this is the reason we are saved, and no fruit means no faith.

Many think that works are a substitute for faith, but they are the evidence of it!   The problem with some sincere people is that they are "incurably addicted to doing something for their salvation," (according to Charles Swindoll), but the work of God is to believe in Christ (cf. John 6:29).  Works are indeed important in their own right because we are judged and rewarded for them, not our faith (cf. Rom.  2:6).  There are two issues concerning do-gooders, or those enamored with good works:  some cannot do enough because they put their faith in their works, not in Christ; while others are too confident in their faith that they think they don't need good works.

The Reformed formula for salvation is that we are saved by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone; nonproductive or dead faith doesn't save.  James says, "Can that faith save?"  It should be noted that we can only do God's work by God's power, for Christ said, "Apart from me you can do nothing"  (cf. John 15:5).  Our good deeds are meant to show our faith and to win over others as Jesus said in Matt. 5:16, ESV: "In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

The problems encountered with some who do good works are that you can have works without faith--but not faith without works--each must examine himself.  We all need to put our faith into action because the faith you have is the faith you show!   We turn our faith into deeds or translate creeds into deeds, you might say--seeing we are not saved by knowing a creed, but knowing a person.  We are all called into the service of our Lord, and we are not saved by our service, but unto service!  The only true measure of faith is obedience as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "Only he who believes is obedient; only he who is obedient believes."

Living the good life really amounts to abundant life in Christ, doing His will for your life, and serving in whatever capacity you are equipped to do by talent, gift, resources, opportunities, relationships, time, and circumstances.  The whole purpose of good works is that they give proof of our salvation, for without them our faith is suspect.  Theologically, faith and works are distinguished, but not separated--juxtaposed.  But works are the result, and outcome of faith, not the cause of it or part of it; we are not saved by faith and works, which is legalism, but by faith alone, but only a faith that is productive.  We do good works because we want to--not because we have to.

In summation, it boils down to the two viewpoints (Paul's and James's):  Paul teaches that works must spring from faith; James teaches that faith must be proved by works!


Touched By God

We may not realize it, but we've been touched by the grace of God, through the ministry of the Spirit: convicting, admonishing, and edifying our spirit.  No one can find the way by himself but must have the eyes of his spirit opened to acknowledge the truth and see the light.  We all are capable of experiencing God and finding out that the Lord is good on our own, as it is written:  "Taste and see that the LORD is good," in Psalm 34:8.  

No one remains the same after experiencing God and getting to know Him, some people are hardened due to their rejection, and some are healed because of their faith (which is a gift of God, but He expects us to use it!).  As they say, "The same sun melts the butter, hardens the clay."

No one has the same experience in Christ as you do, and you cannot expect others to share your personal relationship.  We are all individuals with Christ and we all matter; there is no elite or super-Christian that gets a better deal or privileged status. God levels the playing field!   For God is no respecter of persons, shows no favoritism, and God is not partial (cf. Rom. 2:11; Acts 10:34).  When we come to God in faith, we are free to come as we are, but we will not remain that way, for it is a transforming experience, to be touched by God.  

The point is that all must come to God on the same basis and from the same point--as unworthy, in need of grace.  We are all unclean and are made clean by the washing of the Spirit (cf. Tit. 3:5). We are all in the same boat as to our qualification for grace and God's grace reaches out to us and takes the initiative and calls us to Himself--He comes searching for us as the Good Shepherd.

However, God grants us the privilege of believing (cf. Phil. 1:29) and expects us to exercise this faith in reaching out to Him. The beauty of it all is that God gets personal with each one of us and doesn't treat us like a number, so to speak, but knows us by name and knows those who are his  (cf. 2 Tim. 2:19).  As Jesus said concerning His sheep:  "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"  (John 10:27, ESV).  The sheep recognize their shepherd and will not follow a stranger, for they do not recognize his voice.  Sheep are comforted by the touch of their shepherd (as Psalm 23 says he anoints my head with oil), and Jesus looks after His sheep personally--even getting down and dirty with them, so to speak, because He fully relates to us and knows what we're going through.  Yes, it is comforting to know that we matter to God and that He knows us and is never too busy for our needs.

We don't get saved en masse, but one-by-one, as through a turnstile.  No one gets in automatically by birth, rank, position, authority, riches, power, inheritance, heritage, lineage, pedigree, etc., but must come to Christ all alone in a step of faith.  Jesus has priorities, and we are at the top of them--He's never too busy to meet our needs or hear us in prayer.  One noteworthy fact of having an encounter of being touched by God is that we are not to keep it a secret, we must publically acknowledge it and confess Christ before men (cf. Matt. 10:32).  When we profess Christ and make Him known we confirm Him in our hearts and become established in the faith.

In sum, God knows where we are spiritually and what our needs are, and can meet us individually just as if the encounter were tailored just for us, proof He knows us!  For this reason, it's so wonderful to hear people's personal testimonies as to how they got saved:  "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so [tell their story]..."  (Psalm 107:2, ESV).     Soli Deo Gloria!