About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.
Showing posts with label gifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifting. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

One Healthy Body...


"How is it then, brethren? whenever you come together each of you has a psalm, a teaching a tongue, a revelation, or an interpretation. Let all thee be done for edification." 1 Cor. 14:26

The Olive Garden restaurant has a slogan saying: "When you're here your family!"  I look upon the church body as the body of Christ and my family unit as my church family, as you might say, even in a family, there is diversity and people are not all clones of their parents the children do not necessarily take after their parents as chips off the old block, but are individuals and we celebrate that individuality. There is once a song that goes, "He ain't heavy. He's my brother!"   We all stand up for our brother no matter what and do not let someone bully or pick on our brother because he's a brother.  It's alright if we do but not somebody else as they say. Christians are one unit because they're one in the Spirit, not one politically agreed or socially agreed some concept of that word is not a club or a sorority fraternity type of thing but a unity of organism, not that organization and that's a very important point. 

They say that in America "We celebrate our differences," and our diversity is our strength too. We are a pluralistic society multicultural coexisting in harmony.  This also goes through the church the more diverse the members the stronger it must be. If only certain people and certain doctrines were there and no one could just dare disagree then the church would be weakened and might even lead to a cult. 

The concept of being a protestant is that you can say this I dissent I disagree I protest. We are not slaves to church dogma but have individual responsibility as well as the privilege to read our own Bibles to interpret them as we see God open them up to us. We need to search out the scriptures and see what these things are so that the pastor says as the noble Thessalonians did.  We must learn to create community and we do this by loving one another.  We love people into the kingdom we don't scare them into the kingdom with scare tactics or threats or shove the Bible down their throats.  We simply do good deeds and see that our testimony speaks for itself but we must not jeopardize our testimony by sin so we must be careful of how we act and live out our faith.   The faith we have is the faith we show, in other words.   A real church has the active presence of Christ you can sense Christ moving through the spirit because there is love in the body. 

There is a spiritual wellness when people practice their own gifting because they realize they are there for a purpose.   Each one has something from the Lord to share to give to others we all have a place in the body. A healthy body of Christ is when all members participate we are not jealous of one another and we realize our need for one another We are friends in the church in the sense that we probably would not be friends otherwise it's because Christ is the one who unites us and this will be in place in heaven there's neither Jew nor Gentile slave nor free male nor female we're all one in Christ.

As the Holy Spirit works in the body, it says we are all baptized into the body by one Spirit. It doesn't matter what gift we have as long as we have the Spirit that operates through us.  The spirit of the matter in which we practice it is that that is important.   It is too bad that some people hold things against Christ because Christians do not live up to specs or par and do not meet their expectations. Atheists like to poke fun at Christians and think we are hypocrites there's something wrong with you and people don't necessarily judge Jesus but they judge us Christians.  We ought to take note of that and realize that we do fall short. 

When I realize that it's all about Christ as Jesus said the scriptures bear witness of him that he is the Spirit of prophecy, we realize that we are here for the sake of God, not for not to promote ourselves or to make a name for ourselves or to celebrate ourselves but to celebrate Jesus he is the reason we are here in body. I bemoan the fact that Gandhi said that I would be a Christian had I ever met one or it wasn't for Christians I'd become one!  This is really a cynical viewpoint but that's the one that he thought that he was holy when he wasn't he was just a religious man in his own way. He had many virtues but that did make him a godly man. 

We must realize that people see Christ when they see us and they judge Christ by the way we act in our daily lives we are the only gospel that some people see.  When we can see the differences in our bodies our local family in Christ the church and realize we are one Spirit then we can say viva la difference.  We celebrate this diversity and realize it is a sign of strength the more alike we are, the less strong we become.  That means we cannot tolerate those who differ from us or it could be we're in a cult where people think they are right and everybody else is wrong or someone has a monopoly on the truth and has cornered the market of biblical truth claims.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Little Tough Talk Is Due

 Jesus didn't always say things easy to accept, his so-called hard sayings were controversial, roughed up some feathers, and caused many disciples to no longer walk with him, he was not a people pleaser neither did he tell the crowds what they wanted to hear or were itching to hear and they were not an easy pill to swallow.  For instance, many want to be the boss or Number One and are control freaks and think great people are only those in power.  They are not to lord it over the flock or throw their weight around indiscriminately.   But Jesus said the greatest is the servant of all!  Quite topsy-turvy to the conventional wisdom of the time.   Jesus came not to be served but to serve and he got down and dirty with mankind, especially in the "order of the towel" when he washed the disciple's feet and his fellow disciples and was not afraid to associate with anyone but meet their needs, especially in doing miracles or healing; it seems he was saying nothing is "beneath us." 

Some people naturally see the needs of other people in situations they just have a natural servant's heart when a need rises they want to do it. Other people are more like leaders, not because they want to lord over others or be the boss, but because they realize that good leadership is essential and lead by example.  They want to show the way and be trailblazers.  I mean to be scripturally versed and savvy and privy to the deep truths of the Word, able to teach what Jesus commanded--all his commands.   Jesus was loving with all in essence wanting us to assume the helm and to be in charge.  

Now there are only two offices to fill in the modern church: elder and deacon; nearly identical resumes are required but different job descriptions.  Deacons are a special breed of people who do not want to bring attention to themselves or are not self-seeking or self-ambitious but really want to help people out with their personal needs and to promote unity in the church in the bond of peace. The church elders or congregants do not look for a mechanic or plumber and appoint him because he could be very useful to those in need!   

They are caretakers and caregivers!  They want to do whatever they're called to do they do not have something that they think is beneath them.  Humility is a virtue necessary because power may go to one's head as well as being in the spotlight or on the church radar for it is widely known that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely; we must not let power, influence, or authority ever reside in one single person. 

Deacons must be tested first before being appointed they must be proved they are faithful and pious or godly and must be blameless--this does not mean they are perfect because perfect people need not apply to the church at all because the church is not a hotel for saints but a hospital for sinners.  Deacons must realize they are not self-appointed but are recognized by the church this is a point when they do what comes naturally to them and find themselves serving the church they will be recognized that they are good candidates.  

They do not go around advertising. campaigning, drawing attention to themselves, promoting themselves, or running for the job like a politician gaining favors or namedropping! All things are to be done with dignity and order.  This is most unbecoming and unwelcome. a dignified believer to be self-promoting. And this is not something you apply for officially; you don't particularly say that you want to be a deacon but you must prove yourself first that's what the testing is all about you must prove your worthiness and your adeptness to the priorities and responsibilities of the office. 

Now,  deacons and elders are not spiritual gifts they are offices in the church and you can be very gifted spiritually, intellectually, and even very talented and not an elder or deacon.  We must also recognize that deacons are not junior elders or elders in training it is not a stepping stone to being an elder this is very important because in some churches they want to test you first.   You don't earn your right to be an elder by being a deacon first. It is not by seniority! 

The church calls them to this office just like they call a pastor to preach to a church, it is a calling, and God's gifts and callings are not repented of--he doesn't regret it.  They must remain true and faithful to their heavenly calling.  God calls and God gives members gifting or spiritual gifts are not something that we are taken away or forfeited but our calling is something that we must be faithful to in the church some priests for instance are pastors have been defrocked due to immoral behavior this does happen some some some people can be excommunicated even if they are in office. 

This has happened because elders have the authority for church discipline, to serve, not govern the body of Christ.  The difference between elders and deacons is that deacons are called to serve, and elders are called to lead.  They are the practical ones in the body, handy people!   Elders are in a position of authority whereas deacons are in the position of servanthood. You must learn to be proactive as a deacon because you must see a need to fulfill it just like an entrepreneur sees a need fulfills it to become successful. Some people are just blind to needs this is basically the way they are they don't see it but deacons are looking always looking for opportunities to serve God. I think it's not just like a handyman or spiritual person that's practically useful, but there's a spiritual gift of helps.   He must be spiritually qualified  (godly, virtuous, and pious, and biblically knowledgeable (not just qualified vocationally. But deacons can  be considered "good to be around," and many have the gift of "helps." 

One thing we must notice between elders and deacons is that sometimes an elder may be called to do the work of a deacon if somebody rides or help them up financially this has been done they always get together and decide to build somebody out of a financial situation or something.   All spiritual gifts are like that even if we have one gift we do not prohibit ourselves or exclude ourselves from other gifts if we are called to do them or see the opportunity to do them. Do what God opens the door for you to do even if you don't think we have that gift. Deacons may be called to the service as a teacher but they do not have the office of teacher or pastor-teacher or officially recognizes teachers like the elders who teach well.  You can say elders make and interpret the rules but the deacons apply and follow them. 

Basically, the most important aspect of a deacon  (a man on a mission) is that he promotes the "unity of the spirit in the bond of peace" he knows the church's mission statement and he sees a vision for the church and he works together with the other body members or congregants toward that goal. I like the concept of the deacons as the face of the church they are the peaceful people who bring people together and are peacemakers that we call when we need help they're the ones that know the issues in the church they are in know lots of things but they cannot possibly meet the needs of all the people by themselves they are part of the solution. 

Deacons are those who serve behind the scenes in a support role has been said wisely have a special function towards all of the members. One thing of deacon may do is if he cannot meet and eat himself he may know someone else who he can recommend people deacons are to bring the body together to concerted effort to help people as a body and to work together as a unity as one body in Christ.  Deacons have a supportive role which means they do whatever they are called to do they are open to suggestions and willing to do whatever the elders or the church members ask them to do willingly.   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Overcoming The Pitfalls Of Ministry

"I came not to be served but to serve.,.."  Mark 10:45  "Whoever desires to be first, shall be slave of all." Mark 10:44

First, "ministry" doesn't just refer to preaching but to all services rendered by believers who use their spiritual gifts for the growth or edification of the body of Christ. There are downfalls as well as fringe benefits and an upside.  Just like it is more blessed to give than to receive, the person doing the ministry feels the most joy over the one who benefited.  Now, most Christians are in the dark as to their gifting and this is because they have never ministered.  You don't just serve where you want to or think your gift is, but whenever and wherever the opportunity arises to serve and see where God blesses you. God isn't so much looking for ability as for availability.  Showing up is 90 percent of the success!  

We do not need impressive resumes to minister because God opens the door and breaks the sound barrier for to reach others.  Another distinction: ministry is to believers or to the body, and mission is to the lost. And we must always keep the man thing as the main thing and not major in minors with our mission statement. Many ministries seem like thankless jobs or of no consequence or fanfare or glory but to God, they are all vital to the work of the equipping of the saints. The unfortunate thing is when we have good intentions and poor follow-through; that is why we need to be faithful and obedient and leave the success to God. 

We need to focus on what matters! Recognize boundaries in our people skills and even our limits and not overestimate ourselves or even take ourselves too seriously. We have to realize that sometimes we can't win and let Gop provide the growth as we water and plant seeds. Big misunderstandings happen when we have a failure to communicate and people get the wrong impression.  There are two kinds of ministers to mention here at work: those who have been humbled and those who will be! If you think you're already humble, get out of the ministry! 

We are all called by God and are suited to minister in our own way. We must not have excuses when God calls like Moses: Who am I?  I am clumsy with words, they will not believe me! we must trust God with the results and realize we can move mountains and walk on water with mustard-seed faith.  It is not how big our faith is but how big our God is and what the object of our faith is. Remember, God is not looking to success or achievement or accomplishments but to faithfulness and obedience. We should be humbled that God is just using us as servants or vessels of honor. It isn't our resume that suits or qualifies us but the Holy Spirit's residence in our hearts. We don't want results from the energy of the flesh or the ways of the world but the glory to God in the power of the Spirit. As they say, you can accomplish much if you don't care who gets the credit; likewise in ministry: if you give God the glory, He will use and bless you. 

Remember that the mission of the church is to fulfill the Great Commission.  And there is no social gospel but you could say we have a social commitment to the betterment and blessing of our society. We may think we have a thankless job but what matters is the spirit we do it in and our faithfulness. The best we can hope for is that Jesus says: Well done thou good and faithful servant! That is why we look for the open door and earn our right to minister. Our deeds must correlate and match our creeds!  That they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. 

Now, someday this mission will be the Great Completion and in the fullness of time Christ will come to reward us and our work never finishes as we never retire from the Lord's work.  We should all have a Great Commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment!  The best mission statement of a church body I have seen is to be committed to knowing the Lord and making Him known!  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Need For Effective Ministries

 Martin Luther was asked if the Reformation was complete with his corrections and he replied that the  Reformation had only just begun and would never end.  We are always to be an attitude of Reformation. The Latin for that is Semper Reformanda.  We ought never to become complacent in our church and think that we have arrived at the perfect ideal church or at monopolizing the truth or that we are the only ones. We could always learn from each other's churches because no church is THE "reformed"  church. There is a church for everybody in my opinion or what you call niche churches and have a certain demographic or an appeal that they have. We cannot be all things to all people. 

In other words, some churches try to become mega-churches or attract followers by teaching or preaching what the people want to hear especially when it comes to prophecy or prosperity theology.  These preachers are really gifted entrepreneurs and not called by God.  The Bible warns against those who have itching ears and only want to hear what they want to hear and preachers who cater to them.  Even the devil himself disguised himself as an angel of light.  So no wonder his servants do also.

We must admit that our teacher or our pastor will have his weaknesses and issues. But what is the bottom line? What is it that God considers important?  God called Moses and Paul who were not good speakers!  Good that the preacher admits and knows his flaws too.  But that does not mean that he cannot become all things to all people by God's grace as Paul claimed.   And that God cannot use him for what is important to majors are what's important in the minors are not we don't major in the minors in other words.   We don't get distracted by things that are unimportant but remember what is important: KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING!  None of which I put first things first and realize our priorities. Pastors should never be people pleasers then you cannot please God and our praise ought to be from God and not man.

Too many churches preach another Jesus, another gospel, or another spirit than the one that they should have received or did receive. There are too many counterfeit churches out there, and too many counterfeit preachers that were not even called into the ministry.  They have just enough truth to deceive.  They are experts at marketing, even using Madison Avenue techniques.  They may be scammers or even grifters and rob their congregations because they do not gather the funds for God's purposes.

Today, we have too many churches that do not keep their eyes on Jesus and on the truth and have gotten side-tracked.  They have forgotten about the church being the cornerstone of the truth and doctrine matters and truth matters.   It is often looked drowned upon and frowned upon to be into polemics or defend against heresy. We ought to be obedient to the heavenly vision!   

We have a church without doctrine today.   The post-doctrinal era!  What really matters, in the long run, is the truth.   We ought to teach people to be searchers for the truth with an open mind yet a critical mind.   An open mind says they do not think they know all the truth yet and they're willing to learn more but a critical mind in the sense they must test the spirit whether it is of God or not.  Today, we have churches that are even into the New Age doctrine and want to say things like Jesus isn't enough.  We need Jesus plus this Jesus plus that.  We have the "church of what's happening now!'   We need to realize that Jesus is enough and we have Jesus. We have all we need.

Churches cannot be good at everything;  they each have a certain ministry in calling some churches are more evangelical,  some churches are more ministerial, some churches are more mission-oriented, and some churches reach out to the lost more and loft into causes like social causes like the social gospel which is another mistake.   We have a mission and a commission to reach the world through Christ but our commission is to preach the gospel. We have a social mandate yes to be a blessing to the world in the sense of being salt and light but not in the sense that there is a social gospel that all things work out good if we become Christians. The church ought to prepare and fight the actual enemy out there which is Satan and his minions and his servants truth that's why the doctrine is important we have a foundation of doctrine and we can readily discern who these false teachers are because, in the last days, many shall come in Christ's name saying they are Christ even.   

And many false teachers will teach doctrines of demons.  People will no longer endure sound doctrine!  These churches ought to recognize the needs of the church and should really be needy people in the church.  They should minister one to another. And the church also should be aware of strange teachings because many shall come in Christ's name and teach a new doctrine that sounds good to outsiders, especially in churches where they're overly seeker-sensitive rather than God-oriented.  

Yes, there is a true battle in the Lord and the battle is the Lord's.   If we know the truth and are armed with the truth and the word of God which is our only fence weapon we shall win this battle we should realize that we will not be good at everything and find and find what we are good at Christians ought to find their spiritual gift.   In other words, they do that by experimenting or serving God and finding out what God blesses them in.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Do You Know Your Place In The Church?

Many believers do not recognize their place or gift in the body. One needs to experiment and try different services or opportunities to see how God uses or blesses you. You do not tell God that you refuse to serve in an individual capacity because you do not think you have that gift. You also should not have gift envy and wonder why you are not gifted like someone else nor even expect others to have your gifting and be able to walk in your shoes. You don't need this gift projection either; i.e., gift projection.  Remember, we are all on the same team with one mission statement and vision of fulfilling the Great Commission with a great commitment. 

We must show faithfulness in little to be faithful in much and rewarded. God the Holy Spirit equips each believer as He sees fit and enables each to do God's will effectually. What it boils down to is not ability but availability! We will be judged by our faithfulness in what God has gifted us, not its success. Note: we all have different gifts but the same Spirit! And we aim and strive for the greater gifts with the spiritual ambition of a noble thing, such as to prophesy or edify the church. 

You must decide whether you want to be a part of the solution or part of the problem. That is the dichotomy! A Christian who will not serve is a contradiction in terms and only those who serve Christ know true peace and fulfillment. There may be two types of Christians questioning their church body's functionality or effectiveness. One says, "What is wrong with this church?" and says, "You are wrong!" Another one says to God, "God can you fix the church?" and God replies, "That is why you are in it!" Either way, we must learn to serve God and labor in the Lord trusting in what He tells us and taking it to heart. Let us be faithful to our heavenly vision and calling and fulfill our ministry. 

We must be the reason people believe in God and be positive witnesses and be the only Jesus some may ever see or the only sermon they may hear! What they see ought to be what they get! We do much harm to our witness and jeopardize our testimony's credibility if we do not live up to it and live it out faithfully! Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?    Soli Deo Gloria!