About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Why Do People Believe In God, Not Science?

That’s a false dichotomy. But to have your ultimate allegiance to what science says rather than God is wrong. You can believe in God and be a scientist: of the first fifty scientists who began the scientific revolution, only one was not a Christian. Christianity is the mother of modern science and Sir Francis Bacon founded the scientific method. Anyone who thinks there’s a contradiction between science and God understands neither. There can be no final conflict for Augustine declared: “All truth is God’s truth.” But science has its limits. It cannot make value judgments or philosophical statements To harness science for unscientific reasons is not science but “scientism.”

Belief in God is self-evident and God says no one has an excuse for denying Him, and only fools do. There’s plenty of evidence in nature and in the Bible. Besides, Jesus came to answer our questions once and for all by rising from the dead and proving He is God with “many infallible proofs,” according to historian Dr. Luke. This fact is more attested by various proofs than any fact of antiquity.

Evidence isn’t necessarily conclusive or compelling. There are proofs pro and con. Believing evidence doesn’t make it true and denying the Bible’s evidence doesn't make it false. It must be weighed. You go in its direction according to the facts, or with the preponderance of it. You cannot disprove God because this is a philosophical not a scientific matter; it’s metaphysical, not physical. God will not subject Himself to anyone’s laboratory analysis.

People usually believe the evidence that fits their worldview and believing or disbelieving it doesn't make it true or false—called confirmation bias. Christians don't claim to know all the answers, but scientists and secularists don't know them either. If you believe in science that makes you a person of faith too; faith in science is still faith. It’s not a matter of faith versus science, fact, or reason, but faith versus faith. All of it depending upon which set or presuppositions you are willing to accept.

You are greatly misinformed if you think science has undermined the Bible. If you think there’s a contradiction you understand neither. The Bible contains dozens of scientific facts that were ahead of its time and yet no scientific absurdities. Archaeology has verified biblical references with over 25,000 digs. Many who have tried to disprove the Bible have become believers in the process, including skeptical archaeologists. No amount of evidence will make a person believe who doesn’t want to. There is plenty of evidence for the Bible if you look for it objectively.

Did you know that in 1861, the French Academy of Science declared fifty-one scientific facts that controverted the Bible? Today, none of these so-called facts are believed and the Bible was proven correct.

To answer the question, believers worship God because they love God (“We love Him because He first loved us.”) and have the Spirit of God living in them. They want to worship, not have to. Mankind is a religious being as Dostoevsky said, and if he doesn’t worship God, he’ll worship someone else. People who worship God know God and the appropriate response is a love expressed in worship.  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Why Do Some People Demand Proof For God?...

 They cannot disprove God but disbelieve despite that! This is important. They assume that God can be proved (or disproved) when the Bible doesn't attempt to do it but to make Him known. The Bible assumes God from verse one. The Bible says that God’s existence has enough proof in creation to point to faith and that no one has an excuse. (cf. Romans 1:18–21; Psalm 19:1). God is spirit. The question of God is metaphysical and cannot be proved by physical evidence. God’s existence doesn’t fit scientific parameters; He is not subject to laboratory conditions.

Many people believe in things that cannot be proved. What they are trying to do is equate God’s existence to scientific scrutiny. But there is scientific evidence but not proof. The laws of evidence are different for law, history, science, and philosophy. God doesn't wish to be proved but to accepted by faith. He will not force faith. Faith is what pleases Him, not human wisdom (“For the world by wisdom knew not God.”—1 Cor. 1:21). It is logical that not believing or denying some premise doesn't make it untrue any more than believing it makes it true.

There can be no default position. Not being able to prove God doesn't mean that the antithesis is true, there is no God. Today many people will not believe anything that cannot be proved scientifically and use science for non-scientific endeavors or issues, harnessing science where it doesn’t apply—called “scientism.” You don’t have to know all the answers to believe in God. And faith doesn't mean you do, atheists don’t know all the answers either. The principle stands: “Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.”  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Can The Supernatural Be Explained By The Laws Of Nature? ...

We must not personify nature as if it is a personage or god.  By definition, the supernatural is beyond the natural, not coincidences or flukes (i.e., the laws of nature) like the metaphysical is beyond the physical. However, accepting the fact of the supernatural is not the stance of the scientific community. They are naturalists who believe in a natural explanation to everything; i.e., no supernatural. The laws of nature do demand a reason for their being or existence and that leads to a Supernatural God or Lawgiver.

You cannot explain away a miracle by the laws of nature. Miracles are events not producible by the elements in question considering the time and manner of events available. Jesus is an example of someone who defied nature by walking on water and calming a storm. It is circular reasoning to say that miracles don’t happen because they are impossible—or haven’t been scientifically examined.

For God is a law to Himself and able to overrule the laws of nature for He made them. For instance, the force of gravity is specifically tuned to an almost infinitely small degree and if changed, no life would be possible. Why? Why is the speed of light what it is or is DNA only composed of four letters that seem to be the language of God? (Doesn’t this imply a Supreme Mind?) Science can discover the know-how but not discover the know-why Why does the universe seem so fine-tuned for life? This Anthropic Principle needs an explanation if not from God as the Designer and Creator. Why are there laws of nature if not a God of nature? Soli Deo Gloria!

The Genesis Of Faith...

 Faith must begin somewhere!  It is not mere emotion or intellectual capacity but an act of the will; one decides to believe freely. God has given mankind the power of volition and freedom of choice to believe to disbelieve in Him. A forced faith would not be faith.  The conception of faith arises in the Word of God itself as it is the gift of God as one hears the preaching of the Word of God; God has chosen the foolish means of the world to defeat the wisdom of man.  So Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by the hearing and the hearing of the Word of God."  That's it, it's a gift of grace but God intends for us to exercise this faith; it's His gift but our act!  

I might add that God plants the seed and opens the heart!  (cf. Acts 16:14; 14:27).  He can make the unwilling willing (cf. Phil. 2:13) and make believers out of us by grace.  In fact, we believe through grace (cf. Acts 18:27).  Faith is a gift and we cannot take credit for it but are stewards of it. (cf. Romans 12:3; cf. 2 Pet. 1:1). 

Faith needs an object to be valid; it is only as reliable as its object.  You can have strong faith in the wrong object or God and it is invalid and does no good. God doesn't demand perfect faith, but only unfeigned, sincere faith  (cf. 1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:5). Paul said that the Jews were zealous for God but according to knowledge (cf Romans 10:2; Prov. 19:2).  Jesus said to those skeptics that if anyone is willing to do God's will, then he shall know the truth (cf. John 7:17).  

Only in a world where faith is difficult can it exist!  Easy-believism is a self-contradiction biblically speaking.  The road to faith has never nor meant to be an easy one.  We all have doubts; the disciple who wanted a healing told Jesus:  "I believe, help mine unbelief."  That means that doubt is not the opposite of faith but an element of it; it's not just a religious problem but a human one--we have doubts or are capable of them. But we believe in many things we don't have all the answers to and doubt can survive alongside faith.  Everyone's faith must be tested in fire to see if it's genuine (cf. 1 Pet. 1:7).  

We all have a "measure of faith" given by God and are appropriately tested and responsible for it as a steward of this gift (cf. Romans 12:3). But not all have faith (saving faith that is) though everyone believes in something. It can take more faith to deny God, for instance, than to just accept him by default and put Him to the test: "Taste and see that the LORD is good." (cf. Psalm 34:8). Our God invites scrutiny!  Test God in this manner because the proof of the pudding is in the eating. 

We all have trials, tribulations, and adversities to endure by faith. But if you wonder why, the same sun melts the butter hardens the clay. It is through much tribulation that we enter the kingdom of God (cf. Acts 14:22).  Similar events sow faith in some and agnosticism or skepticism in others.  God is testing our hearts and motives.  He doesn't want us to merely believe because of fear of hell as some kind of fire insurance, but as a loving response to God's love and grace.  We love Him because He first loved us!  (cf. 1 John 4:19). Perfect love casts out fear (cf. 1 John 4:18). 

Now, faith isn't about how strong you believe or much you are convinced of the truths of the Bible but in your application of them. It's more about how much you obey than how much you believe.  That's why the only test of genuine faith is obedience (cf. Heb. 3:18-19). Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyr from the Nazis, claimed:  "Only he who believes is obedient; only he who is obedient believes."  These two are juxtaposed in Scripture and we must not divide what God has joined together. Repentance is also linked to faith and goes hand in hand in complementary fashion (cf. Acts. 20:21; Heb. 6:1). In that case, it may not be a matter of having enough faith but not having a thorough enough repentance. 

Remember, the struggle with faith is not lack of faith so much as faith itself.  Only in a world of disbelief existing can faith exist.  God refuses to make Himself as obvious as the sun in the sky to believe but wants us to search with all our hearts to find Him. What pleases God is faith, not intelligence or wisdom (cf. Heb. 11:6). Jesus was asked to do miracles on demand and to do a biggie miracle to impress the Pharisees, but Jesus wouldn't accommodate them because they had the prophets to bear witness of Him for the Scriptures bear witness of Him (cf. John 5:39).  He said that despite His miracles, they would [not could not] believe in Him (cf. John 12:37).     Soli Deo Gloria! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

What Good Is Faith Without Works?

 Karl Broberg, Blogger/Bible teacher (10+ yrs), researcher, life coach

The Reformers taught that we are saved by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone. If it is not accompanied by works it is dead faith—which cannot save (cf. James 2:26). Even the demons believe and tremble (cf. James 2:19). Faith must produce fruit and have the natural byproduct of good works or deeds. We are to be known by our fruits (cf. Matt. 7:16). We are not saved by works, but neither without them. Works validate and authenticate our faith and prove it is saving faith. No fruit means no faith!

God has redeemed Himself a people “zealous of good works” (cf. Titus 2:14). James 2;18 says that James would show you his faith by his works! Anyone can say he has faith but will they use it to glorify God? For example, by faith, Abraham obeyed God and went out (cf. Heb. 11:8). There is no such thing as being a disobedient disciple because we are called to obey Christ by faith, as Jesus said that if we love Him, we will obey His commands (cf. John 15:10). How can you call Him Lord, and not obey? “All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,” (cf. Acts 2:21). “No man can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit,” (cf. 1 Cor. 12:3).

The whole point of salvation is a changed life and becoming a new creature per 2 Cor. 5:17 (doing works fit for repentance, cf. Matt. 3:8; Luke 3:8; Acts 26:20). The idea of “no-lordship salvation” or easy-believism has been around for decades and Dietrich Bonhoeffer called it “cheap grace.”

There are only three ways one tries to get saved:

  1. Works alone equals salvation (religion)
  2. Works plus faith equals salvation (legalism)
  3. Faith equals salvation that’s not producing works (Antinomianism or libertinism)
  4. Faith equals salvation resulting in works. (correct).

NB: Antinomians are usually believers in “no-lordship” salvation or that you need not accept Christians the record of your life to be saved which would entail obedience. In other words, works need not result from salvation. It is works of the flesh that don’t please God. Our works must be wrought in God through the Spirit (cf. Hosea 14:8; Isaiah 26:12; Amos 6:13; Romans 15:18). In the final analysis, obedience is the test of faith and is linked in Heb. 3:18–19.  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Is There Any Foolproof Argument For God? ...

Now, there’s a difference between an argument for God and proof. No one can prove or disprove God, it takes faith both ways. Evidence is another thing altogether. There is evidence! (Scientific, historical, literary, philosophical, and testimonial.) Evidence isn’t always conclusive or compelling but can be circumstantial or indirect, corroborating, subjective, or objective. There may be evidence pro and con to an argument. There’s no foolproof argument but there are plenty of arguments or reasons to believe. There may be sufficient evidence for one person and not another to make God plausible. Because there is evidence does not mean there is proof. There is no "smoking gun" evidence for or against God. No one can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt either proposition so you are making  a leap of faith both ways. 

But the best argument (but no argument is foolproof but only a reason to believe) that I can see that is shaking up (in that as many as ninety percent of them believe in God now) the cosmologists and astrophysicists is that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything in our reality and the Bible calls this the moment of creation. “In the beginning God created…”

The point proves that the theory of an eternal universe is untenable and has a beginning, which implies and logically necessitates a Beginner! Nothing causes or creates itself, It must be determined what or who is responsible for it. Everything that begins to exist or any event must have a cause. Who banged the so-called Big Bang? This discovery brings new challenges.

Even Einstein mused: “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” And he also said that the harmony of natural law indicates Supreme Intelligence. Creation was pre-programmed with some fifty universal constants called the Anthropic Principle (The fine-tuning of the cosmos) implying a Designer and Supreme Mind at work. Nothing can cause or create itself and this implies as Aristotle thought, a First Cause because it’s impossible to cross infinity and an infinite regress of causes is impossible. God’s name also means “I CAUSE TO BE” Note: This is not the complete argument but a synopsis and volumes could be written to support it.

An atheist will use circular reasoning to refute arguments: I don't believe in miracles because they are impossible. I don't believe Jesus is God because I don’t believe He claimed to be. Even if they lost the argument you would not convince them; you cannot argue someone into God’s kingdom nor rationalize God to an infidel. There is never enough proof or evidence for someone who doesn't want to believe. They will tell you: There is no God because I have not experienced or seen Him or that He cannot be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. They want it as easy to believe in God as to believe in the sun or the moon in the sky.

But know this: You can not disprove God either as a philosopher will tell you that it’s impossible to prove a universal negative. There are many arguments for God and much evidence from science, literature, history, philosophy, and personal testimony. But there is no “smoking gun” argument that is absolutely foolproof and if you don't want to believe you cannot be forced to. God will force Himself on no one. But one thing you can prove is that it is rational and reasonable to believe in God. The Bible says, "Taste  and see the LORD is good!" In other words, the proof of the pudding  is in the eating. 

Brilliance and intellect don’t please God. Only faith pleases Him (cf. Heb. 11:6), “the world by wisdom knew not God” (cf. 1 Cor. 1:21). Jesus said that “if a man is willing to do His will, then he shall know” (cf. John 7;17). The proverb goes, “A man convinced against his will agrees still.” No amount of evidence will make someone believe who doesn’t want to: Jesus said in John 12:37 that although the Pharisees had seen many miracles they would not believe, not could not believe—it’s a person’s stubborn heart. Remember all the miracles Moses had done? Israel still refused to believe! (cf. Psalm 78:32).

But the atheist has faith too! He has faith in science or in man’s reasoning and logic. Faith in science or your reasoning is still faith! It’s not a matter of faith versus reason as he thinks but faith versus faith and it all depends upon what presupposition you are willing to accept. Both sides of the equation contain people of faith. In fact, it takes more faith to be an atheist than a theist because there’s so much evidence! All knowledge is contingent and starts with faith, not just about God. Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Job says, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives"

Job made this confession in my title (cf. Job 19:25) and showed his ultimate faith in God that in his flesh he shall see God. Yes, the resurrection was even fact in the OT: Psalm 49:15, "But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave...."  Also, in Hosea 13:14, "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death."  As it says in 1 Cor. 15:55, "O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?"  Death is finally defeated and we need not fear it!    Martha told Jesus that she shall see Lazarus at the resurrection! (cf. John 11:24).   ".... I kill and I make alive..." (cf. Deut. 32:39). 

But the doctrine was not fully realized nor fulfilled, or did it have a good reason to be believed, till Jesus conquered the grave by rising from the dead as the definitive proof of His deity (cf. Romans 1:4; Acts 17:31).  It was the skeptical Sadducees that denied the resurrection.  Paul truly said that if there is no resurrection we are a people most to be pitted and are still in our sins!  (cf. 1 Cor. 15:19). 

But the resurrection is a known historical fact with much compelling, though circumstantial evidence to verify it. It is said that the resurrection is more variously proved than any even in antiquity with many types of evidence that is.  Dr. Luke says that there were "many infallible proofs," (cf. Acts 1:3).  History rarely has direct evidence.  We have documents, records, testimony, and the witness of present believers as evidence.  But just believing it is history, not salvation.  As Josh MacDowell said, "Either the resurrection is the most wonderful event in history or its cruelest, biggest hoax." 

The resurrection is not only the point of Christianity but its focus and fulcrum, without it, we disembowel the faith and make it just another religion.  Denying the facts makes you out to be living in denial!  We must not only accept it as a historical fact but we must receive the living Lord into our hearts; i.e., believe it in our hearts!  Christ must not only be risen historically but personally. The resurrection is indeed the central fact of history and its hope. 

I confess and admit it takes faith to believe this for faith is what pleases God (cf. Heb 11:6). Now there is never enough evidence to convince a person who doesn't want to believe. Israel rejected the LORD and Moses though there were many miracles (cf. Psalm 78:32). Jesus said in John 7:17 that anyone willing to do His will shall know; there's the rub! Jesus had observed in John 12:37 that even though the stubborn Pharisees had seen many signs or miracles, they "would not believe," not that they could not believe; for the heart of the matter is that it's a matter of the heart--where was their heart if they even had one still?  

The resurrection becomes a reality to believers because Jesus takes up residence in our hearts upon accepting this and we become transformed persons becoming renewed in Christ's image.  The transformation that took place in the apostles after they saw the Lord is the strongest evidence for His resurrection. You must want it to be true though!  But the good news is that we can taste that Jesus is good (cf.1 Pet. 2:3) and as Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the LORD is good."  We are then becoming satisfied customers or happy campers in the Lord.    Soli Deo Gloria!