About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.
Showing posts with label creation science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creation science. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Is Consensus In Science Scientific?

 Science taught or believed dogmatically or by a democratic vote of approval is not science. Despite the fact that biologists have a consensus for evolution, this is not necessitate it’s being truth in itself—they could all be biased or deceived or jumping to the conclusion. They must always be ready for new discoveries that may shed more light on some theory or discovery. The door must be kept open for new light to be shed on a subject. Just because scientists agree on a so-called “fact” doesn't make it true epistemologically. Note: Science is limited to the observable, measurable, and testable.

Because there are limits and parameters to what science can know or study, for instance, it follows that metaphysical questions cannot be answered fully by the scientific method. Science deals in the physical universe. But when scientists harness science for unscientific reasons like making philosophical or religious decrees, it’s not science but “scientism.” That is to say when Carl Sagan said, “The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be,” he was making a philosophical statement, not a scientific one. One example of consensus that proved fallacious was the geocentric Ptolemaic solar system.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Is There A God Who Created Everything Or Is Science Correct?

Correct in what? To be created implies a Creator. To be designed and planned implies a Designer or Planner. There is no final conflict and they can be reconciled. Something must logically be eternal and have no beginning; it’s easier ot believe this is God than the chaos of random energy before the big bang. There’s only one alternative to a Creator behind the creation of the physical world, and that is evolution. But this theory doesn’t answer all the questions of where life came from originally for instance.; we know that life only raised from life as the metabolic motor, DNA, from previous DNA.

What you're then saying is that the world created itself and this is illogical and science is supposed to be logical. Nothing can cause or create itself. All effects must have a cause. Everything that begins to exist and that includes the world has a cause. This begs the question of a First Cause that Aristotle thought and that originated it all. No matter which side you take, you are going by faith because neither theism nor atheism has all the answers and requires you to be a person of faith; faith in science is still faith.

Science, by the way, is not intended to answer metaphysical questions such as the existence of God but only the physical parameters it is limited to. Science is know-how, not know-why. It is a false dichotomy to say that science and faith in God are antithetical and opposes. The scientific method was formulated by Sir Francis Bacon, a believer in God.

Science, you will know has no answer to the origin of the universe before the big bang but from some singularity, but where did that come from? and the big bang is not contrary to God but could be the methodology He used. They siill dont’ know what caused the big bang and even who programmed it with all the universal, physical constants and laws of nature if not the Lawgiver Himself. This refers to intelligent design or ID and leads to an Ulitmate Mind because of the existence of intelligence.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Science And Faith Have No Final Conflict...

 God has given everyone a basic awareness of HImself and consciousness of eternity but some suppress the truth and go against the conscience which is a God-given moral compass and God says no one has an excuse to deny Him But just believing in God makes you no better than the devil who also believes. But faith in God is a gift and are to be stewards of it and use it to God’s glory by good works producing fruit that we are known by. However, God must open the door of faith and open the heart to bring one to faith as it’s a gift

However, it’s not wrong to believe in science because most of the early scientists who brought about the scientific revolution were believers. Sir Francis Bacon was a believer that invented the scientific method. But the fault comes mainly in biology when they propagate that we evolved from apes and this is the point of contention because it directly contradicts the Bible. One can be a good Christian and a scientist and a good scientist and a Christian. if you think they cannot be reconciled, you understand neither

However, it is a fact that some 80 percent of people believe in God so don't ‘say that most people believe in science. Only pure Secularists and postmodernists mainly don’t. The question is almost a false dichotomy because you can believe in both science and God and many great scientists do and have no problem with their faith. In my opinion, science has helped to prove God; namely, by the Big Bang.

The only reason I would say that some believe more in science than God is that they are ignorant of God and dont’ realize there’s no final conflict. The Bible states scores of scientific facts that were ahead of their time and only discovered even centuries later by science. Note: The Bible doesn’t say the earth was created 6000 years ago! The cosmos was created “in the beginning,” and we believe that was 13.7 billion years ago.

The fool twists the facts to fit his theory. Science only deals with the physical and not the metaphysical like God, which is a philosophical truth, not a scientific one. Reality is what corresponds to truth, and there are philosophical and scientific truths. To believe that science is the only reliable way to truth is not science but “scientism” making it claim philosophical truth claims that are out of the parameters of science.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Can Christians Affirm The Big Bang?


  1. The Bible doesn’t explain how God created the earth. The know-how is left to science, not religion.
  2. The Bible doesn’t make it clear when creation happened, but only “in the beginning," it doesn't start, "Once upon a time," but commences somewhere in the time-space continuum. 
  3. There is nothing contradictory in the Big Bang that would directly contradict Scripture,” it admits that the first thing formed was “light.”
  4. Even scientists acknowledge that time and space began at the Big Bang or creation.
  5. The Bible says God created time and that time “began,” (the energy clock began ticking).
  6. Scientists have no answer as to the know-why of the Big Bang but can find out know-how. 
  7. Science doesn’t know who fired the Big Bang into existence; who banged it!

Note that ID or intelligent design is necessary for the cosmos; without logos or logic there could be no cosmos for many universal constants were “programmed” into the Big Bang because pure energy has no form or intelligent purpose! The input must be design from a Designer!  Soli Deo Gloria!

Old Earth, New Earth

 Contrary to popular interpretation, the Bible doesn’t say when the earth was created. It says merely, “In the beginning…” whenever that was, possibly billions of years or eons ago.  This isn't just a way to begin a story and it doesn't say, "Once upon a time!"  There is a possible gap between verses one and two of the chapter that could have taken this long. Note that a day with the LORD is not always twenty-four hours, such as the day of the LORD and the day of judgment.  The Bible only tells us the earth was created and who did it; namely, God. It wasn’t a fluke or accident and it didn’t evolve or create itself, impossible! 

Nothing can create or cause itself according to the law of cause and effect. Something has to be eternal for anything to exist because everything cannot have a beginning or be created, or there would be nothing now (out of nothing, nothing comes). God is seen as the First Cause or who got it all started. There can be an uncaused cause but not an uncaused effect. Since God is eternal, He can have no cause since then He would have a beginning. Everything that begins to exist has a cause; the universe began and therefore has a cause; most believably God.

The Bible assures us that even time had a beginning and was created by God as a corollary of space and matter. (cf. 2 Tim. 1:9 Titus 1:2). But don’t bet your soul on science getting it right because they have been wrong and cannot answer a lot of questions of the earth’s origin; science is know-how, not know-why. Genesis is not a science lesson and the Bible is not a scientific manual but a way to show us salvation and to know God.

There have been conflicts between science and the Bible before and the Bible has proven right. The theory of an eternal universe is untenable and it had a beginning: this implies a Beginner!  Soli Deo Gloria!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Can You Justify Biblical Creation?


  1. Even science acknowledges a beginning (the Big Bang)
  2. Matter/energy/time all began about 13.7 billion years ago accordingly and not contradictory to the Bible
  3. If there was a beginning, there must be a Beginner or cause behind it
  4. Creation implies a Creator (order an Orderer, purpose a Purposer, etc.)
  5. The Bible doesn’t say when the beginning was or when the earth was created but only “in the beginning,” there is a gap between Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:2 that is an unspecified amount of time
  6. The so-called six days of creation could be interpreted as epochs or episode, not necessarily 24-hour days; to God, a day can be a thousand years, for example, or a period of time (the day of the LORD)
  7. The Bible doesn’t tell how things happened but that God made them happen at His word by the breath of His mouth
  8. The Big Bang or creation is an event; all events require explanations and have causes
  9. Everything that begins to exist (creation) has a cause; that cause is most likely God—the First Cause (infinite regress is impossible)
  10. Science cannot explain many things and doesn’t have all the answers, such as the mystery of life and its origin.    Soli Deo Gloria!