About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Speaking Evil

  "...[A]nd casts no slur on others [his fellow man]" (cf. Psalm. 15:3).

Christians should be held to a higher standard and learn to tone done and restrain their rhetoric.

James said that it is impossible for a spring to have both fresh and bitter water.  One cannot speak with a forked tongue, so to speak.  Slander, gossip, lies, and threats are evil and Paul condemns such in Romans 1.  Today many politicians have no remorse or compunction about slandering other fellow politicians or politicos.  Leaders are held to higher standards yet use derogatory remarks and snap judgments to ridicule and made the butt of the common joke du jour.  They are supposed to be in a position of authority and to be examples, yet they poison the public with their words.   They have no right to do so even if it is a constitutional right because the Law of Moses forbade us to speak evil against a ruler of the people (Acts 23:5).

The powers that be are of God according to Romans 13 and we are to respect all in authority and pray for all our leaders:  how can one curse them and pray for them together?  The Scripture says: "show proper respect for everyone...fear God, honor the king."  It is one thing to disagree and quite another to maliciously and in a mean spirit to deride one's reputation and seek to destroy what God has build up.  God put them in office and they are showing contempt for His orchestration of history--don't forget that God is sovereign and rules over the nations (Psalm. 22:28).

One must also put away the "pointing of the finger" (per Isa. 58:9) and stop making someone or some group a scapegoat like Hitler did to the Jews.  We are all to blame and God is giving us the leaders we deserve.  Augustine said that government is not a necessary evil, but necessary because of evil.

 In conclusion let me add:  "Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes" (Eccl. 7:18).  Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Having No Vision

   "Without a vision, the people perish..."  (cf. Proverbs 29:18).
  "Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people..." (cf. Isa. 10:1). 
  "...Men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do..." (cf. 2 Chronicles 12:32).

By vision, I mean the goal or the understanding and interpreting of reality (not political or economic), as in worldview:  the Muslims have hegemony (or domination) as their vision and will not stop until the whole world belongs to Allah--"Tomorrow  belongs to Islam."  Unless Christians have a common, worldview that encompasses believers all over the world, our faith will not stand the trials to be upon the world in the near future.  Islam is soon to replace Christianity as the world's most numerous religion.

What is it that joins us together, that unites us in Christ?  Fellowship is really two fellows in the same ship, they say.   A Christian in Sweden or Russia should have the same worldview or Christian outlook and I am not talking politics. We have no geopolitical concerns in our faith.   Christ's kingdom is not of this world and we are to build His kingdom, not ours.  How is this accomplished?  By the fulfilling of the Great Commission by the church at large.

Never forget that our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission--don't get sidetracked.  Keep the main thing the main thing and don't major in the minors.  Every other goal we have is to be subjective to this one.  The so-called "social gospel" (a misnomer) is not for the church per se individual believers may be led or inspired to do great works in Christ's name (one only looks at William Wilberforce devoting his life to freeing the slaves).  The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern (Prov. 29:7):  'He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well.  Is this not what it means to know Me?' declares the LORD"  (Jer. 22:16).

The government, or the powers that be, are ordained of God, and we are to be obedient unless they directly violate Scripture.   Aurelius Augustine said that "government is not a necessary evil, but necessary because of evil." To be anti-government is to be anti-God just as much as anti-family is. Before you shrug that comment aside and disagree, note that he is considered by many to be the greatest theological thinker of the first millennium.  Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk, by the way.

Our mission on earth is not to make people come over to our way of political interpretation, but to know the Lord.  God's pet peeve or controversy with Israel was this:  "There is no truth, or mercy, or knowledge of God in the land," (Hosea 4:1).  I am not saying it is evil to be a member of a political party, but to associate it with the church or to imply that Christ would join your party is.  This is what has happened in today's evangelical-right movement that tends to have a self-righteous attitude because they desire to judge or condemn others.  They can have their convictions or opinions, but not the right to label them as "Christian."  So many of them are merely geography-related and have prejudices inherent.   Sincere believers in other parts of the nation disagree.

We are to be the salt and light in the world and I mean the world-system or the cosmos ("Virtually every significant social movement in Western civilization--from the abolition of slavery to child labor laws--owes its origin to the influence of Jesus Christ).  We are of the light and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19).  But our light and salt are the Word of God, not some attainment of education, the standard of living, economic system, or political system.  God's people can thrive anywhere and surpasses the world-system that lies in the power of the prince of the power of the air--the prince of this world or Satan.

Are we sowing seeds of truth, not are we affiliates of some party-system?  The problem with too many Christians is that in their misdirected zeal or zeal, which is not according to knowledge, they look at the cosmos and become do-gooders bent on the betterment of society, but losing sight of the Great Commission--turning stones into bread instead of offering a cup of water in the name of the Lord.  Become spiritual leaders and servants, not political activists in league with the world!  In conclusion, let me cite George Bernard Shaw:  "What the world needs is more Christian love."  Soli Deo Gloria!

Jesus Bore Our Suffering...

Isaiah 53:4 mentions Christ taking up our pain and bearing our suffering ("He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases," according to another version).  Does this mean we are exempt from suffering and illness?  Are we to agree with the full-gospel-fellowship who believe healing is just as easy as claiming it and naming it in Christ and is part of our salvation?  Christ was made to suffer in our stead to taste of our weaknesses in order to sympathize on our behalf and to be able to intercede for us at the right hand of the Most High.

Scripture surely verifies Jesus reaching out to people in need and it seems no trouble is too small for His love, nor too big for His power.  Paul prayed 3 times that his infirmity or messenger from Satan would be removed, and God said "No."  Someone was once asked why they don't have as many healers working in America as in Africa:  "They don't have HMO's."  God is so big that everything is small to Him, and loves so much, nothing is too small for Him.

Charlatan healers claim that the miracle is part of our redemption and if you don't get healed, your faith is suspect.  It is true that Jesus said to the woman with the issue:  "Your faith has healed you," but when the apostles healed they had the gift to heal and it was not dependent upon faith.  It is deduced that it is a cooperative venture and it is done "unto you according to your faith" also.

If God doesn't immediately heal you by the anointing by the elders and prayers, for example, it has to be in God's timetable and He will work everything out according to His glory and plan.  In fact, we may have to wait until glory to experience our complete healing.  I know of examples where God has refused to heal and it has brought Him glory as to the building of a testimony.  Joni Eareckson Tada is a famous one that comes to mind and, believe you me, she sought out the faith healers at first as much as the next guy.

Sometimes the sickness or illness is a wake-up call and the person serves as an example or warning to others:  "Woe to me because of my injury!  My wound is incurable!  Yet I said to myself, 'This is my sickness, and I must endure it.'" (Jer. 10:19);  "There is no healing for thy bruise; thy wound is grievous..." (Nah. 3:19).   Hezekiah complained that God wouldn't heal him and that he was being taken in the prime of life!  God granted him 15 more years.

The primary reason Jesus healed the sick was to be an example to us:  How many hospitals have been founded by infidels?  God always has some disaster happen in order to give the opportunity for His children to do good:  Why does evil happen?  To give the opportunity for good!   There are certain things only God can do and what seemed impossible a generation ago is now within our grasp medically--who knows what man is capable of:  I only hope we don't forget that this knowledge comes from God.

Philosophers have said, "All truth is God's truth."  The church is the mother of science and science owes its very existence to it!  Now they seem to be at war and there is no conflict between true science and the Bible.  Let's hope God intervenes before man plays God and does immoral medicine just because he can.   Soli Deo Gloria!