About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Introduction To Science & The Bible

You know that in the early 20th-century modernism was the rule and society thought that science had all the answers. Evolution, a time-honored scientific tenet of FAITH has infiltrated philosophy and ethics, man even justifying himself by it. The so-called "survival of the fittest" and "law of the jungle" are the rules of nature. Today we are in danger of lapsing into "scientism" where we see science as a faith or religion and the ultimate authority. (It is actually deifying science.)  

Some things are out of the REALM of science--like ethics and morality. Some things simply cannot be measured, such as love or patience; for instance, you cannot take a foot of love or a pound of patience. If you cannot measure something is it out of the jurisdiction of science. Science, in other words, is only one way to truth. Miracles are not contradictory to science, they are just outside the realm of a scientific experiment.

In sum, there are LIMITS to our powers of observation, rationalization, experimentation, and knowledge via scientific endeavor. That is, when some scientists make deductions, they leave miracles outside of the pool of live options. (Lee Strobel refers to this as "inference to the best explanation.) There is nothing wrong with Sir Francis Bacon's scientific method, it's our presuppositions that are leading us astray. There is no such thing as total objectivity, except with God.

The main reason people believe in evolution is that they don't want the consequences of believing in God and that would affect their sexual mores, as Thomas Huxley maintained. There is absolutely no proof of it and it can't be proved, but they believe it nevertheless because the only alternative is unpalatable-- theism.

Science can tell us the "know-how" but not the "know-why." To existential and metaphysical questions we must turn to philosophy or religion. Jesus is the answer to the equation and he is also the "Answerer!" To know Christ is to know the truth. He did not just tell us the truth but became the embodiment of truth itself.

We must be careful not to personify science and make it an idol; anything that comes between us and God is idolatry. Truth does not go against reason, but beyond it.

St. Augustine said that "deep within man there dwells the truth." However, "the big lie of the West is that there is no absolute truth"--truth with a capital T! If there is no truth as Pilate thought then there is no God by inference. The Bible is not a science textbook, but it has no scientific absurdities, and where it does say something scientific, like the water cycle, it is accurate. The French Academy of Science in 1861 said that there were 51 "facts" in the Bible that were controverted by scientific fact--today not one of those scientific facts is believed and so you see that "science is a moving train," but the Bible stays the same. It is never outdated.

Theologians (viz.  Thomas Aquinas, and St. Augustine of Hippo) like to say that "All truth is God's truth." All religions have an element of truth mixed in with the error. They have just enough truth to be dangerous and religion has just enough reality to vaccinate you from the real thing. Psychology has some truth and Psychiatry has part of the answer and a piece of the puzzle, but the Scripture is sufficient to solve our problems and Jesus not only has the answer but is the Answerer! Christianity is not true because it works, as Lee Strobel says, it works because it is true. TM works for some, but that doesn't mean mantras are good, we should meditate on the Word only.

We all have preconceived ideas that prevent us from being objective--in fact, total objectivity is impossible, except for God. Dr. S. Lewis Johnson, Jr. says that the scientific method cannot arrive at absolute truth. (Inference is flawed) We are all prejudiced and that means "being down on what was not up on." God gives enough light to see the truth if you can accept it and are looking, but he leaves it an open question and doesn't force truth on anyone. Truth cannot be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, then we would be forced to accept it. If God were proved, then He would be no greater than the mind that proved Him! One needs faith because the "supreme function of reason is to show man that some things are beyond reason." (Blaise Pascal) It is said, that if a scientist is not willing to go anywhere in his quest for the truth, he will not arrive at it.

Faith is prejudiced, and we all have some bias--there is no such thing as absolute objectivity, except with God. Sir Isaac Newton said, "No sciences are better attested than the religion of the Bible. Theology is known as the "queen of sciences."    Science is the stepchild of Christianity itself.  The Bible is not a scientific textbook, but where it does say something as a scientific fact, it is right--there are no "scientific absurdities."   And when it speaks of the rising of the sun, for example, it is merely using convention like we do. Newton wanted to reconcile science and the Bible--they are not antithetical at all.  Francis Schaeffer wrote, No Final Conflict between the two disciplines. It is said that if you think there's a contradiction, you either don't understand Christianity or science or both.

One can be a Christian scientist without committing intellectual suicide!  Theologians used to be students of science as well.  It has been said that he who thinks there is a conflict between science and the Bible understands neither.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Assurance Of Salvation

My area of expertise (quite ironically) seems to be the assurance of salvation since I have backslid so many times, I have been dogged by this issue, and have had to repent and do the first things over and go back to square one so to speak. Sometimes I have compared myself to other Christians and have been discouraged, e.g., when they say they hear God's voice audibly and I don't, I think something is wrong, but later God reassures me.

If you just go by feelings it seems like I have been saved many times over, but that is not biblical. The Bible makes it clear that if you could lose your salvation, you cannot regain it (See Heb. 6:1-9). God wants you to stand on the promises of God and "rely" on His Word, not go by experience or feeling. We do not walk in the "glow" of some mountaintop experience or cling to the memory of some emotional or ecstatic encounter, we learn to have faith that is tested and proven.  God isn't impressed with feelings as much as by faith!

I know the best assurance is that which comes from a holy and obedient life per Is. 32:17 which says, "The fruit of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance." Disobedience and consequent chastisement take away ones feeling of the joy of salvation and one may doubt his position in Christ.

My assurance comes from John 5:24, which says that He who comes to Christ will in no wise be cast out--that's my spiritual birth-certificate!  God said it in His Word, I believe it in my heart, that settles it in my mind!   No one is ever lost in the shuffle due to the Golden Chain of Redemption in Rom. 8:29-30.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Hearing God's Voice

I think some Christians are awful mystical and seem to think that they hear God talking to them when they are really mentally ill and need medications. I know of patients who take medications, and it sure seems to cure them. I don't doubt that there are legitimate prophets who are spiritual giants but this is not the norm. The normative way for God to speak to us is through the Word of God. We hear the still, small voice that is the Holy Spirit bearing witness with our spirit. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice...." We may get impressions, hunches, or something may strike us as odd or providential; in the final analysis, God speaks to all Christians in some way, but let's be careful not to get too mystical or open ourselves up to the demonic activity.  Soli Deo Gloria!

The Miraculous

For any of the skeptics, I recommend Jack Deere's Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, which delivers a coup de grace to the cessationist viewpoint (that the sign gifts have ceased). God does speak today, especially in the third world where "power evangelism" is taking effect and people witness miracles and by and large don't doubt the supernatural. Argentina has been having such a revival that obese people have been reported to have instantly lost 30 or more pounds! They say that the West brought the knowledge of God, and the third world, the power of God. I was told that the reason miracles aren't as prevalent in the Western world is that we have HMOs. God is alive and well in his church and there are miracles of healing quite often.   Soli Deo Gloria!

The Bondage Of The Will

"If any man will to do his will, he shall know of the doctrine..." (John 7:17, KJV).  

Martin Luther said that the freedom of the will is a grandiose term and fit only for God. Our wills are enslaved to the old sin nature and inclined to evil. They are biased and prone to evil, not good. Luther said that man has not ceased to be man, but ceased to be good. We are only free in the sense that God doesn't force us to do evil--we do it on our own volition. Augustine of Hippo said that we are free, but not freed. This is not a mind game, but only stressing that we don't have liberty, though we are responsible moral agents. We concur with our evil and no one forces us to do evil, which would be determinism or coercion. We are voluntary slaves to evil.

There are many Bible verses that stress the lack of freedom to respond to Christ on our own without the wooing of the Spirit. "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him." "It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God who showeth mercy." "Who are born not of the flesh, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. " "The way of man is not in himself, it is not in man who walks to direct his steps." "A man devises his thoughts, but the Lord directs his steps." (Cf. Prov. 20:24; Jer. 10:23; John 1:13; Rom. 9:16)

The freedom of the will so to speak is a curse, since we are free to do evil. Augustine said that we are non posse non peccare, which means we can only do evil. Luther said the will can only do evil, too. God does not make us do evil, we do it on our own initiative and willingly. There is no outside force making us do something, that would be determinism or coercion. We are free "to choose our own poison" (So to speak). We are free to go to hell.

According to Martin Luther, the will is enslaved to the old sin nature and not free. St. Augustine of Hippo said that the will is free, but not freed. He wasn't playing mind games but saying that we are responsible agents to God for our choices, but don't have liberty. He doesn't force us to do evil (known as coercion), because we do it on our own initiative. The freedom of the will is a curse because we can only do evil according to Luther.

Where did free will help Esau? There are many Bible verses that show that man doesn't have free will as far as the ability to choose and come to Christ apart from grace and the wooing of the Spirit. "For who can resist His will? [Rom. 9:19]" "It is not of him that willeth ..." "Who were born not of the flesh, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." "For the way of man is not in himself, it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." (Jer. 10:23) We are biased or prone to evil, not good. Martin Luther said we have not ceased to be man, but have ceased to be good. The whole matter can be summed up in the phrase: "We don't need free will--we need WILLS MADE FREE!"

We are inclined to evil, not good--the ability lost at the fall. If you are different or virtuous, that is God's gift to you, not vice versa. "What do you have that you didn't receive [cf. 1 Cor. 4:7] Who makes you to differ?" "The heart devises the way, but the Lord directs his steps." That means God is sovereign!

This is one of the oldest debates in Christendom. Pelagius and Augustine debated it and so did Luther and Erasmus von Rotterdam (who wrote "In Praise of Folly" and made the Greek text of the New Testament available to scholars). The prevalence of the doctrine of freedom of the will in today's church is due to the influence of the Wesleyan Arminians. Don't let anyone make you think that the bondage of the will is a new doctrine or that it is not orthodox, because it is the original doctrine defended by the church Fathers and the Reformers. We are free moral agents, though, because we are individually responsible to God and without excuse for our sin.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Free Will 1

My understanding is that we are free to make decisions such as preferences and inclinations and tastes, but not free to make decisions for Christ. That is why Augustine said we are free, but not freed. (We don't have the liberty to change ourselves and our nature.) Our inclination to do good was lost at the fall. We were not free to choose our nature, e.g., choleric, sanguine, melancholy, or phlegmatic, but we do and can make choices. We distinguish natural freedom (making choices) from moral freedom. ("No one can [has the ability to] come to Christ unless it has been granted him by the Father.")

This is a very tough subject and I do not claim to be an expert, because nobody can explain the sovereignty of God. We are free to act according to our nature, but remember that God is the potter and we are the clay. "We are free to choose our own poison," is what John MacArthur says, and I agree. We are free to go to hell. No one ever thwarts God--Rom. 9:19 says, "For who can resist His will?" We simply cannot do anything good in God's estimation apart from His grace.

We did not choose Christ before He chose us (John 15:16). (Predestination means to mark out ahead of time.) God needs to work on us before we can choose Him. We are not automatons, robots, nor chatty dolls. No one can say he came to Christ apart from the aid of the Holy Spirit. If left to ourselves, none of us would come to Him. When Arminians say some simply desire to come to Christ they are actually attributing merit to the equation, and salvation based on works.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Free Will 2

Martin Luther claimed that the doctrine of the will was the "heart of the gospel." It is a clue to seeing grace at work. God is no man's debtor, as would be the case in Rome's view that faith is a meritorious work. Faith is a work, a work of God (cf. John 6:29). The Bible makes it clear that faith is a gift (Phil. 1:29; Acts 18:27; Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 12:3; 1 Pet. 1:1).

How did free will help Esau, and how did it affect Jacob, who were destined before they were born? The will can only do evil and Jesus said that without him we can do nothing (even believe) as he said in John 15:5. We cannot do anything good apart from God's grace. We are free to choose our own poison! Evangelists insist we need free will (free will and sovereign grace cannot coexist), but we need wills made free. We are enslaved to our old sin nature and need to be set free. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

Augustine said we are non posse non peccare, which means we can only sin and that we cannot but sin. (This is the inability not to sin.) All of our nature is affected by evil and that includes our will. See Is. 1:5-6, "from the soul of the foot to the head there is no soundness in it."  Soli Deo Gloria!

Intro To Arminianism

Arminianism is named after the famed 17th-century Dutch professor and theologian Jacobus Arminius in Latin or Jacob Hermann. His teachings influence the Methodist, Wesleyan, Church of the Nazarene, Pentecostal, and Church of Christ churches. They deny the 5 points of Reformed theology, which are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints (known as the acrostic TULIP).

Martin Luther wrote a book, "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church" in which he talks about this "semi-Pelagian" heresy that has crept into the church. I do not believe Arminians are deceivers, they are just confused: You cannot have sovereign grace and merit or works simultaneously--they are mutually exclusive. Either God is in control of our salvation or we are, we cannot share in the power or authority.

Arminians believe the Calvinist God is some sort of a despot, and they are protecting God's nature by denying unconditional election or predestination. It is not because of anything we did that God elected us in eternity past. They believe some people desire God and that is why they respond positively. (But they cannot explain why some desire and others don't.)  We were all enemies of God, God wasn't our enemy! They believe in absolutely free will and even after they are saved they can rebel against God and go to hell. They have the tendency to trust in human effort or willpower. Our wills are only free in that we act voluntarily. God never forces us to do anything. (That would be coercion or determinism.)

We are voluntary slaves that always act in our own enlightened self-interest. Even our motives are wrong. All our righteousness is as filthy rags (Is. 64:6) The Arminian tends to have a semi-Pelagian viewpoint which is very optimistic about human nature: We only have sick; There is a vestige of goodwill left in us, And we operate from a position of moral neutrality. The truth is that we are like leopards trying to change our spots or like Ethiopians trying to change our skin. (Jer. 13:23) Arminians seem to believe in the inherent goodness of man (an almost humanist philosophy that elevates man at God's expense), rather than the total depravity of man. They believe in "prevenient" grace whereby God prepares them to believe-- and everyone for that matter--but it is their own work. "For you have believed through grace...." (Acts 18:27; cf. Phil. 1:29 and 2 Pet. 1:1-3).

However,  God opened the door of faith for the Gentiles in Acts 14:27 and also "opened Lydia's heart to attend to the gospel." (Acts 16:14) They believe they are somehow more righteous because they believe and that their belief is righteousness--a Romanist doctrine. The verse Rom. 4:5 which says Abraham believed God and it was counted him as righteousness should be translated unto righteousness (Martin Luther did it right with "zur"); faith cannot be both the instrumentality or means of righteousness and righteousness itself. "For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Eph. 2:8-9). ("That" refers to the whole phrase as the antecedent, since it is the neuter case.)

Arminians essentially believe that we improve on God's grace by believing and doing Him the favor of the meritorious work of faith, which they don't believe is a gift. In essence, they cooperate with God in their salvation, rather than receive it by grace alone. Remember this: "Salvation is of the Lord." (Jonah 2:9) Salvation by sovereign grace and also by free will are mutually exclusive, you cannot have both. From our perspective, God is able to overcome our reluctance and make the unwilling willing. Soli Deo Gloria! That means we don't get ANY of the glory in our salvation.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Arminianism Basics

The Arminian believes that results speak for themselves and that in evangelizing what is important is to get decisions regardless of the quality (but Jesus was never interested in quantity over quality). God ordains the means as well as the ends. We should feel privileged to have the opportunity to work for God and pray and witness. God is omniscient because He knows all that could possibly be and could not be sovereign if He didn't. ("For who can resist His will?") God is omnipotent in that He can do anything He wills to do according to His plan. God is just in that He is no respecter of persons and everyone has the opportunity to respond to the light that they have.

God is loving in that He shows common grace to all and is good to all. Jesus had compassion on the crowd. But love is God's essence and everything He does is in love. He doesn't send people to hell; they send themselves. (The Arminian believes that some people desire to get saved while others have no such desire for God. This is hogwash because without grace no one would desire God--there's no place for merit.)

We were all enemies of God and God overcame our reluctance by irresistible grace and an effectual call. We are not any more virtuous by believing or it would be meritorious. (Rome has tried to make faith a meritorious work.)   Believing is the work of God. We don't conjure up our faith either, it comes by the hearing of the Word of Christ. We believe through grace and it was granted to us to believe.  Acts 18:27; Phil. 1:29) We can get with the program if we want to because God certainly can get His will done without us, but He has ordained that we are used for His glory. God is so omnipotent that He can melt any heart. The formula is: Melt me, Mold me, Fill me, Use me!

God can do anything that makes sense, anything He wants to and is concordant with His nature. The faux dilemma that asks if God can create a rock so big He can't move it is ridiculous. God loses either way. Logic says that both cannot simultaneously exist. God cannot stop being God; that would be going against His nature of sovereignty. Everything God does must work together with His other attributes. He is not a private party like we are that can be biased. This is the simplicity (He is never torn in two directions) of God and He never is in a dilemma! God is self-sufficient and doesn't need anyone, but He has decided to make His glory known and show his love.

John 7:17 says, "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know..." (and that is the key of sincerity). That doesn't guarantee salvation but, nevertheless, must be present to find God. He doesn't want to be found by triflers. ("God's chief quarrel with man is that he doesn't or cannot seek Him.")  But the wonder of His grace is that He found us and He was found by those who weren't even looking (cf. Is. 65:1).

No one is going to be able to say that they were on the wrong list. Because God gives everyone the opportunity and time to repent. The goodness of God leads to repentance. (Rom. 2:4) We wonder at the prosperity of the wicked, well, God doesn't want them to have any excuse! The Bible teaches both the efficacy of prayer and the sovereignty of God and so we have to affirm both. We are part of the plan! No one has an excuse with God. God has never left the world or the person without a witness (Acts 14:17).   Soli Deo Gloria!


Everything is determined in some respect by something. The question is whether our will is restrained or not in the process. If I do something to you that causes you to do something as a direct result, that can be a sort of determination. According to Jonathan Edwards, God is 100 percent sovereign and there are no "maverick molecules" in the universe, (Edwards says, "I like to ascribe absolute sovereignty to God"), to use an illustration. God never forces us to do something we don't want to do, though (that would be coercion or determinism), but He does influence us and let us act according to His plan. Like Joseph said, "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good." This is concurrence or the working together of our wills with God's ultimate will. The Pharisees were playing right into God's plan when they arrested Jesus and had Him crucified. So even the most dastardly act in history was foreordained by God.

"God is at work within you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure." (Phil. 2:13) We are moral beings responsible for our decisions, but things of a mere matter of taste or preference we are not. You are not going to die before your time even if you make a bad choice, like Chinese food and choking on it. A good Bible verse is Ps. 110:3 which says " Your troops shall be willing in the day of Your power." Col. 1:29 says God is mightily at work in us. Who made you prefer Chinese food? All our freedom means is that God doesn't force us to do something we don't want to do, but can change our nature and make us willing to do what He wants us to do.

Self-determination is at the heart of our will in this sense. No one can say, "I didn't make that decision!" We also reap what we sow (the law of the harvest) and God lets us suffer the consequences of choosing Chinese food if we don't know how to chew that well in our eating habits. God, of course, is free to intervene, but He doesn't have to (that would be mercy). The Westminster Confession states that everything that happens is God's ordained will or decree and that in allowing it to happen it has to be His will in some sense.

Wycliffe's tenet was that "everything comes to pass of necessity." It is fore-ordained to happen in God's divine decrees. God is both sovereign and we are free agents in the sense of having a will that makes choices. We make decisions on what seems best to us at the moment, all things considered. God manipulates the circumstance.

I'm not a fatalist, but I believe God's will must be done. There are different kinds of wills of God. The will of disposition is what God desires or what is pleasing to Him. He desires all to be saved in this sense. But God doesn't act according to this since all are not saved. God has a preceptive will, which we read about in the Bible. God also has a secret or decreed will which is none of our business. For instance, God never explained to Job why he as suffering. We do not have the ability to frustrate God and God is not so impotent that He cannot accomplish whatsoever He wills. God does what He pleases, both in the Heavens and on the earth (Ps. 135:6). This is one of the perks of being God--He can do as he wills. God is never frustrated in His will either.

I know I elaborated a little, but I don't think anyone understands the sovereignty of God, just like the Trinity or the glory of God. He is incomprehensible. The finite cannot penetrate the infinite. Nothing outside of us ever forces us to do anything we don't want to do. There is no effect without a cause! God is not an effect! (He is self-existent, has no history, and is not confined to time, matter or space, which He created.)