Christianity has been referred to as a religion, but to be accurate, it's a faith, because faith is essential to its schema of salvation and redemption; while Muslims don't put faith in Allah in the same respect but rely on their good deeds to earn merit; likewise for all so-called religions, which are really works-based salvation (all religions refer to salvation in some vein or aspect). Works are vital to our faith, but spring from it, and do not substitute for it. True faith will produce good fruit or good deeds as proof of its reality and that it isn't a mere profession or bogus, but saving and genuine, sincere faith.
If you compare the world's so-called great faiths, you will realize Christianity stands out as unique and it wouldn't fit the standard definition of religion at all. The concept of grace is unique to Christianity! It's a real insult to the Christian to say that he "got religion" to explain his conversion experience, which is a miracle of transformation and a change from the inside out, not a mere turning over a new leaf or making a resolution to change habits or vices! Any religion will do if all you want to do is mend your ways and some methodology of doing it; but Christianity alone gives the power to change and the motivation to do it; however, the change doesn't all come at once, the believer is a work in progress and God is working in him to perfect him into the image of Christ.
To compare: Religions are works based, and merit-oriented, and don't give any assurance or security to its adherents; Christianity, on the other hand, has both the assurance of salvation and the security in that state of grace; religion is, in general, knowledge of a creed, based on human achievement, and done in the energy of the flesh, giving man the glory; but Christianity is grace-oriented, and merit has no place in it, it is done by the power of God in us and is based on divine accomplishment; religion is a big to-do list and tells you what you must do, basically in a fear of disobedience (Islam is called the religion of the sword and Islam means submission); Christianity is about it all being done on our behalf by Christ on His finished work on the cross--it's a done deal or fait accompli!
It is no wonder that religion is characterized by doing good works because man is "incurably addicted to doing something for his salvation [Charles Swindoll quote]." But if we had to do a work, we'd mess it up, so it's a good deal that it's by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone! When Jesus was asked what work to do in John 6:29 He said that the work of God is to believe in the One whom He has sent. Anyone from the feeble-minded to the intellectual can have simple faith and get saved, because it's all by grace and the gift of God (cf. Acts 18:27; 2 Pet. 1:1; Rom. 12:3; Eph. 2:8-9; Phil. 1:29).
We Christians don't boast in ourselves or in our flesh, as if we did something, but boast in the Lord because of what He has done. We don't attempt to gain the approbation of God or to ingratiate ourselves with Him. We don't attempt to reach out to God and to strive to get in touch with Him reaching upwards; in contrast, God reached down to us and condescended to our level. It may be a surprise to know that only Christianity is based on history and facts (archaeology, history, and even science) that have yet to be disproved, though many have tried. Christianity is based on FACT, that no reasonable jury would object to if given the evidence for its case! Search for yourself: No so-called religion is based in historical fact--without the fact of the resurrection, there would be no Christianity! The Bible doesn't start out: "Once upon a time." Neither is it based in myth or unfounded, unsubstantiated stories without any evidence to corroborate them.
Religion is the best man can do and Christianity is the best God can do--it's too wonderful for words and it's not something we would've dreamed up or imagined. In a nutshell, religion is a do-it-yourself proposition and lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps; Christianity is about a transformed life and new beginning of an exchanged life, not just a reformation or change, and all this is accomplished by God, not in our own power of the energy of the flesh.
In sum, even in Christianity works play a role; we are not saved by them, nor without them, we are not saved by good behavior, but unto good behavior. We are saved unto good works according to Ephesians 2:10. In religion, though, you must do works legalistically, or do them out of necessity, for your salvation--i.e., in order to win God's favor; in Christianity, you are already saved--you are demonstrating your salvation by your deeds and you want to do them out of gratitude; therefore you please God, having gained His favor, not to gain God's graces--the motive and attitude changes; viva la difference! Religion can sanitize the soul; however, Christianity salvages it! Do you want to know a creed or a Person? Soli Deo Gloria!
If you compare the world's so-called great faiths, you will realize Christianity stands out as unique and it wouldn't fit the standard definition of religion at all. The concept of grace is unique to Christianity! It's a real insult to the Christian to say that he "got religion" to explain his conversion experience, which is a miracle of transformation and a change from the inside out, not a mere turning over a new leaf or making a resolution to change habits or vices! Any religion will do if all you want to do is mend your ways and some methodology of doing it; but Christianity alone gives the power to change and the motivation to do it; however, the change doesn't all come at once, the believer is a work in progress and God is working in him to perfect him into the image of Christ.
To compare: Religions are works based, and merit-oriented, and don't give any assurance or security to its adherents; Christianity, on the other hand, has both the assurance of salvation and the security in that state of grace; religion is, in general, knowledge of a creed, based on human achievement, and done in the energy of the flesh, giving man the glory; but Christianity is grace-oriented, and merit has no place in it, it is done by the power of God in us and is based on divine accomplishment; religion is a big to-do list and tells you what you must do, basically in a fear of disobedience (Islam is called the religion of the sword and Islam means submission); Christianity is about it all being done on our behalf by Christ on His finished work on the cross--it's a done deal or fait accompli!
It is no wonder that religion is characterized by doing good works because man is "incurably addicted to doing something for his salvation [Charles Swindoll quote]." But if we had to do a work, we'd mess it up, so it's a good deal that it's by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone! When Jesus was asked what work to do in John 6:29 He said that the work of God is to believe in the One whom He has sent. Anyone from the feeble-minded to the intellectual can have simple faith and get saved, because it's all by grace and the gift of God (cf. Acts 18:27; 2 Pet. 1:1; Rom. 12:3; Eph. 2:8-9; Phil. 1:29).
We Christians don't boast in ourselves or in our flesh, as if we did something, but boast in the Lord because of what He has done. We don't attempt to gain the approbation of God or to ingratiate ourselves with Him. We don't attempt to reach out to God and to strive to get in touch with Him reaching upwards; in contrast, God reached down to us and condescended to our level. It may be a surprise to know that only Christianity is based on history and facts (archaeology, history, and even science) that have yet to be disproved, though many have tried. Christianity is based on FACT, that no reasonable jury would object to if given the evidence for its case! Search for yourself: No so-called religion is based in historical fact--without the fact of the resurrection, there would be no Christianity! The Bible doesn't start out: "Once upon a time." Neither is it based in myth or unfounded, unsubstantiated stories without any evidence to corroborate them.
Religion is the best man can do and Christianity is the best God can do--it's too wonderful for words and it's not something we would've dreamed up or imagined. In a nutshell, religion is a do-it-yourself proposition and lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps; Christianity is about a transformed life and new beginning of an exchanged life, not just a reformation or change, and all this is accomplished by God, not in our own power of the energy of the flesh.
In sum, even in Christianity works play a role; we are not saved by them, nor without them, we are not saved by good behavior, but unto good behavior. We are saved unto good works according to Ephesians 2:10. In religion, though, you must do works legalistically, or do them out of necessity, for your salvation--i.e., in order to win God's favor; in Christianity, you are already saved--you are demonstrating your salvation by your deeds and you want to do them out of gratitude; therefore you please God, having gained His favor, not to gain God's graces--the motive and attitude changes; viva la difference! Religion can sanitize the soul; however, Christianity salvages it! Do you want to know a creed or a Person? Soli Deo Gloria!