About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

My Spiritual Journey

This is a first-hand account of my religious and/or spiritual pilgrimage, pitfalls and all, without glorifying the past--and sparing the details.   It's an example of a  believer who got his own way and ultimately learned to submit to God's will the hard way of "been there and done that."

I was baptized in California as an infant in a Lutheran church and the pastor was a friend of the family--we were corresponding for years.   I was also confirmed in childhood.  I can remember as a youth making a scrapbook of Jesus' life and my pastor showing it to the church, teaching vacation Bible school, and inquiring of my pastor whether I should go into the ministry.  I even went to Bible camp and believed I  knew the Lord mainly because I was fascinated with the book of Revelation (reading Billy Graham's book World Aflame), and then shared insights with my mom.

I recall no particular moment of surrender or spiritual awakening, but my faith was very important to me and I loved the Bible (I recall beginning the habit of underlining favorite verses).  I was a person of the Book as far as I can recall, even buying a children's Bible on my own.  My grandmother became very close to me and told me Bible stories.

I  made the big decision to dedicate my life to Christ in a Billy Graham crusade I heard on TV around my 15th birthday, and then got involved in a Seventh-Day Adventist Church Bible study.  Counseling with my pastor,  he told me to read  Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians.   I then proceeded to write a paper debunking the sect and defending the Lutheran faith.  I also found out I am not Sabbatarian.   I don't believe in "forsaking the assembly together of ourselves, as is the manner of some." But to affirm that  there are no "hard-and-fast rules" for the Sabbath Day."

I went to Augsburg College (a so-called Lutheran Christian college), and was exposed to "higher criticism"  and liberal theology, finding out I didn't know all the answers. With no more motive to study and being confused in my beliefs, I dropped out to do some soul searching and to find myself--wondering if my experience was to no avail.

Joining the Army and looking for love in all the wrong places, I heard a Billy Graham crusade again, only this time it was from South Korea; it was translated into Korean, so he had to go very slow and not being a good listener, it sunk in that I needed to repent, the missing link in my walk ("Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord," Acts 3:19; "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem, Luke 24:47").   I was under grave conviction of my sin and rededicated my life to Christ.   I called my mom and told her she will like the new me; she said she liked the old me!   It seemed like I had made this decision before, but this time it stuck. I had to get to the end of my rope before admitting my need.

Going back I hooked up with the Navigators and was mentored.  Once you've experienced it,  you want to pass it on; so I got the bug to witness.  Witnessing to a  friend, he got saved; we became bosom buddies and hung around together the rest of my stint--I could not have made it through without his companionship and fellowship.   I credit the Navigators for teaching me devotions, witnessing, Bible study, and the discipline of committing Scripture to memory.  Then I taught Sunday School while in Okinawa and made many Christian friends.

I matured in my doctrinal viewpoints and the first doctrine I became interested in was eternal security--I even wrote Billy Graham to ask him his stand.   I perceived that repentance is a continual attitude and not just a one-time event and that God grants it by grace.  I frown upon "cheap grace," which justifies the sin, and not the sinner, as it were; giving a license to sin.  I had thought you could sin as much as you want as long as you confess it!  Repentance is an about-face, in military terms, and "If we regard iniquity in our heart, the LORD will not hear us."  We must get a new attitude, change our mind about our sin.  We can be very bad sinners, but never too bad to be saved ("Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow....").

I became convinced of believer baptism and was officially dunked in the church--Dr. Johnson knew me and didn't give me a hard time.   I then shared my faith for the first time publically in the church, and had a personal revival and couldn't restrain myself--I had the "can't-help-it's" ( and I couldn't stop reading the Bible).  I was accused of living "under the influence.    And it was so strange that my mom committed me to the mental ward of the hospital for observation (they couldn't find anything wrong with me and released me).  I was accused of going overboard on my religion.   But I was scarred as a result and never got over it.  Afterward, I wandered the state of Texas flat broke, and went down to Mexico, and then committed myself to the VA.

Finally, I decided to move to Minnesota to live with my grandmother.  I gave my spiritual ambitions a rest and took up electronics and got a job at Honeywell troubleshooting torpedoes--I  wanted to pursue this as a career path.

Then I joined the Army again, but had issues with depression and wanted out,  and was given a medical discharge.  Later, I had many personal problems and found a girl who listened to me and fell in love--we were married for ten years.   During those years I was in and out of the mental hospital, being committed by my best friend, and then by my wife several times.  Once I spent 18 months in treatment, but, praise God,  have not had a relapse in over 20 years--but I do take medications,  and am under psychiatric observation, to be safe, considering my track record.

I thought my hope had perished from the Lord, and  I was destined for mediocrity.   I found a church  where I  could continue to grow  (I learned that one must keep the main thing the main thing and that the purpose of the universal, as well as the local church, is to evangelize and fulfill the Great Commission), and this church had a place for me to serve; however, I wasn't that dogmatic anymore.

Later, after a lot of studies, I started to be concerned about my beliefs  (I became cognizant of the deity of Christ in a real way, and realized the Proverb "without a vision, the people perish"). I knew I had to exercise grace toward those I disagree with, and not be judgmental;   putting Augustine's dictum into practice:   "In essentials unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity."

Since then I've had a meaningful relationship and friendship with my mom, who is not ignorant of doctrine, either--neither of us believes ignorance is bliss, and know our way around the block, theologically speaking.  We talk every day and usually have mutually edifying and lengthy fellowship; we are on the same page so we can bounce ideas off each other.

I am not a success in the world's eyes and haven't achieved the American dream:  But I believe what Mother Teresa of Calcutta says, "The Lord calls us to faithfulness, not success."  God isn't interested in our achievements; He's interested in us and our obedience--Isaiah says, "All that we have done [God] has accomplished for us," and Paul says, "I venture not to speak, but of what Christ has accomplished through me"  (Rom. 15:18).

Doctrinally speaking, I am a Calvinist who believes in the gifts of the Spirit--an oddity.  Sometimes we must agree to disagree, and not be disagreeable, contentious, divisive, or argumentative.   Even Paul and Barnabas disagreed and had to go their separate ways:  There are more important things than being right all the time--relationships--our faith is a relationship with a person, not a creed.  We must accept one another in love because we are "accepted in the Beloved" and always "speak the truth in love."

As far as doctrine goes, a good frame of reference for soteriology, the doctrine of salvation,  is important for witnessing and assurance of salvation.  Like they say,  "God said it in His Word, I believe it in my heart, that settles it in my mind."  I'm not what I ought to be, but thank God I'm not what I used to be! I now live an abundant life with a capital L and am seeking God's Kingdom first.

In summation, I am what I am by the grace of God, and am blooming where God has planted me.  My mission is to the vets, my ministry is my Bible study, and my avocation is blogging to the glory of God--I thank God for my church home!

My favorite Bible verses are as follows:

"Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep thy word" (Psa. 119: 67).
"He brought me out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps"   (Psa. 40: 2).  "Therefore, the LORD longs to have mercy on you, and He waits on high to have compassion on you" (Isa. 30:18).   "I know the plans that I have for you, says the LORD, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jer. 29:11).  "If thy Word had not been my delight, I would have perished in the way"  (Psa. 119:92).
"The LORD has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death"  (Psa. 118:18).

Most importantly:  "The LORD knows the way that I take, when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10).    Soli Deo Gloria!

Dissertation On Salvation

"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men"  (Titus 2:11, NKJV).

"Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart, as in the rebellion" (cf. Heb. 3:15).  God authored a plan of salvation:  "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"  (cf. Heb. 2:3).  "Behold now is the day of salvation" (cf. 2 Cor. 6:2).   God has a future for His people and offers them abundant life.  "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope"  (cf. Jer. 29:11).  "...I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly"  (cf. John 10:10).   God's kindness and goodness toward you is not leniency but meant to give you space to change.  "...Not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance"  (cf. Rom. 2:4).

But we are in a predicament and cannot realize God's plan.  We are totally, but not utterly depraved, which means you are as bad off as you can be and that every part of you is corrupt, even though you are not as bad as you can be. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"  (cf. Jer. 17:9).  We are a "sinner by birth, by nature, and by choice", according to  Chuck Swindoll.   "Indeed it is the straightedge of the law that shows us how crooked we are"  (cf. Rom. 3:20, Phil.).  We are "free but not freed," says Augustine, of Hippo.  We are free agents who are culpable and blameworthy and guilty, and all we can do is sin --we're guilty as charged ("non-posse non peccare," says Augustine [literally, "unable not to sin"]) period, case closed.

We cannot please God:  "We are like an unclean thing, and all our righteousness is like filthy rags"  (cf. Isa. 64:6).  We are in a no-win situation and cannot gain the approbation or approval of God no matter what we do--we cannot clean up our act or prepare ourselves for salvation, except admit we are unqualified.   "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23).  There is a great chasm, rift, or cleavage between us and God.  "But your iniquities have separated you from your God..."  (cf. Isa. 64:6).  Jonathan Edwards preached back during the Great Awakening in 1741 that we are  "sinners in the hands of an angry God" (cf. Deut. 32:35).   Furthermore, God doesn't hear our prayers as unbelievers:  "...Your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear" (cf. Isa. 59:2).  We are even blind to the truth of the gospel:  "Whose minds the god of this age has blinded..."  (cf. 2 Cor. 4:4).

We cannot clean up our act or get it together--don't get me wrong; we can come as we are to Christ, we just can't stay that way.  We are "by nature a child of wrath" and cannot reform ourselves enough to please God.   "Can an Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?  Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil?" (cf. Jer. 13:23).   "Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?"  (cf. Prov. 20:9).

There is an exit strategy:  Jesus comes to the rescue and shows a way out of our dilemma.  This is no "do-it-yourself" proposition, but God taking the initiative and paying the price we couldn't pay on our behalf.  "But God demonstrates His love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (cf. Rom. 5:8).  "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, all we like sheep have gone astray, and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all"  (cf. Isa. 53:5-6).  "Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us, and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross" (Col. 2:14). "For Christ suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God" (cf. 1 Pet. 3:18).  "For He made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us..."  (cf. 2 Cor. 5:21).   This is called the propitiation, atonement, and reconciliation and is what God did for us on the cross through His Son Jesus Christ, and what was needed for our forgiveness (sort of like paying the price with His blood per Lev. 17:11).

Christ died for "whosoever will" (cf. John 3:16) and no one who will do His will be left out (God calls everyone to hear the outward call of the gospel via preachers per Titus 2:11 noted above.  However, the offer of the inner call is to ""all whom the Lord our God will call"  (cf. Acts 2:39).  God does the wooing and actually compels us to come to Him with irresistible grace and an effectual call and we refer to as efficacious in its result.  "No one can come to Him unless the Father who sent Me draws him ..."  (cf. John 6:44).  This is called one of Christ's "hard sayings."  "No one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father"  (cf. John 6:65).  I am not offering religion to you, but a relationship and way of life. It is not "do" but "done."  "The just shall live by faith"  (cf. Hab. 2:4). It's a "done deal" and we cannot add to God's work, because Jesus said, "It is finished."

But the prerequisite to salvation is repentance by the grace of God or His unmerited and undeserved favor.  "... [God[ commands all men everywhere to repent" (cf. Acts 17:30).  Repentance is an about-face, a 180-degree turn, a turnaround, a change of mind and heart and action, a turning from sin toward God.  "Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord"  (cf. Acts 3:19).  "For godly sorrow leads to repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted..."  (cf. 2 Cor. 7:10).  God gives space and time to repent and is patient:  "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (cf. 2 Pet. 3:9).  God is being good for a reason--He wants repentance.

God grants repentance, so we should ask Him (cf. 2 Tim. 2:25).  "Then God also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life" (cf. Acts 11:18; cf. 5:31).  "...If perhaps, God will grant them repentance..." (cf. 2 Tim. 2:25).   True repentance always accompanies saving faith as the flip side. The combo is called believing repentance or penitent faith.  They are seen in juxtaposition in certain passages like Acts 20:21 and used interchangeably in others like Luke 24:47.    God puts a new man in the suit, not a new suit on the man!  We're changed from the inside out!

We must be regenerated or born again, or born from above.  Irresistible grace makes us willing on the day of salvation (cf. Phil. 2:13).  "Salvation is of the Lord' (cf. Jonah 2:9).  The Spirit regenerates like the wind blows where it wills (cf. John 3:8).  "Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh"  (cf. Ezek. 11:19, cf. Jer. 24:8).

We are at the mercy of God:  "...so then, it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy" (cf. Rom. 9:16).  Our destiny is ultimately in God's hands and we are not the masters of our fate or captain of our souls, God is in control.   We are born "...not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (cf. John 1:13).

You must have faith to be saved, for only faith pleases God, (cf. Heb. 11:6) and it is impossible to please Him without it.  Everyone has faith, they just have to exercise what they have; everyone has faith in something or someone.  We must have a  "heart belief" and not just a "head belief" or mere assent or agreement; it must involve the intellect, knowing the fact;, the will,  being obedient;  and the heart or emotions.  Real saving faith produces good works and if no fruit is present there is no faith.  The Reformers taught that we are "saved by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone."  Acts 26:20 says that we must bring forth the fruits of repentance (cf. Luke 3:8).

Faith is quickened within us and comes by the hearing and by the hearing of the Word of God (cf. Rom. 10:17).  "For by grace are you saved through faith [the instrumental means], and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."  "God has dealt to each a measure of faith" (cf. Rom. 12:3).  Peters epistle was directed "to those who have obtained like precious faith" (cf. 2 Pet. 1:1).  "This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He has sent" (cf. John 6:29; cf. Acts 14:27).

Doubt is a human problem, not just a Christian problem.  There is a doubt-faith continuum we all reside on.   Doubt is an element of faith, not its opposite and often resides with faith because no one knows all the answers or it would be knowledge.  "I believe, help thou mine unbelief." Perfect faith is nonexistent.   If left to ourselves, none of us would believe, and we are no more virtuous because we do:  "There but for the grace of God, go I," (George Whitefield).  God has poured out grace on His chosen ones:  "...as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed' (cf. Acts 13:48).  "He greatly helped those who believed through grace" (cf. Acts 18:27).

The general call is to all but God gives His invitation to whosoever will:  the poor, imprisoned, blind, and oppressed, according to Isa. 61:1.   The offer is not "swimming instructions for a drowning man, but a reprieve to a man on death row, who is guilt," ( Paul Little).  The invitation is as follows:  "Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat.  Yes, come buy wine and milk, without price" (cf. Isa. 55:1). "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness, I have drawn you" (cf. Jer. 31:3).  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life" (cf. John 3:16).

We must respond to the good news about Christ.  That He died for sinners (they must know this), that He was buried, and that He rose again (for us personally--to know He died is history; to know for us is salvation).   There is no place for cheap grace or peace or easy-believism that thinks we can be saved without surrendering to His ownership of our lives and lordship over us and live in the flesh after its desires. We must trust in Christ as Savior and submit to Him as Lord.  We must count the cost of following Him as Lord of our life.  "Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision; for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision" (cf. Joel 3:14).

The search for God begins at salvation and we cannot find Him but that He found us:  

 "Sow for yourselves in righteousness; reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you"  (cf. Hos. 10:12).   "But you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart" (cf. Jer. 29:13).  "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near" (cf. Isa. 55:6).

The three things we must do are as follows:

(1)   Admit our need that we are a lost sinner in need of salvation and alienated, estranged, or separated from God.

(2)  Believe in the gospel message that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again all on our behalf as a substitute.  This implies that He is God in the flesh or the incarnate God of the same essence as the Father--His Deity.

(3)  Confess Him openly before men as Lord, not being ashamed of Him, that He is the Lord and your personal Lord.  "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved"  (cf. Rom. 10:9).

Man is incurably addicted to doing something for his salvation, according to Charles Swindoll, but in a works religion you can never be sure and have the assurance of heaven.  Here is a simple sinner's prayer you might want to echo: 

Lord Jesus, I believe that you rose from the dead and died on my behalf as a lost and condemned sinner.  Come into my heart and reign as Lord of my life, as I commit to following You as a disciple in the fellowship of Your church.  I hereby repent of all known sin and desire to be changed by Your power and not to look back.  Amen [So be it! Let it be!].    This is not some magic formula to say but the condition and sincerity of the heart is paramount--only God sees this.

Now, a transaction has taken place and we should not confuse fact and feeling or works and grace.  God says it in His Word, I believe it in my heart, that settles it in my mind.  There are several verses of comfort and assurance

"Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool|" (cf. Isa. 1:18).

"But as many as received Him to them gave He the right to become the children of God, to those who believe in His name"  (cf. John 1:12).

If you have honestly (God doesn't ask for perfect, but unfeigned or sincere faith) trusted Christ for your salvation and have stopped trying to save yourself, you have accepted the gift of life eternal that begins now and goes on forever, forgiving your sins, past, present, and future.  Your salvation began in eternity, was realized in time, and is going to be consummated or fulfilled in heaven.  God erased the tape, as it were, gave you a clean slate, and doesn't recall your sins--they are deleted permanently. Look at the following verses:

Our position before Christ:
"As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgressions from us" (cf. Psa. 103:12).  "I am He who blots out your transgressions and will not remember your sins" (cf. Isa. 43:25).   "I have blotted out like a thick cloud your transgressions, and like a cloud your sins"  (cf. Isa. 44:22).  "....You have cast all my sins behind Your back" (cf. Isa. 38:17). "If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?  But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared (cf.Psa. 130:3-4).  "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more;'  (Heb. 8:12).

Assurance is up to the Holy Spirit:
 "The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God" (cf. Rom. 8:16).   But reassurance is found in Scripture, and we should stand on the promises of God and take Him at His Word.  "He fills us with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (cf. Rom. 15:13).  Simply find a verse that means something to you and gives you what you need to hear and cling to it as a spiritual birth certificate.  My favorite is John 6:37 saying, "The one who comes to Me I will in no way cast out [permanent salvation or eternal redemption]."The Word of God coupled with the testimony of the Spirit is our assurance (cf. Rom. 8:16). 

Some others are as follows:  "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand..."  (cf. John 10:27).  "And this is the testimony: That this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life... These things I have written to you that believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life:  (cf. 1 John 5:11,13).  My favorite is what Michael Faraday quoted when he died:  "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day"  (cf. 2 Tim. 1:12).   Soli Deo Gloria!

Indebted To Jesus!

Do you know that you owe
It all to the Lord Jesus!
When your goal loses your soul,
And you want a way out,
Remember He's near and saves ev'ry tear,
And your woes won't overflow His bowl.

When the fight is lonely as the night,
And you wonder where He is,
Remember all the same to praise His name.
So thank Him anyway,
For you He'll win, so don't lose by sin.
And if you pray, claim His fame.

The joy you'll share, knowing He's there,
Treading those paths ahead.
But let it glow, and you will grow,
To lighten the paths of sin;
But love is the way to make His day,
And loving the Lord will make them know.

Our God Of Love

"[And] to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God"  (Ephesians 3:19, ESV).

"This is how we know what love is:  Jesus Christ laid down his life for us..." (1 John 3:16, NIV).

"This is real love--not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins" (1 John 4:10, NLT).

God expressed His love in giving us His Son to die on our behalf--there isn't any greater love than to lay down your life for another.--God did it for us while we were His enemies!  Muslims, on the other hand, deny that God is a God of love, or specifically, that God is love, meaning that the essence of God is love, i.e., His defining attribute.  What do you say to someone who doesn't believe in love? The Word says that he who loves another has fulfilled the law, and we ought to love the brethren like Jesus loved us--sacrificially and faithfully.  Muslims believe that it's okay to hate people and even to murder in the name of Allah--the concept of love being the gift of God is foreign to them and their dogma.

This is how we know we are believers: by the love, we have toward one another, and the New Commandment Jesus gave was to love another like He loved us (cf. John 13:35).  As it is written:  "Herein in love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us!" (Cf. 1 John 4:10).   We cannot limit this love, for Jesus' love is beyond comprehension.--the finite cannot contain the infinite!  The love God showed to us can never be repaid, and we don't deserve it and didn't earn it--that's grace or love that condescends to our level.

This is how we know that we belong to Christ: by love, we have for one another.  Spread the word; the word is love!  Mother Teresa was right:  It doesn't matter what you do, but how much love you put into it!  Even Bertrand Russell, the famed British atheist philosopher-mathematician said,  "... What the world needs is more Christian love."  "We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19, NIV).  In fact, we only know what love is because God chose to reveal it in the giving of His Son, who laid down His life for us! (Cf. 1 John 3:16).  What expression of love in the Father calling us His children (cf. 1 John 3:1)!  It's not that we loved God, but that He loved us!

What we know from Scripture is that he who loves knows God--and love is the fruit of the Spirit--in fact the fruit (the other eight winsome graces of Gal. 5:22-23 are just manifestations of love in action).  Once you've experienced the love of God, you want to pass it on!  Just like you cannot disprove God, because it's irrational to prove a universal negative, you cannot prove there is no love in the universe, even if you say you don't believe in love!  Poor souls who've never experienced love and are therefore skeptics!  Love still objectively exists, regardless of whether one agrees with it or not--it just exists! The soul to be pitied is the one that is unloved by his fellow man or who never finds true love in life!  This is the ultimate sign that we are born again:  We have experienced love and know what love is on a personal level, not just second-hand.   The bottom line is that the worst insult one can receive is that the love of the Father does not dwell in him.

God, nevertheless, exists whether we affirm His existence or deny it as unbelievers.  The infidel has blind faith, not the believer because the believer has sound reasons to believe, and not knowing why you don't believe, or having no legitimate reason is blind faith.  There is ample evidence for those willing to do God's will, while there's never enough evidence for the hardened heart and stubborn skeptic. God and love can be distinguished, but not separated, since God is a God of love and God is love.  As Paul says in Gal. 5:6, NIV, "... The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Beloved, as John says, "... [Let] us not love [merely] with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth" (1 John 2:18, NIV).  In conclusion, I cannot but recall the cherished song by The Beatles:  "All You Need Is Love."    Soli Deo Gloria!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Proof For The Resurrection?

As John Stott so appropriately said, "We cannot pander to a man's intellectual arrogance, but we must cater to his intellectual integrity."

"God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures.  The Good News is about his Son.  In his earthly life he was born into King David's family line, and he was shown to be the Son of God when he was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit"  (Romans 1:2-4, NLT).  

The skeptic may be surprised that there is abundant, cumulative, circumstantial, and historical evidence to support the resurrection (let it make its total impact!), unless one has already made up his mind and doesn't want to be confused with the facts.  The Pharisees had  closed their minds already:  "This impostor said He would rise again!"  Jesus even predicted the event at least five times.   This is like the eggheads on Mars Hill in Acts 17:32, ESV:  "Now when they heard of  the resurrection of the dead, some mocked..."  Whether there is a resurrection, or whether Christ rose, is a matter of faith; out of the realm of public opinion, science, or philosophy.

The event in question is more variously supported by direct and indirect evidence than any other event in antiquity.  There is so much evidence that it demands a verdict!  Too many questions can't be answered by the skeptic.  There is never enough evidence for them--they don't want to believe and think it would upset their lifestyle or security.  Seekers and believers need to study the facts as any legitimate court of law would pronounce:  Jesus did indeed rise from the dead!  The historicity is well-established both circumstantially and in documents as written evidence.  You must realize that Christianity is the only faith-based on history and facts!

I invite you to venture out of your comfort zone and pay attention to the facts of the case point by point.  You are not required to have blind faith at all (not having reasons for it), but only to make a leap of faith based on the preponderance of the evidence and where it's going.  "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"  I hope you will see that you are not committing intellectual suicide by believing--but either way you decide, it takes faith (God is only pleased with faith per Heb. 11:6, NIV, which says, "And  without faith it is impossible to please God..."), but it takes more faith to deny it than to accept it!  I personally, don't have, enough faith to deny it!  I am glad that "his cruel death was not the end of Him," as John Stott has said.  He does live in my heart but that is highly subjective and based on my personal experience, and not hard objective evidence, but only personal testimony (which is still admissible in a court of law). 

The evidence is most compelling but no one fact is conclusive--it must be taken cumulatively, and there are answers to all the skeptics' questions, except where there is a God--there's no smoking-gun evidence either for or against it, and one must decide on one's own. This is the paramount question:  Have you considered the evidence?  God is no man's' debtor and will authenticate Himself if you consider the evidence.  The evidence is most compelling but no one fact is conclusive--it must be taken cumulatively, and there are answers to all the skeptics' questions, except where there is a God--there's no smoking-gun evidence either for or against this, and one must decide on one's own.  God is no man's debtor and will authenticate Himself if you consider the evidence.  This is the paramount question:  Have you considered the evidence?  The evidence is most compelling but no one fact is conclusive--it must be taken cumulatively, and there are answers to all the skeptics' questions, except where there is a God--there's no smoking-gun evidence either for or against this, and one must personally decide on one's own. 

If someone ever challenges you to prove the resurrection, you can cite manifold evidence that is well known: like the several alleged appearances of Christ over a period of 40 days (this cannot be explained by hallucinations, which are highly subjective and individualized); the change of behavior in the apostles (who had become disbanded, demoralized, and suddenly went from being cowards to roaring lions of the faith); the undisturbed grave clothes which show the body wasn't hastily stolen and Christ must have "passed" through them as John believed the moment he saw it and put two and two together, realizing no one would steel a body naked; the guarded tomb which was as secure as they knew how, because they were aware that He claimed to rise again on the third day (who moved the stone and the sepulcher was sealed and had a guard;  the early rise of the faith; why they changed the day of worship from the Sabbath to the Lord's Day;  how they turned the world upside-down; and most vital of all: the test of the veracity of the witness is that the were all martyred except John (one usually tells the truth and confesses on his deathbed)--they were all willing to go to their deaths rather than admit a conspiracy.  Lying would not be consistent with their character and witness, nor worthy of their Lord.  This was no idle tale" told by "consummate liars and deluded madmen" but supported by "many infallible ["convincing" in NIV] proofs" according to Luke cited in Acts 1:3, KJV.  

The resurrection is the Rock of Gibraltar or the crux of Christianity:  You must disprove it to make Christianity tumble, "And if Christ be not raised, your faith is futile..." says 1 Cor. 15:17.  The event doesn't prove Christ's deity, but is consistent or congruous with it, and only what we'd expect of a supernatural person who also had a supernatural entrance into the world via a virgin birth.  If the resurrection is true, it is the "most sensational event" in history, and if it is a conspiracy of deluded followers, it is the "biggest hoax" ever perpetrated on mankind, according to apologist Josh MacDowell.  The most challenging evidence is that the body was gone and the authorities and Jews could not produce it to nip the new faith in the bud.  The Jews believed that the disciples stole the body while the guards were asleep.  [There is no precedent in jurisprudence that allows the testimony of what transpired s during one's sleep!]  In spreading this rumor it both showed their ignorance and proved the fact that the body was gone! 

Now, this is the clincher:  the evidence against the resurrection is hard to come by:  there is none!  What evidence is there that He didn't rise from the dead--did anyone see the dead body?  There are no conflicting testimonies!  Only the presupposition that one cannot rise from the dead and bias in the first place would prevent belief.  Just saying, "I don't believe one can rise from the dead (not even God?)" is not evidence per se.  Science can say that in the normal activity of man this doesn't happen, but science cannot "forbid" this miracle or any other miracle or unusual event caused by God--this would be personifying science and going beyond its turf.  This is really "scientism," not science!  This is outside the scope or parameters of the scientific method and empiricism:  science relies upon the repetition of events and laboratory conditions with controls and variables to experiment with and measure and observe results to hypothesize and theorize.  History, by its very nature, is unrepeatable and it is a matter of the reliability of the documents.  If this happened normally we'd call them "regulars!'  Don't people often say, "There's a first time for everything?"

If Christ was God, it is no surprise that He rose from the dead--anyone with His character and credentials and made the claims He did is either a lunatic, a deliberate liar (and the disciples would've figured this out), or He was who He claimed to be--the Lord--The Resurrection and the Life in the flesh!  If someone lived like Jesus did and said what He said and claimed deity, I am inclined to believe it--or who did say those things?  NO psychiatrist would label Him unstable, but His claims would not escape the attention of the authorities either.  It is obvious, for instance, that His teachings are not the rantings and ravings of a madman either!  Lord Byron said,:  "If ever a man were God or God-man, Jesus Christ was both."

It is a matter of philosophy and history, not science or opinion: "For nothing is impossible with God [and one must decide whether he admits to there being a God in the first place] (cf. Luke 1:37, NIV)."  In order to be the judge and jury, in this case, you must weigh the evidence pro and con and go in the direction the evidence is leading:  Where does the preponderance of the evidence point to?  You don't need to know all the answers to decide, juries rarely have all the evidence or facts, but only sufficient evidence to render a verdict up or down.  To the hardened skeptic, there is never enough evidence, but to the willing believer who wants to believe and is willing to do God 's will there is ample evidence;  one cannot say he has an excuse due to lack of evidence.  He may have reason to doubt, but no excuse!  The skeptic has more questions to answer than the believer!

It is not a matter of the intellect because it is a moral matter and only those willing to obey God can believe (John 7:17, NIV, says, "If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God...").  It doesn't take brains to figure it out, because a child can believe; the heart of the matter is that it's a matter of the heart.  Your conclusion shows more what kind of person you are, not what kind of person Christ is. 

Let me conclude:  It is not a matter of the intellect because it is a moral matter and only those willing to obey God can believe (cf. John 7:1 says, "If any man wills to do His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God...").  It doesn't take brains to figure it out, because a child can believe.  The big question is where one's heart is and if it's in the right place.  You cannot disprove the resurrection by merely citing people fact that people don't normally rise from the dead; Jesus is not your typical person, but the Son of God with all the necessary credentials and witnesses. Every theory posited to explain it away has been proved beyond credence and unacceptable, because God can raise the dead: for with God, all things are possible, by definition (cf. Matt. 19:26; Luke 1:37; Gen. 18:14).  

Note and remember this point in fact:  science can not make value judgments or judgments of historical nature, because they are not observable, measurable, nor repeatable--have you ever seen five pounds of love or three feet of faith?    Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Spiritual Downward Spiral

   "'I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, For My anger has turned away from him"  (Hosea 14:4, NKJV).
"... Your sins have been your downfall"  (Hosea 14:1, NIV).  
"'... But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it" (Gen. 4:7, NKJV). 
"Indeed, the LORD will give justice to his people, and he will change his mind about his servants, when he sees their strength is gone"  (Deut. 32:36, NLT).
Christians don't turn on God and rebel suddenly, but slowly drift:  "So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it," (cf. Heb. 2:1, NLT)> 

Some believers don't march forward in their faith, nor even tread water, but go back as so-called backsliders. A walk with the Lord implies you are going forward and going someplace!  God can heal this phenomenon as He promises above in Hosea 14:4.  What happens to initiate such spiritual degeneration or descent?  Instead of progressing from degeneration to regeneration, some lose spiritual ground or territory by conceding it to Satan and giving him the opportunity and open the door to his mischief, and degenerate again, even becoming worse than they were at the beginning before they learn their lesson.  Like Jesus told of the unclean spirit that returned with seven other spirits eviler than itself!   One might ask himself:  how low can I go?

It all begins with a "disconnect" from God, whereby we aren't abiding in the Word and become spiritually slack and our laxity affects every area of our walk as we try to go it alone apart from the body that we are members one of another. There is always the danger of spiritual complacency, getting cocky spiritually, and thinking one has "arrived," and Satan may then catch him on a spiritual high, so to speak.  Everyone is vulnerable to the wiles of Satan and we must not be ignorant of them, for he specializes in mind-games and psychological warfare, and plays with our ego and pride.

When the Word has lost its pizzazz or we get so-called Bible fatigue, we must heed the spiritual wakeup call and seek the presence of the Lord and not become derelict of our spiritual calling to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him--discipleship can be demanding and we must not become lax!  This comes with the territory and we signed up for it.  This is why repentance and submission to God's will are not one-time spiritual events, but progressive as we go from faith to faith and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord.

Faith does seem to begin by waning or deteriorating and this will happen if it isn't fed by the Word of God. Growth needs nourishment!  What happens next is a doubting of God's goodness like Job and the believer asks why and when no answer is forthcoming he loses faith or breaks faith with God (however God is always faithful to us), but he never loses faith entirely or goes into utter despair--there's always a seed or minutiae of faith hanging on for life support.  

If the backslider persists in his rebellion he may become defiant and get angry at God and even throw a temper tantrum or have a fit to take it out on God Himself--when he should be angry at himself!  The reason he cannot recover so easily is that he may have spiritual inertia and cannot make the first move--God must make the overture and He will!  This is because of man's natural inclination to sloth or acedia and he is slack spiritually when he is estranged from God or out of fellowship--it takes a work of grace to restore him.

But backsliders have a tendency to commit spiritual suicide and sabotage their own spiritual health by having an aversion to the Word of God and balking at learning the things of God in depth, therefore they are wholly unprepared for the schemes of Satan.  The milk of the Word will not be sufficient to feed a seasoned believer through this so-called Anfectung (Martin Luther penned this word--German for "attack").   And he may find himself using yesterday's day-old food and leftovers for tomorrows meal, so to speak, and not realize he needs the unadulterated Word from the Lord to feed his soul, giving daily and timely growth and nourishment meant for that day (our daily bread)/   If he has not developed good devotion habits he may starve himself spiritually and die of spiritual malnutrition, as it were.  This is where the body of Christ comes in and acts like an organism, not an organization, to bring healing to those who confess (cf. James 5:16).    Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Authentic Worship

"Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name: worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness"  (Psalm 29:2, NIV).
"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD," (cf. Psalm 89:15, NIV). 
"But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of thy Israel" (Psalm 22:3, KJV).

God desires those who worship to do so in spirit and in truth (cf. John 4:24), and this implicates our whole being and that we do it in the right spirit, or filled with the Spirit, and in truth or not hypocritical, phony, or mere lip service--but also consistent with sound doctrine--God is the God of Truth!   We are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and this means everything that we are--our whole being!  It doesn't mean you be something you're not, but to be what God made you and do what you were designed to do. 

There's no "one-size-fits-all" way to worship:  some are traditionalists, seeking liturgy and ritual; some are musical; some caregiving; some activists; some contemplative; and some are even intellectual.  We are not all hard-wired the same, but we are all meant, designed, and made for worship.  Dostoevsky said, "Man cannot live without worshiping something."  That is, if we don't worship God, we will worship something; i.e., we will worship!  We've been called Homo religiosus, or the religious man or being.  We all have a spark of the divine in us and have been called Homo divinus (penned by John Stott) to point that out.

Worship (meaning worth-ship or ascribing worth that's due) isn't always corporate or in the church assembly--though this is highly rewarding and encouraging.  We offer ourselves to God or consecrate ourselves in surrender.  The believer must learn to live his life as a sacrifice to God and as a service to Him in offering himself.  God doesn't want our achievements--He wants us!   We don't want to just go through the motions, or get into a rut, but seek meaning and purpose in our worship.  We don't just go to church to worship--we go to work!  For example, A man laying bricks was asked what he was doing and he responded that he was building a chapel!  The condition of our soul and spirit is what is our aim, not just where we are. 

We are to keep the channel open and the link connected to God as we continually practice the presence of God in our daily chores and activities. Martin Luther proclaimed manual labor as dignified and to the glory of God.   All that we do is to be to God's glory (cf. 1 Cor. 10:31).  Living our lives in God's will is our sacrifice to Him, and this is our yoke, not the Law, as in the old covenant--this is real spirituality.  God wants our obedience in life and this is more important than being religious or having religiosity:  "To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams" (cf. 1 Sam. 15:22).

The reason we meet together for corporate worship though is that we all have different gifts and need mutual edification.  Like it says in 1 Cor. 14:26 (NIV) that when we meet together "everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation." The gifts are given for the benefit of the body as a whole, not just for our personal growth.  The point of corporate worship is that the singing of hymns and spiritual songs is not the only form of worship:  We worship in giving of our monetary blessings; we worship in the Lord's Supper as a memorial to Him that contemplate; we worship by heeding the preaching of the Word, and we worship by our fellowship with our brethren. 

By way of analogy, our entire lives are to be an act of giving or of worship and thanksgiving as we render to God His due and live according to His will and walk with Him in the Spirit.  Worship is sacrifice among other criteria:  There are two sacrifices that the Bible stresses, besides the ones given in the Mosaic Law:  The sacrifice of praise (cf. Heb. 13:15); and the sacrifice of thanksgiving (cf. Ps. 50:23).

In summation, Psalm 100:1, 3, 4 (KJV, boldface mine)  portrays the right mental attitude or formula for opening the door to the throne room of God into His dimension for spiritual worship as follows:  "MAKE a joyful noise ...  Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with thanksgiving, know ye that the LORD he is God ... Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful  unto him and bless his name." [Note that we worship in making noise (i.e., audible attention-getting devices), serving (missions, ministry), coming (approaching in prayer--corporate and private, and fellowship--corporate and one-on-one) to Him, offering praise, being thankful (in everything), and in giving blessings (to God and others).]   Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Divide And Conquer

"But avoid foolish disputes ... for they are unprofitable and useless"  (Titus 3:9, NKJV).
"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all..." (2 Tim. 2:24, NKJV).

The devil's chief strategy is to divide (or sever from Christ) and conquer (or overcome), while one of the most detestable sins, according to Proverbs 6:19, is to "sow discord among brethren."  Note that Satan doesn't conquer first, but attacks us when we are alone and vulnerable, knowing our weaknesses.  We are not called to build walls within the church (they may not be necessarily wrong, but they may just be unnecessary), or even in the community, but to make bridges that people may be invited and feel welcome to come to Christ through His body the church--being seeker-sensitive has its merits, as long as sound doctrine isn't compromised.

It is so easy and tempting sometimes to be judgmental, contentious, argumentative, and divisive and use our so-called knowledge as "ammunition" to go on the offense against our brethren, attacking their inner convictions.  Arguments often generate more heat than light and must be restrained.  We are called to be one in the Spirit in the church body (Eph. 4:3, NIV, says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace"), and we are exhorted to find commonality, not give place to the devil, as we give him an opportunity to divide us by opening the door.

Opinions are what you hold, while convictions hold you!  We must realize that we can "quench the Spirit," by being too opinionated and insisting on talking politics in mixed company because most Americans hold to their political views just as firmly as their faith--discretion is the key, as well as common sense and sensitivity.  The American axiom "Don't discuss religion or politics" is sometimes good advice. as we realize there are a time and manner for every purpose under heaven (cf. Eccl. 3:1). We are called to avoid "ungodly controversies," but there are some godly controversies that are worth showing our Christian colors for, and standing up for what we believe in: these are the nonnegotiable or nonessential doctrines of our faith and we must never give the devil an opportunity to take any ground here.

We must never compromise with the devil, but make sure we know what we believe and can be dogmatic about.   As an example, never compromise about the deity of Christ!  But many times some insensitive person may decide that a party is the time and place to vent his feelings on the president and unknowingly causes division and kills the party spirit by his callous remarks--we are to be sensitive and be led by the Spirit.

It is a sad commentary on our society that we have a political atmosphere that is polarizing and has even succeeded in separating families and brothers, like no time since the Civil War, when brother often fought against brother in some border states.  As Christians, we must be tolerant of others and not because we deem all faiths and political persuasions to be equally valid and that no one can be right as a consequence, but we must learn to get along and to keep the peace as much as possible, remembering that "blessed are the peacemakers," if there is discord that we get drawn into as either part of the solution or part of the problem.

The key to patience with others and keeping the peace as much as possible in order to understand where they are coming from (to walk a mile in their moccasins) before judging them, which we should not do according to political stance--we have to agree to disagree sometimes and realize that there are gray areas and we cannot be dogmatic on all politics!  Showing a lack of patience is a sign of insecurity and of not knowing that knowledge can make one arrogant, while love is what edifies one (cf. 1 Cor. 8:1).  Finally, we are to note the divisive brother who brings the church into disharmony and disunity, and warn him and then avoid or shun him, that he may learn his lesson--for instance, a church is not the place to have a political showdown or debate!     Soli Deo Gloria! 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Genuine Abundant Life In Christ...

Christ promised a "more abundant life" or "life to the full [the max]" in John 10:10, but few believers achieve it or find this new life in Christ; they live defeated lives battling Satan and enslaved to sin and self, even their pet sin (cf. Psalm 18:23; 19:12-13), and haven't had victory over the sin which easily entangles them (cf. Heb. 12:1), so as to move on to inner fulfillment and meaning as a believer doing God's will--as we're wired to do.  Being set free is the most rewarding experience as a believer and we gain power over our sin.

The abundant life is not about having more material goods, or even achieving the so-called American dream, or necessarily anything money could buy--Paul had it all (this life) and look at how he suffered!  Jesus made the promise that if we "seek first his kingdom and righteousness," that "all these things shall be added unto [us]" (cf. Matt. 6:33).  But what did he mean?  Jesus never promised to meet our so-called felt-needs or wants, but only our needs (cf. Phil. 4:19) as God sees them to do His bidding and will--for we shall never lack God's resources to do God's will (cf. 2 Cor. 9:8)!

Dismiss the materialistic Christian who believes that the man who dies with the most toys wins! Jesus advised against storing up "treasures in this world" (cf. Matt. 6:19)!  Material blessings are not evil per se, if they are God's will, though; however, A. W. Tozer wrote a book about the "blessedness of possessing nothing."  Actually, Corrie ten Boom also found out we are richer when we hang on to things "loosely" and realize God is the owner, and we are only stewards of everything as a gift on loan from God (we are actually on borrowed time too!)--Psalm 31:15 (NIV)  says, "My times are in your hands...."

There is a greater gratitude in the fewness of possessions (whereof we are now content to have little or much per Phil. 4:13; cf. Psalm 84:11), and a joy in giving, for it's "more blessed to give than to receive" (cf. Acts 20:35).  God just wants us to cultivate a debt of gratitude and to be thankful in all circumstances, though not for evil itself, the opportunities it brings and that God trusts us with the trial to overcome it--for all faith must be tested as if by fire.

Now, what is the abundant life?  It is the appreciation of life and the little things as the gift from God, and all it entails.  You find new fondness and excitement in the mundane, and also the fortitude to endure trials and the endurance and ambition to work hard and not be lazy because you have a purpose in what you're doing.  When you look at the sunset, or the wonder of the stars at night, or the beauty of a rose, will you scorn their Creator?  Creation is filled with things to put us in awe and have to reverence God for His wonders and mysteries.

The believer who has an abundant life will find joy in the little things, like a portrait of a dear one, a piece of art on a canvas, or even in nature, such as the beauty of a tree, that only God can make.  Everything seems to have meaning and gives the opportunity for serving God and finding joy and delight.  Remember how Paul rejoiced even while in prison (cf. Phil. 4:4, says to "rejoice in the Lord always")--the fruit is that you want to share it!

This joy is an inner sense that no one can take away, and doesn't depend upon happenings, like happiness does, but is Christ-centered and has purpose.  Christians who have a purpose and know-how God uses them and offer themselves to God are the most joyful ones--for a believer that isn't a servant is a contradiction in terms--even Christ came to serve (cf. Mark 10:45). We ought always to be abounding in the work of the Lord and to aim to please Him, our Master. If we are willing to do His will, He will show us what it is and give us the opportunity to do it and we will find purpose.  Second Peter 1:10 (NIV) says that we ought to "make [our] calling and election sure" and this is the first step to finding purpose as a believer (everything to live on--nothing to live for!).  NB:  Christians are spiritually alive as well!

The key is that we are meant to find joy worshiping, and even in the little things--that money can't buy, especially relationships, i.e.,  fellowship (we use things and relate to and love people, not vice versa).  We see God at work in the world and what man can to do with God's will and a purpose, so he's a man on a mission!  Beware: "prosperity theology," or false teachers who tell you to cash in on Christ now, and if you don't have the so-called American dream or material prosperity and success, that you are missing out and are sub-par--who have missed the boat and the cut spiritually, and fall short.  Many things, such as appreciation of fine art; music; peace of mind; knowing forgiveness; having purpose, drive, fulfillment, and meaning in life--these cannot have a price tag on them and are priceless!

The conclusion of the matter is that to be a "vessel of honor" and be used by God for His glory is the greatest joy one can experience, and this is not something experienced apart from the abundant life in Christ.  There is comfort and joy knowing that Christ will never leave us nor forsake us (cf. Matt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5) and anoints us for His work.  Let us have this simple prayer:  Lord, melt me; mold me; fill me, and use me! There's a caveat to all believers:  Do you appreciate the things God does give you, before asking for more, and are you a good steward of God's resources--relationships, time, talents, spiritual gifts, opportunities, energy, and money?

Here's the ultimate question:  Are you hard to please?  And so, in short, the abundant life to be experienced is the exchanged, surrendered, and yielded life (cf. Gal. 2:20) with Christ living through us as we yield to His promptings and will--the more enslaved to Christ, the more joy and freedom in Christ!  The platitude is still valid: It's not how much of the Spirit you have, but how much of you He has!   Soli Deo Gloria! 

A Profile Of Jesus

"If God were a man, we would expect His personality to be true humanity.  Only God could tell us what true man should be like. Certainly there are forerunners of piety in the Old Testament models.  Foremost must be a complete consciousness, coupled with complete dedication and consecration of life to God.  Then, ranked below this, are the other virtues, graces and attributes that characterize perfect humanity.  Intelligence must not stifle piety, and prayer must not be a substitute for work, and zeal must not be irrational fanaticism, and reserve must not become stolidity."--Bernard Ramm   

"In Christ we have the perfect blend of personality traits, because as God incarnate, he is perfect humanity." --Paul Little, Know Why You Believe, John Schaff describes Him as follows:

"Jesus' zeal never degenerated into passion, nor his constancy into obstinacy, or his benevolence into weakness, nor his tenderness into sentimentality.  His unworldliness was free from indifference and unsociability or undue familiarity; His self-denial from moroseness; His temperance form austerity.  Hie combined childlike innocence with manly strength, absorbing devotion to God with untiring interest in the welfare of man, tender love to the sinner with uncompromising severity against sin, commanding dignity with winning humility, fearless courage with wise caution, unyielding firmness with sweet gentleness!" 

He washed the disciples' feet, yet claimed to be the Judge of the world.  Though He claimed deity, He never showed aloofness or arrogance, but was humble and came to serve, not to be served (cf. Mark 10:45).    Scholar John Schaff again portrays Christ:

"This Jesus of Nazareth without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Muhammad and Napoleon; without science and learning, he shed more light on matters human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of schools, he spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, he set more pens in motion and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times."

His personality shows no sign of mental aberration, chemical imbalance, or illness, according to Dr. Gary R. Collins, a clinical psychologist and chair of the psychology division at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, who says there are a "variety of proofs.  Among them are these: His teaching was impeccably moral and consistent with His claims; He demonstrated the gamut of human emotions;  He was "never paranoid"; "He understood human nature"; "He never demonstrated inappropriate emotions"; He had meaningful, "healthy," multiple, "close personal relationships"; No one could accuse Him or convince Him of sin! He was the Exemplar without a flaw;  "He spoke clearly, powerfully, and eloquently;" His fame and claims didn't go to His head and give Him a "bloated ego;" His sermons were not the rantings and ravings of a madman; He was a mystery--if He were a deceiver, liar, lunatic, or deceived Himself, the disciples would've figured it out by living with Him three years in close contact; and finally, He challenged His enemies to convince Him of sin (cf. John 8:46).

He was the most outstanding personality of all time:  not to be surpassed or improved upon by either predecessor nor disciple; the greatest leader in history; He did the most good for mankind; He was the greatest teacher; He lived the holiest life; He was the best example for mankind; He was the greatest moral teacher, guide, and incentive to morality; He had the biggest impact on history.  And His cruel death was not the end of Him.  Calling Him the greatest man who ever lived doesn't do Him justice or saying Jesus the Great!   You don't compare Him, you contrast Him!  He is simply God's last word to man and all we need to know of God!

C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, writes:  "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher.  He would either be a lunatic--on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg--or else he would be the Devil of Hell.  You must make your choice.  Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse."  He goes on:  "The discrepancy between the depth and sanity of His moral teaching and a diagnosis of rampant megalomania" are patently incompatible.    

No one can peg Jesus, put Him in a box, nor adequately describe Him nor figure Him out (cf. 2 Cor. 9:15), but whatever is perfect is what He demonstrated, and what He lived out was perfection personified.  He cannot be improved upon!  He demands worship, not admiration, discipleship, not study!   Soli Deo Gloria!