"The Christian belief system ... is relevant to all of life." --Carl F. H. Henry
History is a grand narrative or "Big Story" written by the Great Storyteller--God! It has a purpose, meaning (hence an Ultimate Mind), and significance; it's going in a direction (hence a Director) that will be consummated at the Second Coming of Christ. It seems to repeat itself or be cyclical (but it's linear) because we often don't learn the lessons of history and are condemned to repeat it because of our ignorance. History is not bunk, but worthy of study and totally relevant to our day. We ought to be careful not to interpret persons involved in history as if they lived in the modern era; for instance, Lincoln may have seemed like a racist in today's political correctness.
The important lesson to learn is that no one can claim history is over and they have achieved victory until Christ returns! Any such claim is premature and presumptuous gloating and assumes that God doesn't also punish and have reasons for allowing events to transpire which we cannot comprehend. "Philosophers have only interpreted the world differently; the point is, however, to change it." --Karl Marx
All of history can be seen in the light of good and evil and these forces in timeless, linear conflict from the day Adam took of the proverbial apple and decided on his own plan, desires, wisdom, rules, standards, approval, discernment, and way. The Way of Christ is not one of many ways to understand history, nor the best way, but the only way! The only system of thought Christ will fit into is the one where He is the starting point, according to Athanasius.
All of history can be seen in the light of good and evil and these forces in timeless, linear conflict from the day Adam took of the proverbial apple and decided on his own plan, desires, wisdom, rules, standards, approval, discernment, and way. The Way of Christ is not one of many ways to understand history, nor the best way, but the only way! The only system of thought Christ will fit into is the one where He is the starting point, according to Athanasius.
Where you begin determines where you'll end up! As Carl Henry said, we must live in light of eternity and realize Christianity is relevant to all of life's academic disciplines and making sense of reality; for Plato said that in order to know how to live in reality, one must know what God is really like! Some may object that it's illogical to begin with an unproven premise and claim a certain conclusion; however, atheists begin with an unproven universal negative and don't reckon that all knowledge is contingent and begins in faith.
When doomsayers say we are headed toward Armageddon we must be skeptical and not set dates, but realize that His Parousia is always imminent ("... this is the last hour..," cf. 1 John 2: 18, NIV) and we must always be ready to meet our Lord regardless. We must learn "to interpret the times" per 1 Chron. 12:32 and fly our Christian colors, even daring to be Daniels in this day and age of Secular Humanism that wants to dethrone God and deify or exalt man, making a name for themselves at God's expense. We cannot solve our problems by ourselves but need God's intervention. History will march on with or without us and God's purposes will prevail with or without our contribution or cooperation. No political party can claim final victory as if history doesn't march on and times they are a-changing.
What we can do in our setbacks is to take inventory and do a spiritual checkup and evaluate our stands to see if they align with God's will and worldview--for we all must be willing to admit that we could be wrong or we'll never arrive at the truth, willing to go where the evidence leads. We must not close our minds and refuse to see other viewpoints when we don't understand. But God can give discernment to determine good from evil. Christianity is a historical faith or it's nothing!
You might say that it's not over till it's over or until the fat lady sings! We must not be presumptuous that the tide won't turn the other way just as they say that what goes around comes around--God balances things out in the end and works it all for His glory (cf. Eph. 1:11). That's why it's important to be gracious, not vindictive in treating others. When Lincoln was asked how he'd deal with the South after the Civil War, he said he'd handle them as if they never left the Union! ("With malice toward none, with charity toward all....") We must never get discouraged as if we don't believe God is in control of history and actually micromanages every event--He orchestrates all of history to go in His favor.
God is not like the God of Aristotle "who reigns but doesn't rule" (like the sovereign of the UK) but He actually is in full control and sovereign without any maverick molecules in the entire cosmos--God leaves nothing to chance (cf. Prov. 16:33) and there are no flukes in nature or history. God's sovereignty isn't limited by our freedom! The God Einstein conceived was more accurate: "God doesn't play dice with the universe"
The Christian conception of history depends upon the objective veracity of Scripture and the reliability of its subjective experience in believers. History, or time, had a beginning (hence an Author and Creator), is going in a direction (hence a Director), and will reach a conclusion or ending point at the climax of Judgment Day. In four words history is described as creation, fall, redemption, judgment!
When doomsayers say we are headed toward Armageddon we must be skeptical and not set dates, but realize that His Parousia is always imminent ("... this is the last hour..," cf. 1 John 2: 18, NIV) and we must always be ready to meet our Lord regardless. We must learn "to interpret the times" per 1 Chron. 12:32 and fly our Christian colors, even daring to be Daniels in this day and age of Secular Humanism that wants to dethrone God and deify or exalt man, making a name for themselves at God's expense. We cannot solve our problems by ourselves but need God's intervention. History will march on with or without us and God's purposes will prevail with or without our contribution or cooperation. No political party can claim final victory as if history doesn't march on and times they are a-changing.
What we can do in our setbacks is to take inventory and do a spiritual checkup and evaluate our stands to see if they align with God's will and worldview--for we all must be willing to admit that we could be wrong or we'll never arrive at the truth, willing to go where the evidence leads. We must not close our minds and refuse to see other viewpoints when we don't understand. But God can give discernment to determine good from evil. Christianity is a historical faith or it's nothing!
You might say that it's not over till it's over or until the fat lady sings! We must not be presumptuous that the tide won't turn the other way just as they say that what goes around comes around--God balances things out in the end and works it all for His glory (cf. Eph. 1:11). That's why it's important to be gracious, not vindictive in treating others. When Lincoln was asked how he'd deal with the South after the Civil War, he said he'd handle them as if they never left the Union! ("With malice toward none, with charity toward all....") We must never get discouraged as if we don't believe God is in control of history and actually micromanages every event--He orchestrates all of history to go in His favor.
God is not like the God of Aristotle "who reigns but doesn't rule" (like the sovereign of the UK) but He actually is in full control and sovereign without any maverick molecules in the entire cosmos--God leaves nothing to chance (cf. Prov. 16:33) and there are no flukes in nature or history. God's sovereignty isn't limited by our freedom! The God Einstein conceived was more accurate: "God doesn't play dice with the universe"
The Christian conception of history depends upon the objective veracity of Scripture and the reliability of its subjective experience in believers. History, or time, had a beginning (hence an Author and Creator), is going in a direction (hence a Director), and will reach a conclusion or ending point at the climax of Judgment Day. In four words history is described as creation, fall, redemption, judgment!
When Christ died on the cross and rose again, this was the most important event in all of history and it's the turning point, and it's evidenced by many infallible proofs (cf. Acts 1:3). By definition, "history is the unfolding of God's ultimate, redemptive plan for mankind in real time" as God entered it in the person of Jesus Christ saving man from himself, sin, death, Satan, and God's wrath.
In the meantime, we need not get nearsighted and miss the forest for the trees but realize God is at work in mysterious ways that we know not! The plot goes on! The plot thickens! But we must never jump ship or bail out and give up on God who will work it out at the end of time, and we will be glad we're on the right side of history! Meanwhile, we may need to remove ourselves from the events and not get so personally involved, to see things in proper perspective. Our worldview determines what kind of handle we get on current events. "God does not play dice with the universe." --A. Einstein
One may view history erroneously because he's too involved and time will tell as God makes course corrections--it's like the swing of a pendulum with man overreacting and not being informed to act rationally; being rash always brings error (we must be removed and objective enough to rightly interpret--hindsight!). History by its very nature is nonrepeatable and therefore not subject to empirical investigation or analysis (in the domain of scientific inquiry)--one's religion and philosophy enter into the equation. In short, history is meaningful (hence a Mind).
CAVEAT: DON'T GET TUNNEL VISION AND FOCUS ON THE HERE AND NOW! "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him" (Col. 1:16B, MSG); "... who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will" (Eph. 1:11, NIV). NB: Christ's coming changed the course of history!
Christianity is a historical religion OR IT IS NOTHING! It's historicized and never proven otherwise by archaeologists and if dehistoricized, it's fully discredited. But the Bible "has more marks of authenticity than any profane history." --Sir Isaac Newton We can be thankful our God is the God of history and has the whole world's story in His hands. One could easily posit the Bible as the best book on history ever penned by man. And never lose track of the fact that God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Finally, history looks forward to the consummation of the Second Coming and we don't have to know the future's details, but we know who holds the future!
In the meantime, we need not get nearsighted and miss the forest for the trees but realize God is at work in mysterious ways that we know not! The plot goes on! The plot thickens! But we must never jump ship or bail out and give up on God who will work it out at the end of time, and we will be glad we're on the right side of history! Meanwhile, we may need to remove ourselves from the events and not get so personally involved, to see things in proper perspective. Our worldview determines what kind of handle we get on current events. "God does not play dice with the universe." --A. Einstein
One may view history erroneously because he's too involved and time will tell as God makes course corrections--it's like the swing of a pendulum with man overreacting and not being informed to act rationally; being rash always brings error (we must be removed and objective enough to rightly interpret--hindsight!). History by its very nature is nonrepeatable and therefore not subject to empirical investigation or analysis (in the domain of scientific inquiry)--one's religion and philosophy enter into the equation. In short, history is meaningful (hence a Mind).
CAVEAT: DON'T GET TUNNEL VISION AND FOCUS ON THE HERE AND NOW! "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him" (Col. 1:16B, MSG); "... who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will" (Eph. 1:11, NIV). NB: Christ's coming changed the course of history!
Christianity is a historical religion OR IT IS NOTHING! It's historicized and never proven otherwise by archaeologists and if dehistoricized, it's fully discredited. But the Bible "has more marks of authenticity than any profane history." --Sir Isaac Newton We can be thankful our God is the God of history and has the whole world's story in His hands. One could easily posit the Bible as the best book on history ever penned by man. And never lose track of the fact that God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Finally, history looks forward to the consummation of the Second Coming and we don't have to know the future's details, but we know who holds the future!
In sum, the plot thickens and history marches on by God's intervention: creation, fall, redemption, judgment, heaven or hell. Soli Deo Gloria!