About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

What Is More Important To You, Faith Or Proof? ...

Note the facts that knowledge need not be 100 percent certain and all knowledge is contingent or based on faith are common philosophical truth claims. By definition, knowledge is justified, true belief. Proof need not be perfect but it must be convincing evidence or a reason to believe something not a mathematical type of proof and faith is simply trust in what you have a good reason to believe.

 I see this as a false dichotomy. You can have faith and proof and God doesn’t expect us to kiss our brains goodbye to commit intellectual suicide or to have blind faith (without evidence). If you put God to the test and demand your kind of proof before you believe, He will not accommodate you. God needs not to prove Himself to anyone and has given all the evidence necessary in the Bible. Note: evidence isn't always definitive, compelling, objective, or authoritative.

How do you define faith and proof? Faith can be seen as trusting in what you have good reason to believe and knowledge in action; what’s wrong with that? Everyone has faith in something; faith in science is still faith. You can have faith in yourself and your own reasoning. All knowledge is contingent and begins in faith with some presupposition that cannot be proved, even in math. Proof and evidence are often used interchangeably. Proof can be seen as just an argument or reason to believe: evidence. The apostle Luke said that there “were many infallible [or convincing] proofs” for the resurrection and he was a doctor and must have known something about proof.

There are many philosophical arguments for the existence of God, for example, but you cannot either prove or disprove God beyond a shadow of a doubt; there's no “smoking gun” evidence either way and both theists and atheists are persons of faith. No amount of evidence would make you believe without any possible doubt either way. There is never enough proof or evidence for someone who doesn't want to believe something, even in religious matters.

Note: there are different categories of evidence such as in law, science, philosophy, history, and literature. In science, something isn't held as true unless it is demonstrable and observable (repeatable and measurable); these types of evidence don’t hold water for metaphysical matters and go beyond the parameters of the scientific method. In a court of law, truth (it must be beyond a reasonable doubt, not all doubt), is by oral and written testimony and considered evidence. In history, for example, corroborating texts and artifacts are considered evidence. No one can not believe in God, for instance, due to the lack of evidence of seeing all the evidence in nature and God says no one has an excuse and that this is plain to see.

If God Is Perfect, Why Isn't Creation?

 He could’ve created a universe without sin, but then there could be no love and ultimately no free will or choice to obey or disobey God. Evil was once good and is a perversion, distortion, or parasite of good. When God did create everything, He did say, “It was very good.” But God couldn’t grant us free will or choice and then prevent us from using them to disobey or hate Him. Love and obedience must be voluntary and a choice. So God inevitably created the possibility of evil.

As far as the fact that everything cannot be perfect, that is hard to define since perfection involves immutability and eternity (it cannot improve or need improvement, nor change for the worse). Note that this world is only a staging area for eternity and heaven will be perfect, and no sinners will be there or it would no longer be perfect. This world is temporary and a test or trial for the next. Even hell will be perfect: perfect justice.

What’s more, nature is always in a state of flux! You never step into the same river twice! Only God cannot change and is immutable and unchangeable in nature or attributes. Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow! We will always be in need of improvement and always on a learning curve. God’s knowledge is perfect—past, present, future—all things logical and possible. We are confined and limited to the time-space continuum but God is immaterial and spirit.

Only God can be perfect and He could not create another God and creation by definition isn’t perfect because it was created and perfection implies being uncreated or eternal without beginning,. But there can only be one Supreme Being who is Almighty in the same reality or cosmos. The closest we see to perfection in this life is Jesus because He is the Son of God and without human flaw—-sinless,

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Do You Have Potential To Become A Rock?

"The LORD lives and blessed be my Rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation,"(cf. Psalm 18:46). For starters, there is one Rock who is Christ (cf. 1 Cor. 10:4) but we can become rock-like like Peter.  Jesus saw potential in Simon and after his declaration of faith, renamed him Peter to be like a rock.  You've heard it said that no man is a rock or "no man is an island," (John Donne) but some people do have the steadiness of faith to encourage others and to be especially independent and able to be a light to others, to be a leader of men, a mover, and shaker.  Also, we must strive to be strong.   But that's the point;:  We all have unrealized potential and the ability to be a Daniel to stand alone or to be a David to be a man after God's own heart or to fight like he did or to be bold a prophet like Elijah. What we are in actuality or achievement and what we can become or have the potential for are not the same. 

God does give us opportunities but many of us squander them and waste the grace of God,  even frustrating it.  Peter was an ordinary fisherman who probably had no special ambition but Jesus saw something He could work with--a brazen even impetuous personality that God could use for His purposes.  What we are in actuality and what we can become potentially are two different things.  Some people just require extra grace and God is able to make grace abound even to the chief of sinners, Paul. Paul said that he would speak of nothing but what Christ accomplished through him (cf. Romans 15:18).  Remember we have nothing but what we have received by grace and what we do with it is our gift back to God. Even our righteousness is God's gift to us, not our gift to God.  

Peter was brave but he overestimated himself and underestimated the wiles of the devil to tempt or test his grit and faith. At one moment Jesus commended him, the next it seemed he was being rebuked!  But when it was showtime, Peter's love for the Lord endured and Jesus knew that if He reinstated him and forgave him for his denials, he would be all the stronger: "When you have been restored go and strengthen the others.  

We all must reach the faith of Peter ot be saved; i.e, knowing who Jesus is in reality and not believing in another Jesus. But we must not judge him, for when it counted, he showed faith and was faithful after realizing the truth.  We too can be guilty of putting our foot in our mouth and speaking first and thinking later Peter made all the mistakes we probably would've made: bragging or boasting, trying to impress, correcting the Lord, speaking blasphemy, being confronted for our testimony, and being ashamed or embarrassed, even denying our Lord; there but for the grace of God go us!  None of us are above these except for the grace of God.

In fact, grace is what sums up his life because it shows what God can do to a willing believer.  Peter actually came to the point to realize that Jesus was using him and didn't need him but that he should consider it an honor. Jesus went through the trouble to reinstate Peter three times because he had denied Him three times.  We are all too familiar with the flaws of Peter, but they are ours too.  It wasn't Jesus but Peter who had to be reassured of his love for the Lord and to verbalize it and confirm it with words. Jesus tested his faith after the resurrection by asking him to fish on the other side of the boat, contrary to his reasoning, but he obeyed simply because it was the Lord who told him to. This even hurt his pride as a professional fisherman, but he still obeyed. There is a direct correlation between love and obedience,  Peter had proven his love but needed reassurance. 

Before we judge Peter, we must realize he walked on water and was the first to realize the identity of Jesus as God's own  Son. It was for this declaration of faith that Jesus made him a leader in the church despite the fact that Paul rebuked him for playing politics with the Jews and the party of the Circumcision.  We should all see a bit of ourselves in his flaws.  

Peter's faith went through many phases: he had his shining moment of confessing Christ, his macho moment of boasting of his faith and drawing the sword, his puzzling moment of wondering about Christ's fate and outcome, his humbling moment of finding out he's not such a great fisherman, and his Spirit-filled moment of being reinstated and reassured of Christ's love. Indeed, Peter had the raw material of the makings of a spiritual leader and Jesus saw this potential and made him realize it in real-time with Him. 

Do you yourself realize you are capable of doing a lot more for the Lord than you can imagine? Few of us reach our full potential and are underachievers for God. We have all missed opportunities and failed tests of God but we must never lose our faith that we can become what we are meant to be to fulfill all God's will for our lives and be obedient to the heavenly calling and fulfill the ministry God assigned us. But some of us don't even know our spiritual gift, much less to be engaged in God's will for us. 

We must refrain from measuring ourselves with ourselves and comparing ourselves to others; to whom much is given, much is required.  Who wrote the "Let's Compare!" book?  We are to be rocks in our personal orbit and circle of influence, and not worry about the ministry of the next guy! 

The conclusion of the matter is that we have the potential to be rocks in our own right and to fulfill God's will and calling for us because God doesn't call us to success but to faithfulness--the success is up to Him to bless or not. He makes the fruit grow and have the increase. We must not have gift envy and wish we had Peter's potential, for we do but we may have different gifts but the same Spirit. We can only find out our gift by serving God in the best way we know how to, and look to see how God uses and blesses us.  We all can possess the faith of a William Carey: "Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God!"  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

How Do You Prove Evil Exists Without God?

Don’t you know that Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? They go hand in hand and can be distinguished but not separated. Good and evil are metaphysical ideas and not physical ones. They can be logically deduced but not proven by normal means as you would think. Note that you cannot prove anything without making some assumption that cannot be proven, even in science they assume that nature is orderly, consistent, and knowable and put faith in the scientific method. NOTE: All knowledge is contingent and begins in faith!

You would have to first assume that good exists, and then define evil as its privation, distortion, or twisting. For instance, if you assume justice, injustice must also exist by definition whether realized or not; also laws exist so lawlessness must also even if not reckoned; and if there can be righteousness, there is also unrighteousness by nature. An atheist may even assume he is good without God in the equation and even think evil of others or think they are evil compared to him (not God!).

Note: there’s no perfect evil but it’s always mixed with enough good to deceive just like lies that have an element of truth—enough to make you immune to the real thing or the ultimate Truth with a capital T. That’s why cults thrive—they have enough truth to inoculate from the truth and reality which it corresponds to.

It is difficult to define good without God in the equation as Plato defined God as the only Supreme Good and standard of it to recognize it by. How can you conceive of justice without a Judge, order without an Orderer, laws without a Lawgiver, righteousness without rights? You may ask how is this possible, yet Communists believe in justice without a Judge and laws without a Lawgiver. Atheists will tell you they are or can be moral without a moral center to the universe, God the Judge.

If there were no moral or good and evil, what is the purpose of our conscience or moral compass (given us by God)? Does anything repulse you at all, not even the Holocaust? Is there anything you wouldn't do because of your principles, scruples, or inhibitions? That’s why we see good in light of evil, light in view of darkness, blessings in spite of cursing, love in contrast to hate!
 Soli Deo Gloria! 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Why Is There So Much Evil? ...

"The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time" (Gen. 6:5, NIV).
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jer. 17:9, NIV).
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today" (Gen. 50:20, ESV).

Evil is not the opposite of good, but its perversion or deprivation--evil couldn't exist in its own right unless good did. In the beginning, there was no evil in the world. There is no such thing as a struggle in life between yin and yang like Eastern mystics believe. God created everything and said it was good! But He also created the possibility of evil. For if evil had not been possible, there would be no way to see good in contrast. We see good in light of evil and shouldn't ask where's God, but where isn't God and where's the church. God did something about evil; He made you and me! He created us for such a time as this and we must let our light shine in the darkness and it shall not be put out or extinguished. John Donne said, "Don't ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." Evil gives us the opportunity to overcome it with good and to bring glory to God with victory in Jesus' name.

There is a very good reason why evil must exist: different people respond to the same event in different ways--one becomes better and one bitter! The same sun hardens the clay, melts the butter! The same knife can cut butter and be used in war. If evil didn't exist, how would we know if we would choose God for ourselves? There so much evil now because God knows how to turn it into good and sees a silver lining behind every cloud. God works the wrath of man to His glory and there is so much of it to work with--but God doesn't allow anything that doesn't fit His ultimate purpose (cf. Psa. 76:10). We must never question God's wisdom and blame Him for our problems.

God could stamp out evil in the world with one stroke, but you and I wouldn't be here, for everyone has some evil inherent, for man is a totally depraved being in need of salvation. Who is it that would determine just how much evil is to be tolerated, if not God? We must trust God who is too deep to explain Himself, too wise to make a mistake, and too kind to be cruel. Job wondered why God was getting on his case because he saw himself as righteous. His error was that he was self-righteous! We all deserve far worse from God than we receive at His hand--God tempers His justice with mercy and remembers mercy in His wrath (cf. Hab. 3:2).

Instead of charging God with error, we should thank Him for His mercy and grace--We don't get what we deserve and get what we don't deserve! God is good to all in some ways and to some in all ways who are doubly blessed (cf. Psalm 145:9). But God's common grace extends to all and He calls all men to repent, but most men don't see their sins.

There are no easy answers to evil in the world and no religion has a complete answer but leaves room for faith to come into play. God isn't accountable to us, but we to Him and He doesn't have to explain Himself. A lot of evil we experience is of our own doing as we reap what we sow, some sow the wind and reap the whirlwind even. A man ruins his life and then blames the Lord (cf. Prov. 19:3), but when he's successful he gives himself all the credit! We must rest in faith that God allows evil to happen according to His providence and has a purpose for everything, even the wicked for the day of evil (cf. Prov. 16:4). According to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, sometimes referred to as the best of all possible worlds in which evil is minimized and goodness maximized, God cannot make a world with men having the ability to choose evil if they will, without some choosing it to their damnation!

God always makes it up to us for the evil done us and rewards us for the days the locust has eaten (cf. Psalm 90:15; Joel 2:25). We never come out losers with God on our side and always with us. Jesus expects nothing more from us He didn't do: all sufferings, trials, afflictions, tests must inevitably come but our crosses pale in comparison to His. In the final analysis, we must view evil in our lives as a test of faith and God doesn't allow any evil that isn't Father-filtered and He has a purpose for it--"All things work together for good to them who love God..."

NB: The world is not as evil as it can be for God's grace is at work always restraining it lest it gets out of hand. We live in the day of grace when God is keeping the door open to the gospel and not judgment. Someday God will judge the world and make His wrath known.  MAYBE WE SHOULD ASK: "WHY IS THERE SO MUCH GOOD?"

"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Prov. 15:3, ESV).

God didn't create evil (cf. Isaiah 45:7 refers to natural evil, not moral evi of man and should be translated as "disaster")  but did make it possible for it to exist by virtue of giving the gift of free will to innocent sentient creatures and to Adam and Eve. Evil entered the human race via the Fall instigated by Satan. There are many who wonder why doesn't God eliminate evil; Robinson Crusoe answered that question to Friday: Why doesn't God get rid of you? The point is that God is in the process of doing something about evil--He made you and me!

God has no hands to help but ours; no mind to think with but ours; no voice to speak through but ours; and finally no heart to love through than ours. The dilemma of God being almighty and good poses the question of why does there seems to be no justice and why do the good suffer. First of all, there are no good people--we are not basically good, but evil in God's estimation. Second of all, why do good things happen to bad people, not why do bad things happen to good people? Without evil in existence, or its possibility we all would be automatons with no will of our own to choose to obey or disobey God freely.

God did give mankind a chance in the Garden of Eden and he blew it--Adam represented all of mankind and we would've done the same thing (the original sin prefigures all sin and is a denial of God's attributes one by one. The proverbial apple showed the entirety of the sin question: Adam rejected God's authority; he doubted His goodness; he disputed His wisdom; he repudiated His justice; he contradicted His truthfulness; he spurned His grace (source unknown).

Edengate, as it has been dubbed as the very first cover-up and God didn't hide from Adam, but Adam from God in shame, because he knew he had done something wrong and felt guilty. God cleansed their guilt and wiped it away by clothing them in skins. This was the prototype sin and we should all see ourselves as doing ditto. Adam sought his own goodness, delight, and wisdom, having rejected God's. That's the epitome of sin: man's declaration of independence from God!

When asking why do the good suffer, the real question should be why are they blessed? God gives man less than he deserves punitively. God is good and so there is a standard of Supreme or Ultimate Good (per Plato) and God is omnipotent, almighty, and plenipotent. God is also just, kind and good; so why do we suffer? There is an invisible conflict between good and evil (evil has been dethroned at the cross and Christ reigns), but the mop-up effort and consummation are in process. In the end, God will turn the wrath of man to praise Him (cf. Psalm 76:10).

In the meantime, we find ourselves in the enemy-occupied territory--the devil's turf or domain! We fight evil from the vantage point of victory, not for a victory--Christ already won the battle! Evil must exist and it's not the counterpart of God nor its opposite, but a parasite and perversion of good (it couldn't exist in its own right).

Without God, there can be no evil or sin and without the possibility of evil, there can be no good expressed, for we only see and behold goodness in contrast to evil and sin. Someone said that one might ask: Do you see the evil and say "why?" Or do you see the good and say "why not?" We see good in light of evi; we have the opportunity for good with evil; we endure short-term evil for long-term good; realize that there can be no objective evil without objective good. In the final analysis, we must not lose faith in the fact that God will someday settle the score and mete out justice at Judgment Day; justice delayed is not justice denied! Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

What's The Motive When People Don't Believe?

 "Let the Christ, the king of Israel, come down from the cross and then we'll see and believe..." (cf. Mark 15:32, CEB).  

The common notion is that seeing is believing, but believing is seeing!  We see by faith.  The Greeks who came to Jesus said, "We would see Jesus."  But the writer of Hebrews adds, "But we do see Jesus..." (cf. Heb. 2:3).  Jesus had performed many miracles and still the religious leaders "would not believe." Not that they could not but they refused to and would not as a choice of theirs. They couldn't deny Christ's miracles but even demanded He would do them on-demand and with some biggie miracle to cast away all doubts.  They demanded more evidence!   But Jesus would not accommodate them and the only sign He would give is the resurrection on the third day.  The fact of the matter is that no amount of evidence will convince a person who chooses not to believe.  You must want to believe!  "A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still!" 

The heart of the matter is that it's a matter of the heart and the Pharisees had none!  We must believe in our hearts (cf. Romans 10:9-10).  Their hearts were hardened and they could not see the love of Christ which surpasses understanding. It is with the heart that we believe, we don't just acquiesce in the mind or simply assent or agree to the truth.  Jesus wants our hearts and to enter them!  Romans 11:7 says that the elect attained unto it but the rest were hardened!  Satan has blinded the minds of those that believe not (cf. 2 Cor 4:4).  Jesus saw through their veneer and their duplicity and insincerity.  The example of Mary's anointing of Jesus was to be told throughout the world exemplifying her genuine love of the Lord. Once you've experienced it, you want to pass it on! But love seeks to express itself! 

Saving faith isn't about how much we believe, for it only takes that of a mustard seed, but how well we obey. We don't believe despite the evidence but obey in spite of the consequences.  Belief is simply putting our trust in what we have good reason to believe and we are accountable for God as we do know Him. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

How Can I Know There Is One God And The Bible Isn't Propaganda?...

 Short answer: God told us by various prophets, signs, wonders, miracles, and even by sending His Son to save us.

The God of the Bible declares that only He knows the future and is able to prophesy. There are over 2000 predictive prophecies fulfilled in Scripture, not just a few lucky guesses. No other so-called Scripture has any prophecy whatsoever. Jesus fulfilled 333 of them!

The God of the Bible is the only one whose Scripture has scientific, archaeological, historic, geographic, and cultural facts to back it up and invites scrutiny. Many have tried to disprove it and if you dehistoricize it, the religion would be totally discredited.

No other religious founder besides Jesus claimed to be God and proved it by miracles, signs, wonders, and teachings, especially the historic fact of the resurrection which may be the most variously proved event in all antiquity.

Should I Believe In God Even Though I Think He's A Fairy Tale?

You should check out the evidence and believe the truth; Jesus said He is the truth; do you think He is a liar? C, S, Lewis, after being converted by his friend J. R. R, Tolkien from an atheist to Christian, called the new faith “the fairy tale that came true.” Have you heard that truth is stranger than fiction? No one could have imagined a God as wonderful as Jesus. it would take a Jesus to invent Jesus! St. Anselm of Canterbury called God “the greatest possible being none of which greater can be conceived.” Whatever is greater to be than not to be, that is God. Note: Can fairy tales change your life?

Fairy tales have no historical and mostly no factual merit and begin “once upon a time” The Bible begins: “In the beginning God…” If you could succeed in dehistoricizing the Bible the faith would be totally discredited. Jesus was a historical figure documented and corroborated by dozens of secular sources outside the Bible. There is no doubt as to His historicity and any historian who said otherwise would jeopardize his credibility, The writers of the Bible went out of the way to deny writing myth, fable, or old wive’s tales but they said they were written of what they were eyewitnesses to (cf 2 Pet 1:16). Now, would anyone invent or create a God as demanding as Jesus? To deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him?

In sum, your eternal destiny depends upon whether you place your faith in Jesus who is God. It is not enough to just believe He exists, for even the demons do that: But this faith is the gift of God and He must open your heart and the door of faith to bring you to repentance from dead works to faith in the living God.

Note: God must open the door of faith (cf. Acts 14:27) and we believe through grace (cf. Acts 18:27) and faith comes by the hearing and by the hearing of the Word (cf. Romans 10:17), and you cannot believe in your own power: “No man can come to Me unless it has been granted of the Father,” (cf. John 6:67). or unless the Father draws him (cf. John 6:44).

Is There A God Who Created Everything Or Is Science Correct?

Correct in what? To be created implies a Creator. To be designed and planned implies a Designer or Planner. There is no final conflict and they can be reconciled. Something must logically be eternal and have no beginning; it’s easier ot believe this is God than the chaos of random energy before the big bang. There’s only one alternative to a Creator behind the creation of the physical world, and that is evolution. But this theory doesn’t answer all the questions of where life came from originally for instance.; we know that life only raised from life as the metabolic motor, DNA, from previous DNA.

What you're then saying is that the world created itself and this is illogical and science is supposed to be logical. Nothing can cause or create itself. All effects must have a cause. Everything that begins to exist and that includes the world has a cause. This begs the question of a First Cause that Aristotle thought and that originated it all. No matter which side you take, you are going by faith because neither theism nor atheism has all the answers and requires you to be a person of faith; faith in science is still faith.

Science, by the way, is not intended to answer metaphysical questions such as the existence of God but only the physical parameters it is limited to. Science is know-how, not know-why. It is a false dichotomy to say that science and faith in God are antithetical and opposes. The scientific method was formulated by Sir Francis Bacon, a believer in God.

Science, you will know has no answer to the origin of the universe before the big bang but from some singularity, but where did that come from? and the big bang is not contrary to God but could be the methodology He used. They siill dont’ know what caused the big bang and even who programmed it with all the universal, physical constants and laws of nature if not the Lawgiver Himself. This refers to intelligent design or ID and leads to an Ulitmate Mind because of the existence of intelligence.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Investing In A Spiritual Legacy...

 We all want to be remembered for some kind of legacy: The issues are preferably to be a good influence and force in this life.  We are worth more than our bottom line or portfolio! We all have a purpose in life that God has called us to and like Paul, we must not be disobedient to the heavenly vision,. Actually, we all make investments in life, hopefully, more in people than in things.  That entails being an exemplar or even a father-figure or mentor to someone who looks up to us for leadership: a chance for one-on-one discipleship and investment where it counts for all eternity, not just in a temporal sense; we may find that the best methodology is one person at a time and realizing that the numbers game doesn't all that matter to God but He judges our motives and faithfulness and then He blesses us!

Paul would venture not to speak of but what Christ had accomplished through him! (cf. Romans 15:18).  He realizes that he didn't preach or even plant churches without God's blessing and direction: God gave the increase though he planted or watered the seeds.  All our fruit must come from Him and all we accomplish through the power of the Spirit; He gets all the glory as Mother Teresa would say, "God hasn't called us to success but to faithfulness!" We all are given certain opportunities in life and must seize the day and make the most of them as we are only stewards of God's blessings, gifts, and provisions. 

David was known as a man after God's own heart and proved this by doing and fulfilling all God's will and he did it for the right reasons, not just to gain the approbation of God or favor of men, for He was interested in God's praise, not man's. God has a plan for each of us and we must complete it but it's up to God to fulfill His purpose for us; our job is to be obedient to the heavenly calling. We are to be obedient to the faith and to willingly do God's will, not by compulsion. We must realize that  the Christian testimony is one of relinquishment and being subordinate to God's will as the motto of Jesus' life doubtless was:  "Thy will be done!"  

There is no such thing as a disobedient Christian because we receive Him as Lord and it's contradictory to say, "No, Lord!"  He gives His Spirit to those who obey Him (cf. Acts 2:39).  Our response must be the continuous "Yes!" and "Amen!"   But we cannot say "Yes" to Jesus before we say "No" to ourselves! Note that part of the Great Commission is to teach disciples to obey all Jesus taught. As disciples then we enroll in the school of Christ because a disciple is a learner. 

Now being called by God is not for some elite Christians but for them all. God will fulfill His purpose for you!  But we must be open to God when He opens or closes doors. We don't aim toward knowledge but changed lives, the whole point of conversion, knowing that availability is the key, not just ability. It's up to God to bless and the results are in His hands, not ours! Remember: Our life is but a staging area or tryout and audition for eternity and the chords we strike may vibrate for all time; we will be remembered in some sense but hopefully for goodwill toward our fellow man and faithfulness toward God.  

We must bear in mind that we will be judged for our works (cf. Romans 2:6) whether they are worthy of reward and not wood, hay, and stubble to be burned in the fire (cf 1 Cor. 3:15).  Our faith is not judged, for that is the gift of God, but what we do with it as our gift to God; in essence, God rewards us for what He accomplishes through us.  It's not about human achievement but a divine accomplishment that matters for eternity.   The point in life is not to leave a material legacy or even to be remembered, but to make a difference as far as Gods' will goes--to fulfill all His purpose for you and bring glory to His name. 

In sum, we must acknowledge that we are being used by God for His purposes as either a vessel of honor or dishonor, which shall not fail;  we must not boast as if we have done it of our own accord and independent of God's blessing on our task.   Soli Deo Gloria!