To bridge the gap between so-called theologians and regular "students" of the Word and make polemics palatable. Contact me @ To search title keywords: title:example or label as label:example; or enter a keyword in search engine ATTN: SITE USING COOKIES!
About Me
- Karl Broberg
- I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
All Roads Lead To Romans
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Awaiting Our Adoption From God
Adolf Harnack wrote What Is Christianity to articulate and resolve the issue once and for all of the basis of the faith and came up with the universal fatherhood of God and the universal brotherhood of mankind as the reduction of the doctrines in its LCD or lowest common denomination as the affirmation of a creed. This was too simplistic a breakdown of Christian theology. This view was respected by theologians until the neo-orthodoxy of Swiss theologian Karl Barth writing Church Dogmatics, a tome in itself of four volumes and over 6 million words and considered one of the most pivotal theological achievements of the twentieth century.
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God!" (cf. 1 John 3:1). But the Bible says that the unredeemed are the children of the devil, not of God. We must be born again into God's family. Reconciliation means restoration of the broken relationship between us and God as family. God treated us as family and we ought to treat our brethren as members of our true family of God.
The thing about adoption that makes it so compelling to believe in is that it's permanent and gives equal status as that of the natural-born and equal rights as joint heirs. Also, as a metaphor, have you ever heard of anyone becoming "unadopted?" Adoption is a badge of honor and it costs to get adopted; God willing paid this price knowing who we are and what manner of person we'd become! Know that when we are with our church family that we are to be treated as family and can expect this in return from our brethren in Christ. God doesn't treat us as slaves, but as children to whom He has given His will and a Great Commission as ambassadors of Christ. Therefore, we have the spirit in our souls that cries out, "Abba, Father," (cf. Gal 4:6; Rom. 8:15). The word Abba means literally father but Abbi means daddy!
We are already officially adopted and our fate and destiny are sealed by the seal of the Holy Spirit, but it becomes finalized, completed, and actualized in glory. What glory awaits our final adoption with all our inheritance as children of God! We used to be the slaves of sin but now the slaves of righteousness; actually the more enslaved to righteousness we are the freer we become in Christ. Because we were washed and sanctified and we once sold under sin and its power.
We must never ask if we measure up or compare ourselves with others as to whether we are better or worse because God is no respecter of persons and didn't choose us because of our merit or works. We did nothing to deserve it and nothing we can do can take it away; it's a done deal! This grace of adoption and salvation is free but not cheap! It costs the blood of Christ to redeem us!
The call to adoption is inclusive in that the general call of the gospel message goes out to all who will listen; however, many are called but few are chosen! Romans 8 tells us that there is an inner calling of God and whoever God calls gets justified and cannot be lost in the shuffle of the chain of redemption in Romans 8:29-30. Soli Deo Gloria!
Friday, October 30, 2020
Beliefs Have Consequences
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Rendering To Caesar And To God Their Due
It was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German playwright, who quipped: "To rule is easy, to govern difficult." Also, don't forget Plutarch, Italian poet, who said wisely, "Who shall govern the governor?" It was Rev. Samuel Rutherford who said that the law is the king, not the king who is the law, writing Lex Rex, or the law is the king translated, setting up the rule of law in Western Europe and restraining the so-called divine right of kings like King John who had to submit to the nobles at Runnymede and sign the Magna Charta. The Bible has always been considered the basis of Common Law in the UK. Note that in democracies we have the right to express ourselves, protest, and do whatever opposition requires in the spirit of the Reformation: I dissent, I disagree, I protest! That refers to civil disobedience delineated by Henry David Thoreau but articulated in the Bible as well in Acts 5:29 when the apostles said, "We ought to obey God rather than men."
Yes, we have the right to oppose the government when it is immoral and goes against the Bible's orders or guidelines. Even St. Augustine of Hippo said that an unjust law is no law at all. And Isaiah said, "Woe is the one who decrees unrighteous decrees" (cf. Isa. 10:1). This all goes to show that Christians ought not to stand on the sidelines but show their Christian colors and dare to be Daniels who stood alone in his defiance of the king's decree.
Now, Christians have dual citizenship and must be loyal, patriotic, and good upright citizens where possible but there comes a time to take a stand and be ready to be counted besides going to the polls. We respect our leaders and obey them but that doesn't mean we have to like them--we are still obliged to pray for their enlightenment and to be good leaders as well as safety. But it can go too far when we focus on hero worship and idolize our leaders even like seeing them with charisma such as Hitler mesmerizing his crowds of adoring fanatic followers. This type of devotion or loyalty to a man and not the truth and God is akin to idolatry and no man owes any other man what is due to God alone! We depend upon God and seek His guidance, not the government's. This is especially bad when a leader demands personal loyalty and agreement.
We are here not just to earn a buck and make a living but to make a difference (especially eternally for God and His kingdom). That's why we say in America: In God we trust! Jesus did say to render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and that means his taxes, prayer support, obedience, and proper respect so as not to bad mouth or spread disinformation or even misinformation--no conspiracy theories or fabrications; all amounting to good citizenship. We owe God all that we are: our time, talents, energy, relationships, opportunities, money, etc. But note that the government is obliged to be sure that employers don't exploit workers but give them their due wages. Soli Deo Gloria!
Monday, October 5, 2020
Worshiping the Real Jesus
Jesus as revealed in Revelation 1:12-17 in the vision that John the Elder saw is the true Jesus as He really is. Reigning over everything and mighty to judge and oversee all the earth. The description is in imagery, figures of speech cryptic language, and symbolism and hard to decipher but scholars have decoded it and made its lessons clear. Jesus is glorified now and forevermore. We are to put Him in our boxes of convenience and limit His sovereignty, power,r and glory.
Worship isn't about us, but to focus our minds on Christ in the spirit and being filled with the Spirit of the Father seeks such to worship Him in spirit and in truth, implying that truth is important. "Perfect love casts out fear" and we are to be in love with our Lord and do it in this spirit, not out of a sense of duty or in a perfunctory manner, merely memorizing the Dance of the Pious. All of us are equal at the foot of Jesus and He is no respecter of persons and we all may have different gifts, but the same Spirit.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Having Lordship Issues With Jesus
In salvation, we trust Him as Savior but also submit to Him as Lord. These two go together and cannot be divorced. We have taken a loyalty oath as it were and given Christ authority to do with us as He pleases and are we called according to His purpose, not ours. Not doing so is called easy-believism (or cheap grace) and that is counter to the correct doctrine of lordship salvation. It is not biblical to "accept Jesus," but we receive Him for who He is: Lord of all. If not we have rejected Christ and not given Him His rightful domain of authority. This is who He is and the Father has made this Jesus, who was crucified at the hand of sinners, both Lord and Christ.
He rules our lives regardless of whether we consent: His sovereignty is always at work and Providence is in control of all world events as He orchestrates history according to His will and purpose. God has no Plan B and will achieve His will with or without us. We can do nothing to interfere with or frustrate God's will. God's will is sure to happen. In application, our Number One loyalty is to our Lord and Savior not to the state, our party, our church, or even our family, but to Jesus alone: Jesus is Lord and He has entered the door of our heart and taken over in every room because we have given Him the passkey. All of our pursuits are to the glory of God and we ought not to find ourselves fighting God's will rather than submitting and trusting. We must not lean unto our own understanding but trust in the Lord working everything out for the good.
Knowing Him as Lord assures us of divine guidance and blessing on our lives and we can bear much fruit. Receiving Him as Lord is measured in our obedience and our faithfulness, not our success, which is up to God and in His control. We all have a calling and can only fulfill it by obeying our Lord. God will fulfill His purpose for us and call us to His will and glory. Our calling is to bring glory to God in whatever we do. When we have completed our calling and God's purpose is fulfilled, we are called home. Our goal should be to complete our mission and to someday announce, "Mission accomplished."
As a test of your loyalty to Christ's lordship: whom do you love? whom do you not love? who are your enemies? what are your priorities? where is your true loyalty? to whom do you submit? whom do you obey? whom do you refuse to obey? whom do you trust? whom do you know and trust? whom do you respect? whom do you listen to? whom do you love? what are your habits? what are your addictions? how do you spend your money? who are your heroes? what are your past-times? who are your friends? who are your enemies? who are your associates? who influences you? What are your plans? what are your dreams? what are your ambitions? what are your goals? All these questions impact your lordship issues.
In summation, I must ask you: Do you own Him as Lord; do not only confess Him, but follow Him as a true professor in word and deed, not just for show in name only as a nominal Christian. Soli Deo Gloria!
Friday, September 25, 2020
The Heart Of Worship
"I WAS glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD" (Psalm 122:1, KJV).
"Blessed is the people who know the joyful sound..." (Psalm 89:15, KJV).
"Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with song of praise" (Psalm 95:2, ESV).
"Blessed are the people who know the festal shout [call to worship]" (Psalm 89:15, ESV).
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Jesus, Who Is Called The Christ
Today we refer to a common man as the average Joe, even in WWII they referred to GI's as GI Joe's. We might even compliment someone and say, "He's no ordinary Joe!" Jesus wasn't a distinguished name back in the day and someone needed special epithets to go by. In comparison, Jesus was a common name in NT times and they would call Jesus: Jesus of Nazareth; Jesus, the Son of David; Jesus, who is called the Christ; Jesus called the Prophet (cf. Deut. 18:18); or even the Jesus, the Teacher of Israel. They had found out that this Jesus is different and stands out from the crowd. His disciples called Him Lord and Rabbi.
Today, if we know someone is a genuine article and true blue, we call them the real McCoy. This may be a warning not to mess with Him or to insult Him because He stands out from the crowd. People might even say, "Which Jesus are you talking about?" Today, we distinguish Jesus as the Son of God and most cultures don't even call their children by that name out of respect or reverence. Pontius Pilate offered the crowd: "Whom do you prefer? Jesus, who is called Barabbas (son of a father--your everyday, common man) or Jesus who is called the Christ (and believed Himself the Son of the Father)? It was clear to Pilate that the people rejected the summation of Jesus revealed as the one and only Son of God. The true Jesus isn't one of our fancy or agenda, but the one in truth.
Jesus is different things to different people and. even in context to their cultures, they may interpret Jesus to identify with their nation or people group. They may enlist Him for their political cause and agenda, thus putting Him in a box or make Him one-dimensional. Every religion has some concept of Jesus, and they are all good, though not accurate. You can use the same vocabulary and a different dictionary like cults do to gain recognition and acceptance. You must get your Christology or doctrine of Christ correct to be a believer (cf. 2 John 9). It's not as easy as in the game show, To Tell the Truth, when the host would say, "Will the real so and so [Jesus] stand up?" We must do our homework, especially to read the Bible and to a Bible-teaching church to hear the truth and receive faith: "Faith comes by hearing and by hearing of the Word of God," (cf. Romans 10:17).
Among five religious faiths: Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses deny the deity of Christ but think He's just "a god," not God Almighty Himself. Muslims believe that He was a great prophet but the records concerning Him have become corrupted (but they have no evidence to support this claim!). In Unitarianism, they believe Jesus is no more divine than we can be or attain to become. Hindus see Him as some enlightened guru! There is not one faith in the world that portrays Jesus as a bad guy, by the way, and many, even Islam, that He is sinless or faultless; they all have something good to say concerning Him. Most just see Him as a misunderstood man by His followers like the Jews, who believe He was mistakenly deified. .
Secularists see a great moral teacher and example or even some ground-breaking philosopher, radical reformer, or leader, They may even believe that the disciples wrongly interpreted Jesus' intentions and deified Him unintentionally. Secularists may see Jesus, not as a way to heaven, but as a path of ethics through earth and this life. They may see Him as a historical figure and not doubt His impact on civilization and history, but always fail to acknowledge Him for who He is and claimed to be, even denying He claimed to be God..
In pop culture, He may seem to be enlisted for a political cause such as when some Christians even hijack the faith and claim He's one of us and even a Republican, the anointed one from God come to save our society and reclaim it for God. Just like people say, "My party, right or wrong!" now they are saying, "My Jesus, right or wrong!" Truth must be paramount. We must acknowledge Jesus for who He is and not who we want Him to be to suit our fancy.
Finally, there's the Jesus of the atheists who deny any deity or deification but even see Him as a charlatan and legend, some even deny His historicity without any evidence to support such a claim; they go so far as to be on the warpath against Him and to hate Him and His followers. What's wrong with all these false concepts of Jesus They all put Jesus into their box for their convenience and suitability so that He can come to the aid of their agenda. They want to eradicate Christ from the open marketplace of ideas and public square of debate, even to the point of becoming anti-theists out to destroy Christians with a vengeance, eradicating His influence.
On the TV show, To Tell The Truth, they scrutinize a contestant to see who is lying and who is the genuine real McCoy telling the truth and who are the consummate liars and counterfeits. Likewise, the only evidence and way to scrutinize the real Jesus is to search the Scriptures and to believe the testimony of the Evangelists who witnessed the glory of the Lord; that's because "Faith comes by the hearing and the hearing of the Word of God," (cf. Romans 10:17).
We can solve all these issues by knowing the real Jesus, and we shall be able to detect the counterfeit by knowing the real Jesus, the real McCoy, so to speak. We must recognize imposters, frauds, and charlatans, but Jesus is for real and knowing Him protects us from error. We must beware of another Jesus, another gospel, and another spirit, and test all things according to the Word of truth. In the final analysis, we must come to grips with what kind of Jesus we are presenting to the world: what is the gospel according to you?
In sum, it doesn't really matter what your name is because that can be misleading in our culture but what kind of reputation and legacy you have and leave behind. Amen! (Someday, we will bow before the name which is above every name: the name of Jesus) Soli Deo Gloria!
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Does The Resurrection Require Extraordinary Evidence? ...
What exactly do atheists mean by saying that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" about theism, and what are some reasonable insights of theistic philosophers or theologians in response to this statement?
Many of them are referring to the so-called audacious claims of Christ that He is God, not believing there’s enough evidence. But this is proven fallacious reasoning because it can be demonstrated that if you won the lottery and just turned on the TV and heard your numbers, you would believe without any further confirmation, that it satisfied your requirements for assurance. If you won the lottery, you wouldn’t be skeptical until the CPA actually certified your ticket, you would celebrate before that! You would’ve trusted the TV as a reliable and credible source of news and info.
But Jesus did that to His disciples when He rose from the dead and appeared to them for 40 days to convince them that He was really risen and not some ghost or imposter. They were so convinced that they became martyrs because of it. This is important testimony in a court of law because people usually tell the truth when faced with death.
Any such conspiracy theory will not hold water in light of the truth, because it is unlikely that all the disciples would’ve died for a lost cause. The truth would’ve leaked out before that and the movement wouldn’t have gotten off the ground. The Jewish Pharisee Caiaphas predicted that, if the movement were of God, they couldn’t stop it (they would be fighting God); if not, it would go nowhere and not get off the ground.
The point is not what Jesus claimed (to be God or not) according to cults or sects but according to mainline Christianity, but the point is moot because it doesn’t affect the answer.
Why Is The Bible An Authority?
This may seem like circular reasoning but it isn’t: The Bible says so. It claims to be the Word of God over 2,000 times: “Thus says the LORD.,” or its equivalent. Jesus believed in it as the Word of God. He verified the authority of Scripture and called it “truth.” The final source of authority is that it claims to be the “inspired” Word of God (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21).
If the Bible appealed to some historian for verification or authority or to scientific advance, then historians or scientists would be the final arbiter of truth. Thus we say the Bible is “self-attesting.” The Bible unapologetically starts out “In the beginning God….” It does not offer proof but assumes its own authority.
There are several reasons we might reason it is authoritative: it has thousands of predictive prophecies that are fulfilled in great detail, not just a few lucky guesses. It is geographically, historically, and scientifically accurate with not anomalies.
The Bible isn’t a science text but it is accurate where it does make statements. In fact, in dozens of verses, it’s statements are ahead of what science could have known at the time and wasn’t common knowledge till much later. In fact, if you could dehistoricize it, you would discredit it fully and many have tried to no avail and become believers. In conclusion, the Bible is a historical document telling the story behind 10,000 events from creation to the story of the church or it is nothing; its historicity is the fulcrum to be unbalanced in order to devalue it.