About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Rationale For My Blog

This is an extended disclaimer or for the tone and subject matter of my blog.  My intention is simply soli Deo Gloria or to God alone be the glory, using me as a vessel of honor.  I don't want any bad blood or bad vibes between me and my friends, associates, family members, or readers, but to have as much harmony and unity of spirit as possible. I truly believe Augustine's dictum "In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.

There are plenty of gray areas and we are not to judge our brother indisputable areas according to Romans 14:1, but leave room for disagreement (agreeing to disagree and disagreeing without being disagreeable) and freedom of conscience as Martin Luther would phrase it ("to go against conscience is neither right, nor safe")  But the Scriptures exhort us to strive "for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3),  and Paul said to each "be fully convinced in his own mind."  Abraham said it well to Lot:  "Let there be no strife between us ... for we are brethren"  (Gen. 13:8).

Some Christians have come full circle, in that in Catholicism you cannot question the priest who alone has authority to interpret Scripture, but they frown upon believers who show discernment and discretion toward Bible teachers and pastors.  It is alright to have a biblical objection, but just don't get personal and attack his character, which would be casting a slur on our fellow man or taking up a reproach against another (cf. Psa. 15:3).  A man of God must not "strive."  We don't purposely cause divisions or separate brethren, but we must take our stand for the truth as we know it.  "If I die, I die," said Esther as she took her stand!   John 7:24 says it like this:   "Do not judge by appearances, but judge right judgment.

I do not have an axe to grind nor do I wish to pick a fight or have a bone to pick; and I'm certainly not out to get you to join my church or become my convert.  I'm not just interested in "doctrines that divide" like the so-called "Limited Atonement" that Calvinists are known for.  I am not desirous of controversy, but only in finding the truth (to go there you must be willing to admit you could be wrong, and be willing to go wherever it may lead).  My goal is to make issues in the church have a forum for discussion and to bring to light some of my opinions to the open marketplace of ideas.

I am not contentious, divisive, nor argumentative by nature in my estimate, but Christ was known as a controversialist and to avoid controversy is to avoid Christ according to R. C. Sproul.  Sometimes a diatribe can create more heat than light and cannot be settled in print or in writing, but end up getting personal and emotionally charged. We need to keep our cool and commit ourselves to what the Bible says and that it alone is the infallible source of truth.  No one has a monopoly on truth nor has cornered the market of knowledge or wisdom--even Solomon made mistakes!

The only stand that I take dogmatically is that I am a Protestant  (I disagree, I dissent, I protest), in that I believe I can question authority and that the Bible is the final word on any subject of doctrine over tradition or any papal edict or prophetic utterance.  As the reformers proclaimed:  "Sola Scriptura"  (Scripture alone as authority).  If there is a disagreement I hope the Bible and not personal hunches or insights from mystical teachers will settle the issue.   I submit to the authority of the Bible alone and do not revere any teacher or leader as holy or above criticism, but I believe I can reserve the right to show what I call discernment.

My blog and I have been criticized and blamed for being "judgmental" of other ministries or ministers.   I admit to being a Protestant and claim the right to "dissent, disagree, and protest" against the pope or Rome's dogma as I understand it.   First of all, I would like to refer to the heading of my blog not to promote any one denomination or a certain agenda.  I may have blogged about certain doctrines that have been of interest or even problematic, or open to debate and not easily settled or dismissed, but I have not made it my "mission" to attack anybody I know unless he just happens to come up in the topic in question.  My blog is not definitive (I do not claim to have the last word or to speak ex-cathedra or from the chair as the pope does, nor do I ever pontificate or speak for God, but am only expressing my personal educated and edified opinion, which comes from considerable study of all of the Scriptures and growth as a Christian.

 When one has a highly visible ministry like Billy Graham or Joel Osteen. or John MacArthur he is just asking for opinion and criticism.  I know we are not to judge or criticize our brothers (cf. James 4:11), but I'm  not getting personal and am showing what I regard as "discernment."  There are some areas that ministers compromise important truths, and I believe should be brought to the attention of students of the Word with an open mind, willing spirit, and needy heart.

Now, I claim to be a Calvinist or Reformed in doctrine, yet I do not harp or get preoccupied with the subject of predestination or the bondage of our will (as opposed to so-called free will), and if I did you could say I was just trying to convert you rather than edify you or whet your appetite for the truth and stimulate to be Bereans and search these things out for yourself.  Some people just need to be shocked out of their comfort zones and woken up out of their dogmatic slumber. 

Let's get specific, I was "saved" by Billy Graham preaching more than 40 years ago and revere him, yet I disagree with that organization saying that Mormonism is not a "cult".  I also think that John M. has taken upon himself to judge other ministries and I do not believe that is the job of the expositor of the Word.  I believe we should keep the main thing the main thing.    I disagree with Joel Osteen because I disagree with "prosperity theology" and am shocked that he won't mention "sin" because it is such a "killjoy word."  

I do not agree with  Jack Van Impe because it seems he is trying to scare people into the kingdom and has an agenda about the Lord's second coming.     I understand that genuine believers do follow these ministers and do not think they are going to hell,  but there is a difference between judging and show discernment.   In sum,  I do not argue ad hominem or "to the man" and make a personal attack as it were because I cannot refute what they say from Scripture.
   Soli Deo Gloria!

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