About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet Part I

 Jonah is called the reluctant prophet because he fled from the presence of the Lord after he was given his great commission.  He was called by God to preach against Nineveh, the great city and the enemy of Israel at that time, the Northern Kingdom, it was like asking a Jew to go preach against Hitler in Berlin during World War 2.  This was indeed a tall order!  Was he up to it?  He had a right to self-preservation and survival instinct (he must have considered this a suicide mission) and that's what he did he fled and went the opposite way toward Tarshish. But he found out he cannot flee the presence of the Lord for he had thought that God was the only of Israel was the only God of Israel and not the God of all Gods everywhere (henotheism)  He thought that if you went to another country God would not be God there, in other words. He was great and mistaken the God of Israel is God everywhere and a God even of the Gentiles he was asked to preach against in Nineveh.  

Some people say he prophesied against Nineveh because he said that in forty days it would be overthrown Good.  Now this prophecy never did come true and was eventually overthrown 200 years later (see the book of Nuhum) but Nineveh's prediction did not come true thus making him in a sense a false prophet. No, he was not really a prophet in this true sense of the word because He gave no prophecy. On the other hand, he was the most successful prophet of all time because his prophecy actually had an effect and worked repentance upon the people he was a success unlike other prophets and he didn't get stoned, unlike other prophets. Prophets do not necessarily tell predictive prophecies but speak forth the Word of God.  They comfort the affected and afflict the comforted. 

No, in this book we see that everyone seems to be on board with God except Jonah like when he was on the ship all the people repented and feared God but Jonah refused and when the people repented in Nineveh he was upset with God he actually probably want the people to be you know and be destroyed and would pity a plant more than on the people of Nineveh. 

We see in this book from the get-go that God had heard about the great evil of Nineveh and it reached Heaven by reputation then we had a great reputation to be the evilest people on the face of the earth there they were so heinous and egregious they would kill babies by striking them against the wall they did some repugnant, ignominious and offensive things, the most brutal person would do like the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah had reached up to God and God decided to judge but this time God decided that a prophet to tell him to repent rather than strictly judge them without warning. 

It says that Jonah preached against and they heard him and understood because he actually preach God's word but he didn't want them to repent and give them a chance told them to wait to avoid judgment but he never thought they would or pent now why would God tell Jonah this message if God knew they would repent? Because God has provisional plans and God works in time like we do and this is a reality that if they did not repent they would have been overthrown Jonah was not deceiving them he was just delivering his God-given message is a great commission.

This book teaches us that we ought to go when God tells us to go until obey God because God will get his way with us he will find a way to make us do his will. And if God wants us to repent we will repent and God is also the God of the Israelites and the Gentiles just as much there is one God for the whole world he is not a local Deity or God or a tribal God. Jonah was very mistaken thinking he could escape the so-called presence of the Lord by fleeing for God is everywhere.  Now everyone has heard of Jonah he's the most famous prophet of all he's the one people usually use a skeptic to say do you believe there a man could be sold by a whale? So he has become the object of ridicule for skeptics and cynics and atheists and this is more than a kid story or a fable Jesus quoted that Jesus believed in it so it must be true it is a fact of history

The Book of Jonah is written as a narrative, not in a didactic form like Paul's epistles just teaching propositional truth or lessons or doctrine we are to glean lessons from the reading of the historical narrative this actually happened it is true history even Jesus believed in it. Stories become a matter of cliche and odd end ridicule by some who claim that a whale could not swallow a man but there's been proof that wheels quit swallowing men a blue whale has been discovered to find a man inside.  We do not know whether this was a whale or great fish according to some scholars because Jonah probably didn't know the difference. The story has been told and told and oversold and some get tired of hearing it but there are many deep lessons and many doctrinal lessons especially to be learned from it that apply to us even if we don't think they apply to us.

We must realize this book is about God's compassion, about his attributes.  We can know the God that we don't know. We should teach others and lead them to know the beauty of this book is that God is the protagonist and he appears front and center as the main character and the story involves him as if our lives revolve around God.  We are not the center of our life. Still, God writes out the destiny of our lives. It is no use fighting God! We can get his attention! 

Now Jonah disobeyed God's direct command of God to go to any disobeyed and went the opposite way out of fear survival instinct etcetera he had self-preservation and knew how dangerous these people were he had heard of them, Nineveh had a bad reputation. This was also during good times and he was very reluctant to leave the peace and safety of his role and go to a faraway land. Jonah probably knew that God cared about the Gentiles he thought maybe God only cared more about the Jews or the Israelites as they were called His people, at that time some in the Northern Kingdom did not think that Gentiles were worthy of the gospel even though God had called the Jews to be a light to the world but they failed in this commission.  

And the plot thickens as he doesn't arise and go as commanded to go immediately but goes in the opposite direction to see if he can get as far away from God as possible because maybe he thought that God would not be there as I said he fled from the presence of the Lord he felt he could actually get away from God which is impossible. In summation of this, Jonah did not want you to save them, he wanted punishment and he heard of their great wickedness it was common knowledge Jonah was an un-prophet or anti-prophet and he would didn't prophecy anything really in this book or any in the old in the Bible that we know of except unless you want to take his sermon about saying that Nineveh would fall in forty days.  

But note that he is the only prophet who was successful in bringing repentance!  But that turned out to be a false prophecy in that case because it did come true but Nineveh spoke for God this is what a prophet really does he doesn't just foretell but forth-tells, that is, he tells God's words, and explains them to God's people to understand he tells exactly what God tells him to tell he may.   But we noticed that Jonah rationalized.

But we noticed that Jonah rationalized he had many excuses for not going just like Moses had three reasons for not going anywhere who was he, couldn't speak, and people wouldn't listen to him they would believe that kind of thing.  Jonah thought that someone else could do better than him maybe he wasn't good enough that they wouldn't listen to him or that he it was too dangerous why should he risk his life to do that that was he thought probably the people in Judah or Israel needed God more than Nineveh.  This was outside his comfort zone but we should never question God's commands, we should never run from him.

In fact, when we do that we find out that God chases us like a Hond of heaven and we cannot escape the presence of the Lord he finds us we don't find him he finds us and will not let us go so, in essence, we are to a rise and go just like Jonah and follow God's commands.  It's like Paul said I was "not disobedient to the heaven vision." When he became converted and saw the light on the road to Damascus he was immediately blinded but then saw the light and realized it was Jesus Christ that had saved him even though he was reluctant. 

That's why we called Jonah the reluctant prophet, just like God said to Saul: "Why do you kick against the goads?" (meaning fighting God's will) he did not want to do and we are like that ourselves we are reluctant to do a big God's will sometimes in our command is also like the Great Commission given by Jesus to go to all nations making disciples, and so forth.  We don't just pawn this off on the pastor but we have to take our individual gifts and go for it and find our role or niche in doing the work in the church. So in essence, this is not a great suggestion or a great idea but it is a great command it is an imperative mandate we have no choice we are disobedient you cannot say no lord that's a contradiction of terms if you're going to call God Lord, you must obey him you do not argue with God.  

In sum, God will knock us all out of our comfort zone and give us a heavenly vision to fill tall orders and to obey; but we can walk on water and move mountains with mustard-seed faith!  We all are running from God but this is impossible because God pursues us as reluctant prophets in a sense. After all, we fall short and we must trust God's will for our lives and trust in His love that He knows best for us and can plan our lives better than we can.   Soli Deo Gloria!

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