About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Church Friends

 A vital link or component to our spiritual life is how many friends we have or what kind of friends we have, if you're a friend of too many people, you're really no friend at all.  The Bible says that one must choose friends wisely because evil company crops good morals. We don't earn friendship by putting in the time like saying if I spend 200 hours, you must be my friend.  It's a matter of quality time that matters with God and you when a person bonds with another person of equal status in life they come together for the same purposes because they are friends.  In that sense, like men who watch football together learn to bond and tell her to go fishing they're hunting together they bond as men together (male bonding!) this is good with some people called themselves bros.  We don't achieve friendship despite making friends God gives us and opens the door.  I believe that friendship is given and it's by grace.  God gives everyone no matter how bad they are friend, in my opinion, this is the least of God's graces upon all that is good to all people even to the wicked.   God is good to all!   

When you're a friend of Jesus we have more opportunities still. Then a whole new family of God opens up in the church body do you have a whole new selection to choose from your friends, good friends, that is, ones that would do you good, not harm, and be good for your mental wellness. I realize and I believe that any friend of Jesus is a friend of mine! Sometimes we can find friends immediately if we have the right plan of attack, to be honest with somebody and to reveal ourselves to them and to be frank, to the point, not secretive, and friendly! There is something about the fellowship that means we are two fellows on the same ship when you are a friend of Jesus it means that you obey Jesus you are a disciple of Jesus there's no such thing as a Christian who does not obey Jesus--that's a whole purpose;  Lordship means obedience.

The famous Lutheran preacher in Germany that was persecuted and martyred by the Nazis known as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "Only those who believe are obedient; only those who are obedient believe."  They go together hand in hand!   Jesus said if you want to be my friend you must obey him.  That is the plain truth bottom line there also friends are who will meet our needs sometimes we need someone we can come to an emergency so we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother. There are benefits of friends: they come with fringe benefits, and there is an advantage to having a friend. 

A very good way to make friends is to find something in common known as a commonality and to come together possibly for a meal because most people enjoy eating together in fellowship breaking bread together as the disciples would call it. I recently met with one person in the church and we had a meal and immediately we realized we were friends with no doubt about it we shook hands on it friends can be that fast yet I have known people all my life who I still don't consider my friend, in fact, I know that I can't trust them.  I admire, like, appreciate, or love them despite their flaws and know they are not perfect. We accept people as they are who they are the way they are because we are what we are by the mercy and grace of God.  We must never think that some people are beneath us or not worthy to be our friends if they know Christ they have everything that is important to be a friend because friends of Jesus should be friends of ours.

Now the church body has a function and marching orders to bring us together for education, enlightenment, edification, fellowship, worship, discipleship, and mission and such things. We must all find our place in the body and work together and therefore we will be working together.  We can make friends doing that I'm focused on the church mission we are coming together for the same purpose and that is the commonality. We don't want to have too much competition or opportunity to outshine other people in our church body but we should aim to make our church outshine other churches and be a light to the community. There's a matter of commitment in the body and also we have the opportunity to share that commitment there should be a ministry that anyone and everyone can partake of that is not willing to. We all have a place in the church and in the church, there's a place for everyone. 

Too many churches focus on the wrong mission like culture wars social gospels or political politics itself. But we must not lose sight of our mission and keep the main thing the main thing and realize we are here for a purpose to ultimately save souls who are lost and need Christ. We don't just put in our time cards in church and think well I made my trip to church this week so I'm fine with God. This is a so-called "nod to God crowd."   They think it's their duty and when it is complete they go to church and that's where I wrap it up I think God is worth one hour of their time every week.   The church prepares us for the battle and equips us for the injuries of the angelic conflict that's taken place in our lives, so they can be refreshed and renewed in the spirit to have a spiritual checkup. Then we will know where we are and where we stand spiritually which cannot be done when we are spiritual Lone Rangers or hermits,. 

Therefore, we ought not to neglect to come together ourselves which has been gathered for seeing ourselves as 1 body.   We are one cohesive unit working for Christ as one entity and mission. Therefore, we all have to realize our marching orders so we're all marching to the beat to the same drum and get with the program and we must encourage ourselves to do this.  Church friends may be different from other friends in that we have a spiritual connection not just secular or mundane. We have Jesus in common this is a reason for fellowship in the birthplace it's all about him.

It is the job of the church to make opportunities and policies so that people can become friends.  What we need in addition to being friendly but to have a personality! Some people have brains but no wisdom or personality and are socially handicapped or challenged or have special needs.  That is why church programs and activities are so important: we all need to discover our spiritual persona and what makes us tick with Jesus in our lives. We need to find our true new inner man!  In sum, I know I have church friends and family even if not acknowledged, recognized, or realized.  My church would not let me down if I needed them or it.  Soli Deo Gloria! 

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