"Now that you know these things, blessed are you if you do them..." John 13:17
"...I had faith; therefore I spoke." 2 Cor.4:13
"They have a zeal for God but not according to knowledge." Rom. 10:2
"Therefore, my people go into exile because they lack knowledge." Isaiah 5:13
"A wise warrior is better than a strong one, and a man of knowledge than one of strength." Prov. 24:5
"I will make youths their leader and unjust rulers will govern them." Isaiah 3:4
"Knowledge is power. " Sir Francis Bacon
God has secrets and things that he will not reveal to us according to Deut. 29:29. God says some things are none of our business! God is a God of mystery and he works in mysterious ways, his thoughts are higher than ours, and his ways are higher than ours than the heavens above the Earth. Isaiah 55:8-9. Some people think that ignorance is bliss but with God, ignorance or willful ignorance is worthy of condemnation we must always seek the truth and have a love for the truth. Unbelievers are those who reject the truth and do not seek the truth or love the truth. But we shall know the truth the truth shall set us free if we seek it with our whole heart. And we will know it if we are willing to obey it and do it. John 7:17.
As far as these things that we must know, we must not just take an academic interest in the Bible to increase our knowledge or even trivial pursuit of it. But we must read it and study it to have our lives transformed by its power and we acknowledge that God's Holy Spirit enlightens and informs us about the way of life in Christ. In other words, there is a practical interest in the study of God's word it is not merely academic otherwise it becomes knowledge that puffs up if not applied. We will not be judged according to our knowledge or even according to our faith but according to how we acted upon it and what fruits we bore as a result of it. God is not interested in our knowledge as much as in our achievements but in our obedience that we comply with God's will as our yoke.
We must realize that God will give us the spirit of revelation, knowledge, enlightenment, and wisdom in the seeking of his truth. It also stands to reason and wonder that we realize God's will. God's revelations are cumulative and progressive and it must be a growing relationship to knowledge wisdom and truth as we grow in our faith and in our knowledge of Jesus Christ. It was due to a lack of knowledge that God rejected Israel because they refused to accept it. (Hosea 4:6; cf. Isaiah 5:13). Ignorance of God gives us judgment!
We have a need to know and we have a need to know the truth we shall set free and we must pass on this knowledge as our marching orders. We must have the can't-help-its, as Paul said, "We cannot stop speaking of what we have heard and seen." Acts 4:20. We want to share the truth of what we know to others because it changes us. Once you have experienced it, you want to pass it on! The true fruit of our knowledge is when we share it with others and spread the Gospel of the kingdom. Bear fruit in every good work as we increase in the knowledge of God true knowledge will produce fruit when the soul is in the right place.
We study to be inspired and motivated to learn more and to apply more of our newfound truths, we must have a thirst for the word of God a philosopher merely has a love for wisdom but not necessarily for the application thereof. But we noticed that Jesus not only preached but he preached what he practiced and he practiced what he preached that is a big difference he was no hypocrite he had no knowledge that just became academic but was practical and applied to everyday life. Therefore, the true love of wisdom is when we apply that wisdom not just when we store it up and make ourselves proud what we believe most humble is the most should not be those with the greatest amount of knowledge but those who practice their faith and turn their creeds into deeds.
The reason Israel went into captivity was because of its lack of knowledge of God he said in Hosea 46 that God said there is no faithfulness no kindness no knowledge of God and land that was God's complaint against Israel they did not know him it is not the knowledge of a fact that we're talking about it is a knowledge of a person religion wants to believe in a creed but we believe in no person there's a big difference. Viva la difference!
God can open our eyes and to kindle an understanding within us and a little bit of truth opens the door to more truth but if we shut the door to truth even will become more ignorant and God will send a strong delusion that we will believe that which is false and a lie.
That would be interesting that our understanding of the Bible has to do with our comprehension of doctrine the more doctrine we know the better we can understand the Bible and know the beat or the solid food of the Bible and we are ready for these deeper truths. We must not remain baby Christians forever and feed only on the milk of the word we must have a need to know and recognize that we must know we must have this thirst for God's word which will only make us have a more thorough for God's word when we take it in a thirst which makes us thirsty.
The Christian life is not one of the pursuit of knowledge but a pursuit of the Lord and it is a way of life not just a rule or code of conduct there's a way to know God and never relationship with him and to increase in that knowledge there's a difference between knowledge of God and knowledge about God we can know all about the Bible and not be saved we must have a true knowledge of the Bible that changes us. In summation, there must be a balance between what we know and our pursuit of knowledge and our practice of it and applying it.
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