I know what it is like to have to speak after a great performance or Spirit-led testimony: The question I ask myself is whether I can equal or even surpass his achievement; then I realize that we are on the same side and that God is in control--we both possess the same Spirit, but different gifts. The key is not to be competitive but be yourself and let them accept you. Different manifestations of the Spirit for the common good, Paul elaborates in 1 Corinthians. My pastor says that the body of Christ has many parts that are very diverse and we should celebrate our differences--viva la difference! Welcome diversity because a healthy body has it. The lesson again is: BE YOURSELF! God accepts you, so accept yourself and have faith that others will too!
The eye cannot say to the ear that it has no use of it, for instance. Paul warns us against commending ourselves with each other or comparing ourselves to one another--we are all unique in Christ and God has a different purpose for each one of us. We should find our spiritual niche, as it were, and fervently and zealously serve God therein. I cannot read like my pastor and never will be able to or be able to tell a story like he does, but I have a knack for writing (I did not judge this but have been told this) and I sense God with me doing that.
By way of example: Some people are better with words than others, and some people are better at speaking to the average Joe on the street; note that the common people heard Christ gladly--He was not pompous or flamboyant in his words, but, nevertheless, articulate, fluent, eloquent, and glib I'm sure--saying what He means, and meaning what He says! We all need each other and the happiest people in the body are those who realize their place and each other's importance, respecting authority, if need be.
My testimony is completely different from my brother's and God has other people I can reach that perhaps he can't with his. "...But they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise" (2 Cor. 10:12). Let's not play the game "Let's compare!" That's why I believe we should bloom where we are planted and that God doesn't plant us somewhere by accident--but has a purpose! We all have our own sphere of influence, circle of friends and acquaintances, and the little world to call our own that we can greatly influence faithfully in God's service. Soli Deo Gloria!
The eye cannot say to the ear that it has no use of it, for instance. Paul warns us against commending ourselves with each other or comparing ourselves to one another--we are all unique in Christ and God has a different purpose for each one of us. We should find our spiritual niche, as it were, and fervently and zealously serve God therein. I cannot read like my pastor and never will be able to or be able to tell a story like he does, but I have a knack for writing (I did not judge this but have been told this) and I sense God with me doing that.
By way of example: Some people are better with words than others, and some people are better at speaking to the average Joe on the street; note that the common people heard Christ gladly--He was not pompous or flamboyant in his words, but, nevertheless, articulate, fluent, eloquent, and glib I'm sure--saying what He means, and meaning what He says! We all need each other and the happiest people in the body are those who realize their place and each other's importance, respecting authority, if need be.
My testimony is completely different from my brother's and God has other people I can reach that perhaps he can't with his. "...But they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise" (2 Cor. 10:12). Let's not play the game "Let's compare!" That's why I believe we should bloom where we are planted and that God doesn't plant us somewhere by accident--but has a purpose! We all have our own sphere of influence, circle of friends and acquaintances, and the little world to call our own that we can greatly influence faithfully in God's service. Soli Deo Gloria!