Are you addicted to the manifold self-help books available (I mean to improve the real you, not educate about computers or something) and it seems like there's no end in sight? Solomon says in Eccl. 12:12 this: "...Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body." You will never read everything and know it all, you have to narrow it down and prioritize and decide what is paramount to you. Solomon had found out what knowing it all was like and it didn't bring happiness: Some believers actually study the Bible only because they have an inner desire "to know it all."
It has been said that a Victorian Englishman is a self-made man who worships his Creator. However, Isa. 26:12 says, "...all that we have accomplished you have done for us...." Deut. 8:17 says that God gives us the power to get rich; Proverbs says the way of man is not in himself; the Psalms say, "The course of my life is in Your power." Jeremiah says the way of man is not his own, he does not direct his steps.
It's a never-ending vicious circle or merry-go-round that you can't get off. You must see where you are going to have a purpose and be like Jesus: A man on a mission! We have a big God and all things are small to Him, and nothing is too small for His love--so trust Him to teach you. If you don't learn from the Bible, you will learn from the school of hard knocks! We don't want to go there--been there and done that! This is all on the premise that we are able to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and are our own island and develop our own karma.
God doesn't need another intellectual, he needs some faith ("When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"). Jesus often said, "Where is your faith?" Some were commended for having great faith! We need faith that will move mountains today. We can walk on water by faith if it is God's will!
Jonathan Edwards (Christian) and Horace Mann (Unitarian) had their heyday, but according to the humanist John Dewey, the test of the truth of an idea is whether it works! This is sheer pragmatism and not biblical, but many fall for it. Did you know that Buddhism and the Eastern sects are gaining momentum nowadays because they seem to work? TM works! Yoga works! Many will give sober and believable testimonies, to boot. Then what's the problem? Things can be wrong and still work--that doesn't make them true! Jesus is the truth and He works because He's truth, He isn't truth because He works!
You have to understand the concept of absolute truth (that some things are always wrong, and some things are always right--whether someone believes them or not). The world today believes in "relative truth" saying that something might be true for you, but not me! Pilate asked Jesus at one of His trials: "What is truth?" Romans mocked at the idea that something could be universally true for everyone--they believed each tribe or country had its own religion or truth. Wouldn't it had been interesting if Pilate had waited around for Jesus answer? Jesus said He came to bear witness of the truth and those who are of the truth hear Him.
When you have the gift of spiritual discernment you can tell a lie and know something is not of God. You can discern spirits and learn how to "test the spirits." Remember Satan masquerades as an angel of light and parades in a robe of righteousness to impress people with his charisma and charm. He masks the lies in with enough truth to be dangerous! Self-help books are like that: They get your focus off of Christ and on yourself. We don't need self-esteem, but God-esteem.
True humility is not focusing on yourself at all and as soon as you think you're humble you're not! Only Moses and Jesus were called humble or meek in the Bible. What they do is maybe even quote the Bible (they know enough to be dangerous!) to mislead the flock and deceive the elect, if possible. They don't dare downgrade the Bible in so many words, but their goal is to get you in love with their book and lose love for the Word. It's okay to read godly books that are from teachers you trust, or entertaining books or history that have nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
If they can deceive in one area it means they may not have any qualms about leading you astray (misery loves company) and they may feel they're getting a feather in their cap by gaining a convert. They proselytize, as it were. They're no different from the Christian sects who do it and don't get their own converts but go into another church territory where the seed has been planted, and they bedevil and entice with seductive books and interesting reading.
The goal is not to see how much you know, but who you know! The Bible was not written to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives. No one was the same after meeting Jesus, they had to make a moral decision and couldn't remain neutral. There is a vast difference between knowing the Word, and knowing the Author! You can only be wise by knowing God and finding God. The Bible is meant to lead you to God, not tell you about Him. It helps in your relationship with Him, not to satisfy your curiosity! Always remember what Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32). And "If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).
In Summation, the thing to think about in self-help is this: Who is getting the glory? Soli Deo Gloria! (To God alone be the glory!) God is jealous when we seek other sources than Him to save us or help us where He has made a way in Christ. These self-help gurus make a lot of money and have a lot of fame, and they have had their reward in this life. Soli Deo Gloria!
It has been said that a Victorian Englishman is a self-made man who worships his Creator. However, Isa. 26:12 says, "...all that we have accomplished you have done for us...." Deut. 8:17 says that God gives us the power to get rich; Proverbs says the way of man is not in himself; the Psalms say, "The course of my life is in Your power." Jeremiah says the way of man is not his own, he does not direct his steps.
It's a never-ending vicious circle or merry-go-round that you can't get off. You must see where you are going to have a purpose and be like Jesus: A man on a mission! We have a big God and all things are small to Him, and nothing is too small for His love--so trust Him to teach you. If you don't learn from the Bible, you will learn from the school of hard knocks! We don't want to go there--been there and done that! This is all on the premise that we are able to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and are our own island and develop our own karma.
God doesn't need another intellectual, he needs some faith ("When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"). Jesus often said, "Where is your faith?" Some were commended for having great faith! We need faith that will move mountains today. We can walk on water by faith if it is God's will!
Jonathan Edwards (Christian) and Horace Mann (Unitarian) had their heyday, but according to the humanist John Dewey, the test of the truth of an idea is whether it works! This is sheer pragmatism and not biblical, but many fall for it. Did you know that Buddhism and the Eastern sects are gaining momentum nowadays because they seem to work? TM works! Yoga works! Many will give sober and believable testimonies, to boot. Then what's the problem? Things can be wrong and still work--that doesn't make them true! Jesus is the truth and He works because He's truth, He isn't truth because He works!
You have to understand the concept of absolute truth (that some things are always wrong, and some things are always right--whether someone believes them or not). The world today believes in "relative truth" saying that something might be true for you, but not me! Pilate asked Jesus at one of His trials: "What is truth?" Romans mocked at the idea that something could be universally true for everyone--they believed each tribe or country had its own religion or truth. Wouldn't it had been interesting if Pilate had waited around for Jesus answer? Jesus said He came to bear witness of the truth and those who are of the truth hear Him.
When you have the gift of spiritual discernment you can tell a lie and know something is not of God. You can discern spirits and learn how to "test the spirits." Remember Satan masquerades as an angel of light and parades in a robe of righteousness to impress people with his charisma and charm. He masks the lies in with enough truth to be dangerous! Self-help books are like that: They get your focus off of Christ and on yourself. We don't need self-esteem, but God-esteem.
True humility is not focusing on yourself at all and as soon as you think you're humble you're not! Only Moses and Jesus were called humble or meek in the Bible. What they do is maybe even quote the Bible (they know enough to be dangerous!) to mislead the flock and deceive the elect, if possible. They don't dare downgrade the Bible in so many words, but their goal is to get you in love with their book and lose love for the Word. It's okay to read godly books that are from teachers you trust, or entertaining books or history that have nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
If they can deceive in one area it means they may not have any qualms about leading you astray (misery loves company) and they may feel they're getting a feather in their cap by gaining a convert. They proselytize, as it were. They're no different from the Christian sects who do it and don't get their own converts but go into another church territory where the seed has been planted, and they bedevil and entice with seductive books and interesting reading.
The goal is not to see how much you know, but who you know! The Bible was not written to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives. No one was the same after meeting Jesus, they had to make a moral decision and couldn't remain neutral. There is a vast difference between knowing the Word, and knowing the Author! You can only be wise by knowing God and finding God. The Bible is meant to lead you to God, not tell you about Him. It helps in your relationship with Him, not to satisfy your curiosity! Always remember what Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32). And "If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).
In Summation, the thing to think about in self-help is this: Who is getting the glory? Soli Deo Gloria! (To God alone be the glory!) God is jealous when we seek other sources than Him to save us or help us where He has made a way in Christ. These self-help gurus make a lot of money and have a lot of fame, and they have had their reward in this life. Soli Deo Gloria!