About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

How Is A Person Saved By Grace?


How is a person saved by grace?

The main text is Eph. 2:8–9, “For by grace are you saved through faith, and that [faith is the antecedent] is not of yourselves, it [faith]is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.” Faith is the instrumental means by which God chooses to save us [through faith]. Thus we are not saved because we are “better” than others in any way. The thing about faith is that it’s inherently without merit and anyone can exercise it!

The only way to be saved by grace is not by works and the only way that can be is by some gift that is not merited. We receive the gift from God. Grace means God’s riches at Christ’s expense. God gives us a choice to receive it freely and not by compulsion or coercion. God saves us by not giving us (mercy) what we deserve and giving us what we don’t deserve (grace)!

God has given us faith to exercise towards Christ and receive this gift. Faith is God’s gift but our work. “This is the work of God that you believe….” (cf. John 6:29. “It has been granted unto you to believe,” (cf. Phil. 1:29). “We believe through grace,” (cf. Acts 18:27). ‘We have obtained like faith…” (cf. 2 Pet. 1:1). God gives us faith, but expects us to use it; He doesn’t believe for us! Note that as many as rely on the Law are under a curse! (cf. Gal. 3:10). We must not depend on our own righteousness which is also the gift of God (cf. Isaiah 45:24).

If faith were a work, then we would be saved by works and Titus 3:5 says we are not saved by works of righteousness. But “It is the gift of God, not of works…” (cf. Eph. 2:8–9). When you give someone a gift and they refuse it, they can only blame themselves.

God’s gift is also unconditional, He doesn’t save us because we will become good people or do something to deserve it. Grace means ultimately that we cannot pay it back even in all eternity, we do not deserve it no matter how good we are, and we cannot earn it by good behavior or works of merit. God’s gift is unmerited because we did nothing; we do not even know why God chose us for salvation. In sum, salvation is given and a given for those with faith, but not achieved!

What Does It Mean That Jesus Is The Word Of God?

What does it mean that Jesus is the Word of God?

  1. God’s final word to man in Jesus as well as the Bible itself, pointing to Him.
  2. God’s expression of Himself to us; logos strictly speaking is “thought expressed.”
  3. God’s logic at work as the guiding principle and/or power in the cosmos., without which nothing can be known in reality.
  4. God’s channel of communication power; how we can come to a knowledge of God; God still speaks to us through His Son.
  5. God’s revelation to man in Jesus; all we can know of the Father.
  6. God’s language and message to man revealed in Scripture.
  7. God’s imprint or sign of Himself as we see Him at work; no Logos means no cosmos—only chaos.
  8. Jesus is the wisdom or plan of God revealed.
  9. Jesus is the idea of God—it came from Him!
  10. Jesus is the mind or brains of God expressed in Scripture (the mind of Christ).
Jesus taught as one who had authority, not as the scribes (cf. Mark 1:22).
NB: The Greek philosopher Heraclitus called the Logos the power that holds all things together: “All things happen through this Word [Logos].” The word itself can be translated: mind, reason, thought, wisdom, intelligence, idea, law, order, purpose, or design.

If God Created Everything, How Was He Created?


If God created everything, how was he created?

According to the law of cause and effect, nothing can cause or create itself; it would be a violation of the law of noncontradiction to exist and not exist at the same time or in the same manner. There can be uncaused causes, but not uncaused effects. Everything that begins to exist or any event has a cause or beginning. God is referred to as the Uncaused Cause or Unmoved Mover setting everything into motion according to Newton’s law of motion that an object at rest tends to stay at rest. We need not assume everything is created or must be; self-existence violates no law of logic, math, or philosophy, it is not only rationally possible, but necessary.

If everything was created or happened by cause, there would be no end to the chain of events. If ever there was “nothing,” though, nothing would exist now; nothing can come from nothing (ex nihilo, nihil fit). Add to this the fact that nothing can come from nothing, something must have always existed—this is called the necessary being and all other beings are unnecessary, caused, and created. Either matter or God came first. Is matter over and precedes God or God over and precedes matter?

The fact that God is eternal means by definition that He had no beginning in time; all things in the time-space continuum had a beginning in time, but God is before time and created it for there would be no time without matter and even science acknowledges it all began at the Big Bang.

God’s name as I AM (which can be translated “I Cause to be”) means He is self-existent and also that He causes to be. I AM WHO I AM or I AM WHAT I AM. He existed before time, which is a corollary of space and matter and is not confined, limited, nor defined by it. As being without beginning or end. Before creation (the Big Bang) there was no time either. Time had a beginning as the Bible says, “before time began,” (cf. Tim. 1:9; Titus 1:2).

An eternal amount of time cannot be crossed for it is impossible to cross infinity; infinite regress is impossible—you must begin somewhere with a First Cause, as Aristotle thought of God. If the cosmos were eternal and infinitely old, it would have time to be perfect by now and it would’ve stopped expanding as it is. Astronomers and physicists have determined that at some time in the past the time clock began clicking.

Can A Christian Believe In Creation If It Contradicts Science?


  1. Even science acknowledges a beginning (the Big Bang)
  2. Matter/energy/time all began about 13.7 billion years ago accordingly and not contradictory to the Bible
  3. If there was a beginning, there must be a Beginner or cause behind it
  4. Creation implies a Creator (order an Orderer, purpose a Purposer, etc.)
  5. The Bible doesn’t say when the beginning was or when the earth was created but only “in the beginning,” there is a gap between Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:2 that is an unspecified amount of time
  6. The so-called six days of creation could be interpreted as epochs or episode, not necessarily 24-hour days; to God, a day can be a thousand years for example, or a period of time (the day of the LORD)
  7. The Bible doesn’t tell how things happened but that God made them happen at His word by the breath of His mouth
  8. The Big Bang or creation is an event; all events require explanations and have causes
  9. Everything that begins to exist (creation) has a cause; that cause is most likely God—the First Cause
  10. Science cannot explain many things and doesn’t have all the answers, such as the mystery of life and its origin.

How Do You Know Your Religion Is The Right One?


Of all the religions in the world and all the different gods, why do you believe that yours is the right one?
  1. Mine is based in history (my God orchestrates it) and objective fact; ‘t’s historical, from the God of history, or it’s nothing, pointing especially to the objective, historical fact of the resurrection as the climax.
  2. Mine has no scientific anomalies but has scientific facts ahead of its time.
  3. Mine has subjective evidence of experiencing God personally (“Taste and see that the LORD is good”).
  4. Mine is based on the miracle of the resurrection, arguably the most attested fact of antiquity.
  5. Mine claims to be the only way to know God (truth is exclusive by nature).
  6. Mine has no inherent contradictions, which have not been reconciled by scholars.
  7. Mine claims to be knowable, absolute truth from the God of truth that gives the answer from the Answerer.
  8. Mine is based on a holy book (the Bible) that is infallible and inerrant, and the only so-called scripture that contains predictive prophecy, even fulfilled ones.
  9. Mine is based on a Savior who was without sin but understands us as a human, though still God.—the God-man; Jesus claimed to be God Himself in the flesh—no other religious founder made such claims.
  10. Mine is based on inspiration and revelation, not speculation or conjecture.
  11. Mine is the only one that solves man’s problem of sin, not ignorance, yet He respects our minds.
  12. Mine gives purpose, dignity, and meaning in life, including suffering, and gives us hope for the future.
  13. Mine has witnesses and martyrs who have died for its truths rather than deny them.
  14. Mine has changed the course of history, even turning Rome topsy-turvy.
  15. Mine has had a profound effect on Western Civilization, especially in absolute morals.
  16. Mine is the only one that offers salvation by grace as a gift through faith, not of works.
  17. Mine is the only one that says we can know God, not just believe He exists.
  18. Mine is the only one that says God loves me individually.
  19. Mine is the only one that gives me a claim to having human rights as in the image of God.
  20. Mine is the only one that has a personal God that knows me and I can know in return.

How Can Jesus Be Holy?


How can Jesus be without sin when even the "holy" Bible tells us that he went around beating people he didn't like with a whip?

Jesus was without sin because He wasn’t born in sin, He was born of a virgin, and also He is God and incapable of sin, and He proved it when He was tempted by Satan after fasting forty days in the wilderness.

God reserves the right to judge and the Father has given all judgment to the Son (cf. John 5:27). Jesus claimed this authority. It wasn’t just because He didn’t “like them” in a human sense. There is such a thing as righteous indignation and Jesus expressed this at the wicked moneylenders at the temple. He said it was “His Father’s house” and for such reason had motive to judge. In fact, in John 8:46, Jesus challenged anyone to accuse Him of sin.

The only sin the Pharisees were able to accuse Him of at His trial was blasphemy in their eyes because He claimed to be the Christ, the Son of God (cf. Matt. 26:63). This was deemed blasphemy and worthy of death in their eyes. Other false accusations were that He broke the Sabbath but He said He was Lord of the Sabbath,. And all of His disciples claimed that He was without sin (cf. 2 Cor. 5:21; John 8:46; 1 John 3:5; Heb. 4:25; 2 Pet. 2:22). They would’ve known for familiarity can breed contempt.

  1. “He “committed no sin,” (cf. 1 Pet. 2:22).
  2. “In Him is no sin,” (cf. 1 John 3:5).
  3. “[He]had no sin,” (cf. 2 Cor, 5:21).
  4. “yet without sin,” (cf. Heb. 4:15).
  5. “who did no sin,” (2 Pet. 2:22).

Can Humans Be Perfect As Well?


  1. Jesus was God, that’s the only reason He was perfect and without sin and incapable of it.
  2. Jesus was also human, but the perfect one because of His virgin birth.
  3. Man was originally without sin (innocent, not perfect), but Adam and Eve chose to sin when given the free choice—that’s history.
  4. Since Adam, we inherit Adam’s sin nature (original sin) and are born sinners, and in sin.
  5. Even if we didn’t inherit a sin nature, we would still sin—we’d do as Adam did because we are in Adam as the head of the race (we’re human).
  6. Believers in Christ will be restored to being without sin in heaven—ultimate sanctification and freedom from sin’s power and presence.
  7. Unbelievers who refuse repentance will be judged and punished in hell.

The foregoing is orthodox Christian doctrine and not subject to debate.

NB: Perfect implies one cannot get worse because one is perfect and incapable of it, and one cannot improve for the better because one is already perfect. God is perfect in all ways, not just in His ways or works, but His entity and essence. God cannot create a perfect being, because that being would be God. He cannot create another God. “He cannot change for the better, for He is already perfect; and being perfect, He cannot change for the worse.” (St. Anselm of Canterbury).

Perfect Being Theology: a view of God formulated by Anselm of Canterbury that define God as “the greatest possible being” and “that than which none greater can be conceived.” That is, everything that it is better to be than not to be! God is something that we never could’ve imagined! “As for God, His ways is perfect,” Psalm 18:30; 2 Sam. 22;:31.

I am referring to St. Anselm of Canterbury, who defined the perfection of God that way. When I refer to Christ as perfect, I am contrasting Him with men, not the other members of the Godhead who are all coequal, coeternal, and coexistent, what is true of Jesus is also true of the Father, for they are One. God cannot improve for the better because He is already perfect and being perfect, cannot become less so—He needs no improvement. The perfection of Jesus means He was the perfect baby, perfect boy, perfect young man, perfect man: The perfect God-man. The phrase “No one is perfect!” doesn’t apply to Christ, the Perfect One to emulate as our role model in all things: the great Exemplar