About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

What Does It Mean That Jesus Is The Word Of God?

What does it mean that Jesus is the Word of God?

  1. God’s final word to man in Jesus as well as the Bible itself, pointing to Him.
  2. God’s expression of Himself to us; logos strictly speaking is “thought expressed.”
  3. God’s logic at work as the guiding principle and/or power in the cosmos., without which nothing can be known in reality.
  4. God’s channel of communication power; how we can come to a knowledge of God; God still speaks to us through His Son.
  5. God’s revelation to man in Jesus; all we can know of the Father.
  6. God’s language and message to man revealed in Scripture.
  7. God’s imprint or sign of Himself as we see Him at work; no Logos means no cosmos—only chaos.
  8. Jesus is the wisdom or plan of God revealed.
  9. Jesus is the idea of God—it came from Him!
  10. Jesus is the mind or brains of God expressed in Scripture (the mind of Christ).
Jesus taught as one who had authority, not as the scribes (cf. Mark 1:22).
NB: The Greek philosopher Heraclitus called the Logos the power that holds all things together: “All things happen through this Word [Logos].” The word itself can be translated: mind, reason, thought, wisdom, intelligence, idea, law, order, purpose, or design.

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