About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why The Consternation Over Reformed Theology?

There have been many Christians writers who have made it their mission to undermine Reformed thinking and to destroy whatever vestige of the truth they feel bitter about and want to avenge themselves, as it were, by convincing Calvinists they are wrong, and enjoying their argumentative writings.  Sectarianism is sin according to Paul in 1 Corinthians and we are not to look down on our brother just because we disagree with him. We are all in Christ!  Most Calvinists were Arminians at one time and understand their "ignorance."   They aim their guns at doctrines such as eternal security and predestination, denying their having biblical basis.

But there is much outcry in some churches over Calvinistic excess and the consequent prejudice and stereotype of them as having an ax to grind and having a one-track mind and being expert on minor points like splitting hairs or nitpicking doctrine that is just a doctrine that divides (the correct nomenclature should be doctrines of grace, not the five points of Calvinism known from the acrostic TULIP).  They seem to major on the minors according to Arminians, but they are wrong.

It is alright to be on a mission, but not to divide and conquer like the strategy of the devil.  Seek the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace according to Ephesians 4:3. Most Calvinists are not divisive, contentious, argumentative, nor judgmental as people think and John Calvin never made these points himself but wrote on hundreds of topics.  People don't know that Martin Luther agreed with the doctrines of grace even though today's Lutherans have strayed from his teachings.

But the time does arise when one must take a stand and say his piece and let people know his position so that there is no confusion or prejudice. In the meantime, Calvinists need to be wise not to push it and try to "convert" people to the truth.  Their motivation should be to enlighten people to grace-orientation and to set them free from legalism and self-sovereignty and trust in the Lord's providence--let God be God.

What amazes me is that there really are no Arminians in fact, only in theory, because they live, talk, and pray just like Calvinists most of the time!  ("O God, make this person see!)  They acknowledge God's sovereignty and control over all in their prayer and just don't know it!  The really insecure ones are the ones on a mission to prove they are right no matter what and to have a one-track mind majoring in one doctrine, for instance. We should never be preoccupied with a doctrine that we become unbalanced and think it is our mission to straighten everybody out.  God wants us to learn the whole counsel of Scripture not just our favorite doctrines.  We can readily diffuse a quarrel by admitting we could be wrong and not seeming like we know it all--no matter what our position. This is only a matter of personal humility and realizing that we are all part of the story and need each other as fellow body parts.

No one has a monopoly on the truth or has cornered the market and knowledge in itself as an end and not a means to an end leads to arrogance and spiritual pride--that one side is a cut above others or the others are poor specimens.  There are some Arminians who are great men of God and live holy lives and are faithful and some Calvinists who are carnal and worldly.  In conclusion:  At the Bema Seat, Jesus isn't ever going to ask us what school of thought we subscribed to but did we know Him and learn to love and obey Him.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Selfishness And Its Consequences...

"Now the way we live is based on the Spirit, not based on selfishness. People whose lives are based on selfishness think about selfish things, but people whose lives are based on the Spirit think about things that are related to the Spirit.  The attitude that comes from selfishness leads to death, but the attitude that comes from the Spirit leads to life and peace.  So the attitude that comes from selfishness is hostile to God.  It doesn't submit to God's Law, because it can't. People who are self-centered aren't able to please God"  (Romans 8:5-8, CEB).

One of the worst insults you can assign someone is that he is selfish.  Albert Schweitzer said that the only people that are happy are those who have learned to serve.  Jesus said that the greatest in the Kingdom of God is the one who humbles himself the most (like a child).  To be great in God's kingdom you must be willing to be the servant of all;  for didn't Christ come "not to be served, but to serve..." (Mark 10:45)  Where would civilization be without selfless people who dedicated their lives to something that will outlast it, something greater than themselves--a legacy indeed!  The secret of happiness is to think of Jesus first, others second and yourself last (J.O.Y.).  If Christ hadn't arrived on the scene and taught selfless love for our fellow man, it is doubtless we would have orphanages, hospitals, universities, and charities as we know them.  Christ changed the course of history, thinking outside the box, and turned the world upside down (even seeing women as equal to men).  We could not have a civilization if everyone thought only of themselves and looked out only for good old "Number One." The old Darwinian idea of the "survival of the fittest" is non-Christian and we are not to live "each man for himself," and not be "altruistic" (a characteristic unknown to animals and sets us apart as human and in God's image).

They say that the capitalistic system works and it is based on greed; well this is an imperfect society and that is not ideal and is certainly not part of "God's economy."  In heaven, we will not be primarily concerned with bottom lines, but effort and faithfulness and the blessing of God in what we do--not giving ourselves the glory.  But of course, when people come up with ideas like the proposition that we need to learn to be "selfish" to get ahead and be a "success" they don't realize that this is nothing new:  "There's nothing new under the sun."  What amazes me is that most people don't recognize evil when confronted with it, but have itching ears that hear what they want to hear without any discernment.

Only the mature in Christ according to Hebrews 5:14 are able to discern good from evil.   When we see evil we have the opportunity to take our stand and stand up for Jesus and truth and not let the devil have his wicked way in the world.  Just thank God for all the sacrifices people have made before us to give us the culture and civilization we have and their selfless love and commitment to the welfare of others.  In conclusion:   Don't let evil be unchallenged and unanswered and remember to conquer evil with good (cf. Rom. 12:21).   Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How Free Is Free Will?

NB:  There are two kinds of will:  mundane and spiritual.  My premise is that we cannot choose Jesus apart from the grace of God completely on our own--it is a divine work in us to change our nature.

Martin Luther wrote one of the most influential books of the Reformation, The Bondage of the Will, to refute the Catholic scholar Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (In Praise of Folly). The Roman Catholic Church, in the Council of Trent (the Counter-Reformation), 1545-63, pronounced this doctrine anathema and aimed their guns at it.  However, the debate has its origin with the bishop Aurelius Augustine of Hippo and the British monk Pelagius during the fifth century.  Much of the controversy lies in a problem of semantics, nevertheless, the debate rages on and is considered by some a doctrine that divides, since there are sincere believers (Arminians) who believe otherwise.

Verses to ponder by way of introduction:  Isaiah 63:17 says, "O LORD, why do you make us wander from your ways and harden our heart so that we fear you not?" (where is the free will [a term, by the way, not in Scripture except freewill offerings to mean voluntary and not compulsive] in that?).  The anticipatory question of Paul:  "...Why does he still find fault, for who can resist his will?" (Rom. 9:19b, ESV).  We are born into slavery in a hopeless situation [it couldn't be worse!]:  "Wretched man that I am.  Who will deliver me from the body of this death?" (Rom. 7:24, ESV).

Augustine is famous for saying that we are "free but not freed."  Martin Luther said that to call it "free will" is too "grandiose" a term.  Actually, granted we have so-called "free will," the Bible makes it clear that we are "in Adam" before our salvation, and he, therefore, represented the race of mankind and chose evil when he was given this free will.  Our wills are also depraved and spoiled by the sin nature in us.  We are enslaved to sin prior to salvation and must be set free as prisoners of ourselves, sin, and Satan.  We are not born free, as some think, but must be set free.  "For you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"  (John 8:32).  Adam chose the devil's way and ever since we do the same "in Adam" and are no different.  God granted us free will, as it were, but we chose Satan. Yes, we certainly make our choices willingly, they are not made for us--we only have ourselves to blame for our failures, not God.

What is God to do, but elect and choose to save some unconditionally and not by any merit of their own "according to the good pleasure of His will."  Remember that Jesus said, "You did not choose me, but I chose you" in John 15:16.  If there were any reason in ourselves such as a tendency or bias toward good (we are inclined toward evil and sin), then the choice would not be by grace but by merit. We do not deserve salvation and nothing makes us worthy: Some people don't just desire to be saved and others don't--it's not that simple (that would be a basis of merit).  God didn't choose us because He foresaw that we would believe (the prescient view, would be according to our works --cf. Titus 3:4-5)--that would be the beginning of merit and we'd have something to brag about in God's presence.  God made believers out of us and quickened faith within us, even making the unwilling willing and turning hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.

We are still responsible for our decisions and the road we take, and can't claim to "be on the wrong" list" because we all have adequate light to be culpable and make a decision for or against God--I do not believe in coercion or determinism, where we have our decisions made for us, like robots, or are made to do something we don't want to do.  The limit of our will is the ability to make decisions of the one available to us:  If I throw a ball, you have the choice to catch it or let it pass by.  But I decided which ball and when to throw it, etc.  We are free to "choose our own poison" in other words. The freedom of the will is a curse in other words because it has worked against us.  The problem with most theologians is that they jump to the conclusion that just because we can make decisions and are not robots, therefore we are free in the absolute sense and have "free will."  For example, this line of reasoning is like an animal acting according to its will, if you will,  and not doing anything it doesn't want to do; therefore, this means it has "free will."

Our Freedom is like a felon in prison believing he didn't act according to his free will and his rights are being violated in prison--he has the free will to make life decisions they give him (like what to eat, what TV channel to watch, what God to worship, etc.), but not the freedom to get out of prison.  Or it is like a man with a ticket on a train that thinks he has free will but doesn't even know where the train is going--that's up to God, as it were (our destiny is ultimately in God's hands).  Our freedom cannot say, for instance, "Henceforth, I will only do good."  Paul says, "I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate to do"  (Rom 7:15).  We are natural slaves to sin before salvation, and afterward, we are slaves to righteousness! The locus of our default inability is our nature we are born with (old nature vs. nurture debate).

But God thought it "worth the risk" as Paul Little says, decided we would be in the image and likeness of Him. Is God "free" because He cannot sin?  Are we free in heaven where we cannot sin? We are "voluntary slaves" and enjoy our slavery to sin. Some say that if we cannot choose of our own volition for God then we don't have free will--Jonah 2:9 says, "Salvation is of the Lord."  It is not a joint venture, but God gets all the credit.  (Soli Deo Gloria! or to God alone be the glory!)   We don't cooperate in our salvation, to merit it in any way--we don't add merit to grace as Catholics do.  Now, sanctification is another matter, whereby we cooperate with God to increase in godliness and holiness and in our personal fellowship and walk with the Lord.

"Know that the LORD, he is God!  It is he who made us, and we are his..."  (Psalm 100:3, ESV). "But now, O LORD, you are our Father, we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand" (Isaiah 64:8, ESV).  We are not self-made men but should look to the rock from which we were hewn and the quarry from which we were dug (cf. Isaiah 51:1).  We act according to our nature, (e.g, temperamental, impetuous, impulsive, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, garrulous, introverted, demonstrative, reserved, melancholy, etc.) and God decides our nature (like the difference between a dove and a vulture desiring different food by nature); we are hot-wired to divine spec!  God is our maker and we cannot ask Him why He made us the way we are.

So little of our decisions is because of the will that God can manipulate circumstances and use Providence to get His will done through anyone He chooses. Some people are vessels of honor, some of the dishonor.   We didn't decide where we were born, who our parents were, what schools we went to, what our heritage is, et alia. (There are many variables and control factors to take into account in the equation.)   God is free to act according to His divine nature and we are free to act according to our God-given tainted and fallen human nature.

Our wills have limits according to Scripture ("No man can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them..." according to John 6:44) and no man can do nothing apart from Christ's grace ("Apart from Me you can do nothing" according to John 15:5).  We have a will, but not the ability to choose or will Christ apart from the grace of God.  The condition for coming to Christ is recognizing our inability and of being unqualified.

The sum total of our circumstances and resultant life decisions are laid out before we are born and written in God's book (the eternal decree) as certain to happen (Psalm 139:16).  "My times [future] are in your hands" (Psalm 31:15).  "I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps" (Jer. 10:23, ESV). "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps"  (Prov. 16:9, ESV).  "A man's steps are from the LORD; how then can man understand his way?" (Prov. 20:24, ESV).  To sum up:  We have a destiny, but not a fate, which is impersonal and needs no input from us to achieve--in a destiny, we cooperate with God, fate leaves us no choice at all and will happen regardless.

The bottom line is that we don't need free will to get saved, we need wills made free, as you will see if you are grace-oriented.  We don't come to Christ of our own free will--He draws us (It says, compelle intrare or force them in.)  Furthermore, Romans  9:16 says it is "not of him who wills...." We can't reform ourselves or prepare ourselves for salvation.  John 1:11 says that we are "born not of the will of man, nor of the will of the flesh" We cannot change our nature or in any way prepare ourselves for salvation: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?  Then neither can you do good who are accustomed to evil" (Jer. 13:23).

However, we are, nevertheless, "free moral agents" and this means we are culpable and God gives us a choice to make.  Plato was wrong when he thought man would only choose the good because man is depraved and willingly chooses evil.   We are not "basically good" but inherently evil through and through. Martin Luther says, "We have not ceased to be man, but ceased to be good!"

 [Appropriate history lesson:  The Roman Catholic Council of Trent (1545-63) declared that anyone who doesn't affirm that we cooperate with God by our own free will is anathema (cursed)!  This Arminian position was condemned at the Synod of Dort in 1618.]

Jesus said, "You will not come to Me ..." (John 5:40).  God is "no man's debtor"(He will authenticate Himself!) and God "no respecter of persons" and makes us willing and able to respond to the gospel; however, He gets all the glory. We do not have the inherent ability to equally choose between good and evil--we are biased toward evil (not inclined to good anymore after Adam's sin) and need grace! This is one of the so-called  5 Onlys:  Soli Deo Gloria!  We simply would never have believed apart from grace:  We are those "...who through grace [have] believed" (cf. Acts 18:27, ESV).  Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Time To Weep...

As Ecclesiastes 3:4 says:  "A time to weep, a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance."
"...to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion--to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit [a spirit of heaviness]..." (Isaiah 61:2-3, ESV).  PLEASE  READ ON!

God works everything according to His timetable, "...for he hath made everything beautiful in its time" (Eccles. 3:11); also, "There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven" (Eccles. 3:1, NLT).  We must not question Him:  Job 12:13 (ESV) says, "With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding [His wisdom is profound, His power is great]."  And  King Nebuchadnezzar says:  "...none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What hast thou done?" (Daniel 4:35).   We wouldn't do any better of a job running the cosmos as God, who is still at work micromanaging the time-space continuum with all its matter and energy--there is not even one maverick molecule that escapes His sovereignty, and nothing surprises Him that He has to revert to Plan B. 

One reason we have trials, tribulations, suffering, and adversity or calamity is to show what we are made of--Christ didn't even exempt Himself because it's part of the required curriculum of life (Reality 101) and everyone should experience it.  It doesn't show what they were made of but what you are made of.  The same sun hardens the clay melts the butter.  Experience is not always just what happens to you, but what you do with it--what happens in you.   God is determined to make us in Christ's image.  When does a silversmith know when he is done polishing;  when he can see himself in the silver!  When asked a sculptor how he could make a horse out of a rock, he said he simply takes away everything that doesn't look like a horse!  Michelangelo found a rock of granite that had been rejected by other artists as useless and formed the statue of David out of it.

Therefore, God can make something out of nobodies and uses common people to accomplish His purposes just as readily as anybody else.  It follows that we are works in progress and must keep in mind that He will not give up till He is finished with us:  "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion..." (Phil. 1:6).  Remember that God isn't finished with us yet and no one has arrived:  "I have seen a limit to all perfection" (Psalm 119:96); "Let him who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall" (1 Cor. 10:12); also, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended..." (Phil. 3:13).

I postulate that God is the"...Father of all mercies and the God of comfort..." (2 Cor. 1:3).  God's in the "comfort business" so be comforters!  That's why Paul says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep" (Rom. 12:15, ESV). He wants us to have empathy and that means putting ourselves in their shoes.  We find out what we are made of and not what kind of people they are by our experience.  He comforts us so we can return the gesture to others in their bereavement in kind.

Mourning is a therapeutic thing to do for coping with tragedy and death (it is not escapism or a sign of weakness) and all of must get the closure sufficient to readjust and carry on.  For instance, in the military, they practically force you to go on emergency leave when your next-of-kin passes on, because they don't want you to be maladjusted and have emotional problems later coming on.  You cannot predict a moment of breakdown into tears and sorrow.  When Jesus wept I'm sure He was taken aback Himself and didn't anticipate it.  A person may go to a funeral and seem unmoved, but it will sooner or later hit him and he will pay the piper as it were.

Rest in faith and be assured that God has a purpose for everything He does:  "The LORD has made everything for his own purposes, even the wicked for punishment"  (Prov. 16:4, NLT).   Jesus had to get "acquainted with grief" and weep for Lazarus to be in the position to identify with our sorrows. "He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" according to Isaiah 53:3.

It is not appropriate to have a spirit of levity, or jest at funerals for the sake of humor (we don't want a comedian there to change the mood, for instance) but to feel their loss and comfort them in their bereavement.  We console them and not make light of it if we can relate to them at all.  Humor should be appropriate:  I have seen much laughing going on at funerals, which isn't wrong per se; there is a place for holy humor, but we shouldn't get carried away and put it into its place (if something funny happened in his life, that's different) and not let it disturb the spirit--that's why we attend funerals with our condolences:  Solomon says that "it is better to go to the house of mourning than the house of feasting [mirth]" ( Ecclesiastes 7:2).

Somehow it seems that we are closer to God in our tears than in our laughter for Jesus said, "Woe to you who laugh [inappropriately] now, for you shall weep" (Luke 6:35).  "Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief" (Prov. 14:13).   It is harder and better to make someone cry than to laugh;  anyone can tell a joke:  "Sorrow is better than laughter, for by sadness of face the heart is made glad"  (Eccles. 7:3).

Funerals are a necessary ingredient to the healing process whereby we get closure and reach a conclusion about the matter and can go on living, having learned something from it--they are to console the survivors and not to judge the deceased.  Like God said of Abel's blood, that it spoke, though he was dead ("And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks," from Heb.11:4b, ESV), every person that dies has a story to tell and we have something to glean and relate to--our chance to get to know them from people that did.  The concept of putting ourselves in their shoes and empathizing, and trying to say their message as they would tell it if they were with us, is quite a gift and part of the grace we can give others from our learning experiences or wisdom.  We may experience the gamut of emotion and show transition from tears to joy and even laughter!  We must all say our goodbye's and go on living and know that we have done all we could have done and have no regrets,  (we must acknowledge that it's over and we must go on)--not blaming ourselves and develop guilt that could scar us, for instance.

We don't want to be inappropriate but supportive in our fellowship with the mourners, and reassure them that Christ came to "comfort those who mourn in Zion" (cf. Isa. 61:1).  When we grow strong from our afflictions, we can testify with Paul:  "But none of these things move me..." (Acts 20:24, KJV).  Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What Is Agnosticism?

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for, certain of what we do not see" (Heb. 11:1).  We can know and Paul said he would rather have us not ignorant. 

Agnostic (Greek root) and ignorant both mean the same thing and come from the Latin root for ignoramus. Intellectually honest people often subscribe to this tenet of faith (and all positions about God require faith) and admit that they don't know and can't prove there is or isn't.  This is true:  You cannot prove either way.  If you could put God in a box and define Him, limit Him, or even prove Him beyond a doubt there would be no place or basis for faith.  It is faith that pleases Him and without faith it is impossible to please Him (cf. Heb. 11:6).  "He that cometh to God must believe that He exists..." (cf. Heb. 11:6).  No one knows all the answers or can prove their position; Christians are not alone, but have taken a leap of faith in the direction of the evidence and seeing the preponderance of the evidence in God's favor like a jury would make a decision without having literally all the evidence at hand, but only enough to grant no reasonable doubt.  

We are all agnostics in one way or another at some time, because we have faith and not the knowledge to get saved, but afterward, there is a so-called "properly-basic belief" or experiential proof (the proof of the pudding is in the eating!).  God reassures us and as Christ lives in our hearts "the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God"  (Rom. 8:16).  We have the witness inside.

But to get to the point of knowing the truth that sets us free from our slavery to sin, we have to be willing to do His will and admit we could be wrong.  As a scientist is willing to go where the experiments lead and eliminate all preconceived conclusions.  The notion that there are no miracles possible is a preconceived idea, for example.  There is enough evidence to believe if you want to and never enough if you don't. In other words, it is a moral issue and not an intellectual one because the Bible does have the answers to all the questions and no one is going to come up with some question to make Christianity come tumbling down.  The heart of the matter is that it's a matter of the heart is what Rick Warren says.  What kind of soil is what Jesus describes people as, the seed of the Word sown by God is the same, but the condition of the soil is different and some people just don't respond because of the hardness of their hearts or blindness of their souls.

The reason you can't prove God is that it would be reversing a universal negative and disproving that: Could you say that there are no little green men without knowing it all or being everywhere to test your theory?   It is impossible to prove a universal negative.  You have to be omniscient or pansophic (knowing everything) in other words be God Himself!   Being an agnostic is philosophically bankrupt and an invalid position because there is sufficient evidence in nature, philosophy, logic, and in the Bible itself to give witness and testimony of God--there is even an innate knowledge of His existence that is muffled or destroyed and therefore Romans 1:20 says that "they are without excuse."  Chuck Swindoll says you practically have to teach kids not to believe.

Most people really disbelieve because they want to justify their lifestyle, like believing they are animals so they can live like one and not feel accountable to anyone.  They say that believers have a psychological need to have a "father figure" but they too have a psychological need not to believe and don't see it.  It is very convenient for them to doubt or deny God because it would change their lifestyle. What's the worst part is that most agnostics don't know why they don't believe but are very superficial in their reasons and haven't thought out their position--this is nothing but blind faith, which is not knowing why you believe, but going by gut feeling or emotion--they just feel there's is no God because of their bad experience or bad encounter with a Christian.

It seems only logical that one should consider the consequences of being wrong:  Pascal's wager challenged people to realize that you've got nothing to lose and eternity to gain by believing and nonbelievers will go to hell if they are wrong, believers will only be annihilated or absorbed into the cosmos as an animal if they are wrong.  Who's got more to lose?

God looks upon neutrality with more disapproval than other stands and it is the position of the coward to not be willing to stick his neck out or go out on a limb.  When you have an encounter with God you are never the same afterward.  Neutrality is like being "lukewarm" described in Revelation 3:19 where Christ spews them out of His mouth because they won't take a stand for Him or even against Him.

I like to get a hold of unbelievers who have blind faith--they can't defend their beliefs and don't have a leg to stand on, having more questions to answer than they can ask. Actually, it takes more faith to not believe than to believe!  As Norman Geisler well wrote:  "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist [or agnostic I would say]." Finally, agnostics don't have the answers but only doubts--we may not know all the answers but know the one who does.  Just as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (the German Shakespeare) said, "Tell me your certainties, I have enough doubts of my own."  Soli Deo Gloria!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Strange Fire...

God speaks of His Way, he is deadly serious: My way or the highway!

God is really big on instructions, so it follows that He likes it when we follow them.  The book of Leviticus is a "how-to" book, you could say, (or God's instruction manual--Torah, for instance, means revealed instruction) just filled with them.  It is reasonable to assume that a godly person follows instructions and doesn't try to do things his way.  Like some are wont to say:  If all else fails read the instructions!  This is bad mentality and disastrous spiritually as Nadab and Abihu found out when God consumed them with fire for offering a sacrifice their own way and making a fire their way which God called "strange fire" and God judged immediately He was so angry.   They became examples of those who "do it their way."  Frank Sinatra became famous for singing "I Did It My Way" and I'm sure that now after he has died that his song led many astray and that he was dead wrong!  It is a serious thing to disobey God's instructions and we are responsible for what we have the opportunity to know as David found out when the transported the Ark of the Covenant and when it tipped the person bearing was struck dead because He didn't follow protocol.  What do you think Bible?  "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." Disclaimer:  The Bible is more than an instruction manual, praise the Lord!

God is a God of order, design, and precision and instruction, not chaos or confusion.  We become more godly (God wants you to get organized and be orderly!) by following this pattern and God making us in this image of Christlikeness.  We cannot have everybody doing their own thing as it says in the last verse of Judges:  "In those days there was no king, everyone did as he saw fit [what was right in his own eyes]" (Judges 21:25).  Jesus said there was a "way" and He was it.  Knowing Jesus is knowing the way and the first believers were called followers of the Way

In the Army you learn that there is your way and the "Army way"  and you learn this lesson pretty fast--you become a quick-study!  "There is a way which seems right to a man, but the ends thereof are the way of death" (Prov. 16:25).  "For forty years I was angry with that generation; I said, "They are a people whose hearts go astray and have not known my ways."  Do you know the Way? In another passage it says:  "But my people do not know the rules of the LORD" (Jer. 8:7).  Jesus is the logos or logic behind the cosmos and God has a plan for everything under heaven according to Proverbs 16:4:  "The LORD works out everything for his own ends--even the wicked for a day of disaster."

People that don't know God are always offering "strange fire" before the Lord and trying to please Him their own way by good works, ritual or religion, morality, philosophy, ethics, etc.  and not by faith alone.  Nothing that the unbeliever does can please God, for it is all dirty and filthy rags in His sight according to Isaiah 64:6.  Do it God's way or don't do it at all because there is no reward for man's way or works.  God only rewards what He does through us as His vessels of honor.    Finally, the reason God gives instructions is to test our obedience and see if we are serious about being His followers:  Israel repeatedly refused and failed to follow instructions--isn't this something we learn in kindergarten?

Jesus condemned the Pharisees, though they followed the instructions, for the same reason God judged Amaziah, (he followed the law, but not with his whole heart).  The Pharisees were culpable for externalizing the law and going the motions, as it were, and not doing it from their heart.   Today, in our churches we see many who have "memorized the Dance of the Pious" also and have no inward reality--this is exactly what Malachi rebuked Israel for in being frauds at worship.  We are to love God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.  No one achieves this perfectly in time but in eternity we will be glorified to have the capacity.

What is sin, but doing something our way instead of God's way ("We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way..." (Isaiah 53:6).  It is vain and useless to fight God and do it your own way because God is never frustrated and knows what He is doing and can turn curses into blessings and make everything turn out for the good (cf. Rom. 8:28).   Job 42:2 says:  "I know that you can do all things, and no plan of yours can be thwarted."  As William Cowper said, "God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform."  Soli Deo Gloria!

Speaking Your Mind on Profanity

I am not speaking theoretically but from the trenches of spiritual warfare and realizing the outcome of these positions.  I've had OJT or "on-the-job training" and have felt blessed by my stands.  Once when I applied for a job a profane word slipped out and she said the interview was now over.  I learned my lesson and hope to teach others that they can be judged by the content of their language.  As believers, we are always on display like we live in a glass house. Do not tolerate bad language especially from fellow Christians or those who claim to be.  Sometimes we can say more by our silence (like Jesus did) than by saying something and someone has said that he has often regretted his speech, but never his silence.  These verses may apply:   "...but a man of understanding holds his tongue" (Proverbs 11:12); "...but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue" (Prov. 16:1).

Let me point out that the best witness against foul talk is clean and articulate talk that isn't peppered with profanity. You don't want to jeopardize a witnessing opportunity by bringing up a pseudo-issue like this that might bring extra cleavage, so have a tolerance level and know when it is time to speak and when to keep your peace.  As Christians we don't talk wholesomely because we have to, but because we are cleansed and want to. God will rebuild us:  "...I will wait for my renewal to come" (Job 14:16).  Solomon's admonition:  "Do not let your mouth lead you into sin" (Eccles. 5:6).

Too many Christian have grown lax on their tolerance of people's language, no matter how foul it becomes, thinking they are being "nice" by not saying anything--they have developed an "anything-goes" mentality because of overexposure.  They are confirming them in their sin that it is acceptable and fine and doesn't offend. To take no stand on an issue is nothing but cowardice if you really believe that potty mouth is okay, they use it yourself!  If not take a stand and let the person have a piece of your mind (try not to condemn or judge though) and let them know.  You are doing them more of a favor by being honest, even if it "offends" them.  Remember we are to be "holy" and this cannot be in the presence of filth. In other words, don't be a fickle chameleon that changes like a weather vane to whatever kind of people you are around--that's hypocrisy. I can usually tolerate a little creative vulgarity or gutter talk, but when they carelessly use God's name frivolously or in vain (I do not mean cursing or cussing, but invoking Christ), I feel compelled to object:  On one occasion someone did just that and I said, "Please WATCH your tongue!"  It worked!

If you wouldn't talk that way in church you shouldn't be two-faced and approve of it at home or place of business or leisure.  There is no neutral territory--you are either for or against it.  It is like being lukewarm and Christ not knowing where you stand.  Christ can give you the nerve to stand up for Jesus and not condone such talk.  For Jesus said in the Beatitudes that the pure in heart shall see God.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O God" (cf. Psalm 19:14).  "...keep watch over the door of my lips" (cf. Psalm 141:3).  "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth"  (Eph. 4:29). Even David was known to pray for a clean mind:  "Create in me a pure heart O God" (cf. Psalm 51:10).  God commands us to watch our lip and if we cannot control our tongue James says our religion is worthless (cf. James 1:26).

At least say something or let them know you a Christian when the time comes to take your stand:  Don't just keep on pretending you don't notice.  There is a difference between an occasional slip of the tongue ("No man can tame the tongue" per James the Great) and someone deliberately trying to shock and offend you or someone else.  When I was in the Army I had to take my stand against drill sergeant in Basic Training and was summarily shipped to another company that had a Christian captain in charge.

In summation,  I am forgiving, sympathetic, and understanding and wise enough not to make rash judgment calls, but there does come a time when you must speak up or forever hold your peace--it's like having the moment of truth (what kind of person are you?).  I've come to the time when I just couldn't take it anymore and had to object.  But bear in mind that the goal is to witness and let them know what kind of person you are, in other words.  Soli Deo Gloria!

To Complain Profitably

Meditate on these verses to commence the study:

"O God, listen to my complaint" (Psalm 64:1a NLT).
"Those in error will then believe the truth, and those who constantly complain will accept instruction [i.e., doctrine or teaching]"  (Isaiah 29:24).

If you read the book of Numbers you will realize the main theme is the "murmuring" or grumbling of Israel and how they were not content--they wanted to go back to Egypt (representing the old way of life) and eat onions and garlic and eat fish, to boot!  They had become connoisseurs all of a sudden and critics.  And so God gave them their request and then sent leanness into their souls (cf. Psalm 106:15).  We may actually get what we want and suffer the consequences because we don't know what is best for us.  Getting our way is not the best way; that is why we pray for God's will to be done.  We are incapable of running the universe, or even our own lives.

The issue with complaining is to whom you do it and it is not evil in itself.  Habakkuk complained to God and Job never once attributed wrongdoing to God no matter what.  God wants to hear our complaints in the right spirit, but it can be contagious if we tell others and try to leave God out of the equation.

Paul said that he had learned the secret of being content in Philippians 4, but don't confuse this with complacency!  There's always room for improvement and we are never to entertain ideas of perfectionism or having "arrived."  The bad thing about Israel's complaint was that they had become rebels and refused to listen to Moses and God.  They listened to each other and not the leadership that God had appointed over them.  This showed sheer lack of faith and insulted God after all He had done for them.  Only Joshua and Caleb "believed" God and were granted the privilege of entering the Promised Land of Canaan.

The spiritual significance of Moses not being allowed to enter because of his one act of disobedience in striking the rock (representing Christ) twice instead of once was that we know that He didn't arrive as he wanted to and didn't make it to the goal but had to allow Joshua to lead the people to the Promised Land as a type of Christ.  Moses wanted to be like Christ to the people and saw the significance of this role and opportunity.  Moses complained to but he had faith and never wavered in it--though he certainly had a temper which God chose not to restrain.

Tell the Lord how you feel and He will surely listen with sympathy to your plight or dilemma.  We must get in the habit of directing our peeves to God because He is the only one who can solve them.  God does complaints as one would say nowadays!  He is saying:  I'm all ears just speak up, and I'll listen to your case.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Who Is Our Leader?

Look to Joshua for someone to emulate:  "I, however, followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly" (Joshua 14:8).  The best leaders are, first of all, good followers or disciples or Christ.

Remember the sitcom "Who's the Boss?" This is the spiritual dimension.

By definition, I don't mean who makes the policies like the senior elder dictates something, but who leads spiritually and only Christians can do this. The leader in the office of leadership may not be the de facto leader as we will see.  I went to a Bible study and they told me that I was the de facto leader though I was not the teacher!  I believe that Christ alone is the cornerstone, which was rejected by builders, and He manifests Himself in His body the church through all believers in their gifting.

Many believers seem to idolize and put their favorite preacher on a pedestal when he is human and makes mistakes like everyone else.  "To err is human" applies to everyone but Christ.  Even the Supreme Pontiff of Rome is not perfect, though he claims infallibility when speaking ex-cathedra or from the chair of Peter.  Popes have contradicted each other, as Martin Luther testified at the Diet of Worms.  The biggest problem we have today is that sheep are too easily misled and led astray by false prophets and heretics and yes, false teachers.  Some have sufficient charisma to lead, if possible, even the elect astray.  Chuck Swindoll says that if we only "drink of one fountain," we lose our perspective (we can get brainwashed because we can get into the habit of letting others do our thinking for us).

The job of the teacher is to equip the saints for ministry, not to make them dependent on them--i.e., disciple them so they can do likewise.   Sheep need a shepherd and don't know the way instinctively--they must be taught.  We all need to learn to think outside the box and step out of our comfort zone to explore new vistas of opportunities where God wants to use us.

It is not necessary for a good preacher to have "charisma" as I have referred to, but to be faithful and know the Lord.  One can have a fine reputation of being a preacher and hardly know the Lord.  A good preacher and leader never goes over the flock's head or loses them while trying to "wow" them with their scholarship or expertise and education.  He is not a hireling who sees his calling as a "job" but should recognize it as a noble calling that not too many get.  Many preachers have not been called of God, unfortunately.  The hireling (who sees it as a "job" and is in it for the money or thinks religion is a means of financial gain), according to Jesus, cares nothing for the sheep.  Notice that Jesus asked Peter if he loved him and then asked him to feed His lambs and sheep (reaching believers at all levels of growth and having something for everyone from milk to meat).

To answer the said title question:  We are all leaders in our element (everyone can become a teacher in some domain even if only in the family); we are all stewards of this gift and the best leaders have learned to be followers, so they know the score and how the game is played, as it were;  we just have to find out what God has called us to do.  Jesus is the Head of the church, not some man in charge.  Jesus indwells all believers and He alone is the cornerstone and true Head of the body.  He works through all of us as we exercise our gift.  We all have different domains or turfs and would be awkward trying to do someone's else's calling--he'd really be on the spot, as it were!  We all have at least one gift according to our abilities for the benefit of the body and edification of the local church. No one can say that a fellow believer is useless of no value to the body--just wait till they find out who they are in the Lord!

By way of example, one believer may be anointed to pray and another to give announcements and pray and another to minister musically as a worship leader.  Sometimes they seem to steal the spotlight and outshine the pastor, but that is their gift and one must not compare (whoever invented the "Let's compare rule book?") ourselves with each other or be jealous of another person's gift or talents.  Some preachers are jealous because worship leaders are known for stealing the show.  Caveat:  Distinguish between personality and temperament and spirituality and what is "of God:"  Charisma or charm can be deceitful and has led many astray!

The more we have the more responsible we are because we are only stewards of Christ and for the building up of the body of Christ--not necessarily our personal gain or benefit.  It is an honor to be a vessel used by God for His glory and to be rewarded, to boot.

It is wrong, in my take of doctrine, have one person dictating the policies or affairs of a body because Christ works through the body as a whole and they are to work together as one in Christ--this shows unity, not all agreeing with one person.  Sometimes it seems like you have been upstaged or shown up and made to look bad (like when it seems like someone left a hard act to follow), but the key is to be yourself the way Christ loves you and saved you and to know how He uses and blesses you--too many Christians are completely in the dark as to their spiritual gift or even what talents they have.

"Take me to your fearless leader!"  In Judges (it said that they had no king and therefore did their own thing--this is the last type of leader type) three types of leaders or judges were given:  prophets, priests, and warriors.  Priests stand in the gap for sinner and saint; prophets proclaim the Word from God to man; warriors are the practical workers who do God's bidding and calling and do the "dirty work" that no one else wants to do--often the thankless jobs! Jesus' threefold office was namely prophet, priest and king and He is the final judge, to boot.

A spiritual leader doesn't mean he is on a different plain spiritually speaking but that God uses him as a leader to enlighten and encourage--the gift of encouragement is vital to the church and is in a great position to be in for an aspiring leader--if one desires the office of bishop or elder he desires a good thing but should be aware of what it entails.  Some of us are natural followers and bless through following rather than leading.

Who the "boss" is may not be the spiritual leader:  Spiritual leaders usually edify and lift the spirits of the body and these may not coincide.  I think of the relationship of husband and wife--he is the head but not necessarily the "boss" or spiritual leader. In antiquity "might makes right" but today we believe in universal right and wrong because Jesus is the personification of truth itself; He didn't just tell us the truth--He became it!  They need each other and she may be more "spiritual" than him.  Just because she is subordinate doesn't imply inferiority because Christ is subordinate to the Father and not in the least inferior--they are coequal members of the Godhead.  They say the man is the head but the wife is the neck that turns the head!  Sometimes a great sermon inspires me but sometimes what I needed to hear was in a worship song or hymn and it spoke to me as I was singing.  The person who picked that song was led by the Spirit just as much as the pastor preaching with an anointing.  We are all in this together and must realize that we need each other.

The Christian life is not about walking around on some spiritual high or in the memory of some experience--and God doesn't exist to give us experiences.  Usually, the filling of the Spirit is when God is equipping us for ministry and not for our own personal gain.  We are said to "walk in the Spirit" on the other hand, because Christianity is a faith walk.  The question one needs to ask is where they sense and feel God with them and how does God use them?  As mature believers, we learn to see Jesus in our brethren and see Him becoming real to us in our life and walk.  "But we see Jesus..." (Heb. 2:9).  And again "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith..." (Heb. 12:1). Seeing Him and having our spiritual eyes opened is a breakthrough to maturity.  When you see someone do a good deed don't you see Jesus at work?  Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that God has no hands but our hands, and no speech but our speech if you know what I mean and follow me.

In conclusion, never underestimate your impact and influence on others: "It's a good life!"   The goal is to be faithful and make a lasting impact with a legacy, not to accumulate wealth in this life--work for eternal wealth!    Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Making Plans God's Way...

"Then the king ... rejected the advice of the elders'  (2 Chron. 10:13).
"Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap"  (Gal. 6:7).
"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!  For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision"  (Joel 3:14).
"Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?"  (Job 38:2).

Too many Christians erroneously make plans without counsel or wisdom from above.  If we rely only on human wisdom and insight we only get human results.  To achieve the impossible, to move mountains, we need God in the equation!  Equate the God factor--everything else are variables and He's a constant.  It is not an option to forget or ignore God and live as if there is no God; whether we believe there is a God or not, this is called "practical atheism."  There is safety in the multitude of counselors according to Solomon, and without counsel, plans fail.

Today we have everything from clergy, deacons, elders,  life coaches, school counselors, social workers, and mental health professionals to assist us in making wise decisions--we are not exempt from being wise, even as believers. God will reveal His will to us day by day and not necessarily in a rolled out itinerary.  For example, in Proverbs 24:27 it says to first make your career and then build your house.  Map things out before getting married, don't just hope to get it all together afterward (don't wait to get your act together!)--this is God's way!  God's way is to always put Him first (set priorities!) and let Him take care of the details and results.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"  (Matt. 6:33).

Being wise enough to be a success means seeing the Big Picture and not getting too detail-oriented, and thinking small-time. God does have a plan for us and He will get His way regardless of whether we cooperate. In mapping out our life course it is necessary to have "vision," without which we perish according to Proverbs 29:18.  We want God to get all the glory and credit for our success and realize it came from Him and we owe Him and have no place to boast (cf. Deut. 8:17-18) they say, an Englishman is a self-made man who worships his Creator!   Ponder this verse:  "All that we have done [God] has accomplished through us"  (Isaiah 26:12).

God is in control and micromanages our life as well as history itself and no one can say to God: "What hast thou done?"  (cf. Dan. 4:35).  God's will will be done and He has no Plan B case we mess up and ruin our lives; we cannot blame God for our failure because we are still culpable for our errors and sin. "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps" (Prov. 16:9).  And also in the same vein:  "A man's steps are directed by the LORD.  How then can anyone understand his own way?"  (Prov. 20:24). "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails" (Prov. 19:21).

We may be determined, for example, not to ever marry; however, God may have other plans and we might still end up hitched.  "I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD..." (Jeremiah 29:11) implies that as His children He has good intentions toward us and not evil ones to destroy a good thing.  After all He is the Potter and we are the clay (cf. Isaiah 64:8).   All of our life was laid out before we were born according to Psalm 139:16 and this demonstrates His sovereignty--which is not limited by our so-called free will, which means we cannot frustrate God! (cf. Rom. 9:19 quoted:  "...for who can resist His will?"). Therefore, Job 42:2 says:  "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted."

In making plans we must turn over the lordship and ownership of our lives to Christ and surrender to God's will in all matters, holding nothing back--without reservation--this is a lordship issue and all believers struggle here because it's ongoing--Satan never relents.  "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed" (Proverbs 16:3).  God gives us the power to get wealth and to be a success (Mother Teresa said that God calls us to faithfulness and not to success!). Be careful what you plan for because you may get it (this goes also for praying).  In planning it never hurts to think big and to aim high, because then even if you don't reach your ultimate goal you may still be successful in God's eyes.  The revelation of God's plan or will for our life is conditioned upon our piety:  "Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD?  He will instruct him in the way chosen for him"  (Psalm 25:12).

Don't be wise in your own eyes or think you have a monopoly on wisdom--it takes the body of Christ to function and we all have something to contribute.  Finally, success means that whatever God has called us to do we will bear fruit and glorify God, it doesn't mean achieving the "American dream" or making a lot of money, having power or fame.  A word of wisdom from Deuteronomy 32:29 says: "If only they were wise and would understand this and discern what their end will be!"  In summation, the goal is achieving God's will for your life (a life of relinquishment), and walking with the Lord day-by-day, hour-by-hour, moment-by-moment, in faithfulness and leave the results to Him--just trust and obey!  Soli Deo Gloria!