About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

One Healthy Body...


"How is it then, brethren? whenever you come together each of you has a psalm, a teaching a tongue, a revelation, or an interpretation. Let all thee be done for edification." 1 Cor. 14:26

The Olive Garden restaurant has a slogan saying: "When you're here your family!"  I look upon the church body as the body of Christ and my family unit as my church family, as you might say, even in a family, there is diversity and people are not all clones of their parents the children do not necessarily take after their parents as chips off the old block, but are individuals and we celebrate that individuality. There is once a song that goes, "He ain't heavy. He's my brother!"   We all stand up for our brother no matter what and do not let someone bully or pick on our brother because he's a brother.  It's alright if we do but not somebody else as they say. Christians are one unit because they're one in the Spirit, not one politically agreed or socially agreed some concept of that word is not a club or a sorority fraternity type of thing but a unity of organism, not that organization and that's a very important point. 

They say that in America "We celebrate our differences," and our diversity is our strength too. We are a pluralistic society multicultural coexisting in harmony.  This also goes through the church the more diverse the members the stronger it must be. If only certain people and certain doctrines were there and no one could just dare disagree then the church would be weakened and might even lead to a cult. 

The concept of being a protestant is that you can say this I dissent I disagree I protest. We are not slaves to church dogma but have individual responsibility as well as the privilege to read our own Bibles to interpret them as we see God open them up to us. We need to search out the scriptures and see what these things are so that the pastor says as the noble Thessalonians did.  We must learn to create community and we do this by loving one another.  We love people into the kingdom we don't scare them into the kingdom with scare tactics or threats or shove the Bible down their throats.  We simply do good deeds and see that our testimony speaks for itself but we must not jeopardize our testimony by sin so we must be careful of how we act and live out our faith.   The faith we have is the faith we show, in other words.   A real church has the active presence of Christ you can sense Christ moving through the spirit because there is love in the body. 

There is a spiritual wellness when people practice their own gifting because they realize they are there for a purpose.   Each one has something from the Lord to share to give to others we all have a place in the body. A healthy body of Christ is when all members participate we are not jealous of one another and we realize our need for one another We are friends in the church in the sense that we probably would not be friends otherwise it's because Christ is the one who unites us and this will be in place in heaven there's neither Jew nor Gentile slave nor free male nor female we're all one in Christ.

As the Holy Spirit works in the body, it says we are all baptized into the body by one Spirit. It doesn't matter what gift we have as long as we have the Spirit that operates through us.  The spirit of the matter in which we practice it is that that is important.   It is too bad that some people hold things against Christ because Christians do not live up to specs or par and do not meet their expectations. Atheists like to poke fun at Christians and think we are hypocrites there's something wrong with you and people don't necessarily judge Jesus but they judge us Christians.  We ought to take note of that and realize that we do fall short. 

When I realize that it's all about Christ as Jesus said the scriptures bear witness of him that he is the Spirit of prophecy, we realize that we are here for the sake of God, not for not to promote ourselves or to make a name for ourselves or to celebrate ourselves but to celebrate Jesus he is the reason we are here in body. I bemoan the fact that Gandhi said that I would be a Christian had I ever met one or it wasn't for Christians I'd become one!  This is really a cynical viewpoint but that's the one that he thought that he was holy when he wasn't he was just a religious man in his own way. He had many virtues but that did make him a godly man. 

We must realize that people see Christ when they see us and they judge Christ by the way we act in our daily lives we are the only gospel that some people see.  When we can see the differences in our bodies our local family in Christ the church and realize we are one Spirit then we can say viva la difference.  We celebrate this diversity and realize it is a sign of strength the more alike we are, the less strong we become.  That means we cannot tolerate those who differ from us or it could be we're in a cult where people think they are right and everybody else is wrong or someone has a monopoly on the truth and has cornered the market of biblical truth claims.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, September 3, 2023


 These are links to posts on the Law. 





Marital Bliss

When God created Eve, God saw that Adam was a lonely person and it was not good. NOTE: It is not being single that is bad but being alone in the world for God made us to be social creatures.  He attempted to find some help fit for him among the animal kingdom but none were sufficiently able to do that so he decided to create Eve also to be in God's image after Adam to meet his needs.   We are "complete in Christ," not complete in our mate!  Then they can realize that Eve is equal and partner in life, not his subordinate or inferior. He was not meant to take orders from Adam but to challenge him to keep him on his toes and make him realize that he is not supreme even though he was first created. You could say that Adam was the crown of God's creation but Eve was God's finishing touch. God's last creation was Eve therefore you could say that his best creation was Eve--he could not improve on her! God's last word!  Actually, beauty was perfected in Eve, not Adam, because I think he saw that she was beautiful. He was created for Adam, not Adam for Eve--to get that straight. 

Now people think that it is not good for a man to be alone meaning that he ought to be married to be happy or to have a woman as his companion. There's a difference between solitude and loneliness.  You can be a happy and fulfilled solitary man! If you know God that is!  You can have much company and still be alone in life you can be around people and be lonely and you can not have many friends and be lonely. Paul was single and he saw a marriage as a concession made to man because of his lust [not because he would be lonely!] and his weaknesses and you are better off being single if you can handle being signal without burning and lust.  He saw being single as a calling from God in a special gift (celibacy).  God did not intend to make it a special spiritual milestone when they become married as a graduation, prize, trophy, or award from God or as demonstrating extra spirituality.   

Now, I can say in my life I'm glad that I was divorced because that's when God gave me a spiritual wake-up call into service and I renewed myself spiritually and made a recommitment to my life. Paul is right when he said that when you're married your loyalties are divided you cannot devote your whole life and time to God. You have divided loyalty to your family and wife. The cares of this life have a danger to choke out kingdom duties and obligations or service.  This takes away from God's time. But I believe celibacy is a gift and the church should not enforce it like they do on the Catholic priest. 

There will come a time when marriage will be forbidden says in the prophetic word of the Bible among priests and preachers. When people are married, they usually refer to their spouse as their better half or their inspiration or reason for living but they must not see their spouse as an idol or a person that takes the place of God in their lives or even someone they worship, in other words.  It also says in the Bible when you find a wife you find a good thing and obtain favor from the Lord; this is a blessing and we should be glad and praise God when we find a wife for this is God's will for us.  People can get married apart from the Lord's sanction authority, purpose, or permission. They want to do their own thing and refuse to listen to advice like when they are unequally yoked or living in sin. 

Counseling is also called for when such a one may be living in disobedience and is considering marriage. It is important when you're married to find the right one or Mr Right or conversely Mrs Right. That does not mean they are perfect but they are meant for you you're you're man or your woman when God gave you they're more than just a friend they're they are an advisor, an advocate, an intercessor a counselor, a confidant, and intimate companion to share life with.  

In sum, marriage is a partnership of two equals seeking God's will for them as a team and having unity and oneness of spirit and spiritual goals; therefore, God has decided to use both together to accomplish his will, and bliss in marriage is only found this way or they will be fighting God and his will! Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet VIII Conclusion


"Everything comes to pass of necessity." John Wycliffe. 

"Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing." Martin Luther, hymn: A Mighty Fortress

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the LORD of hosts..." (Zech. 4:6). 

"... who works all things according to the counsel of his will." (Eph. 1:11). 

Jonah was never grace-oriented because he never experienced it himself dramatically enough to change his attitude.  He was full of "them" and "they" but not enough "I" statements. He was pointing the finger and playing the blame game and he had the gall to play the "Let's compare!" game!  Like when you say, compared to Hitler, I am a saint!  When you judge someone it says more about you than them.  In the case of the Ninevites, he thought they deserved to be punished and was waiting around after he preached to them just to see what would happen hoping that God would not spare them because he may be out of some technicality like they didn't repent sincere enough or something.  Don't we all rejoice or even gloat when our enemy falls, stumbles, or has calamities or judgments? 

We must realize that the story of Jonah is about how God deals with us as sinners and we all can put ourselves in Jonah's shoes and realize that we are no better than him. The point is that if you don't experience grace, you don't know how wonderful it is and you will want you will not want other people to experience it.  It's like once you've experienced love, you want to pass it around.  Grace changes you!  God does not have to save even Jonah though otherwise it would be justice.  God's mercy is undeserved towards us none of us is good enough to make it to have in fact we're bad enough always that we need to be saved. But in order to be saved, we must realize how bad we are and we don't realize how bad we are until we've tried to be good--what a catch-22!

Nothing just happens without a cause according to the law of cause and effect. There is no such thing as chance or luck in God's eye or vantage point.  He is completely in control even over the toss of the die. But Jonah seemed to think all these events were just coincidences and not a way of God giving him an object lesson. He should have heeded God's impending warning signs and even his mercy on him.  

Several times in the story it says God "appointed" this or that God appointed a storm, appointed a whale, appointed a plant,  appointed the worm, appointed a wind--this shows and stresses God's sovereignty. We must realize that God is always in control this is called Providence when he directs it towards us his children and leads our lives toward his purposes.  He orchestrates all history to his glory.   He has divine favor on us whether it is good or bad God has our best in mind.  If we must thank God for the good times, we should also realize that he may send bad times as well and accept them.

It is really problematic that Jonah found himself in a depressed funk that Nineveh did not get its comeuppance maybe they should have deserved just a little bit of punishment but they didn't get any they got off scot-free and it pushed his buttons, so he said he'd rather die. He didn't realize that he was a successful prophet and got the people to listen to his thankless message to repent. The point is we're all undeserving people in need of God's grace and mercy that God grants us repentance and opens our hearts to make us repent. If any of us deserved to be saved, it would be justice, not mercy! 

God always warns us when he's going to judge us.  That's another point to the story let's realize that God also has patience and his patience can run out he will have limits where he must judge. Jonah doesn't seem to get that God means business even with him the story goes on that Jonah was not on board with God who didn't teach him the basic lesson that his mercies never come to an end.  Even with Jonah who was so self-righteous, he thought he was a cut above the rest and he actually challenged God and confronted God with his so-called injustice to spare Nineveh in his eyes.  To his dismay, Nineveh was spared. But the reader probably doesn't even want Jonah spared.  A major takeaway from this story is that God is compassionate to all people who repent and doesn't desire to judge but to have mercy and no one is too far gone for his mercy. 

Salvation is a matter of realizing we cannot save our selves! "Apart from Me, you can do nothing," John 15:5.  The story ends with Jonah's religiosity or setting up his own religion to save himself. He relied upon the energy of the flesh!  God is not against doing good or helping ourselves but in doing it on our own without his spirit or help.  This is religion in essence: a do-it-yourself proposition, a self-help system, lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps, and self-reliance and rugged individualism.  Sounds very American!  Being a self-made man! Didn't he realize he needed God?  Religion is antithetical to grace which relies and depends upon God, not us or the works of the flesh.  In other words, he believes God helps those who help themselves and builds himself a hut to relieve himself without calling upon the LORD. Soli Deo Gloria!

Friday, August 25, 2023

Why Study The Bible?

"Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing shall cause them to stumble" (Ps. 119:165).
"If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction" (Ps. 119:92).
"I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil" (Ps. 119:162).

The discipline of teleology is the study of the purpose or design of things and unbelievers don't like to hear that there is a purpose behind the universe or creation, but that it is just a big cosmic accident of the forces of nature. For instance, the so-called design of earth (Anthropic principle) is perfectly fit for human habitation--is that an accident? 

This is one of the proofs for the existence of God, that it seems obvious to the objective person that there is a purpose for everything--telos, or purpose is anathema to the secularist. Case in point: The purpose of dirt is to grow grass; the purpose of grass is to feed cattle; the purpose of cattle is to nourish man--this is where the equation breaks down because we can't agree on the purpose of man without religion entering the picture and then we see the big picture. The three questions: where did we come from? Why are we here? And where are we going?

Now, the question at hand is, why study the Bible? It should not be an academic issue or discipline to entertain us (like in a trivia game) or increase our knowledge, but to change our lives. During the Enlightenment gentlemen used to have the hobby of discussing theology, the queen of sciences, among themselves to pass the time--it was assumed everyone had a working knowledge of the Bible and could take part. Having a great knowledge of the Bible is not necessarily a compliment, because the Pharisees did too--it's what you apply That counts with God! Knowledge about the Bible is a prerequisite to knowing the Bible; it is necessary, but not sufficient to know God--the goal.

"Knowledge puffs up, but love [is what] edifies," according to 1 Cor. 8:1. But this is the kind of knowledge that doesn't contain discernment or wisdom, knowledge of God (cf. Hos. 4:1,6) "A people without discernment ["understanding" in NIV] perish" (Hos. 4:14). One of the worst sins is knowledge without character, according to Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, because it is a fact that knowledge can be dangerous. A little knowledge is worse than none. Half-educated people are more harmful than illiterate ones. 

What you know ought to be so! Some people know just enough to be hazardous. Don't get me wrong--ignorance is not bliss, but we must be careful to see Bible knowledge as a means to an end, and not the end itself. It's not a contest to see who the most about the Bible--knowing the Bible is different and knowing and loving the Author is the paramount goal. More knowledge equals more responsibility too!

We are not to compare or commend ourselves with others because accumulated knowledge can be a byproduct and just because someone knows a lot doesn't mean that is the goal. Knowledge is a tool for the preacher and part of his trade and he is to teach others to become independent of him and learn to fend for themselves, as it were, and someday know how to study on their own--because they love the Bible, not because they want to get smart. 

The Bible is sufficient to teach us everything we need to know how to live a victorious Christian life and grow into a mature believer, producing much fruit. The Bible is also known for its clarity because its main message is clear to the simple-minded and hidden from the "wise" out of the wisdom of God, because of the condition of their heart and will.

You can't teach someone to love the Bible--he must practice it and apply it himself to learn this and he will learn gradually to appreciate it. He has to grow into this. One should learn to study the Bible so that he can get "Aha!" moments or epiphanies (I can remember the exact day when God opened the Scriptures to me and I couldn't stop reading them) One can then sense God is speaking to Him because this is the way God has promised to reach out to us and speak to our needs. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Tim. 2:15, KJV).

With the privilege of interpreting Scripture, comes the responsibility to do it right and not to fabricate our own truths! The Word also "equips" us for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17)! We should all be able to say with the psalmist, "O, how I love Thy Law, it is my meditation all the day" (Ps. 119:97).

When you say something is credible because it is credible, this is not meant to be circular reasoning, like saying it's logical because logic is the only proof. It's logical to believe this because what is logical is believable. But I mean different and subtle shades of meaning. A witness's credibility must be established before he can be believed on the witness stand, and the other side seeks to destroy his credibility.

The character of the Bible characters and of the Bible itself is without peer--so it is reasonable to believe them. Some skeptics don't believe the Bible because of their presupposition that miracles don't happen--but you can't prove that! In the end, this is a philosophical question and the authority is the reliability of the historical documents and the veracity of the witness

An example of circular reasoning would be to say that you think logic should be the test of Scripture because that's only logical. Actually, any standard to hold the Bible to other than itself will never stand and will break down as circular proof--the Bible must be self-attesting just as it assumes God exists and doesn't try to prove Him. The saying is, "The finite cannot grasp the infinite.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet VII

 Israel was commissioned by God to be His messenger of the gospel to the world, but they botched it miserably and that is why the church had to come into being--to make Israel jealous.  God's grace has never been limited to one family, clan, tribe, nation, race, or peoples; but always open to all who have faith like Abraham ("Everyone who has faith is a child of Abraham," says Gal. 3:7).

Jonah was a type of Israel who was ordered to go to Nineveh to tell them to repent and went to opposite way! Now, before you condemn him for his disobedience, compare this to sending a Jew to Hitler in Berlin during the Holocaust to tell him to repent or else!  It was a suicide mission, to say the least, and Jonah had a survival instinct--get as far away from it as possible.  He actually didn't believe God would hassle him in Tarshish, and maybe God wouldn't have any authority there.  He asked the next boat if they were "going his way" and he was off to escape God.  But he found out you cannot run away from God but the Hound of Heaven will always catch up.  Jonah was out of fellowship and fell asleep in the hold of the ship during a violent storm.

To say the least, Jonah was a reluctant prophet and a negative example in Scripture of how to obey.   God used Him anyway and turned the situation around by His providence.  Jonah is the most famous, infamous, and even notorious of all prophets, and people sure like to mock his faith and story as fiction--but Jesus, Himself, believed it.  Jonah is indeed a lowlife in this book who happens to be the only one not on board with God--the ship's crew repents, the city of Nineveh repents and Jonah is "angry enough to die."  He has a death wish, but I wouldn't say he is suicidal--he is in a depressed funk and takes it out on God.  

Why?  His prophecy didn't come true about God destroying the city and he actually wanted it destroyed--he didn't love his enemies.  Jonah must have been aware of the doctrine of the providence of God and could've seen how God was moving behind the scenes in the small details of his life as He prepared (Providence in action!) a storm, a fish, a goad, and then a worm to convict him.

Jonah should not be judged by us, but only looked upon as a lesson to learn from, even if negative. He is one of the few prophets in the Bible that was successful and got the people to repent.  He certainly didn't want to be known as a "false" prophet and humiliated; on the other hand, he had no right to be angry and should have recognized that God reserves the right to have mercy on whom He will have mercy.  This is a lesson on universal grace and for us not to have self-pity and lack compassion for our fellow man--we shouldn't be so willing for them to be judged.

In summation, we are all reluctant prophets who must complete our "commission" to share the gospel message with the lost everywhere God plants us and sends us.  We cannot run from God, but must reckon that if God wants to use us as a vessel of honor, nothing will stop him and there is no Plan B--get with the program!    Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet VI

"But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God.." Gal. 4:9 

"I selected and sent you to bring light and my promise of hope to the nations." (Isaiah 42:6). 

"Yet he did what was right in the sight of the LORD but his heart was not in it." 2 Chron 25:2

The book of Jonah continues with Jonah being angry at God for no justifiable reason. He hated the Assyrians so much he didn't want them to repent and thought they deserved annihilation. He is the only prophet who got results from his preaching that is recorded to repent and he should have realized he had a record to brag about or an achievement to tout or flaunt back in Israel.  "I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth." Isaiah 49:6. That is the Great Commission as given to Israel which they failed to complete.  But maybe he thought his brethren would be angry with him for helping out their enemy. 

It shows that we can throw a fit at God and even get angry just as Job did and God will not judge us but rather have mercy: "His mercies never come to an end."  You cannot limit God's mercy.  Jonah did not realize that he did not deserve God's mercy either!  It should have humbled him that they repented but he was still self-righteous and God still forgives him. Jonah had to realize who was in charge and find out he couldn't have his own way but must accept God's will. He might have thought he knew better than God!  God never answered his question but humbled him with another question.  "Is it right for you to be angry?"   It is noteworthy we can get angry at God!  You have to be secure in your relationship to get angry at them as couples know.   Jonah did not doubt his salvation!  When someone repents we should realize our need for it also and not just expect others to repent or think only they need it. This means "practicing what we preach." 

The question arises as to whether Jonah was obedient; he was to the letter of the law but his heart was not in it. He was not gusto, or gung-ho for the Lord and had no grit, and was not a wholehearted follower but only met the bare minimal requirements. We should never think we are failures when we do the Lord's work for the Lord will use us for his purposes and accomplish his will through us as his vessels of honor.  No Christian in God's will is a failure!   Jonah should teach us that we are much like Jonah ourselves and that God is also patient with us and we should not judge Jonah! 

The big problem with Jonah was that he was self-righteous much like Job and failed to realize his shortcomings and that he needed to repent--even Job did at the end. Job thought he was on board with God but never was.  He needs to get on track with God again.  He was forced to do God's will and complied in deed only but his heart wasn't in it and he had no love for these sinners or concern or burden or the lost. Jonah boasted to the Lord that he "knew" God and his mercies and even thought that God was going to spare Nineveh but he found out how little he did know.  Jonah didn't know as he ought to know! 

Even theologians can know a lot of doctrines and be quite versed in the Word and biblically savvy and not know God as well as anyone else.  "For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings." Hosea 6:6.  "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:4   Jonah said,  "I knew..." but this doesn't mean he knew God--you can know a lot about God and still fall short and not know God or have knowledge of God. 

You can know doctrine but until you experience it and it becomes part of you, making it your own or owning it and living it out, can you say you know it. We must turn our creeds into deeds! Jonah insisted he "knew" this and that but it was not real to him yet.  "Now that you know these things blessed are you if you do them."  John 13:17. After God spoke to Job, he repented but not so with Jonah!   He had not come to a personal encounter with God that made him humble before him and it did not change him! Holiness is not according to experience because he sure had it.   It goes to show that there are two types of Christians: those who have been humbled and those who will be! Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet V

 When we look at the book of Jonah, we see that he preached that they ought to repent pronto, immediately with due haste, and with no postponement at all--as soon as possible, asap. The Ninevites realized "Now is the day of salvation."  They did respond immediately as it says and felt convicted with what they had done, and they changed their attitude towards their behavior and said that they had sinned against God, even though they did not know God, but did not realize this is only half of the formula of salvation or conversion we must add faith to our repentance. Now, we should realize penitent faith or believing repentance go together hand in hand as it says in Acts 20:21.  

Now, something you may wonder whether Jonah was a good prophet or not but he is the only prophet of the major and minor prophets who really got any results in preaching the thankless job of repentance because the people actually did repent when he preached, and what is ironic thing is that Jonah probably didn't even want him to repent or wasn't expecting him to repent he probably hated these innovate somewhat he won and to be punished by God. What kind of attitude does God have when he says, "I will be merciful to those who are merciful." and "Mercy and mercy triumph over judgment." (James 2:13).  

We must be careful not to pass judgment too quickly and that measure we measure on others may come back to us and haunt us if we are judgmental, we may end up being judged. If you want to be shown mercy you must be merciful to others if you are not merciful to others don't expect God to be merciful to you you need a lot of mercy then you better exhibit a lot of mercy. This is the thing about mercy in my opinion once you've experienced it you want to pass it along just like the love of God if you have never experienced the love of God you will not be sharing it with others is a transforming experience to encounter God in one's life in conversion you want to help others see the light in the work when you see the light the Joanna exhibited none of these qualities he didn't realize that the commission that God gave the Jews for the Israelites was also to the Gentiles to be a light to the nations.

The point of the story is that the Ninevites sought fire insurance, as it were, they didn't want their city destroyed or overthrown.  They had regrets about what they had done and felt sorry for what they had done but it was nothing mixed with faith they were only halfway there. Also, repentance is not supposed to be merely a ticket out of hell or fire insurance, but a heartfelt conviction, radical change of behavior, and transformation of the heart will, and mind not just a change in your opinions toward your sin. 

They certainly did not deserve mercy we must also realize that we do not deserve mercy and that God doesn't have to be merciful. God could be just even if he condemned everybody who ever lived. It is a miracle of mercy that he has saved anyone. When people say that God is love they forget that is not the whole picture as far as God is concerned for the lost ("Behold, therefore the goodness and sternness of God." Rom 11:22).   God is also just and righteous and holy and must not overlook sin he must punish it because it offends him it is just like man or is to anti-matter to matter when both cannot coexist.  God's holiness and man's sin are antithetical. 

Usually, when we preach faithfully the Word of God, we must properly divide the law and gospel into what we must do and what God has done or will do for us. Good news as well as bad news. He failed to preach the good news of the gospel to get them saved he just preached something to them so they would avoid catastrophe and annihilation as a city. Have the message!  He was a doomsayer, in other words, and he probably felt that this was their just dessert for what they had done, and in due time they would be judged.

But the Ninevites realized, first of all, that perchance God grant them mercy and change his mind and not destroy us. This is an example of God's justice being satisfied because these people did render contrition to what they had done in the sense that they went through all the motions of repentance like sacrificing sackcloth and sitting fasting and prayers and all that so God did spare them, so they were lucky in a sense.  We certainly did not deserve it either, we must realize that all of us are like the men of Nineveh, but God is calling us all on the day of salvation that once. we repent we will be headed towards hellfire as we already are if we don't repent. 

The default position or direction or destination is hell-bound and God does not condemn us. We condemn ourselves God does not judge so much as we judge ourselves so much, we condemn ourselves by our own conscience and we choose to rebel against God on our own even without Adam's help for we would have done the same thing as Adam and God knows it and we know it.

You must realize that true repentance isn't just reforming our lives or changing our ways but having a change of heart not just an opinion and a complete turnaround from our sin to God and in about-face going in the other direction we were running from God and we should run to God it's more than just turning over a new leaf or making a New Year's resolution or making an AA pledge, rather it is a complete transformation of the heart from the inside out wrought by God's grace (Acts 5:31:11:18).

Repentance is only manifest when it has the fruits of repentance (Luke 24:47) for it we are told to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance to prove our repentance is genuine for there is no genuine repentance without saving faith that produces a life of good works.  They all go together hand in hand one after another in subsequent order. We do not change our lives, but God changes us and changes our hearts. 

We must also note in this book that God always gives time and place and the chance for repentance he never judges without warning.  We are given a fair chance to repent and an opportunity to change our ways and God doesn't give anyone an excuse, so it is our fault that we turn against God, not his fault for failing to warn us of our ways. We all got more than an apology we need to change our lives to prove our apology is valid.  We don't just say we're sorry to God that doesn't cut it with God.  Judas said he was sorry, but he did not have faith, Peter did have faith when he did repent and was sorry, he showed true repentance accompanied by faith and fruit.   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet IV


I'm sure about this:  the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6

I am with I am by the grace of God. 1 Cor. 15:1

PBPGIFWMY  (Please be patient, God isn't finished with me yet!") 


Remember that we are God's masterpieces. (Eph. 2:10).  God never gives up on us (Phil. 1:6)--that is a point we see in Jonah. God is no Plan B, for instance, he has our destiny planned out and written out for us he controls our destiny he uses us for his purposes and we will know there is no second best in our life but best either the best or disobedience there is no second best.  God doesn't compromise!  We are either in God's will or we are not. We cannot keep God's will as Jonah thought he could. God goes after us as a hound of Heaven in a shepherd after the lost sheep. We cannot offer excuses for God's will in our life that we are not adequate or suited for it or that people will not believe us or that we are inarticulate or have no way with words.   

God uses us the way we are and we can become all things (1 Cor. 9:22) to all people God opens the door for whoever we are to reach other people in his name if we have the faith to do it.  It is the power of the gospel and the power of the word that works on people, not our words but the power of the word that brings conviction of the Holy Spirit. We must remember that God is the Potter and we are the clay though we must not quarrel with our maker.  God has a purpose for us even regarding the evil ones.  God is the purpose for them there's nothing in the world that does not have a purpose in God's eyes this is called teleological thinking. We are God's masterpiece in the sense that we are his "workmanship" created by Christ Jesus unto good works. (Eph. 2:10). 

God knows us, in fact, he knows better than we know ourselves for he is our Maker and we know us inside and out and has all of our days or lives written out beforehand and before we were born even knew us. We must sometimes think that we are not someone that would people would respect but God does not look at our appearance or look at our resume what he sees is what he can do with us if we let him control our spirit submitting to his we are seen as possibilities than someone that he can work with and he sees potential in us even if we are just the average Joe.

God is able to make all things work together for his Plan to supply all our needs (Phil. 4:19).  If we do his will, we never lack supplies or goods or provisions when we're in God's will. We must always have a criterion for our plans and our lives and be patient with others because God's not finished with us yet either so we want people to pace it with us too. Some people think that when we lack nothing good it means we have everything,.  No, it does not mean that Paul lived in poverty even though he had a tent maker minister, he did not have riches it's not necessarily true that Christians become rich as prosperity preachers but God is the Maker both the rich and the poor. But God will supply all your needs to do his will and all your needs not all your wants.  (Phil. 4:19). 

God will give us the marching orders to do his will and we must not major in the minors or get sidetracked but be disciples on a mission to do what he has planned out for us and open the door for us to do and I remember the disobedience does not change God's plan he will deal with it and prune us discipline us and chastise us to bring us into the right path and on right track.  He keeps us going on the right track and God is able to make us willing to do his will  Phil 2:13) this is unusual because we are free persons and agents with God have free will but God can influence our will and make us do whatever his will is.  He is more powerful and stronger than us, in fact, his sovereignty means that we cannot frustrate or thwart his will and God has all power to accomplish his will on Earth regardless of what we do or not whether we cooperate or not. We must realize that God never holds back on his abounding grace (where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more. Rom 5:20) and never has a second plan in case this one fails if we fail and we won't because God knows that he has called us for his good purposes we cannot fail the church cannot fail because God has chosen it.

Isaiah 14:24, 27 says, "As I have plans and as I have a purpose" In verse 27 it says, "Who will know it is He has stretched out who will turn it back?"    Contrast this with Job 42:2 which says I know that you can do everything and no purpose of yours can be felt or thwarted from you God is never frustrated with us we cannot upset God he will do his will whether we cooperate or not we are mere clay in his hand as he is the Potter and we are the clay and we have vessels who honor or dishonor we either examples of good or of evil god use us regardless.  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet Part III

 Jonah is the story of our salvation, it is not meant to be prophetic.  His book is a narrative that tells us a lot about salvation and about our walk with God but it is a story of a backslidden son in a sense one that goes away from God and then God uses him in a way brings him back but in this case, Jonah never really does come back but God uses him in a way it shows that God uses us for his will regardless of us he doesn't need our cooperation even to make us do his will.  But the essence of faith is measured by obedience and Jonah finally did obey!  We are vessels of God either of honor or dishonor (good or bad examples!) and we are here for his purposes, not ours God will achieve his plan for us no matter what. Jonah was saved or thought he was and was wayward, backslide, nearly apostate, and reluctant to God's will.  

We find his prayer in the belly of the fish as one of salvation but it is not, he is already saved and knows it. He would even rather die than fulfill his ministry and commission and direct order!  There is no prefabricated prayer of salvation (as some make his prayer out to be) in Jonah's prayer in Jonah chapter two he never prayed when he was on board the ship nor when he was called to go to  Nineveh but now he seems desperate and he wants to pray while in the belly. This is not a prayer of faith or of repentance is a theological one of confession and faith where he's trying to make a point with God, for instance, he says that those who worship idols forfeit their grace when he was referring to the sailors and looking down on them thinking that he was better than them comparing themselves. He knew all the theology of salvation but he did not have his heart in the right place. He actually thought he was better than others or superior or had a holier-than-thou attitude which was repugnant to God and that's why the fish vomited up as a symbol of God's rejection of his prayer. 

But God was to use Jonah despite himself just like God uses us despite ourselves and he saves us despite ourselves.  No one deserves salvation!  When it says "Salvation is of the Lord," it also means repentance of the Lord faith is of the Lord and regeneration of the Lord is God's work in us.  It is God's work in our hearts to kindle it with faith and repentance by regeneration.   God grants us repentance and changes our hearts and woos us to him we do not do this on our own we do not conjure up faith or repentance we do not catch it like we catch a cold in a crowd. Jonah did not consider himself unworthy (the prerequisite to salvation is to realize our unworthiness!) which is a primary consideration to come into God (realize you are not worthy!)  He humbles himself shall be exalted he exalts himself shall be humbled. The way up is down in God's economy just as John said, "He must increase and I must decrease." God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble! (James 4:6).  And Jonah did not see this and was never onboard with God throughout the whole book. 

We must realize from that verse in Jonah 2:9 that the salvation of the Lord is not a cooperative venture of us and the Lord or us alone god grants salvation from first to last all by grace.  It is God's work in us. Jonah in his prayers much like many of us we want revenge we want vindication we want to get even or to score we do not want repentance. Even a child that gets caught with a cookie in his hand at the cookie jar is not sorry for what he did but for the consequences and when he gets in trouble he wants revenge and does not confess wrongdoing, he doesn't want to repent and admit wrong. 

Jonah is the type of person who could probably preach repentance and salvation to other people and knew all the all doctrines of salvation and soteriology but he could not apply it to himself.  If he had a high opinion himself and did not realize he was backsliding from the Lord or towards apostasy. But God saved him in a way that is the whole story of us, how we cannot look down even on Jonah but let's learn from the story that we can be in the same boat as God has leveled the playing field and we have no right to feeling superior; to him the missing link is indeed repentance

I did not realize how to save myself until I found out about the missing link of repentance in my life hearing it from a Billy Graham crusade.   I knew that was what was missing and what I needed to do to get restored to God because of my sin. Jonah will never get back to God until he repents regardless of what he did even preaching the sermon he must still repent to be restored to fellowship. The story reminds me of the Pharisee in Luke 18 who says I thank God that I am not a prostitute, publican, or a sinner like others but has such a superior attitude and attitude of exceptionalism and superiority that God is offended by his self-righteousness.  Soli Dep Gloria!