"For by him all thing were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together" (Col. 1:16-17, ESV).
"(For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God" (Heb. 3:4, ESV).
"[I]n hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began" (Tit. 1:2, ESV).
[W]ho saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began" (2 Tim. 1:9, ESV).
The Bible begins unapologetically "In the beginning God...." It assumes and does not prove, there is a God behind creation. This isn't just the way the Bible begins but the beginning of all logic, thinking, and rationality or reason. Any other assumption is incoherent! In Stephen Hawking's book, The Brief History of Time, he postulates the Big Bang as its origin (the Bible declared this in Genesis). Just like you cannot have a design without a designer so you cannot have creation without a Creator. This is known as a teleological proof of God's existence.
"(For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God" (Heb. 3:4, ESV).
"[I]n hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began" (Tit. 1:2, ESV).
[W]ho saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began" (2 Tim. 1:9, ESV).
The Bible begins unapologetically "In the beginning God...." It assumes and does not prove, there is a God behind creation. This isn't just the way the Bible begins but the beginning of all logic, thinking, and rationality or reason. Any other assumption is incoherent! In Stephen Hawking's book, The Brief History of Time, he postulates the Big Bang as its origin (the Bible declared this in Genesis). Just like you cannot have a design without a designer so you cannot have creation without a Creator. This is known as a teleological proof of God's existence.
Paul says in Romans 1:20 that men are without excuse because of the abundant evidence in nature. Immanuel Kant said that two things amaze him: The starry skies above and the conscience within. God is self-existent, in that He owes nothing nor anyone for His existence. We, on the other hand, owe our very being to Him (cf. Acts 17:28). He is the sole, primary cause of the cosmos and the uncaused cause, as the Greeks said. Everything that begins to exist has a cause, but God didn't begin to exist, but is eternal and therefore no cause and is not an effect.
Genesis is vital to the Bible because there is only one logical alternative: "In the beginning matter/energy (quantum)." The idea of "In the beginning nothing" is a matter of intellectual suicide because the Greeks ventured: Ex nihilo, nihil fit, or out of nothing, nothing comes. Imagine the negation of everything and nothing existing! Absurd. Everything in the time-space continuum has a beginning, but don't jump to the conclusion that all that there is had a beginning because this would be fatal to science, logic, philosophy, and even religion. If ever there was a time when nothing existed, there would be nothing now. The theory of an eternal universe, it has been demonstrated, is untenable--evolutionists cannot swallow this bitter pill of there actually being a "beginning."
There has to be something transcendent, they reasoned, because we exist. God is therefore eternal--the alternative is that matter is eternal, and that is disproved due to the Big Bang, or the beginning of the time/space continuum. Nothing can create or cause itself--it is illogical! The order has to be that first there was a Thinker, then a thought, then an action leading to creation or thing. It is so much easier, to begin your reasoning with God and then explain the universe rather than beginning with the universe and explaining God or the cosmos! Napoleon was asked if there was a God? He replied, looking to the heavens: "Who made that?"
The existence of God and a Thinker is evident because we are thinkers which necessitates a Higher Mind for our existence and creation. Life only comes from life because of the genetic and metabolic motor, DNA, only is made from DNA. That begs the question: How did the first DNA arrive? It must be by creation, which is only logical. There is a required Supreme Being thinking and planning everything--that's why we have a "fine-tuned" (who tuned it?) universe and the earth is made in the Anthropic Principle, or designed perfectly for human habitation--the "Creator" just happened to get things right!
Athanasius Kircher designed a model solar system and when his superior saw it, he asked who made it. Kircher told him, "No one, it just happened!" The man balked at accepting and thought Kircher was trying to pull one over on him. He said, "Well, you believe the whole universe just created itself!" In the rules of cosmology, nothing "just just happens" but every effect or event must have a cause: The Big Bang couldn't have just happened by chance or accident, but someone or something intelligent was behind it to pull the trigger. The only plausible explanation for our universe is that there is a God behind it who made it on purpose for His purposes--He told us to subdue it.
God created the time-space continuum and is therefore outside the limits of both being eternal and having no beginning or cause. He is not confined, limited, nor defined by time, which He created! NB: Scripture mentions the so-called beginning of time in two places in the New Testament: 2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 1:2 cited above. This was before scientists even speculated on the subject and even though there was no beginning, as recorded in Genesis 1:1! Soli Deo Gloria!
Genesis is vital to the Bible because there is only one logical alternative: "In the beginning matter/energy (quantum)." The idea of "In the beginning nothing" is a matter of intellectual suicide because the Greeks ventured: Ex nihilo, nihil fit, or out of nothing, nothing comes. Imagine the negation of everything and nothing existing! Absurd. Everything in the time-space continuum has a beginning, but don't jump to the conclusion that all that there is had a beginning because this would be fatal to science, logic, philosophy, and even religion. If ever there was a time when nothing existed, there would be nothing now. The theory of an eternal universe, it has been demonstrated, is untenable--evolutionists cannot swallow this bitter pill of there actually being a "beginning."
There has to be something transcendent, they reasoned, because we exist. God is therefore eternal--the alternative is that matter is eternal, and that is disproved due to the Big Bang, or the beginning of the time/space continuum. Nothing can create or cause itself--it is illogical! The order has to be that first there was a Thinker, then a thought, then an action leading to creation or thing. It is so much easier, to begin your reasoning with God and then explain the universe rather than beginning with the universe and explaining God or the cosmos! Napoleon was asked if there was a God? He replied, looking to the heavens: "Who made that?"
The existence of God and a Thinker is evident because we are thinkers which necessitates a Higher Mind for our existence and creation. Life only comes from life because of the genetic and metabolic motor, DNA, only is made from DNA. That begs the question: How did the first DNA arrive? It must be by creation, which is only logical. There is a required Supreme Being thinking and planning everything--that's why we have a "fine-tuned" (who tuned it?) universe and the earth is made in the Anthropic Principle, or designed perfectly for human habitation--the "Creator" just happened to get things right!
Athanasius Kircher designed a model solar system and when his superior saw it, he asked who made it. Kircher told him, "No one, it just happened!" The man balked at accepting and thought Kircher was trying to pull one over on him. He said, "Well, you believe the whole universe just created itself!" In the rules of cosmology, nothing "just just happens" but every effect or event must have a cause: The Big Bang couldn't have just happened by chance or accident, but someone or something intelligent was behind it to pull the trigger. The only plausible explanation for our universe is that there is a God behind it who made it on purpose for His purposes--He told us to subdue it.
God created the time-space continuum and is therefore outside the limits of both being eternal and having no beginning or cause. He is not confined, limited, nor defined by time, which He created! NB: Scripture mentions the so-called beginning of time in two places in the New Testament: 2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 1:2 cited above. This was before scientists even speculated on the subject and even though there was no beginning, as recorded in Genesis 1:1! Soli Deo Gloria!