About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Then Our Faith Is Futile...

If Christ has not risen, our faith is in vain, according to the Apostle Paul (cf. 1 Cor. 15:14).  Christianity is Christ and if you take Christ out of it you disembowel it; however, you can take Buddha out of Buddhism and Mohammad out of Islam and the religions remain intact somewhat for it is mainly a philosophy without God in the equation.  Our faith is not in a creed or set of rules to heed, but in a person, and getting to know Him personally.  If He is still dead, then how can we fellowship with Him and how can we overcome our sins?

A person can have a subjective experience like believing in superstition and you might not be able to convince him otherwise, but our faith is based on objective, historical fact--and even the most variously proved one in antiquity.  Any unbiased jury would be forced to admit He rose from the dead, based on circumstantial and eyewitness evidence.  The point is that you cannot prove history scientifically--by its very nature, it is nonrepeatable.  The only verification one can have is the veracity of the witnesses and circumstantial evidence. Are these Christian witnesses credible or deliberate liars and perpetrators of a deliberate hoax?  Usually, people tell the truth on their deathbed, and they were in the position to know the truth, not being just fanatics aroused by the spirit of the times.

Proof of the resurrection by circumstantial evidence, such as the change of the Sabbath as a day of worship to the Lord's Day or Sunday, the growth of the church, so fast so as to turn the world topsy-turvy in such a short period, the veracity of the eyewitnesses who died as martyrs and could've admitted to lying rather than die, the alleged appearances of Christ, and of course the empty tomb, which wasn't in doubt at the time. Do you think they were just deliberate liars and madmen? If the body was stolen, who moved the stone (it would've been nearly impossible with the guards and how heavy it was).  But the biggest evidence is the dramatically changed lives of the disciples, from being timid and afraid to take a stand for Christ to be roaring lions for the faith unafraid of death and undaunted by the authorities.

The purpose of the resurrection appearances was for our sake, to give us hope of a resurrection (some Jews believed in this but the teaching was unclear until Christ came back from the dead as the convincing conqueror of death, the last enemy).  The resurrection showed us that the Father had accepted Jesus' sacrifice and that He was victorious over Satan and that His work was a done deal!   No other religion has a resurrection story to believe in but they are all pie in the sky and offer little assurance, but only fear without knowing for sure whether they are saved.  We can still experience the power of the resurrection ourselves (cf. Phil 3:10), for Christ is still in the resurrection business! 

The resurrection was not a continuation of this life and merely an improved body of flesh and bone, but a spiritual body of a whole new nature--a new creation!  Jesus had to prove he wasn't a ghost or a spirit!  He could walk through walls, defy gravity, and even eat and feel--this is a whole new existence of another notion and kind.  The Greeks could be convinced of some kind of spiritual afterlife in spirit only, but they scoffed at our bodies being brought back to life.  

In sum, Our faith in Christ is unique and something worth living for, not just dying for.; if it were for this life only, we are the most to be pitied, says Paul, you might say:  "If you only believe Jesus lived, and isn't living, you don't believe in the same Jesus:  The resurrection is the crux of Christianity-- its "Rock of Gibraltar."    Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Power Of Discernment

"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment " (Phil. 1:9, NASB).

"Those who have insight [discernment] will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven ..." (Daniel 12:3, NASB).

"... So the people without understanding [discernment] are ruined [doomed]"  (Hosea 4:14, NASB).

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [discernment]"  (Hosea 4:6, NASB).

Isaiah 27:11 (NASB) adds, "... For they are not a people of discernment,
Therefore their Maker will not have compassion on them.
And their Creator will not be gracious to them."

"But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil"  (Hebrews 5:14, NASB).

"But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD,
And they do not understand [show discernment for] His purpose ..." (Micah 4:12, NASB).

We all have insight into the mystery of Christ, as Paul termed it, but with the privilege of interpreting Scripture, goes the responsibility to do it right!  We cannot fabricate our own truths, because no Scripture is of any private interpretation according to 2 Pet. 1:20.  "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know" (1 John 2:20, NASB).

We all long for the power of discernment (if you don't use it, you'll lose it), and some of us don't even have a handle on it, as to what it even is.  Literally, it is the ability to read between the lines in literature, and to judge character in person as David did to Abigail's husband Nabal in 1 Sam. 14:33 when she said, "[B]lessed be your discernment," but spiritually, it is the ability to know whether something is of God. John exhorts us in 1 John 4:1 to "test the spirits, whether they are from God."

Some of us can smell false doctrine a mile away, as it were and have zeroed in on this gift.  The spiritual gift  "... [T]o another the distinguishing of spirits" means whether they are of God or of Satan. Similarly, Malachi 3:18 (NASB) says, "So you will again distinguish [discern] between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him."

We never have the power to read people's minds, for even Satan can't do that--thank God!  Jesus was doubted because they thought He didn't know "what manner of woman" she was who anointed Him by washing his feet, and showed no discernment of a prophet. No Christian ever has the ability to judge or discern a person's intent or motives (one of the powers of the Word is its ability to "judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart," per Heb. 4:12 in the NASB), for only the Lord sees the motives (Proverbs 16:2; 21:2).   "[M]an looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart" (1 Sam. 16:7, ESV). Taking the speck out of your brother's eye when you have a log in yours is not showing discernment. Don't think that God has put you on a mission to weed out the bad apple or separate the wheat from the chaff as the angels can (we do have the ability to distinguish truth from fiction though, if we are enlightened with the Word).

When Christians become sectarian ("I am of Apollos, I am of Peter, I am of Paul, or I am of Christ" type of thinking), that means they have lost discernment and fail to realize that Christ's body is not divided nor split into factions, but one in the Spirit and all were baptized into the body in the name of the triune God!  It is one thing to have spiritual leaders and respect for our teachers, but quite another to blindly follow them and think they are infallible, and one needs to separate or compete with others in a clique or party spirit.

We are to obey and submit to those who have the rule over us, but not blindly.  Christians are not in competition with each other but on the same side in the warfare against the devil's turf and domain.  It never was God's will to have denominations and so many church splits, but this has only happened because God allowed it to happen because of our frailty and weakness of being human (for the same reason He tolerates divorce).   At the Bema or Judgment Seat of Christ He is not going to ask us if we are Baptists or Lutherans, but whether we learned to love and obey Christ in a trusting and faithful manner of life so that we will be rewarded (our eternal life is not in question and our sins are already judged).

What kind of discernment are we to have then?  We all are to have discernment and can have it, but some believers have the unique ability to discern the presence of the Holy Spirit when brethren are gathered in Christ's name, and are especially sensitive to when He is quenched.  We are never anointed to judge one another, but the church's job is to discipline a member in sin because it always affects the body--if one part suffers, all will suffer.  God can give us insight into a sermon or verse that others don't see and it is our calling to share it or put it into practice.  The better one knows the Lord, the better discernment and insight he will have in general, including interpreting the Word (not the more education or training he has, but knows the Lord).  "... I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants" (Matt. 11:25, NASB).

We are to love the Lord with all our mind, and this means show discernment--it's an imperative.  "Do not judge according to appearance [as man sees], but judge [show discernment] with righteous judgment" (John 7:24, NASB).  Jesus gave us discernment:  "... I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life"  (John 8:12, NASB)"  You will be enlightened:  "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth ..." (John 16:13, NASB).  Caveat:  "Therefore do not go on passing judgement before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; then each man's praise will come to him from God"  (1 Cor. 4:5, NASB).

Charles Swindoll, pastor of Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, and Chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary says that if you listen to only one preacher, you will lose your power of discernment.  This is very true, because this is how cults such as the People's Temple or "cult of death," led by the Rev. Jim Jones, was instituted--they felt they didn't even need their Bibles anymore because he was speaking the Word to them, and so they didn't need to be like the Christians of Berea in Acts 17 who searched the Scriptures daily to see whether the things that Paul spoke were true.  No preacher is so anointed that he is infallible and doesn't need the body to keep him in line or going off the deep end. The Vicar of Christ, as the Pope is known, is supposed to be infallible when he speaks ex-cathedra or from the chair of St. Peter and pontificates; however, no one can fill these shoes except the Holy Spirit.

The prophet of today's church doesn't announce the future or warn of coming wrath, as John the Baptist did, but interprets the times because he has insight from Scripture (cf. 1 Chronicles 12:32), and he is able to edify the body and make them see the light of God's will.  Many believers can prophesy, but that doesn't make them prophets in this sense.  You prophesy whenever you lift up the body in opening their eyes to the Word and expounding it in the light of sound doctrine. Caveat:   Isaiah 29:13 (NASB) warns,  "For the Heart of this people has become dull, and with their ears they scarcely hear, and they have closed their eyes ... ."  God can and does judge those without discernment as it says in Hosea 4:14 that "a people without discernment are doomed."  God is looking for men "who [have] understanding [discernment] of the times, who [know] what ... to do"  (cf. 1 Chronicles 12:32, ESV).    Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

To Be Seen By Men

Jesus mentioned how the Pharisees loved to be noticed praying on the street corners to be seen by men and said they have lost their reward (cf. Matt. 6:1).  We need to keep our righteousness between us and God as much as is our control.  I remember the first time I witnessed of my faith after being saved in the Army and found out that being a braggadocio is a no-no. God is not impressed with our filthy rags and we shouldn't be impressed by them either.  Caveat:  "For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends"  (2 Cor. 10:18, NASB).

Ironically, the way up is down like John the Baptist said:  "He must increase, and I must decrease." The person who humbles himself shall be exalted, not the person who presumes to be someone when he isn't.  We are not to have low self-esteem or to think less of ourselves, but to think of ourselves less!  Like the actor who gets one role and thinks he is a star or the person who writes one poem and thinks he is a poet or the person who preaches one sermon and thinks he is a preacher, so we all tend to think we've arrived, even though Paul never assumed this:  "I do not claim to have laid hold of it yet..." (Phil. 3:12).

When you've preached a hundred sermons dare call yourself a preacher, though others can and may--don't toot your own horn; or if you've witnessed hundreds of times call yourself a faithful witness--let others praise you and not yourself, or if you have done whatever God has called you to and been faithful in it--success doesn't come overnight.  It is paramount that the Lord give His blessing to your endeavor and you be called to it, because you must have an anointing to do it in the Spirit--there are even preachers who do it in the energy of the flesh and are just great speakers or very scholarly, but not called by God or filled with the Holy Spirit.  I do not think preaching is a production or a show but a calling that must be blessed by God.  I know of storytellers, great public speakers, or even comedians who parade as charismatic preachers but are wolves in sheep's clothing and should get out of the ministry, despite their following--preaching is not just academics but spiritual.

Some people serve for the applause of man as people-pleasers (cf. Eph. 6:6, KJV), and some seek the glory of God and give it back to Him.  Praise is merely the test of a man's spirit to see what he is made of.  I make it clear when my Bible class claps for me that it is of God and He is the one to praise, but they still insist because they really believe it's a good Bible study; but I have learned not to trust the opinions of man and I seek only to please God and not man--I certainly don't want praise to go to my head. Watch out for those who want the approbation of man, and not God's favor and smile on their endeavors.   We don't do favors for one another as if they might owe us one in return, but we are servants of Christ doing it out of the pure motive of love for Him.  Soli Deo Gloria!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Being Down On Religion...

"Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor, but as what is due.  But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness" (Romans 4:4-5).

"For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law" (Romans 3:28).

Many people mistakenly think that the Golden Rule is the essence of Christianity, au contraire, that would make it a performance-based religion.  You can take Buddha out of Buddhism, and Mohammad out of Islam, and you basically have the religions still intact, but you cannot do so with Christianity--Christianity IS Christ! (You must know Him!)  

You must, first of all, be right about Him and His work:  i.e., He is the incarnation of God or God in the flesh and He paid the price for our redemption from sin, by dying on the cross to do this and show His love for us, and rose from the dead as ultimate proof of the Father's acceptance to give us hope and reason for believing in life after death--a resurrection.  Believing Christ lived and died is history, believing He did it for you is salvation!

It is a proven fact of psychology that religious people are happier than those who profess none. Paul complimented the philosophers of Athens on Mars Hill for being "very religious" meaning they were open to speculation and accepting of religious ideas, giving him the open door to preach.  But Julian Huxley wrote Religion Without Revelation, in which he said you don't need God to know right from wrong--this is where Secular Humanism leads us.  John Dewey wrote A Common Faith to say that you can be religious without a religion (Secular Humanism is a religion without God!).  True religion is to walk in the Spirit of God and be led by Him as you live in faith and are faithful to your calling in life--in other words knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him.

To say someone got religion is an insult to a Christian: " I tried religion," the pastor said, "and it didn't work."  His friend asked him, "What then, you're a pastor?"  He replied:  "Then I tried Christ and a relationship with Him and it worked!"" As they say:  The proof of the pudding is in the eating! I've heard of people saying that if that's what Christ can do for someone they want Him too--this is the power of one's testimony and witness for Christ to make Him known.   

Many people today don't really hold anything against Christ, but against religion, especially organized religion and the church, as an institution.  Jesus plainly said that eternal life is "knowing" Him, and this means more than knowing about Him.  It is some kind of fellowship of the heart and love affair that no religion can match.

Religion has historically believed in making "sacrifices" to appease" or mollify and humor the gods who may be angry and cause bad luck, as it were. Still, in religion, it is always the individual or society making the sacrifice (such as their children or a lamb). In Christianity,y it is God Himself who makes the sacrifice because He can pay a debt we couldn't. We owed to Him for offending Him in our sin and rebellion, and His sacrifice is infinite. It cannot be measured, and therefore capable of saving mankind if they accept His work on their behalf--that is precisely what Christ did by paying the price of His blood shed for us so we wouldn't have to pay it in hell, and this is a free gift of salvation offered to all if they only exercise faith in Him.

Religion is defined as doing something "religious" or displaying "religiosity."  Secular Humanists believe you can be religious without having religion and they are gaining ascendancy with their ethical religion without God. It's a faith to live by and has a creed to believe.  That is precisely what evil is:  Being good without God or getting along without Him in the equation.  Man's problem today is whether he can get along without the God he has left out of the picture, according to Will Durant.  You can be a Christian without being religious, in fact, this is the normal Christian way of life--a walk of faith. The righteous shall live by faith according to Romans 1:17. "[W]e walk by faith, and not by sight"  (2 Cor. 5:7, ESV).

Knowing about God will not satisfy the needs of the heart of man, but having a relationship with the personal God and knowing His will. Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, said there is a "God-shaped vacuum" in our hearts that only God can fill.  St. Augustine said that our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God.  We are made to worship God and if we don't we will worship something or someone else.  Christ promised a more abundant and fulfilling life in knowing Him, which is rewarding and worth it.  "... [I] came that they may have life and have it abundantly"  (John 10:10b, ESV).

Man strives to please God by his merits and works of the flesh (morality, philosophy, good deeds, ritual, etc.). Religion is also man's attempt to reach out to God, while God has taken the initiative and reached down in condescending to man--we are incapable of finding God through the doorway of religion!  Man is incurably addicted to doing something for his salvation and the Jews asked Jesus what they could do:  He replied that the "work of God" is believing in Him whom God sent.  Salvation is a free gift of grace that cannot be earned or paid back and is not deserved or merited. Christianity is not a list of dos and don'ts, but following Christ in fellowship and love.

Christ paid the price of a debt we couldn't pay and owed for our sins to the Holy Father.  It was an infinite price that only God could pay with His blood--He suffered to the max on our behalf. The crucifixion is the measure of His love because He didn't have to die, He volunteered and willingly went to the cross. Religion lays down what man is obliged to do, while the gospel reveals to us what God has done for us.  There are a plethora of religions based on human achievement; however, Christianity is based on divine accomplishment, not human achievement or work.

Religion is a do-it-yourself proposition of lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps and trying to earn your way in, hoping your good deeds outweigh your bad ones at the Judgment.  Christians don't do good because they have to, but because they want to.  Works are a "therefore" not an "in order to" you might say. We don't have to, we get to!  Viva la difference!  Religion is performance-based and doesn't solve the problem of guilt that we all incur by our sins.  

In Christianity, salvation is a done deal and complete, while in religion the key word is "do" and is never done--all you can do is hope and you will never be assured of heaven or salvation. You just can't ever know in a works religion.  When you say that works bring salvation, that is pure religion, and when you mix works and faith that is legalism.  "[H]e saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit"  (Titus 3:5, ESV).

Christianity says that faith alone saves and works just naturally follow out of gratitude and a changed life (the Reformers said we are saved by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone--no fruit means no faith). You don't come to God with a changed life or a resolution to improve but come to God for a changed life. He doesn't put a new suit on the man, but a new man in the suit.  

Millions of lives have been transformed and renewed by Christ, and this is not the case with other religions, because the problem we have is sin, not ignorance and Jesus came to save us from our sins.  There is no other Savior in the world and no one else by whom we are commanded to call for salvation by a leap of faith to believe in our regenerated and renewed hearts.

Good works do have a place in Christianity, but they give us no merit before God.  We are saved "unto good works," which means that we are not saved by them, but so we can do them--only believers have the power to do good works in God's eyes.  Good deeds give us purpose and meaning in life as we cheerfully serve our Savior out of gratitude.  The works we do are actually ordained or predetermined for us to "walk in them"  (cf. Eph. 2:10).  Note that Christ didn't die to make bad men good, but to make dead people alive!  He came to bring life and life more abundantly (cf. John 10:10).

If we have no good works our faith is dead and dead faith cannot save!  Without the evidence of good works, our faith is suspect because the true believer wants to do them.  Sin doesn't show our freedom, but our slavery, and Christ came to save us from our sins, which are the issues and problems we have. Religion is the best man can do, it has been said, but Christianity is the best God can do.  

This means we don't earn salvation, we receive it!  The purpose of good deeds in perspective is vital to know:  James says, "I'll show you my faith by my good works;" and Paul would say, "I'll show you my good works by my faith." They go hand in hand and you can only distinguish them, but not separate them--they are no substitute for faith, but only evidence that it is real.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Beginning Of Time...

"For by him all thing were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him.  And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together"  (Col. 1:16-17, ESV). 
"(For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God" (Heb. 3:4, ESV). 
"[I]n hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began" (Tit. 1:2, ESV). 
[W]ho saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began" (2 Tim. 1:9, ESV).  

The Bible begins unapologetically "In the beginning God...."  It assumes and does not prove, there is a God behind creation. This isn't just the way the Bible begins but the beginning of all logic, thinking, and rationality or reason.  Any other assumption is incoherent!  In Stephen Hawking's book, The Brief History of Time, he postulates the Big Bang as its origin (the Bible declared this in Genesis).  Just like you cannot have a design without a designer so you cannot have creation without a Creator. This is known as a teleological proof of God's existence.  

Paul says in Romans 1:20 that men are without excuse because of the abundant evidence in nature. Immanuel Kant said that two things amaze him:  The starry skies above and the conscience within.  God is self-existent, in that He owes nothing nor anyone for His existence.  We, on the other hand, owe our very being to Him (cf. Acts 17:28).  He is the sole, primary cause of the cosmos and the uncaused cause, as the Greeks said. Everything that begins to exist has a cause, but God didn't begin to exist, but is eternal and therefore no cause and is not an effect.

Genesis is vital to the Bible because there is only one logical alternative:  "In the beginning matter/energy (quantum)."  The idea of "In the beginning nothing" is a matter of intellectual suicide because the Greeks ventured:  Ex nihilo, nihil fit, or out of nothing, nothing comes. Imagine the negation of everything and nothing existing!   Absurd.  Everything in the time-space continuum has a beginning, but don't jump to the conclusion that all that there is had a beginning because this would be fatal to science, logic, philosophy, and even religion.   If ever there was a time when nothing existed, there would be nothing now.  The theory of an eternal universe, it has been demonstrated, is untenable--evolutionists cannot swallow this bitter pill of there actually being a "beginning."

There has to be something transcendent, they reasoned, because we exist.  God is therefore eternal--the alternative is that matter is eternal, and that is disproved due to the Big Bang, or the beginning of the time/space continuum.  Nothing can create or cause itself--it is illogical!  The order has to be that first there was a Thinker, then a thought, then an action leading to creation or thing.  It is so much easier, to begin your reasoning with God and then explain the universe rather than beginning with the universe and explaining God or the cosmos! Napoleon was asked if there was a God? He replied, looking to the heavens:  "Who made that?"

The existence of God and a Thinker is evident because we are thinkers which necessitates a Higher Mind for our existence and creation.   Life only comes from life because of the genetic and metabolic motor, DNA, only is made from DNA.  That begs the question:  How did the first DNA arrive?  It must be by creation, which is only logical.  There is a required Supreme Being thinking and planning everything--that's why we have a "fine-tuned" (who tuned it?) universe and the earth is made in the Anthropic Principle, or designed perfectly for human habitation--the "Creator" just happened to get things right!

Athanasius Kircher designed a model solar system and when his superior saw it, he asked who made it. Kircher told him, "No one, it just happened!" The man balked at accepting and thought Kircher was trying to pull one over on him.  He said, "Well, you believe the whole universe just created itself!"  In the rules of cosmology, nothing "just just happens" but every effect or event must have a cause:  The Big Bang couldn't have just happened by chance or accident, but someone or something intelligent was behind it to pull the trigger.  The only plausible explanation for our universe is that there is a God behind it who made it on purpose for His purposes--He told us to subdue it. 

God created the time-space continuum and is therefore outside the limits of both being eternal and having no beginning or cause.  He is not confined, limited, nor defined by time, which He created!  NB:  Scripture mentions the so-called beginning of time in two places in the New Testament:  2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 1:2 cited above.  This was before scientists even speculated on the subject and even though there was no beginning, as recorded in Genesis 1:1!   Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Antinomianism Versus Legalism...

The two extremes I am referring to are libertinism or antinomianism and legalism. It is vital to know these distortions of the Christian walk and learn to distinguish them so that one can walk faithfully and obediently with Christ.  The only antidote known is a thorough knowledge of the Bible and to know Christ--Christianity is not a list of dos and don'ts but a living fellowship with the Lord.  Christianity is not a code but a relationship with Christ. 

You have to decide whether you are the kind of person who needs no law because you are regenerated and obey the new nature, or know no law because of your carnality and obey your old nature.  Martin Luther (and I believe Dietrich Bonhoeffer reiterated) pointed out that there are no disobedient Christians--for this is a contradiction:  "Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes."  They go hand in hand and the only test of faith is obedience.  A Christian can be guilty of carnality, but there is not a sub-class of carnal Christian.

Antinomianism was refuted by Martin Luther in Against the Antinomians in 1539.  It refers to a distaste for the law or literally "anti-lawism."   You might say that it designates a believer who feels he has a license to sin or for disobedience since he cannot lose his salvation and is secure in Christ.  I must stress that the Bible never gives one the right to do what is wrong or sanctions sin or doing what is right in according to your opinions, or your own thing.  We have many believers today who make up their own rules as they go along and do their own thing like the Hebrews did in Judges 21:25 when each man did what was right in his own mind or made up his own rules as he went along: whatever seems or feels right. 

Romans 6:1 (ESV) is the rebuttal to antinomianism saying that we should not go on sinning at all after salvation ("... Are we to continue in sin, that grace may abound?").  This would be taking advantage of God's grace and nullifying it and going back to the old life before salvation. The philosophy of antinomianism is "Freed from the law, O blessed condition; now I can sin all I want, and still have remission."  It is a frantic search for freedom to run amuck.  Rather, heed Paul's testimony:  "I do not frustrate [take advantage] of the grace of God"  (Gal. 2:21)!

There is a place for the law in our life and the whole of Scripture is law and grace and one must rightly divide it and know how to apply it.  In short, we never have a right to do what is wrong, and if it was morally wrong then it is still morally wrong because God's standards of morality haven't changed.  The law is meant to show us our sin and not a means of salvation; it is the mirror that shows us our unrighteousness.  The Phillips translation says of Romans 3:20:  "Indeed it is the straightedge of the law that shows us are crooked we really are."  It is a guide to the principles of morality and nine of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament (except keeping the Sabbath). Note that the Law doesn't save us, it measures us! 

Legalism is the error of many churches that try too hard to be spiritual or "holier than thou" (cf. Is. 65:5) than their counterparts in other churches.  Believes like to commend themselves and compare themselves to others (2 Cor. 10:12).  They seem to think they have a corner on the market of spirituality and this is one measure of it.  Legalism is counter to grace and salvation by grace because one is essentially trying to earn salvation and get to heaven by good works.  But in effect they are "going beyond that which is written" (cf. 1 Cor. 4:6).  If the Bible doesn't forbid something nor imply it by the application it is not a sin, though some things may be sin to some and not to others, due to knowledge and enlightenment.  "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin"  (James 4:17, ESV, emphasis mine).

By way of example, the Pharisees were legalists because they adhered simply to the letter of the law and not the Spirit.  Legalistic churches bind people where they should be free and exercise tyranny over the congregants.  They also stress minor issues and ignore major ones or major on the minors. For example, they condemn smoking, drinking, gambling, card-playing, dancing, movie-going and even TV (watching the hemlines, hairlines, and ticket lines!), while they forget about their lack of witness and lukewarm worship.  Weightier matters of the Law (mercy, faithfulness, and justice)  ought to be addressed first and things the Bible explicitly does condemn.  We have no right to micromanage our brother's lives and tell them what is right and wrong--that is the job description of the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, you may say the Mormons are good people because they refrain from coffee, of all things,  and are reasonably moral people, but Christ didn't die just to make bad people good, but dead people alive; however, we are not lawless, but live to a higher law:  The law of love.
Soli Deo Gloria!

Are We All To Witness?

Witnessing primarily denotes telling of what has happened to you and your personalized side of the story--usually, there is no way to refute or deny it either, such as the blind man saying, "I was blind, but now I see."  When Christ has changed your life, you should bear witness of the miracle that only He can do ("Let the redeemed of the Lord say so..," says Psalm 107:2)--a changed life in Christ is one of the greatest of all miracles.  The glory should go to Christ and you shouldn't glamorize your sins or former manner of life.  Soli Deo Gloria!

On the other hand, some Christians don't have a "testimony" in the sense of a dramatic story of conversion (I'm saying this is all right!), primarily because they were saved at a very young age and grew up in a Christian home. Should they "witness?"  Note that Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that we "shall be witnesses" not might be when power shall come upon us (i.e., all of us).  Paul said, "that God had called us to preach the gospel to them"  (Acts 16:10, NASB).  Therefore, a non-witnessing Christian is a contradiction in terms.  But what do we mean by this? Preaching the gospel IS witnessing. Standing up for Jesus IS witnessing!  Sharing your testimony IS witnessing. Standing up for Jesus to be counting and showing your Christian colors IS witnessing!

Now, Jesus said that we are witnesses ("You shall [not might be] witnesses..."), and that means if we don't "witness" we are not saved, but a vessel of dishonor; we are all witnesses (sometimes even bad), testifying of the gospel in shoe leather or according to us.  Jesus was saying that we shall receive power and then witness.

By definition, a witness witnesses.  We are not witnesses of the resurrection, for instance, as the apostles were.  The issue:  Is there a difference between witnessing and preaching the gospel, of which we are all commanded to do as ministers of reconciliation (he gave us the "ministry of reconciliation" according to 2 Cor. 5:18).  (They are not mutually exclusive, but one can do both or either one, you can witness without preaching the gospel, unfortunately, depending on your definition of "witnessing.")

Witnessing and preaching the gospel is something any believer can do, and he must know the gospel, first of all, to be effective and know Scripture as the seed to sow and trust God for the increase and timing, as well as open doors.  We just have to be ready "in season and out" to plant seeds.  Some sow, some water, and some reap, but God gives the increase.  Note:  Just saving souls is not all that is entailed in the Great Commission, as some infer; there is the subsequent making of disciples (not just converts) through baptism, teaching and preaching in edifying onto maturity so that they are ready to go out and start the cycle over again.

Many believers today say they witness, when in reality only a very small percentage (less than two percent by some polls) are engaged in any regular kind of active witnessing, and it has usually been a long time since they have shared their faith.  We must be willing to speak up for Christ and to stand up for Jesus, as it were. We must pray for opportunities to open doors (as even Paul had to do), and for God to make it known to us where we fit in and our role in the body.  The church body at large is to fulfill the Great Commission together and each one exercising their gift is a common way to do this--if they don't know their gifts they will be mainly ineffective or neutralized.

Just telling your own story without mentioning the way of salvation or the gospel (you must make a beeline for the gospel message as soon as the door opens) and this kind of witnessing can be duplicated by a another religious convert who testifies of how Buddha or TM changed his life, or that Allah lives in his heart for a Muslim.  The point is not your personal story, but the power of the gospel to change lives ("... [F]or it is the power of God unto salvation..," according to Romans 1:16).

In conclusion, to say that you don't witness, in that you don't believe in telling your personal testimony, but do share the gospel and your faith in Christ unabashed, is not unbiblical, because the Great Commission refers to sharing the good news of Jesus as the way of salvation basically in any manner necessary or that works--find your niche in the mission!  Soli Deo Gloria!

Are We Puppets On A String?

To Christians misinterpreting predestination, it seems like we are saying God is a despot and we are puppets on a string, robots, or automatons. Robots don't have a will as we do; however, we do not have a neutral volition, but one biased to evil.   Does God just pull the right strings?  He does know how to push the right buttons just like you do to someone you know, like spouses.  Are we stronger than God's will and is God's sovereignty limited by our freedom? (Cf. Rom. 9:19)  No!

These are age-old disputes and what kind of a God wouldn't be 100 percent sovereign?  He doesn't just reign on a throne, but He rules all things great and small, such that there is not even a rebel molecule in the cosmos.  Before preceding, I would like to point out two kinds of will:  mundane or natural; and moral or towards God.  It is in the latter that God makes the final decision as to whom will be regenerated by belief because no one can come to the Father unless the Father draws them and it is granted by Him (cf. John 6:65:44).  

John 15:5 says that we can do nothing apart from Christ. It is as if all of us choose to go the way of the devil and God had to choose out of His mercy to save some and demonstrate His grace and justice in action. We were all free (in Adam as our representative) and we chose the wrong path!  We are, therefore, sinners by choice, by birth, and by nature.  

Predestination means that our destiny is ultimately in the hands of God ("we are not the captain of our souls nor the masters of our fate"), and that if we were left to ourselves, none of us would want to be saved or have the will to believe--even our desire for Christ is of God.  God reserves the prerogative to save whom He will and show justice to whom He will (cf. Rom. 9:18).  Some men receive justice and some mercy. Romans 9:19 says that no one can resist His will.  God's will is always done with or without our cooperation.   

Now, our will have little to do with our believing in Christ, for we are simply clay in the hands of the Potter and God is the one who decided our character and personality.  Just like a dove will voluntarily choose seeds to eat and a vulture will feast on carrion, so God knows us and we are fearfully and wonderfully made to His specs. In the same manner, we act voluntarily and not by compulsion, and never act unwillingly so as not to be culpable.

We did not choose our nature, and it is our nature that primarily, along with nurture that determines our fate and consequent choices.  No one will deny having made their own decisions.  There is no such legitimate doctrine as determinism whereby God makes us do something we don't desire or there is an external force acting upon us--that is coercion and the opposite of freedom.  

But just as all man can only do evil and sin (non posse non peccare or the inability not to sin or that he is unable to please God in the flesh or is dead in a moral/spiritual sense), man is free in the sense of self-determination (he has to admit he made the decision or confirmation).  God is also free but He cannot sin and we will be free in heaven without the ability to sin too.

The British monk Pelagius thought that man had the ability to make a free decision apart from grace, but Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, said we are "free but not freed."  We have lost our liberty like a person in jail that is free in the sense that he still makes decisions apart from being a robot.  We are free to act according to our God-given nature, but we've lost the inclination to do good; therefore, we are still human, just not good.  

What this entails is that we don't need an absolute free will, but wills made free--that is the crux of the doctrine because if the Son sets you free you shall be free indeed (cf. John 8:32).   We still remain human with the faculty to make choices, such as what we want to eat, but we have lost all ability to please God and to believe in Him!

Jesus clearly said that we didn't choose Him, but that He chose us in John 15:16 and Matt. 22:14 (ESV) says:  "For many are called, but few are chosen."  We wouldn't have chosen Christ, had He not first chosen and loved us.  The problem with our freedom is that it is a curse because we didn't choose Him  (Adam is our representative) and God had to choose us.  We were free but didn't choose Christ and we wouldn't have come to Him unless He had wooed us and drew us to Him, taking the initiative. 

God took the initiative and the first step in such a way that we never did anything we did not want to do, and without any outside coercion or force acting upon us.  Our righteousness, including faith and repentance, is God's gift to us, not our gift to God (we have nothing to offer Him but our sin):  "Who makes you to differ?  What do you have that you didn't receive?"  (1 Cor. 4:7).

Love must be voluntary to be love and we loved God because He first loved us and God worked in our hearts a regeneration that loves Him willingly--we never do anything we don't want to do and in this sense, we are not robots but free agents.  However, God is able to make us do His intentions by His omnipotence, which is stronger than our will.  For example, He can turn the king's heart like a stream of water (cf. Prov. 21:1). 

Again: "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps"  (Prov. 16:9, ESV).  Jeremiah 10:23 says, "I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps."  In the example of loving a mate, we can think that it was all voluntary, but God knew what we wanted and couldn't resist and brought them into our life--so whose in control?

We can never frustrate God and catch Him off guard, not being able to run His universe at will.  Just like you can manipulate your friends to do you a favor, God knows how to work His will in you. God can make you love Him without violating your free will or making you do it against your choice.  We do indeed have the power of choice and must choose Christ, but we cannot do so of our own power because of our depravity--our wills are depraved too.  ("... [H]e greatly helped those who through grace had believed," says Acts 18:27.)  

We cannot believe apart from grace as God gives us the power.  The whole Christian life is not hard, it is impossible and we could never live it without the power of God in our life. Humanists and semi-Pelagians or Arminians argue, however,  that the will is not affected by sin and is not depraved, but absolutely and totally free.

We didn't come to Christ of our own independent and free volition, but were called and drawn by the Father with efficacious grace or what Reformed theology calls irresistible grace (better named efficacious grace that works what God intends)--i.e., He intervened. This saving grace is demonstrated in Philippians 2:13 (ESV) saying. "[F]or it is God who works in you, both to will [God changing our will or making us willing] and to work for his good pleasure." And in Psalm 110:3 (ESV) as:  "Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power...." (Also refer to Jer. 20:7; Heb. 13:21 and Col. 1:29.)   

We were chosen by God according to His good pleasure, "according to His own purpose and grace," (cf. 2 Tim. 1:9).   Jesus used the analogy of the wind blowing where it wills, and that is how one is born of the Spirit.  The bottom line is that, though we possess a depraved will capable of decision, God can cause us to believe in Christ and repent according to His good pleasure.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Disgusted With Our Sin...

"[Therefore] I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes"  (Job's repentance, Job 42:6, ESV).

"Depart from me O Lord, for I am a sinful man"  (Peter's sudden awakening).

C. S. Lewis' catch-22:  "We must see how bad we are to be good, and we don't know how bad we are till we've tried to be good."

Ovid:  "I see the better things and approve them, but I follow the worst."

"Why is it that I know what is right and do what is wrong?" Pierre in War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy

There comes a time to throw in the towel and declare spiritual bankruptcy and stop trying to save ourselves.  But before the good news a little bad news is in order:  We must get a realistic handle on sin and call a spade a spade; that entails not inventing pretty un-offensive names for it like weaknesses,  mistakes, or habits--we are all as guilty as sin and must come clean and own up to this. The verdict is in:  "Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil" (cf. John 3:19).   God levels the playing field and judges all equally guilty of Adam's prototype sin as our legacy as well as individual fault as a result of our inherited old sin nature or original sin.

Sin is the roadblock that hinders fellowship and a relationship with God and creates a chasm or schism between us that only Christ can bridge.  We are not only guilty of breaking God's law (definition of sin), but His heart--the law breaks us too!   We shouldn't be afraid God will hurt us, but that we'll hurt Him.  We are in the predicament of not being able to clean up our act and get our house in order in preparing for salvation--we must come as we are for a changed life, not with a changed life. 

To define sin we must call it by its biblical terminology:  lawlessness, iniquity, lack of faith, missing the mark, rebellion, trespassing, lack of love, autonomy or independence, and transgression.  When Adam ate the proverbial apple he doubted, disbelieved, and disobeyed.  His prototype sin rejected God's authority, doubted His goodness, disputed His wisdom, spurned His grace, repudiated His justice, and contradicted His truthfulness according to one theologian--that about covers the bases!

Why are we so bad?  If evil were yellow, we'd be all yellow.  Actually, we are not as bad as we can be because of God's restraining grace and whenever you see someone worse than you, you should acknowledge that there, but for the grace of God, go you, in George Whitefield's words.  We justify ourselves and don't think our sin is so bad, but the other guy is guilty.  

We are not as bad as we can be, but as bad off as we can be--that means we are totally separated from God in our whole heart, will, and mind and need total redemption of our soul.  Our thoughts are evil, our imagination is depraved and runs wild, our emotions are sick, and our wills are stubborn and selfish:  "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"  (Jer. 17:9, ESV).

Sin is not just our actions, but those we thought or intended, and our attitudes, both of commission and omission as the Anglican Book of Common Prayer addresses this:  "We have done those things we ought not to have done, and we have left undone those things we ought to have done." We all have feet of clay or weaknesses not readily apparent, but that God sees.  The sinner flatters himself too much to hate his own sin, according to Psalm 36:2.

The unbeliever is a sinner in the hands of an angry God, according to Jonathan Edwards preaching on Deut. 32:35 (ESV) saying:  "Vengeance is mine and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly." We all have an inner sense of ought and the Law is written on our hearts according to Rom. 2:15, so that we are without excuse and stand accountable to God.  We must realize our state of sin to be saved:  It is not that we are good enough to be saved, but bad enough to need salvation.

The mandate or imperative from God is to repent and the goodness of God is meant to lead us to repentance according to Romans 2:4. God doesn't desire for any to perish, but for all to repent and gives man time and space to do it.  He commands men everywhere to repent (cf. Acts 17:30).   But the problem is that we cannot work ourselves up into repentance, it is the gift of God as he changes our hearts upon the hearing of the Word by grace.  Both Acts 5:31 and 11:18 attest to God's "granting" repentance to the Jews and Gentiles respectively.   

We don't need a Jewish Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement, but a change from the inside out which is not turning over a new leaf or making a New Year's resolution. We need progressive repentance that continues our entire life.  We need forgiveness from all that we've done, and deliverance from what we are.  This is because we are born sinners and we sin because we are sinners, we are not sinners because we sin. What God orders is true contrition, not just regret or feeling sorry--we have to be willing to turn our back on our sin and renounce it, counting the cost.

The good news is that Christ paid the penalty we deserve by dying in our stead and rising to the Father to prove His victory and show us hope eternal.   God has solved the sin question by the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.  As a priest, he saves us and redeems us, as a prophet he dispels our ignorance, and as our king, he sets us free from sin's dominion.  

Why should we try to be good to please God when all we have to do is accept the free gift of salvation offered to all who put their faith in Christ?  It's not a matter of our good deeds outweighing our bad ones, but all of our righteousness counting as naught and coming to the Father with nothing to offer but ourselves and our sins in faith willing to do His will.    Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Window Of Opportunity...

You never know when God opens the door to communicate the gospel or to tell your personal testimony.   The first step is to break the ice and get the conversation rolling--pique their interest with something like:  "Have you ever considered what happens on the other side?" There are manifold opening lines one could concoct to challenge a person to think about eternity--don't force it, but wait for God's timing ("He makes all things beautiful in his time"), and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Don't be contentious, divisive, or argumentative, but try to build bridges and find common ground to start a dialogue. There are many barriers to break in witnessing:  The first mention of God; the mention of Jesus; the testimony of your salvation; and the way of salvation itself to challenge a person to make a decision--not making a decision is a "no" decision!

We are not to judge our witness as to its effectiveness, but only plant seeds (relying on the Word of God as you know it), water them and let God give the increase.  Caveat: Don't try to convict the person of his sins, but let the Holy Spirit do His job as He will.  The most important aspect of witnessing is our faithfulness and not our knowledge--God can work with what we know and will give us the words to speak at the time.  You don't need to feel you need all the answers to witness and you never will.

There will come a time when you will have to get to the real issue--the moral decision and not the smokescreen of an intellectual problem, as if they are feigning some ability to believe--they can believe; they just won't, unless they are willing to do His will (cf. John 7:17).  You cannot argue a person into the kingdom and it shouldn't be attempted--it will only feed their ego and reaffirm their skepticism and cynicism.  You must make it clear that there is enough evidence for the willing person who wants to believe, and never enough for the person not willing to do God's will.

How do you open doors? (Even Paul prayed for open doors in Eph. 6.) When God opens the door, no one can close it (cf. Is. 22:22).  You must absolutely realize that only God can and will with prayer--speak to God about the person before speaking to the person about God as a good rule of thumb.  But don't be hesitant, but be always ready, in season and out, as Peter says--preach the Word boldly and let them see your faith in action!   You will find that God is giving you the wisdom to speak His Word and will guide you by the filling of the Holy Spirit--enabling to do His work.  

If you genuinely care about a person they will sense it and will give you the opportunity and time to share a testimony or give a reason for the hope within you, as Peter says.   We don't preach to people, but share and relate to them on their level--find out where they are (neither go over their heads nor condescend), and level with them in an area of commonality.

Your story uniquely qualifies you to witness to certain people that others cannot reach.  In a sense, we are all things to all people or people for all seasons in this regard.  When you see God opening doors, know that He is blessing your witness and proceed faithfully and confidently with this assurance.  But note:  Once you see the door open to share the gospel message, make an immediate beeline to the way of salvation--sometimes this window of opportunity is very small and we must be attentive to see its arrival.  Remember, you are in a win-win situation when witnessing because God is responsible for the outcome and result, while He expects you to just be a faithful witness and tell your own personal story. You cannot lose!  Soli Deo Gloria!