About Me

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I am a born-again Christian, who is Reformed, but also charismatic, spiritually speaking. (I do not speak in tongues, but I believe glossalalia is a bona fide gift not given to all, and not as great as prophecy, for example.) I have several years of college education but only completed a two-year degree. I was raised Lutheran and confirmed, but I didn't "find Christ" until I was in the Army and responded to a Billy Graham crusade in 1973. I was mentored or discipled by the Navigators in the army and upon discharge joined several evangelical, Bible-teaching churches. I was baptized as an infant, but believe in believer baptism, of which I was a partaker after my conversion experience. I believe in the "5 Onlys" of the reformation: sola fide (faith alone); sola Scriptura (Scripture alone); soli Christo (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the glory). I affirm TULIP as defended in the Reformation.. I affirm most of The Westminster Confession of Faith, especially pertaining to Providence.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Not By Might!

 "I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing," (cf. Isaiah 49:14)

"Everything got its start in Him and everything finds its purpose in Him," (cf. Col. 1:16).

Too many Christians are doing the busy work of God's kingdom as it were and missing out on the spiritual aspect. Now, whatever we do, can be to the glory of God when it's done in His name (cf. Col. 3:17, 23; 1 Cor.. 10:31). Martin Luther said that dairymaids can milk cows to the glory of God.  Work had been considered a curse till the Reformation.  We must be convinced that we are engaged in doing God's will and fulfilling the ministry He has given us and the mission that we are called to do: Paul said that he desired to complete his mission with joy  (cf. Acts. 20:24). 

I like particularly what he said in Romans 15:18, "I venture not to speak of but what Christ has accomplished through me." We must realize that human do-goodery or do-goodism doesn't avail much in God's economy and will be counted as wood, hay, and stubble (cf. 1 Cor. 3:15).  We must work as the LORD works through us as His vessels of honor, being inhabited and controlled by His Spirit. All our fruits are from Him (cf. Hosea 14:8). All we have accomplished is from Him (cf. Isaiah 26:12).   We must not boast of our achievements but trust in God's accomplishment on our behalf.  As Martin Luther's hymn, Mighty Fortress, goes, "Did we in our strength confide, our striving would be losing." 

We ought to boast in our infirmities (cf. 1 Cor. 12:19).  Micah condemned Israel for accomplishing what amounted to nothing and then taking all the credit for it (cf. Amos 6:13): "You who rejoice in Lo-debar, who say, 'Have we not taken by our strength captured Karmaim for ourselves?'"   Zechariah warned us not to trust in the flesh in Zechariah 4:6, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit...."   David wrote: "My soul makes its boast is in the LORD," (cf. Psalm 34:2).

Faith is dead without works and they authenticate and validate it but we are saved by faith alone, but only by the kind of faith that isn't alone.  True faith produces fruit, not the foliage. And we will be known by our fruits in the eyes of men. We are not saved by works, but not without them either!  God has ordained certain works for us to perform in His Spirit and time and we are called to be faithful in doing them.  (cf. Eph. 2:10).

A Christian is to be engaged in being "zealous of good works," as Titus 2:14 says, but not in the flesh. That only encourages self-righteousness and self-esteem, not true righteousness and God-esteem.  This means ultimately that God uses weak instruments to accomplish His will and to His glory and we should be like Paul who said he'd rather boast in his weakness that Christ may be glorified, for not many powerful, mighty, wise, nor famous are called, but God uses ordinary vessels.  When our work is done if we aren't taken before our time, God will call us home to be with Him in glory, as David was after he had completed all God's will (cf. Acts 13:36). May we all check out after proclaiming, "Mission accomplished!" 

In the final analysis, God bestows blessings as a gift to us; what we do with them is our gif to God; we must come to the awakening that our righteousness isn't our gift to God, but His gift to us  (cf. Isaiah 45:24); no man will be able to boast in God's presence (cf. Eph. 2:9).  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What Would Life Be Like If God Hadn't Created Man?

 “In him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (cf. John 1:4). If you’re saying we had evolved apart from being created, man would not be in the image of God obviously because things would be without God in the equation. But God is life and breathed in Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul as Genesis depicts. God created all 11 million known lifeforms on earth and He would be the same and His life also, even had He never created mankind. It seems like nature gets along quite well without us in the picture. Without God in the metric, we are but grown-up blue-green pond scum that deserves no respect!

This is what that bleak outlook looks like: no purpose or meaning in life, no hope of eternal life, no dignity or sanctity of life, and no fulfillment in life itself. We would be mere animals in heat, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, driven by instinct. Instead o life being the deliberate act of God, it would be by chance, spontaneous generation, and evolution. We came from nothing, are here for no reason, or nothing, and going to nothing or nowhere; a brief episode between two oblivions.

But mankind was meant to bring glory to God (per Isaiah 43:7) and to be a lifeform in the image of God that He could have fellowship with, know, and love God. With no humans in the biblical sense on which to bestow His love, it would be a loveless world for God cannot express His love adequately through mere beasts. No lifeform would be moral or even spiritual to know right and wrong and to God Himself. Lifeforms would certainly not be intelligent for we are homo sapiens or wise humans. We alone are rational and have a volition that can go either for or against God.

No animal rebels against God and sins but acts according to instinct like self-preservation and procreation, satisfying its appetites. Animals are oblivious to God and do not build chapels! “Where is He who makes us wiser than the beasts?”

Does The Question "Does God Exist?" A Fair Question?

 Isn’t it about as nonsensical as asking, “Does justice exist without a Judge?” or “Do design and order exist without a Designer?” or “Do laws of nature exist without a Lawgiver?” or “Does love exist without a Lover?” or “Do human rights exist?” or eve does “Logic exist?” or finally, “Does intelligence itself exist?” In the final analysis, is there something in the cosmos besides matter and energy? In common terms, when eating at a restaurant, we don't ask if a chef exists. Humanly speaking, if you see a design, do you wonder if a Designer exists?

God entails all of these and they couldn't exist apart from a God of love, design, laws, justice, and even the Logos (God is the Word—expressed thought— or the Logos in John 1:1). Remember, cosmos without Logos is chaos There is a reason why the framer of the Declaration of Independence said that “these truths are self-evident.

A person is free to disbelieve in God but that doesn't make Him not exist or go away. But he must realize that he has faith too, even if in science. God doesn't expect us to kiss our brains goodbye or commit intellectual suicide but we can only come to God on His terms and in sincere faith, not head first. “the world by wisdom knew not God.” Honest doubt is fair and God invites scrutiny and even says, “Taste and see that the LORD is good.” It turns out that the proof of the pudding in the eating!

I know that scientifically, you cannot prove God exists, but you cannot scientifically disprove Him either. It would be outside the parameters of science and a metaphysical, not a physical matter and endeavor. Would science even exist apart from the Lawgiver of the universe? The God of nature and nature’s God? As a result: A Christian, Sir Francis Bacon, formulated the scientific method believing in these propositions.

Does God Expect Blind Faith?

 Remember, a faith that isn’t difficult isn't worth much either; it must be tested to see if it’s genuine. faith is what pleases God, not our intellect or human wisdom. “The world by wisdom knew not God.” Blind faith (that which is without evidence or reason or even against one’s better reasoning) is never expected of the child of God. Faith can not be avoided in life: virtually all knowledge is contingent and begins in faith (even in the scientific method, for example, if you're a scientist but even this is still faith).

Christians don’t believe in faith but in Christ. It’s not a matter of faith versus reason but faith versus faith, depending on what presupposition you are willing to accept as the first base; thus we are all people of faith.

Faith is not believing despite the evidence but obeying in spite of the consequences. In the final analysis, it’s not how much you believe but how well you obey. It is simply putting trust in what one doe shave a good reason to believe. God made us rational creatures and expects us to use our brains and not commit intellectual suicide of kiss our brains goodbye.

But doubt is a good thing and not the opposite of faith but an element of it and we would doubt our doubts not doubt our faith. But doubt is not just a Christian or religious problem, it is a human problem It takes courage to express doubt. God wants to reason with us and even answer our questions and in that day we shall ask no more. It is not wrong to be critical in itself but not to accept faith when sufficient faith is available may be foolish.

God does say that there is sufficient evidence of Him in nature itself and no one has an excuse. But there is never enough evidence if you dont’ want to believe. God will not force faith. It's a choice, a matter to be decided with the will. Some people say that they would believe but their brains get in the way, but the Bible says it’s in the heart that man denies God. “The heart of the matter is that it’s a matter of the heart.” We are not supposed to be gullible but to check things out; Paul invited scrutiny himself to his gospel and we will find out that faith doesn't go against reason, but beyond it. “The heart has reasons the mind knows not!”

In conclusion, it has been said, “Only in the reality where faith is difficult is it possible,” thus, it is normal to struggle in your faith.   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Model Of Gentleness

 Jesus was a true "tough guy"(evident when He cleansed the temple) who also was in touch with His feminine side.  How's that?  He welcomed children to His company and cared for them as His own, saying, "Suffer the children to come unto Me..." Most men cannot relate to children and need to become fathers first to learn caregiving.  Mothers are natural caregivers and very affectionate to children. 

A real tough guy respects his mother and this is a sign of how he treats his wife. Is he good with kids? Does he need affirmation of his dignity or can he swallow it and humble himself as a child himself? Wives are to be treated as being more sensitive and having emotions that men seem to restrain themselves from expressing. That may be why a man needs a woman to get in touch with his emotions.  He can be gentle too!

 A man of gentleness and this is the fruit of the Spirit,  respects women, who were not given respect by society in general until Christ came into the scene. A woman may be worshiped as beautiful but what she expects and needs is respect. A woman can be tough too, this is the mistake in men's thinking. She is a mother by instinct it seems while a man needs growth and experience to learn fathering.  Just giving birth doesn't make a woman a mother, but raising a child in the training and nurture of the Lord.  

What people need to realize is that a mother's love is unconditional like God's.  God doesn't ever cease to love us, as is the ebb and flow of human emotional love, A woman who gains dignity and respect is the highest honor.  A true mother isn't just a mother to her own, but this attribute or characteristic reaches out to others in need of motherly love and affection,  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

What Is Sin? ...

“Any want of conformity to or lack of obedience to and transgression of the Law of God is sin; anything that is against the nature of God and offends God’s holiness. It’s utter rebellion against and rejection of God’s authority.

We need not know God’s Law to be sinners, transgressors, lawbreakers, unjust, or disobedient. The Bible says, “Sin is lawlessness.” There can be no lawlessness without Law, nor injustice without justice or a Judge (for Abraham knew: “shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”), nor iniquity, which is another name for evil which Satan had and tempted Adam with, nor can there be disobedience without obedience [(to some commandment) which was the test for Adam; we are all born “in Adam” and in solidarity with him. Since God told Cain that sin wanted to destroy him (cf. Gen. 4:7), we know that sin existed before the Law was given to Moses but not reckoned or imputed. The fact people died just proves sin as its wages. (cf Rom. 6:23).

“The Law came through Moses and grace and truth through Jesus Christ,” (cf. John 1:17). Even Abraham knew about righteousness and obeyed the Law (e.g., giving sacrifices, tithing, adultery, marriage, lying) and it has always been written in the hearts of men (cf. Romans 2:14–15) with a moral compass or conscience. There had been an oral tradition from Adam. They were all culpable for their sins, iniquity, lawlessness, and injustice.

We are all sinners and born in utter disregard for God’s Law. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, (cf. Romans 3:23). “There is not a just man on earth who does what is right and does not sin,” (cf. Eccl. 7:20; cf. 1 Kgs 8:46). It isn’t just sinners and the lost who utterly disregard God’s Law, even believers are capable of it. Christians are justified sinners, but still sinners (cf. Gal. 2:17). God declares us just but doesn't make us just.

But in times before Jesus, God overlooked man’s ignorance though he was a sinner now commands all men everywhere to repent (cf. Acts 17:30). Even Christians need to repent and live of life of repentance. But the point is that we all are in sin and sin by birth, by nature, and by choice; we are not sinners because we have sinned, but we sin because we are sinners—it’s our nature as fallen creatures.

The unsaved cannot not sin; they are incapable of not sinning or doing good, (“There is none that doeth good, no not one,” —cf. Romans 3:10,13). Note: Only the believer can have victory and power over sin.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

How Do I Believe I'm A Sinner? ...

 You are a sinner because you fall short of God’s standard and ideal for a man or woman set by Jesus’ perfect life; i.e, you fall short of His glory: You are born in sin, sin by nature, and sin by your own choice. Sin is anything you do against the nature of God that offends God: autonomy, unbelief, rebellion, irresponsibility. Going your own way and doing your own thing! (cf. Isaiah 53:6). You have not only done that which ought not to be done but have not done things you should’ve done. Any thought, word, deed, desire, or omission contrary to God is sin. It’s any want of or transgression of God’s perfect Law. Sin is literally “missing the mark,” or the goal.

But also, it’s in the heart where the seat of your thoughts arises and can have sins of omission as well as of commission (“For as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” “For out of the abundance of the heart flow evil thoughts….”)This means we sin by what we think and not just what we do. We look on women or men with lust and commit adultery in our hearts.

God doesn't justify the sin but the sinner: Even believers sin but they are justified (cf, Gal. 2:17) and God doesn’t count sins against them (cf 2 Cor 5:19). Jesus intercedes for us when we sin (cf. Heb 7:25; 1 John 2:1–2) and sympathizes about our weaknesses. We are still sinners, but justified ones and called saints, not sinners by God.

Sin is a virus that we inherited from Adam and we are in solidarity with him and have declared our independence from God in so doing. We are born the slaves of sin and cannot do anything but sin unless we are saved. But we are not made righteous but declared righteous or just. that’s why Christians still sin.

God has not already forgiven you unless you repent and believe in His Son. He is under no obligation to forgive you or it would be justice. But He forgives by mercy because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. That is how much He loves you because His Son died for you. You believe by grace, you don’t conjure it up or do it on your own power, it’s the gift of God and He opens your heart and changes your heart from the inside out. It is by the power of God that you believe and repent, through grace as a work of God in your heart. He can turn your heart of stone into one of flesh.

It is God's job to convict you of sin (cf. John 16:8–13) and He says all have sinned and there is one righteous. That you are a sinner is an open and shut case. No one is perfect or good but God alone. the closer you bet to God, the more you realize and are convicted of your sins; you become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. If you deny sin, read the Bible and realize the high bar that God sets and you will be enlightened to your sins. Satan accuses you, but God convicts you. There should be no doubt about it and you will feel guilt and shame and realize you are addicted to the power of sin and its slave.

You have forfeited your freedom by sin and can't quit by your own power. You are not a sinner because of some sin or that you happened to sin, but sin because you are a born sinner and it’s your nature. Just like you dont’ realize how much you're addicted to cigarettes until you try to quit, you must try to be good to realize how bad you are and that you cannot be good. But you must realize how bad you are to be good or to be saved. You will still sin but you will not want to and will have a penitent faith or believing repentance.

As far as believing it, you must read the Bible, hear the preaching of the Word, and confess your sins to God to have a lively sense of sin and forgiveness. The more awareness, the less sin. God convicts you by the Holy Spirit and that’s why He’s called that. I cannot convince you but God can by the ministry of the Spirit in your heart.  Soli Deo Gloria! 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Can't We Ever Learn From Evil?

 “Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees. to deprive the poor of the rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people.” (cf. Isaiah 10:1–2).

People condemn themselves in what they know as right and wrong for God has given all men some semblance of a moral compass or conscience (cf. Romans 2:14–15).

To beware of evil we must first be aware of it!

Evil is the privation, deprivation, parasite, and distortion of good. Nothing can be evil that was not first good. Good preceded evil: unrighteousness, lawlessness, injustice, etc. All men are evil for only God is good. God can turn short-term evil into long-term good (look at the crucifixion, cf. Acts 2:23; 4:28). God uses evil for good as in the case of Joseph and his brothers selling him into slavery (cf. Gen 50:20). He makes the wrath of man to praise Him (cf. Psalm 76:10).

There is no pure evil, but it has some “good” content, just enough to deceive. Evil doctrines of demons and heresies or false religions have enough truth to inoculate or immunize you from the real thing. False religions aren't all evil or wrong, just enough to deceive.

We see good in light of and in contrast to evil. All men have some basic knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong. Again: To beware of evil, as in their worldviews (cf. Col. 2:8) we must first be aware of it; we are not innocent but tainted and stained with evil ourselves. Only God can and does open our eyes and make us see the light (cf. Acts 14:27; 16:14). Satan has blinded the minds of them that believe not (cf. 2 Cor. 4:4).

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (cf. Isaiah 5:20).

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

God Is Great But Also Good

 In C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Mr. Beaver tries to describe Aslan the lion (and Christ figure) to Lucy who recognized him asking if he's safe, "Of course, He isn't but he's good; He's the King!"  Also, we are in awe of  God's power and might, but should be comforted that He is also good that we may fear and worship Him. David prayed in Psalm 34:8 that we should "taste and see that the LORD is good," saying that God challenges us to find this out for ourselves and not take someone's word for it; Put God to the test and put out the fleece here on this promise.  This is one of only a few experiments we can do with God.  We can experience and know God personally and find out ourselves that God will be good to us and that we do not deserve it, but only condemnation if we got only what we deserved. We must confess that only God is truly good as Jesus said, (cf. Matt. 19:17). 

I will hope to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living (cf. 27:13) and realize that our faith is not "pie in the sky," but a realistic one that stands up to scrutiny and life's pitfalls and trials. Our faith isn't just for the good times, God wants us to turn to Him in times of trouble too,  "Call unto Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me," (cf. Psalm 50:15). In evil times, we must not forsake God or name Him, for He intends good even from evil (cf. Gen. 50:20). It is so easy to forget God in good times and sometimes we need a spiritual wake-up call! God sometimes just seeks to get our attention (cf. Job 36:15) or to see what is really on our hearts and where our priorities are (cf. 2 Chron 32:31). 

One thing we must realize that the goodness of God isn't the whole picture for the unbeliever. He is blessed by association as God blesses them that bless Israel by analogy. The unbeliever and even apostate Israel is experiencing the sternness or severity of God in these days,  "Behold therefore the goodness and severity of the LORD," (cf. Romans 11:22).  Some mistakenly believe God is all --good or omnibenevolent and can't curse, for instance,  

A cursory reading of Deut 28 will change your outlook there. The Old Testament ends with a curse!  The goodness of God, as far as the sinner is concerned, is meant to lead one to repentance (cf. Romans 2:4).  We ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and have been sinners ever since. "Surely the goodness of the LORD will follow me all the days of my life," (cf. Psalm 23:6). But God is good to all in some ways and to some in many ways but no one can deny His goodness (cf. Psalm 145:9). We do not call Jesus the good Lord for nothing!  

What else is worship but the recognition, cognition, appreciation, and praise of God's goodness; both in who He is and in what He does for His children and to His glory. We shall behold the beauty of the LORD known as the beatific vision--we shall be satisfied with seeing the glory of God as Moses did on Mount Sinai.  God is not only good but desires to share His goodness with us and He will not withhold any good thing from him who walks uprightly (cf. Psalm 84;11) 

Plato called God the Supreme Good, meaning we would have no concept or perception of goodness if there were not some standard to judge by--some perfection which he called God.  James 1:17 says that all good things come from God.  He is the source of all blessings!  We rarely give Him the thanksgiving glory,  recognition, and worship He desires and deserves. For God said after creation that it was all very good and it has been us that have tainted and corrupted the world.   Soli Deo Gloria! 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Evil's Facade...

"... [Y]ou hate all evildoers" (Psalm 5:5, ESV). "... I will fear no evil..." (Psa. 23:4, ESV).
"The fear of the LORD is the hatred of evil..." (Proverbs 8:13, ESV).
"What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil..." (Isaiah 5:20, ESV).
"Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good" (Romans 12:21, ESV).
"Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight" (Psalm 51:4, NLT). "Will those who do evil never learn?" (Psalm 14:4, NLT).
"There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on doing evil..." (Rom. 2:9, NLT).
"... 'All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil'" (2 Tim. 2:19, NLT).
"The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5, ESV)
. (According to St. Augustine: Man has the inability not to sin before salvation or non posse non peccare in Latin.)

Man is not basically good, but inherently evil to his core and is radically corrupt through and through and must be redeemed by God to be able to do anything good; in his fallen state, he cannot do anything but sin and evil. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jer. 17:9, ESV). Isaiah 1 says: We are to cease to do evil, and learn to do good! ("Depart from evil, and do good..." (Psa. 37:27, ESV).

Evil doesn't advertise or promote itself by that moniker but tries to convince one of its good intentions to bring about the greater good as the end result. Remember Satan is the counterfeiter!  If something is not done God's way, it's the devil's way. God is able to work with evil and tolerates its existence because He can turn it into good (like curses into blessings), and there is a lot more evil to work with! What evil is, is not what people would suppose: It's goodness without God in the picture or the equation (like humanism that deifies man and makes him the measure of all things, the starting point of the equation, and dethrones God as dead and no longer relevant. God turns evil into good results: "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good" (cf. Gen. 50:20). There is no yin/yang or an equal balance of good and evil; however, Satan masquerades as an angel of light (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4).

We must become familiar with our common foe, or we will become like him, a do-gooder, who is trying to save humanity his way. There is only one person who is good, God. We do not have the power to harness the power of evil for good, like in Star Wars where they use the powers of the dark side. Christ annihilated evil and defeated it in toto at the cross and we are only here to proclaim His victory and to claim His authority. There is no such thing as pure evil, for evil, depends on good for its very existence; it's the privation of good; the deviation from good; the negation of goodness; and the perversion of goodness.

Satan was once good with no evil, but then pride was found in his heart and he fell and was booted out of heaven and his place of authority. Satan is not coequal with God, such as a yin/yang type working arrangement, but only a servant of God who must obey. There is now a cosmic battle or angelic conflict going on between Satan and his minions, and Christ, the church, and the elect angels on the other side. He is a defeated foe! 

We all have eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in a sense, and are not innocent in God's eyes and are responsible for the light we have to be faithful and fruitful. It is good to be innocent of evil as much as possible and to be wise to what is good. Don't practice the occult nor magic arts and don't experiment with evil in any way, shape, or form. These are entry points and open the door to further evil.  

It all started when Satan challenged authority and asked Eve, "Hath God said..?" By her own volition Eve took of the forbidden fruit and the result of the so-called proverbial apple saga still goes on as it epitomized all sin in that one act of obedience (the prototype sin)--they only had one rule to obey and couldn't do it!

Today's youth are concerned more about what works than what's true, and they believe the test of an idea is not its truth value, but its results. The sorry result is that something can work and not be true or good, e.g., Yoga, or TM. These are not forbidden activities in Scripture, but nevertheless evil in that they circumvent the goodness and wisdom of God. Christianity is not true because it works, it works because it's true! Youth are concerned if something works for them and is practical or pragmatic, while God demands obedience and loyal faithfulness not to experiment with other religions or philosophies.

For example, to the innocent bystander or outside observer, Yoga may seem innocent enough but Yoga is a Hindu art that means union with God, and you learn to get in touch with one of their gods. People are lured and enticed into Eastern or New Age philosophy and religion, by such innocent-like practices that have mass appeal to man as being "good."

Heed the following caveats of 1 Thess. 5:22 (ESV), Job 28:28 (ESV), 1 Pet. 3:12 (HCSB); and Rom. 12:9 (ESV) respectively: "Abstain from every form of evil"; "...'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding'"; "... BUT THE FACE OF THE LORD IS AGAINST THOSE WHO DO EVIL"; "... Abhor what is evil; hold fast what is good." Soli Deo Gloria!